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1 . California has lost half its big trees since the 1930s, according to a study to be published Tuesday and climate change seems to be a major factor(因素).

The number of trees larger than two feet across has declined by 50 percent on more than 46, 000 square miles of California forests, the new study finds. No area was spared or unaffected, from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the San Gabriels above Los Angeles. In the Sierra high country, the number of big trees has fallen by more than 55 percent; in parts of southern California the decline was nearly 75 percent.

Many factors contributed to the decline, said Patrick McIntyre, an ecologist who was the lead author of the study. Woodcutters targeted big trees. Housing development pushed into the woods. Aggressive wildfire control has left California forests crowded with small trees that compete with big trees for resources(资源).

But in comparing a study of California forests done in the 1920s and 1930s with another one between 2001 and 2010, McIntyre and his colleagues documented a widespread death of big trees that was evident even in wildlands protected from woodcutting or development.

The loss of big trees was greatest in areas where trees had suffered the greatest water shortage. The researchers figured out water stress with a computer model that calculated how much water trees were getting in comparison with how much they needed, taking into account such things as rainfall, air temperature, dampness of soil, and the timing of snowmelt(融雪).

Since the 1930s, McIntyre said, the biggest factors driving up water stress in the state have been rising temperatures, which cause trees to lose more water to the air, and earlier snowmelt, which reduces the water supply available to trees during the dry season.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The seriousness of big-tree loss in California.
B.The increasing variety of California big trees.
C.The distribution of big trees in California forests.
D.The influence of farming on big trees in California.
2. Which of the following is well-intentioned but may be bad for big trees?
A.Ecological studies of forests.
B.Banning woodcutting.
C.Limiting housing development.
D.Fire control measures.
3. What is a major cause of the water shortage according to McIntyre?
A.Inadequate snowmelt.B.A longer dry season.
C.A warmer climate.D.Dampness of the air.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.California’s Forests: Where Have All the Big Trees Gone?
B.Cutting of Big Trees to Be Prohibited in California Soon
C.Why Are the Big Trees Important to California Forests?
D.Patrick McIntyre: Grow More Big Trees in California
2019-06-09更新 | 5567次组卷 | 51卷引用:广东省华南师范大学附属中学2019-2020学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 困难(0.15) |

2 . Scientists have discovered more than 5,000 new species living on the seabed in an untouched area of the Pacific Ocean that has been identified as a future hotspot for deep-sea mining, according to a review of the environmental surveys carried out in the area.

It is the first time the previously unknown biodiversity of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), a mineral-rich area of the ocean floor that spans 1.7m sq miles between Hawaii and Mexico in the Pacific, has been comprehensively documented. The research will be critical to assessing the risk of extinction of the species, given contracts for deep-sea mining in the near-pristine area appear imminent.

Most of the animals identified by researchers exploring the zone are new to science, and almost all are unique to the region: only six, including a carnivorous sponge and a sea cucumber, have been seen elsewhere.

Contracts for mining exploration in the CCZ have been granted to 17 deep-sea mining contractors in an area covering 745,000 sq miles. The companies, which are backed by countries including Britain, the US and China, want to dig for minerals including cobalt manganese and nickel in part to sell to the alternative energy sector.

To better understand the impact of mining this fragile ecosystem and its newly discovered inhabitants, an international team of scientists has built the first “CCZ checklist” by compiling all the records from expeditions to the region. Published in the journal Current Biology, it includes 5,578 different species, of which an estimated 88% to 92% had never before been seen.

To study and collect specimens (样品) from the ocean floor, biologists have joined research cruises in the Pacific that send remote-controlled vehicles to traverse (穿越) the seabed 4,000 to 6,000 meters below. Adrian Glover, a deep-sea biologist at the NHM and senior author of the study described it as an “incredible privilege”. The expedition, funded through the Natural Environment Research Council and others, is backed by UK Seabed Resources (UKSR), a deep-sea mining company that operates the UK’s exploration area. The scientists watch operations by video link direct from the boat as new species are gathered by remote control vehicles in the darkness below.

The seabed, Glover said, is an “amazing place” where, despite the extreme cold and dark, life thrives. “One of the characteristics of the abyssal plain is the lack of food, but life has a way of persisting down there,” he said, “It’s a mystery.” One of the deep-sea animals discovered was nicknamed the “gummy squirrel”, because of its huge tail and jelly-like appearance, he said. There are also glass sponges, some of which look like vases.

