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1 . Cats and many other animals, including most dogs, can reflect light from their eyes. That’s why cats’ eyes will usually shine brightly in photos taken in a dimly lit room or glow when lightened in the dark by a flashlight or a car’s headlights.

Species whose eyes glow have evolved to see better in low light because they either forage or need to look out for predators (天敌) throughout the night, or they do most of their hunting at dawn and dusk. In fact, domesticated cats can see in conditions that are only 16% as bright as what people require.

Cats accomplish this because their pupils (瞳孔) — the openings that appear black in the middle of their eyes that widen and narrow in response to light conditions—are special. Pupils operate like windows, with bigger ones letting more light into the eye. And a cat’s pupils can become up to 50% larger than human pupils in dim light. They also have a higher number of a specific type of light-sensing cell in the back of their eyes than we do. These cells, called rods (杆细胞), catch low-level light. In addition to having large pupils and lots of rods, cats have something people don’t: a tapetum lucidum (荧光膜), a Latin medical term that translates to “bright or shining tapestry”. The tapetum lucidum is also known as “eyeshine”.

It’s located in the back of the eye behind the retina (视网膜) — a thin layer of tissue that receives light, converts the light to an electrical signal and sends this signal to the brain to interpret the image.

A cat’s tapetum lucidum is made up of cells with crystals that, like a mirror, reflect light back to the retina. This gives the retina a second chance to absorb more light.

In cats, the tapetum most often glows yellow-green or yellow-orange, but the color varies, just like their irises (虹膜) — the colorful part of their eye, which can be green, yellow, blue or golden. Variation in tapetum color is not unique to cats and can be found in lots of species.

1. The underlined word “forage” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “______”.
2. According to the passage, a cat’s pupils ______.
A.can reflect lightsB.can absorb more light
C.can widen and narrowD.can convert light to a signal
3. What’s the best title for the text?
A.How do Cats’ Pupils Work?
B.How do Cats’ Eyes Reflect Light?
C.Why do Cats’ Pupils Appear Black?
D.Why do Cats’ Eyes Glow in the Dark?
4. We can probably find this passage in ______.
A.a travel journalB.a science magazine
C.a technology reportD.an admission guide
2024-02-21更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市第一中学教研联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期末质量检测英语A卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Why do Dogs Roll in the Grass?

If your dog is anything like mine, she loves rolling around in a patch of grass any chance she gets. And it always makes me happy to watch my dog, Nala, have the time of her life.     1    . Is she cooling off? Is she just super happy? What could it be?

To find out why Nala and so many other dogs like to stop, drop and roll, I reached out to Dr. Stephanie Austin, a veterinarian at Bond Vetin New York City, who explained that dogs can roll in the grass for several reasons!     2    

She’s enjoying a smell.     3    . “They are picking up on hundreds of scents that we can’t even comprehend!” Dr. Austin said. “Sometimes they want to enjoy a scent they’ve found in the grass and will roll around in it to do just that.”

She’s covering up her own scent. According to Dr. Austin, there’s another smelly reason why your pup may be rolling around in that patch of grass. “They want to smell like the environment so they don’t scare off their prey,” Dr. Austin said.

She’s cooling off.     4    , that grass may look extra appealing to your dog. It might even be a little wet from a sprinkler—the perfect combo for your dog to cool off.

    5     Your dog may also just be relaxed and having fun—and rolling on her back is away to show it!

She’s scratching an itch. “It’s good to exclude any allergies and make sure your dog isn’t rolling a ton to scratch a constantly itchy back or side, but otherwise, it’s probably normal that she’s having a good time,” Dr. Austin said.

If you notice your dog rolling around in the grass, it’s probably just her having the best time ever.

A.She is stretching
B.She’s having fun
C.If it’s boring for your dog
D.If it’s a particularly hot day
E.But I’ve always wondered why she actually does it
F.Here are some common explanations behind this behavior
G.It’s important to remember how powerful your dog’s nose is
2024-02-20更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市第一中学教研联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期末质量检测英语A卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了Chen Guanghui保护黑颈鹤所做的努力。

3 . Chen Guanghui is a guardian for black-necked cranes(黑颈鹤) in the Dashanbao Black-necked Crane National Nature Reserve of Zhaotong city, in southwest China’s YunnanProvince. Whistling(吹口哨) is the secret language Chen uses to communicate with the black-necked cranes, a type of migratory bird under first class protection in China. She says different whistles signal different things. When she whistles in an increasing tone, she tries to tell the cranes: ask your companions to come back for lunch, and they would chirp(吱喳叫)to spread the message right away.

