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1 . As awareness of climate change grows, so does the desire to do something about it. One way to gain a quantifiable (可量化的) understanding of the impacts of our actions, for good and bad, is through what is known as a carbon footprint. While the concept is gaining traction, it is not always fully understood.

According to Mike Berners-Lee, a professor at Lancaster University in the UK and author of The Carbon Footprint of Everything, a carbon footprint is “the sum total of all the greenhouse gas emissions that had to take place in order for a product to be produced or for an activity to take place.”

What steps a person can take to reduce their personal footprint depends on the kind of lifestyle they presently live, and the same actions are not equally effective for everyone. Berners-Lee notes that, “for some people, flying may be 10 percent of their footprint, for some people it’s zero, and for some it’s such a huge number that it should be the only thing they should be thinking about.”

It isn’t easy to calculate a carbon footprint. The earliest such calculator is thought to have appeared in 2004 as part of the “Beyond Petroleum” campaign of oil giant BP, which makes observers criticize the pressure to reduce personal carbon footprints as an indication that climate change is not the fault of an oil giant, but that of individuals.

“I would say personal carbon footprint calculators are a useful tool to assess the impact of your immediate actions.” Berners-Lee says. “But what’s much more important than your personal carbon footprint is your climate shadow, which aims to paint a picture of the full sum of one’s choices and the impact they have on the planet. For example, how you vote, where you work, how you invest your money, and how much you talk about climate change.”

1. What does the underlined word “traction” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. How does Berners-Lee explain his opinion according to paragraph 3?
A.By presenting a fact.B.By giving suggestions.
C.By clarifying a concept.D.By making a comparison.
3. What is the observers’ attitude to the “Beyond Petroleum” campaign of oil giant BP?
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Tools are more important than choices.
B.Climate shadow covers a broad range of actions.
C.Calculating carbon footprint is the most effective.
D.Only individuals are responsible for climate change.
2024-04-04更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题

2 . There was no need to consult my smart-watch to know that we had climbed to an altitude of more than 4,500 meters._________discomfort serves as a warning system on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

After a four-hour journey, our coach_________a parking lot in Madoi county, a sprawling herding district in the northwestern province of Qinghai. I got off and took a walk, but it felt like hard work. What seemed like a slightly dazed feeling at lower place—such as when I visited Lhasa, capital of the Tibet autonomous region, in 2019 at about 3,000 meters above sea level—had_________into a severe headache because of the thin air.

As the air pressure_________rapidly, my sunscreen bottle swelled and its_________spilled out. Trees were a rare_________. The soil was frozen. Rice tasted half-cooked.

I_________a small hotel, where about 35 doctors and journalists would stay for the next few days as part of a volunteer medical program. I was assigned a roommate, a photojournalist in his 50s. We climbed_________of stairs carrying suitcases packed with winter clothes and other necessities to_________the sunburn-producing ultraviolet. The climb clearly worsened our symptoms. We were both breathless when we reached our room.

Cracks could be seen meandering across the walls of the room, a warning sign of the quake’s destruction and a__________that the danger had not gone away.

It certainly hadn’t. At about midnight, a magnitude 4.8 quake__________the county and made my roommate and I—both __________because of the discomfort we were feeling—jump out of our beds.

We scrambled for our clothes and shoes and argued about whether we had enough time to run outside. Before we had reached agreement, the shaking had stopped. The street our room overlooked was quickly__________with people, and my sixth sense for survival told me to join those life-cherishing people downstairs, but the__________told me to stay put.

The older man and I stared at each other and then decided to creep back to our beds, but we kept our pants on, just__________.

A.pulled outB.stopped byC.pulled overD.pulled into
A.signed upB.walked intoC.checked upD.checked into
A.in comfortB.in reliefC.in caseD.in vain
2021-12-19更新 | 283次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省济南市章丘区章丘四中2021-2022学年高一上学期山东学情联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(每空一词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。

To change bad habits is never easy, even with many     1     (attempt). There is a famous saying     2     (base) on the philosophy of Aristotle: “We are what we     3     (repeat) do.” In many ways, our lifestyle is the sum of choices we have made. We make a choice to do something, and then we repeat it over and over again. Soon that choice becomes automatic and forms a habit that is much     4     (hard) to change. The good news     5     (be) that we can change, if we understand how habits work.