With approval for deep-sea mining looming, Glover said he believed it was “imperative that we work with the companies looking to mine these resources to ensure any such activity is done in a way that limits its impact upon the natural world”.

1. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “imminent”?
A.Easy to carry out.B.Ready to take place.
C.Hard to cope with.D.Important to look over.
2. What is the primary focus of the research in Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ)?
A.Identifying new species living on the seabed.B.Assessing the risk of extinction of species.
C.Documenting the biodiversity of the area.D.Exploring the potential for deep-sea mining.
3. What is the feature of the abyssal plain mentioned by Adrian Glover?
A.Abundance of food.B.Extreme lifeless environment.
C.Presence of glass sponges.D.Prosperous life despite challenging conditions.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.A magic zone:available to mining companies
B.A mineral-rich area: Clarion-Clipperton Zone
C.An “amazing place”: new species booming
D.Deep-sea wonders: the new species found in a Pacific mining hotspot
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

On a hot September afternoon, Peter and his friend Isabel were on their way to the library. When they passed by Tubman park, Isabel suggested cutting through it to get to the library. As they entered the park, the sight of the swings (秋千) and the merry-go-round brought back a flood of memories of their childhood spent there. But now everything looked so old, sad, and dirty. Litter lay on the ground next to an overflowing trash bin. There were still young schoolchildren playing there but they had to avoid the trash that littered the playground. A little boy told them that the city took the other trash cans away and the remaining one never got emptied often.

As they headed toward the library, the two high school students wrinkled their forehead. In the library, they encountered Mrs. Evans, their kind-hearted fifth-grade teacher, retired yet still passionate. Mrs. Evans listened as Isabel and Peter eagerly explained what they’d seen. Finally, she recommended them to go to the City Hall to voice their concerns.

The next day, Isabel and Peter went into the building of the City Hall but were met with an impatient officer. They were informed that the city couldn’t help with their problem due to a tight budget. Discouraged, they left and turned to Mrs. Evans for help.

Under her guidance, they decided to ask Go Green, a non-profit organization whose goal is to protect the environment, for help. “This group is good at raising money for projects just like yours, ” said Mrs. Evans. She promised to arrange them to present their ideas to Go Green. Hearing this, their face lit up.

Two main tasks remained ahead: researching ways to clean up the park and preparing a convincing presentation. As Isabel was good at researching while Peter always had a talent for speaking, they cooperated quite well. Isabel learned from a science magazine that a new type of trash bin can squeeze the trash down without being emptied often, which saves time, money, and energy. Based on this, Peter practiced his presentation over and over again.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

A week later, Peter stood nervously at the back of the hall where Go Green was meeting.


After the meeting, Isabel excitedly told Peter the good news.

2022-04-22更新 | 1957次组卷 | 32卷引用:山东省嘉祥县第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Have you ever heard of and seen Canadian geese? Do you know that they __ fresh grass and seeds?

Canadian geese have a good __ for their politeness. They always bow down to you whenever you walk by. However, I have recently found that they can sometimes be __ to their peers, especially on occasions when they quarrel for food——yes, these __ gentlemen do quarrel, just for something to eat

Yesterday I witnessed two Canadian Geese arguing __ for a clump(草丛) of beautiful fresh grass. The clump was __ right in the middle of them, while the two were shouting noisily, stretching their necks as long as they could to look aggressively at each other. It’s __ to witness the “impolite” side of Canadian geese. Hence, I couldn’t help __ my morning walk, standing still to watch these “gentlemen” quarreling. Interestingly, after a short while, a truck roared past their feast, disturbing their __ conversation. The two geese were equally __ by the massive “monster”, thus giving up their conversation.

Would they start quarreling again? I stood still, __ the ridiculous question and waited. Beyond my expectation, right after the truck’s passing by, the two geese immediately lost their ___for quarreling as if they had forgotten all about what had happened. Even the two turned around and left the __ in opposite directions as if nothing had happened. They left only me there, imagining what might have happened without the __.

They got along harmoniously again. Sometimes it’s not that bad to be __.

A.draw onB.focus onC.feed onD.try on
A.finding outB.dealing withC.looking intoD.wondering about
2023-07-07更新 | 889次组卷 | 21卷引用:江苏省徐州市2022-2023学年高二下学期6月期末抽测英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

With about half of the vast country covered in wilderness, China is the world’s third most species-rich country. Therefore, China’s     1    (achieve) in biodiversity conservation and wilderness protection are important to the future of global biodiversity conservation.