Living near the Dashanbao Nature Reserve, a major winter habitat(栖息地) for the rare species, Chen started to take care of them in 2003, a mission she took over from her mother, whose devotion dates back to the 1990s.

“In the first few days, I remembered they ran away as soon as I approached them. I was very upset and asked my mom to come back, and I was worried they would starve,”   says Chen. “I initially tried everything, even singing folk songs to attract them, but failed. Later, I used special whistles and gradually formed close bond with the cranes. ”

“I treat them as if they were my own children, and I’m always concerned about them, especially during snowy days when they can’t get food. I feel uncomfortable and anxious when I hear them chirp and usually rush to prepare corn for them. ” It’s never been an easy job, and Chen has sustained quite a few injuries over the years, even falling into frozen marsh(沼泽)while trying to save a trapped crane in 2008. However, she never gave up. With love and responsibility, she has persisted in caring for the cranes for about 20 years.

Thanks to the joint protection efforts of Chen and staff members at the nature reserve, now more than 1,900 black-necked cranes overwinter in the area each season every year, up from about 300 when the nature reserve was established.

1. How does Chen Guanghui communicate with black-necked cranes?
A.By singing folk songs.B.By imitating chirps of birds.
C.By making hand gestures.D.By blowing special whistles.
2. What do the underlined words “a mission” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Rescuing injured animals.
B.Restoring habitats for rare species.
C.Looking after black-necked cranes.
D.Building Dashanbao Nature Reserve.
3. How did Chen Guanghui feel about her initial attempts at the work?
A.It is inspiring.B.It is frustrating.C.It is interesting.D.It is exciting.
4. What can we learn from Chen’s story?
A.Efforts bear fruit.B.Fortune favors the brave.
C.Virtue is its own reward.D.A miss is as good as a mile.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Trees are one of the oldest “citizens (公民)” of our Earth. They keep our air clean, reduce noise pollution, improve water quality and provide food and building materials.

Just like us, trees change a lot as they grow. At 1 to 3 years old, young trees learn how to protect themselves. For example, many trees grow thorns (刺) to warn animals not to go near Most young trees have large, deep green leaves so that they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy.

When trees are 4 years old, they begin to grow very rapidly and become strong enough to face challenges later in life. At the age of 15, trees become young adults. Afterwards, they grow more slowly and begin to produce flowers and fruit.

It is not until the tree is 20 to 25 years old that it becomes a real adult. The tree reaches its largest size. The adult tree gives us shade, oxygen and natural beauty; it is also a great place for a tree house, or a place for us to read a book, listen to music and so on. If we give the adult tree proper care, it will go on to live healthily for many years.

Gradually, trees begin to grow older and older and even die. At this time, they still have their important place in nature. When a tree becomes hollow (空心的) or part of it becomes dead, it provides a home to small animals and is a source of food for many other animals.

In many ways, the life of a tree is like our own life experience. When we are looking at the life of a tree, we   learn that each period of life brings its own form of joy and challenge. So, let’s enjoy every minute of our life and take care of it like planting a tree!

1. When the trees are very young, some of them grow thorns to ______.
A.catch enough sunlightB.protect themselves
C.become more beautifulD.produce food and energy.
2. Which of the following statements is true about the growth of a tree?
A.The tree produces flowers and fruit before the age of 15.
B.The tree becomes a young adult when it is 20 to 25 years old.
C.When part of a tree becomes dead, it still plays an important role in nature.
D.The young adult tree is a good place for a tree house and for us to read a book,
3. Why should we enjoy every minute of our life according to the last paragraph?
A.Because our life is becoming better and better.
B.Because trees give us so much and make our world beautiful.
C.Because the life of a tree is similar to our own life experience.
D.Because each period of life brings its own form of pleasure and challenge.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The growth and life of trees.B.Different kinds of Trees.
C.The mystery of a tree.D.The advantages trees can bring us.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了11 岁的美国女孩Addy Barrett通过各种方式努力拯救大猩猩的故事。

5 . Addy Barrett, an 11-year-old girl from Maryland, the US, is a regular visitor to the zoo, and never gets tired of watching gorillas (大猩猩). “I really fell in love with these smart animals after reading a book about them,” Addy said. “I also learned they were being killed for unnecessary reasons. And I knew I needed to do something.”