Then what is causing the increase in the global average surface temperature? Climate scientists often mention a key climate process called the “greenhouse effect”,     6     has two common meanings: the “natural” greenhouse effect and the “man-made” greenhouse effect. The “natural” greenhouse effect refers to the fact     7     heat from the sun enters the atmosphere and warms Earth’s surface as short-wave radiation. The heat is released back into space at longer wave lengths. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as methane and carbon dioxide, trap some of the heat,     8     (keep) Earth’s climate warm and habitable. Without this process, Earth could not sustain life. However, the “man-made” greenhouse effect has now become a big problem. When people produce huge amounts of extra greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels, more heat energy     9     (trap) in the atmosphere and causes Earth’s surface temperature     10     (rise) quickly.

2022-05-28更新 | 235次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省济南市第一中学2021-2022学年高二5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Plastic mobile phones cases and sweet wrappers, some more than 50 years old, have recently been pulled from the sea off the coast of East Yorkshire. The finds lead to growing concern among scientists about the long-term impact of plastic waste on our seas, with research suggesting it takes over 400 years for a drinks bottle to breakdown in the sea.

Notpla, a London-based startup company, is currently designing a seaweed-based replacement for single-use plastic packaging. Founded in 2014, the company has been sparing no efforts to further develop its product line.

The firm initially looked to seaweed as the solution to the world’s white pollution, because it is plentiful, grows quickly, doesn’t compete with land crops and doesn’t use chemicals, but absorbs carbon from the air. Design director Karlijn Sibbel says, “It can grow into the sea, where it actually has many positive benefits so it can create new ecosystems for other organisms to grow in.”

Sibbel says they look to nature as inspiration “for the ideal packaging” like the skin on a fruit. “A peel (果皮) will eventually be used as nutrients by nature, disappear and become part of the cycle.”

“The exciting thing is that this is a film that can replace most of the flexible packaging you see around,” Sibbel says. The potential contents could include coffee grounds or toilet paper. For food items, such as noodles, they have even experimented with adding flavors to the packaging, so that dissolving the bag could add seasoning to the food. “You can cook with it. And you can really start to rethink what we can do with these materials,” she explained.

The approach feels especially relevant as the world is coming to terms with the effects of decades of uncontrolled plastic production. Co-CEO Paslier says, “We’re excited to see our power in the foodservice industry and looking forward to moving into the fashion markets very soon.

1. What problem is mainly referred to in Paragraph 1?
A.Energy crisis.B.Food waste.
C.Ecological disaster.D.White pollution.
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.How seaweed grows in the sea.
B.How seaweed absorbs carbon from the air.
C.Why seaweed can create more new ecosystems.
D.Why seaweed was chosen as a plastic alternative.
3. What is the ideal packaging according to Sibbel?
A.It can be digested by nature.B.It’s as thin as a peel.
C.It can transform into chemicals.D.It bears a flavor enhancer.
4. Which word can best describe the prospects of Notpla?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Innovation has pretty much finished with car tires (轮胎) right, I mean, what’s left to change? How about the whole “air” part?

Michelin Company’s attempt to tackle tire rubbish around the world witnessed them roll out puncture-proof “airless” tires, which they say should help reduce the 18% of all world tires that are abandoned early due to punctures (轮胎漏气). Deserted tires arc a huge worldwide waste problem — the US produces 260 million abandoned tires per year, many of which end up in landfills or on the sides of the freeway where they release harmful gases and microplastic pollutants as they break down.

Michelin Company's Unique Puncture Proof Tire System or “UPTIS” is designed using 46% recycled material, and made from a plastic matrix (母体) mixed with glass fibers that provide a flexible outer layer with a strong inner one. “The truly distinctive structure of the Michelin UPTIS prototype (原型), or its “strangeness” as we have often heard it called, really attracted the eye of many visitors and left a lasting impression on them,” stated Cyrille Roget, Michelin Group Technical and Scientific Communications Director. “It was an unusual experience for us, and our greatest satisfaction came at the end of the demonstration when our passengers, who were undoubtedly a little alert (警觉) at first, said they felt no difference compared with conventional tires.”

Michelin Company believes airless tires will improve everyone's lives. Maintenance (保养) costs for company’s vehicle fleets will be less expensive, and inexperienced car owners won’t accidentally ruin their rubbers when driving them because they are over-or under-inflated (充气). Although they are still in development stage and using at a large scale within years is unlikely to be available, Michelin Company is not in the least doubtful about their tires’ future.