The vital biodiversity,     2    (combine) with a large population, has led the government to reconsider its protected area system and transform some wilderness areas such as the rainforest in Hainan     3    formal national parks. The new national park system will make it more practical     4    (preserve) habitats and species. The aim is to preserve biodiversity and ensure a     5    (harmony) relation between humans and nature.

The national parks cross China’s vast ecosystems, from the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park in the south     6    the Hainan gibbon—a critically endangered species lives, the Giant Panda National Park, the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park, the Wuyi Mountain National Park to the Sanjiangyuan National Park on the Qinghai-Tibet Platau—    7    source of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Lancang River. The diversity of species and habitats under protection     8    (reflect) in these parks’ names.

The national parks are open to all. Visitors can make reservations online in advance     9    book on the spot. They should acquire a little local knowledge to get     10     (they) ready for the amazing trip and maximize their enjoyment.


6 . Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Careless methods of production and ________ of consumer demands for environment friendly products have ________ the pollution problem. One ________ is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to get rid of.

________, today, more and more consumers are choosing “green” and demanding that the products they buy should be safe for the environment. ________ they buy a product, they ask questions like these: “Will this shampoo damage the environment?” “Can this metal container be ________ or can it only be used once?”

A recent study showed that two ________ five adults now consider the environmental safety of a product before they buy it. This means that companies must now change the ________ they make and sell their products to make sure that they are “green,” that is, friendly to the environment.

Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket products ________ labels to show that the product is green. Some companies emphasize that their products are clean and safe in their advertising and have made it their main selling ________.

The ________ for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink ________ they do business. No longer will the public accept the old ________ of “Buy it, use it, throw it away and forget it.” The public ________ is still here, and companies are ________ their act gradually.

A.applied toB.contributed toC.exposed toD.devoted to
A.ofB.onC.fromD.out of
完形填空(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Since 1960, considerable scientific researches have been done on chimps in their natural habitats. Astonishingly, scientists have found out that the social _________ of Chimps are very similar to humans. Chimps will _________ in certain ways, like gathering together to protect their land. But beyond the minimum requirements as social beings, they have little instinct (本能) to _________ one another. Chimps in the wild seek food for themselves. Even chimp mothers regularly _________ to share food with their children. Who are able from a young age to gather their own food?

In the laboratory, chimps don’t _________ share food either. If a chimp is put in a cage where he can pull in one plate of food for himself or, with no greater effort, a plate that also provides food for a neighbor to the next cage, he will pull _________ -he just doesn’t care whether his neighbor gets fed or not. Chimps are truly selfish.

Human children, _________, are extremely cooperative. From the earliest ages, they desire to help others, to share information and to participate in achieving common goals. The psychologist Michael Tomasello has studied this _________ in a series of experiments with very young children. He finds that if babies aged 18 months see a worried adult with hands full trying to open a door, almost all will immediately try to help.

There are several reasons to believe that the urges to help, inform and share are not taught, but naturally _________ in young children. One is that these instincts appear at a very __________ age before most parents have started to train their children to behave __________. Another is that the helping behaviors are not improved if the children are rewarded. A third reason is that social intelligence __________ in children before their general cognitive(认知的) skills, at least when compared with chimps. In tests conducted by Tomasello, the human children did no better than the chimps on the __________ world tests but were considerably better at understanding the social world.

The core (核心) of what children’s minds have and chimps’ don’t is what Tomasello calls shared intentionality. Part of this ability is that they can __________ what others know or are thinking. But beyond that, even very young children want to be part of a shared purpose. They actively seek to be part of a “we”, a group that intends to work toward a(n) __________goal.

A.in turnB.with careC.at randomD.in advance
A.all in allB.as a resultC.in no caseD.on the other hand
2023-06-23更新 | 900次组卷 | 5卷引用:浙江省温州新力量联盟2022-2023学年高二下学期期末检测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

French disaster epic Notre-Dame on Fire hits Chinese big screen

This April marks the     1     (four) anniversary of Notre-Dame in Paris being engulfed by the biggest blaze in its history.