Addy is now working to save her favorite animals. She has sold T-shirts and home-made cookies to raise money, and she hosts a party about the gorilla yearly.

Addy asked Meredith Bastian, a zookeeper, about the challenges that wild gorillas are facing and that many people ignore. Bastian said it’s because of habitat loss, climate change and the spread of disease. But there is also the problem of mining. “Some mines in Congo, Africa destroy gorillas’ habitats and make their living conditions worse,” Bastian told Addy.

Addy decided to start the Gorilla Heroes project. She has held fundraisers (筹款活动) hoping to start a conversation on the risks to gorillas. The animals, which are native to Central Africa, are endangered. There are fewer than 900 mountain gorillas and about 100,000 western lowland gorillas in the world. So far, Gorilla Heroes has raised more than $11,000. Addy was recently named a winner of the 2019 Gloria Barton Prize for Young Heroes for her work.

Addy hopes to get close to a gorilla in the wild, but she can’t because she is too young. So for now Addy is sticking to raising money for gorillas.

1. What can we learn about Addy?
A.She seldom goes to the zoo.B.She works hard to save gorillas.
C.She writes books about gorillas.D.She volunteers for a zoo project.
2. What’s Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The importance of wild gorillas.
B.The measures for protecting wild gorillas.
C.The pleasant environment for wild gorillas.
D.The reasons for wild gorillas becoming endangered.
3. How is Addy’s Gorilla Heroes project?
A.It is quite dangerous.B.It includes many professions.
C.It is well recognized.D.It has made a difference worldwide.
4. Which of the following can best describe Addy?
A.Proud and childlike.B.Able and generous.
C.Talkative and interesting.D.Easy-going and humorous.
2024-01-05更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市市直中学2023-2024学年高一上学期第二次月考联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Why do we find ugly-cute animals so attractive? And what makes odd-looking creatures so cute?

Evolution (进化) plays a role. According to Austrian zoologist Erin Fekete, human attraction to childish features, such as big eyes, large heads and soft bodies, is an evolutionary adaptation that helps ensure that adults care for the young, assuring the survival of their species. Odd-looking animals such as blobfish, pugs, aye-ayes and bulldogs all share these childish qualities that cause a loving response among humans and a nature to raise and protect. And these childish characteristics increase a person’s “protective behavior, attention and willingness” to care for the individual and reduce the “possibility of aggression towards a child”, says Cyril Drouet, a researcher.

Ugly-cute animals often have other value— some, like the blobfish, live in extreme environments that they have adapted to in remarkable ways. Scientists are keen to study these animals to understand whether their biology might provide fresh ideas that could lead to treatments for human health conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

But while many ugly creatures are strongly adapted to their life in the wild and can provide numerous benefits to the ecosystems they live in, they often still don’t get as much attention as more traditionally cute and beautiful animals, which leads to many of the ugly-cute species being ignored in terms of research.

There are other culture-led factors that also cause our attraction for ugly-cute animals. “The ugly-cute thing is very fashionable.” says Rowena Packer, a lecturer of animal behavior. “This is partly caused by social media, with many social media influencers showing off pet pugs and French bulldogs on Instagram.” she says.

But there are some serious worries around this trend. Veterinarians (兽医) are calling on people not to keep a flat-faced dog, because they suffer from serious health problems. Pugs and French bulldogs which have been selectively kept experience breathing difficulties, repeated skin problems and eye diseases. So while childish features such as big eyes may make us smile, we might want to reconsider our attraction for “ugly-cute” pets.