1. Why does the author ask questions in the first paragraph?
A.To explain a strange phenomenon.B.To clarify a difficult concept.
C.To present a well-known fact.D.To introduce a new topic.
2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.The new tire runs more smoothly.
B.The world greatly needs airless tires.
C.Traditional tires threaten the environment.
D.Michelin Company battles the issue of wasted tires.
3. What do we know about “UPTIS”?
A.Its structure distances visitors.B.It only uses recycled materials.
C.It combines plastic and glass fibers.D.Its comfortableness beats ordinary tires.
4. What’s Michelin Company’s attitude towards their new tires?
书信写作-建议信 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Anna要参加主题为“水资源保护”(Thirsty Earth)的海报征集活动。她写信向你求助,请你回信,要点包括:
1. 表示支持;
2. 给出建议;
3. 表达祝愿。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Anna,


Li Hua

2022-10-21更新 | 223次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(含听力)
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The first time ever I realized that plastic was a serious matter for our planet was during a road trip in Western Australia, almost 12 years ago.

We ________ at a supermarket along the Coral Bay coast to buy some groceries and the lady at the counter told us they didn’t sell any shopping bags in order to prevent plastic in the ________ and to help preserving the endangered turtles living in that area. After a first reaction of surprise, we ________ all our shopping in our arms and left.

This was just one of the many experiences I’ve lived that made me more ________ about my impact and pushed me to adopt different habits to live and ________ more sustainably.

Our trip to Borneo was another life-changing ________ that has strengthened my resolution to a zero-waste lifestyle. While traveling in some countries, we came to know that ________ drinking water was always a challenge. So we had to travel with our water bottle, and we ________ to avoid using plastic during our trip.

Besides, we were also ________ impressed by our stay on Libaran Island. A sustainable turtle conservation ________ and the community had made big efforts to ________ the beaches and creatively reuse plastic for ten years. Despite that, the shore is ________ daily with tons of plastic coming from the tides.

Facing this global issue ________, raised in me a feeling of sadness and anger that soon turned into ________: to do as much as possible to reduce plastic in our life. Small changes can ________ a difference!

A.dry upB.give offC.clean upD.shave off
A.on purposeB.on behalfC.in particularD.in person
2023-05-04更新 | 108次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省泰安第一中学2022-2023学年高一下学期7月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述芭比娃娃公司推出了一款以自然环境保护主义者Jane Goodall为原型的芭比娃娃,以鼓励年轻人保护自然环境。

8 . It’s been more than 60 years since Jane Goodall started her pioneering work. In 1960, she was chosen to go to what is now Tanzania and study the little-known world of chimpanzees. Since then, Goodall has received many awards and honorary degrees as a world-famous conservationist (自然环境保护主义者). Now, Goodall has received an unusual honor. She is becoming a toy — a Barbie doll.

Goodall may not have expected to become a Barbie at 88 years old — but it’s not just any doll, it’s made out of recycled plastic. And Barbie is partnering with the Jane Goodall Foundation and its Roots & Shoots program which inspires young people to protect animals and the environment.

“You know, the main message is that every day you live, you make an influence on the planet and you get to choose what sort of influence you make,” Goodall said.

“There was a little boy of 7 in Burundi, and I had given a talk to the school and he came up to me and said, ‘If I pick out a piece of trash every day, it will make a difference, won’t it?’ And I said, ‘Yes it will. And suppose you persuade (劝说) 10 of your friends to pick up a piece of rubbish every day.’ He said, ‘Oh, that would really make a difference and then they could all get 10 of their friends, couldn’t they?’ Goodall said, “So, that’s it. The cumulative (积累的) effect of small actions can lead to big change.”

She’s been inspiring young people for decades, but now, newer generations will get to know Jane Goodall. “I sincerely hope that it will help to create more interest in the natural world,” she said about the Barbie. “Because hopefully, you know, they’ll learn more about me through the doll. And that will get them interested. It doesn’t really matter if they have a career in conservation, as long as they pay attention to conservation in their daily lives.”

1. What is the intention of Barbie’s making a doll of Jane Goodall?
A.To give Jane Goodall a surprise.
B.To test the quality of recycled plastic.
C.To encourage environmental protection.
D.To start a cooperative research program.
2. What idea does Goodall’s conversation with the little boy mainly convey?
A.Everyone can make an impact on the planet.
B.Children will make the future world a better place.
C.Every child should pick up a piece of rubbish every day.
D.The accumulation of tiny actions makes a great difference.
3. What is Goodall’s attitude towards the Barbie doll?
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Jane Goodall’s Good Expectation of Nature Conservation
B.Young People’s Strong Interest in Nature Conservation
C.Great Popularity of a New Barbie Doll of Jane Goodall
D.Inspire Newer Generations to Care About Conservation Through a Doll
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Solar stills (蒸馏器) provide a clever and simple means of purifying dirty or salty water, but they work at a rather slow rate. A new material has been shown to boost their performance, and it’s made from fruit waste which would otherwise be thrown away.