NotreDame on Fire, now in Chinese cinemas, is a disaster epic     2     veteran French filmmaker Jean-Jacques Annaud, who also helmed Wolf Totem(2015), a drama film     3     (adapt) from Chinese writer Jiang Rong’s eponymous novel. The film made its China premiere on April 6 in Beijing in the presence of France’s Minister of Culture Rima Abdul Malak and the director.

Presenting a blow-by-blow recreation of the gripping events that     4     (happen) on April 15, 2019 when the fire at the French medieval catholic cathedral rocked France and shocked the whole world, Annaud’s new film hails the heroic people who put their lives on     5     line to accomplish the awe-inspiring rescue. Annaud unveiled the filming details of the film to the audience     6     (attend) the China premiere.

“It was a     7     (danger) movie. The actors were actually very close to the extremely violent fire, 1,200-degree Fahrenheit fire. There are very few digital special effects. Almost all of what you have seen are     8     (identical) reconstructed sets that I set on fire,” he said.

“When I saw this movie in Paris last year, it took me a few hours     9     I could breathe and walk normally on the street,” said Malak at the film’s China premiere.

The French minister announced that 2024 will be the France-China Year of Culture and Tourism and she invited Chinese tourists to travel to France for the occasion, especially to see the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris,     10     , after almost six years of extensive renovations, is scheduled to reopen to the public in December of the same year.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |
真题 名校

9 . I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley. Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is simply beautiful.

I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown. She had found a young owl(猫头鹰) on the ground. When I arrived, I saw a 2-to 3-week-old owl. It had already been placed in a carrier for safety.

I examined the chick(雏鸟) and it seemed fine. If I could locate the nest, I might have been able to put it back, but no luck. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.

The homeowner was very helpful. A wire basket was found. I put some pine branches into the basket to make this nest safe and comfortable. I placed the chick in the nest, and it quickly calmed down.

Now all that was needed were the parents, but they were absent. I gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl chicks. These advertise the presence of chicks to adults; they might also encourage our chick to start calling as well. I gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what news the night might bring.

A nervous night to be sure, but sometimes the spirits of nature smile on us all! The homeowner called to say that the parents had responded to the recordings. I drove over and saw the chick in the nest looking healthy and active. And it was accompanied in the nest by the greatest sight of all — LUNCH! The parents had done their duty and would probably continue to do so.

1. What is unavoidable in the author’s rescue work according to paragraph 1?
A.Efforts made in vain.
B.Getting injured in his work.
C.Feeling uncertain about his future.
D.Creatures forced out of their homes.
2. Why was the author called to Muttontown?
A.To rescue a woman.
B.To take care of a woman.
C.To look at a baby owl.
D.To cure a young owl.
3. What made the chick calm down?
A.A new nest.
B.Some food.
C.A recording.
D.Its parents.
4. How would the author feel about the outcome of the event?
A.It’s unexpected.
B.It’s beautiful.
C.It’s humorous.
D.It’s discouraging.
2017-08-08更新 | 7008次组卷 | 69卷引用:期末模拟卷- 2020-2021学年高二英语下学期期末专项复习(人教版含听力)2
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

10 . Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age. There are species(物种) that are _______ every day. The white-naped crane is a typical example. So scientists are trying their best to _______ the species from going out of existence.

Chris and Tim work at a zoo, helping endangered cranes with their _______. Emma, a female crane, has been in their _______ since she arrived in 2004.

Born at an international crane foundation, Emma was _______ by human caretakers. This led to an unexpected _______, though she had a wonderful time there. Emma had _______ taken herself as a crane and become deeply attached to humans. She _______ to live with male cranes, and even had a _______ for killing some of them, which made it ________ for her to become a mother.

________, the two zookeepers didn’t want to see the extinction(灭绝) of this precious species. With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a ________ of artificial breeding(人工繁殖) and natural reproduction. This ________ Emma to give birth to five baby cranes.

The two keepers are proud of their productive work. But before they can be ________, more efforts must be made, because the population of the crane in the wild is on the ________, and many other species appear headed toward extinction. ________, not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts, feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive.

How can we ________ the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals? Chris and Tim offered us the ________: human beings took it for granted that their ________ held all the solutions, but maybe their hearts can be a better ________.

A.In contrastB.After allC.By the wayD.On the contrary
2019-06-10更新 | 4572次组卷 | 15卷引用:江西省南昌市二中2018-2019学年高二下学期期末英语试题
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