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1 . As the weather turns colder in some parts of the world, signs of autumn begin to appear. At this time of the year depending on your location, you may also see a familiar flower: chrysanthemums ( 菊花). We often call them “mums,” for short.

In parts of the United States, many people use chrysanthemums as decorations. The flowers sit next to pumpkins for Halloween, October’s famous holiday. But then the mums are thrown away along with rotting jack o’lanterns.

This yearly tradition bothered plant expert Jessica Damiano. In a recent article, she wanted to know why people simply threw away their mums. So, she asked some of her neighbors in Long Island, New York.

Everyone had the same answer: They thought the flowers were annuals — flowers that only last for one season.

Damiano explained that there are annual and perennial (多年生的) mums. Perennials come back for several growing seasons. Garden chrysanthemums, she adds, are actually perennials. Annual chrysanthemums are often sold in stores as potted gift plants. Special plant stores usually sell perennial mums.

If the plants are not labeled at a store, Damiano said to look at the leaves. The large, flat leaves of perennial mums have deep cuts around the edges. The narrow leaves of annuals do not.

Perennial mums are hardy flowers. But they cannot survive freezing temperatures. They also cannot survive extreme summer heat. So, that means about half of the United States is good for growing mums.

Perennial chrysanthemums come from China. Kaifeng, a city in China’s Henan province, is famous for its mums. Each year, the city holds a popular festival to celebrate the flowers. Chrysanthemum festivals are also held in other countries — like Pakistan, Germany, South Korea, Japan, and the United States, to name a few.

Chrysanthemums come in shades of orange, red, rust, pink, purple, yellow, cream, and white. Some can grow to nearly one meter in height. They reach their mature size in about three years. In warmer climates, they bloom again in spring.

1. Why did people throw away their chrysanthemums?
A.They don’t like the mums.
B.They don’t think the mums can flower again.
C.They mistake the mums as lanterns.
D.They throw away the mums by accident.
2. How can we tell the differences between annual mums and perennial ones according to Damiano?
A.By observing the leaves.B.By looking at the pot.
C.By asking others.D.By referring to books.
3. What kind of climate is suitable for mums’ growth?
A.Freezing.B.Extremely hot.C.Warm.D.Wet.
4. Where are the perennial mums originally from?
2023-04-28更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省玉溪市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般