In its most basic form, a conventional solar still consists of a basin of undrinkable water that is set beneath a cover. The water evaporates (蒸发) as it’s heated by the sun, condensing (凝结) on the inside surface of the cover. That condensation—which is pure, clean water-drops down the cover and is collected in a separate container for drinking. In order to warm the dirty/salty water at a faster rate, scientists have developed materials that float on its surface, transforming sunlight into heat. They commonly use carbon obtained from coal.

To seek a less costly and more environmentally-friendly alternative, Prof. Edison and colleagues at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University looked to something that is free for the taking—fruit waste. More specifically, the scientists tried out coconut peels, orange peels and banana peels.

In a simple carbonization process, the fruit waste was heated at 850℃for a few hours, and mixed with a kind of chemical substance. Doing so transformed the fruit waste into a new material which has a very highlight-to-heat transforming efficiency.

When tested in a small solar still, this new material proved to be very effective at transforming sunlight into heat, causing the dirty/salty water to evaporate much more rapidly. And because the material is full of holes, the waters team is able to rise right through it, subsequently condensing on the inside of the still’s cover.

Prof. Edison and his team found material obtained from the coconut peels worked best, as it transformed sunlight to heat with an efficiency rate of 94%. They are now developing the technology further, and are seeking industry partners to help with its commercialization.

1. What is the paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The working principle of solar stills.
B.The advantages of conventional solar stills.
C.The new materials of building a solar still.
D.The different ways of purifying dirty water.
2. Why did Prof. Edison and his colleagues tryout fruit waste as an alternative?
A.To solve the problem of environmental pollution.
B.To find out more eco-friendly materials.
C.To expand the applied range of the solar still.
D.To make solar stills much easier and less costly.
3. What did the scientists do in the carbonization process?
A.Get more wastewater from the solar still.
B.Test chemical substances in the solar still.
C.Obtain an efficient water-purifying material.
D.Take measures to improve water quality.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.Scientists are transforming sunlight into heat
B.Simple process turns fruit waste into new material
C.Solar still s are the best way to get drinking water
D.New technology helps, solar stills reach the customers
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . China’s second national botanical (植物学的) garden, South China National Botanical Garden, was set up in Guangzhou on July 11th, 2022.

With a total of 319 hectares of core functional area planned, the new national botanical garden was built based on South China Botanical Garden. It spans Guangzhou and Zhaoqing, two cities in Guangdong Province.

The South China National Botanical Garden aims to strengthen the conservation, scientific research and knowledge broadcasting of tropical (热带的) and subtropical (亚热带的) plants. The garden has three research centers, two national-level field stations and three key laboratories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. There are 17, 168 protected plants, 643 rare and endangered plants, and 337 national key wild protected plants in the garden at present.

The garden will participate in plant diversity protection both in China and the world and achieve the conservation goal of 20, 000 species. Meanwhile, it aims to play a world-leading role in collection and storage of living plants, among which 6, 000 species are economic plants.

Besides, 95 percent of rare and endangered plants in South China will be effectively protected, thus to provide plant resources for green development.

China is one of the countries in the world with the richest biodiversity, having more than 37, 000 known species of higher plants, accounting for about one tenth of the world’s total.

The South China National Botanical Garden, together with the national botanical garden in Beijing, has formed a system of collection and complete the retention of wild plant groups, which is helpful to maintain the country’s plant diversity.

1. What can be inferred about South China National Botanical Garden?
A.It is well equipped.B.It only offers service for research.
C.It has become a popular scenic spot.D.It is the largest national botanical garden.
2. What is the situation of rare and endangered plants in South China?
A.They are dying out sharply.
B.Most of them will be protected well.
C.They will be used to improve economic development.
D.Most of them are transplanted to botanical gardens.
3. What does the underlined word “retention” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A Garden For Collecting And Studying Plants
B.A Novel Way To Strengthen Plant Conservation
C.China’s Various Environmental Protection
D.China’s Second National Botanical Garden
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