1. What does the underlined word “aggression” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Threatening behavior.B.Strange behavior.C.Friendly behavior.D.Smart behavior.
2. Why are some ugly animals overlooked in terms of research?
A.They are of no interest to scientists.B.They are less cute and attractive.
C.They do not have unique biological feature.D.They are not well-adapted to their environments.
3. What can be inferred about the role of social media in promoting the popularity of ugly-cute animals?
A.Influencers have started a campaign to raise awareness about ugly animals.
B.People prefer to post pictures of ugly animals on social media rather than cute animals.
C.Social media didn’t make it easier to spread information about animals.
D.The ugly-cute animals shared on social media could raise people’s attraction for them.
4. How does the author feel about the current trend of keeping flat-faced dogs?
2023-12-27更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市云天化中学教研联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Amazing Zoos Around the World

Helsinki Zoo

This is a zoo located on an island in Finland—it is the country’s biggest zoo which has amazing animals like deer, Siberian tigers and even hears. What adds to the beauty of this zoo is the natural wildlife that surrounds it on the island. From beautiful rainforests to lots of plant species, Helsinki Zoo should be a destination you won’t regret visiting.

Toronto Zoo

Toronto Zoo is home to over 16,000 animals, including tigers, lions, and monkeys. The zoo has an amazing gorilla (大猩猩) habitat exhibit, and a Discovery Zone for children to learn more aboou5 the animals and their natural habitats. Another thing that makes this zoo worth a visit is its protection policy, Toronto Zoo has helped to protect endangered species (物种) from all around the world and is one of the very few animal-friendly zoos in North America.

Sao Paolo Zoo

The state of Sao Paolo has strict laws about animal cruelty and can actually give out fines (罚款) of up to US $435,000 for animal testing. So it’s no surprise that Sao Paolo Zoo, with its over 3,200 animals, is animal-friendly. They also spend time in protect ion efforts, focusing on Brazil’s own endangered animals. Here, you’ll see plenty of animals like parrots, wild cats and various birds.

Wellington Zoo

It is New Zen land’s first and largest zoo and is home to more than 500 different animals and 100 different species. Focusing on wildlife protection, Wellington Zoo has successfully saved endangered animals like the Sun Bear. If you make your way to this zoo, you’ll also find yourself face-to-face with red pandas, monkeys and the country’s official bird, the kiwi. This animal-friendly zoo is also eco-friendly, equipped with solar heating and power.

1. What makes Helsinki Zoo different from Toronto Zoo?
A.It has tigers.B.It is a good zoo to visit.
C.It stands on an island.D.It has lots of animal species.
2. Why is Sao Paolo Zoo animal-friendly?
A.Because the state of Sao Paolo has strict laws about animal cruelly.
B.Because the state of Sao Paolo can give out lower fines for animal testing.
C.Because it has helped to protect endangered animals from all around the world.
D.Because it spends time in protection efforts focusing on New Zealand’s endangered animals.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Helsinki Zoo has the most animal species.
B.Wellington Zoo has managed to protect the Sun Bear.
C.There are many animal-friendly zoos in North America.
D.People will not be fined even if they test animals in the state of Sao Paolo.
2023-12-17更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市云天化中学教研联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Landslides occur when large amounts of wet debris (碎片), including rocks, earth, and trees, slide down a slope (斜坡). They may occur as a result of fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, or human activities. Landslides are particularly dangerous because they strike suddenly, move at extremely high speeds, and travel long distances. Although landslides are often difficult to predict, you can prepare for a landslide.     1    

1. Keep yourself alert and awake. Landslides can occur quite suddenly, so you need to be ready to take action at a moment’s notice. Many landslide-related deaths occur while people are asleep.     2    

2.    3     Your local community should have a designated (指定的) public shelter. Go to the shelter if your home is unsafe or the authorities have called for an evacuation (疏散).

3. Contact local officials about past landslides. Landslides tend to happen in the same area where they have occurred before.     4     If you are in an at-risk area, consider getting a site analysis of your property. This will help you determine any necessary corrective measures.

4. Make an emergency kit (工具箱).     5     Make your kit in advance so it is ready at a moment’s notice. Your kit should contain enough food and water to last for at least 72 hours, as well as supplies like medications, flashlights, batteries, cell phones, copies of personal documents, and cash.

A.Notice unusual sounds.
B.Go to a public shelter.
C.Here are some tips which can help you.
D.Talk to local officials about landslides in your area.
E.In the event of a landslide or other emergency, choose a place.
F.If you are with other people, work together to keep one another awake.
G.An emergency kit contains the essentials that your household will need during an emergency.
2023-11-24更新 | 70次组卷 | 2卷引用:云南省昭通市昭阳区第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Plastic straws (吸管) have been a major problem in global discussions of environmental damage. Maybe because of their small size, the production cost of straws is low. In many countries, straws are offered freely after buying soft drinks. Therefore, plastic straws are one of the most used plastics and pollutants in the world.

The plastic straw is light and small. Due to their small size, plastic straws are often eaten by sea animals. Environmentalists have shown that the death of many sea animals is caused by eating plastic straws. The other damaging characteristic of plastic straws is that they are made of materials which cannot degrade. That means the materials cannot be changed into small harmless (无害的) ones.

The most effective way of dealing with the environmental pollution caused by plastic straws is the reuse or banning (禁止) the use of plastic straws. Being plastics, the straws can be made new items. Many organizations around the world change used straws into new products. In Africa, local communities collect used plastic straws and use them to make mats and bags. Another way of dealing with environmental pollution caused by plastic straws is placing a ban on their production and use. Experts advise governments to ban using plastic straws to save the environment. A few countries in the world such as Rwanda, Macedonia, China, Kenya have already banned the use of plastic bags and are expected to include plastic straws and bottles. But it will be a long way to do this effectively.

There are few environmentally friendly and biodegradable productions to take the place of plastic straws. These productions include paper straws, bamboo straws. However, such straws are usually expensive as their production cost is high. It’s still a question whether they can entirely take the place of plastic straws.

1. Why can people be free to use plastic straws?
A.They are very cheap.B.They are light and small.
C.They are dangerous.D.They are easy to use.
2. What does the underlined word “due to” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Cut up.B.Because of.C.Go on.D.Break out.
3. What can we learn from paragraph 3?
A.It’s not difficult to ban using plastic straws.
B.Many countries have stopped using plastic straws.
C.Experts advise people to stop producing plastic straws.
D.Some Africans change plastic straws into new products.
4. What does the author think of environmentally friendly straws?
A.It is a must to use them.
B.It’s not easy to reuse them.
C.There are still some problems to be solved.
D.There are some other kinds of cheaper straws.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . For hundreds of years, America’s wilderness has been reduced due to growing cities, leaving outdoors lovers like hunters with fewer chances. By around 1900, too much hunting drove America’s deer nearly into extinction (灭绝), less than a half-million deer, from 45 million in 1450.

Law-makers began to make rules to protect deer and keep ecological balance (生态平衡). And it did make a big difference. By 2000, the deer population had come up to 38 million. Those days, millions of deer lived side by side with humans and could freely find enough food resources.

Gradually, the number of deer was increasing too rapidly, which was not good for both the animals and people. City hunting plays an important role in keeping ecological balance, particularly in places where the animals sometimes cause major problems.

“City deer hunting is a management practice used in many cities and suburban areas across the United States,” says Jason Andrews, program manager of the Urban Deer Hunt in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. In the early 2000s, a high number of car accidents were caused by deer. And there was also significant vegetation degradation (植被退化) in many cities. Many possible solutions were researched by the city government. Some suggested hunting deer and other wild animals, but others were against that practice.

In the end, researchers determined that the most effective and sustainable (可持续的) population management solution would be hunting with bows. “City deer hunting is popular in cities that have too many wild deer as well as wooded areas,” says Andrews. “In Cedar Rapids, all parts of the city have right habitats to keep deer population, thus hunting is allowed. I must note that hunting is only allowed on private lands. No parks or any other public grounds can be hunted.”

1. What can we learn from paragraph 1?
A.The deer population was dropping rapidly.
B.Some cities grew smaller in the country.
C.The number of deer dropped to 1,450.
D.The deer population grew up by 45 million.
2. What can we infer about the rules for protecting deer?
A.They failed to be carried out in the US.
B.They were quite successful.
C.People had different attitudes towards them.
D.They were made by Jason Andrews.
3. Which tool is the best for deer hunting according to the text?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Ways to Protect the Environment
B.The Number of Deer in the US
C.People’s Attitude to Deer Hunting
D.America’s Rules for Deer to Keep Ecological Balance
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