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语法填空-短文语填(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In their spare time, most young people like to enjoy     1     (they)and play on their smartphones. But Li Ruxue is different. He often walks around a forest alone,     2     (isolate)himself from the outside world. “Though the lifestyle is a little bit tiring, it’s meaningful,” he often said.

In college, Li actively took part in field research. After graduation, he joined a gibbon protection organization where what he mainly needs to do is     3     (pick)up gibbon waste. The gibbon is a top-level state-protected animal     4     population is smaller than that of wild giant pandas. So over the past four and a half years, Li     5     (follow)gibbons and collecting their waste for researchers. Li said the job relies heavily on luck and     6     (persevere). But he has never regretted his choice or felt alone.

Like Li, Chu Wenwen, 27, has also worked to protect animals. As her father is engaged     7     wildlife research, Chu has long been surrounded by wild animals. She followed in her father’s footsteps. Listed as     8     first-class state-protected animal in China, the Mengxin beaver is found only along the Ulungur River in Xinjiang’s Altay prefecture.To protect them, Chu initiated the “beaver canteen” program, which     9     (eventual)attracted over 1 million internet users to donate snack money.

According to Fan Pengfei,     10     (ecology)protection as an industry can provide only a few jobs,most of which are in research institutes and nongovernmental organizations. He has seen more and more young people take part-time jobs as journalists, photographers and so on to raise public awareness of wildlife protection. “Young people are the future of the world and the future of global biodiversity conservation,” said Fan.

2023-03-23更新 | 177次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省青岛第二中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

At the Shishou Milu National Nature Reserve in Hubei Province, about 2,000 creatures wander freely. Their numbers include 460 deer born this year, showing that the species,     1     was once endangered in China in the early 20th century, has staged a remarkable     2     (recover).

Often     3     (refer) to as sìbuxiang, a milu deer seems to consist of parts of various creatures. It has antlers (鹿角) like other deer, but seems to have the head of a horse, the feet of cattle and the tail of a donkey (驴).

    4     one of the animal’s three major protected areas in China, the Shishou reserve was established in 1991. Close to the Yangtze River, the area has a complete wetland ecosystem,an ideal habitat for the deer. Its conservation story provides     5     example for other endangered animals under a threat of extinction.

    6     (ensure) a safe environment, two engineers and eight rangers (护林员) are sent to get around the reserve. Advanced technologies are applied to help observe and analyze     7     (they) habits and environment. The efforts of those responsible for the deer have     8     (significant) resulted in the increase in numbers.

In the     9     (country) three major protected areas the Nanhaizi Milu Park in Beijing, the Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve in Jiangsu Province, and the Shishou reserve——the number of the animal     10     (increase) from 39 to over 10,000 since 1986.

完形填空(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。一对夫妇开了一所学校, 让学生用捡来的塑料废品来抵消学费,从而为保护环境作出了贡献。

3 . Many poor children in Africa struggle on tuition for an education. However, a new school has been asking their pupils to pay for classes with _________.

Every week, students _________ the Akshar School are required to line up and “pay” for their classes using grocery bags _________ at least 25 pieces of plastic waste they _________ from around their homes and communities.

Parmita and Mazin, the couple _________ for the new school, were _________ to launch the campaign after witnessing their students being forced to _________ the acrid smell of burning plastic. That’s _________ before the school was opened in 2016, local families and communities _________ burned plastic waste as a means of keeping warm and fueling fires.

Now, the plastic is being collected and recycled at the school’s own recycling center. The school __________ the trash into Ecobricks by compressing (压缩) about 40 pieces of garbage into a(n) __________ plastic bottle.

Furthermore, the school’s older students can work part-time at the center as an additional source of __________.

Now the school owns over 100 students __________ the ages of 4 and 15. Since the school’s __________ curriculum has attracted more and more __________ to enroll, the couple plan on opening another 100 schools over the next five years.

A.working hoursB.farm productsC.plastic wasteD.burned trash
A.taking inB.spreading outC.attached toD.filled with
A.as ifB.althoughC.becauseD.in case
2022-11-17更新 | 357次组卷 | 4卷引用:山东省济南市章丘第四中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期末英语试题

4 . As environmental awareness has risen in the world, attitudes to sightseeing have changed. It is exciting to visit remote forests or spot rare species in those mysterious countries. However, with flights or long road journeys involved, traveling to far-away destinations is carbon-intensive, and conservation can be made more difficult as well as assisted by sightseers. Therefore, people and authorities have been trying to maximize the benefits while minimizing the harms by advocating domestic tours.

Most people, who take most holidays, understand better than ever that there are costs as well as benefits associated with exploring. One of the six pledges made by an environmental campaign launched last month-The Jump, is to “holiday local”, taking short-distance flights once every three years and long-distance flights very rarely. On a higher level, some governments are working on this as well. Colombia, for example, recently introduced laws aimed at promoting sustainable tourism.

Fortunately, the UK’s national parks and countless other landscapes mean that there is no shortage of special places for domestic nature tourists to visit. One recent survey found that Windsor Great Park and Kew Gardens have become Britain’s most popular attractions, while in this special time there have difficulties for indoor spaces which do not apply to outdoor ones. Some companies that formerly ran foreign trips have adapted to the infectious disease by taking people to watch dolphins and other marine life off British coasts instead. This is not to minimize the destruction of nature that is also taking place, But as we lace an increasing environmental emergency, it is essential to appreciate the nature that surrounds us. In a small way, outings to watch dragonflies, seals, or be surrounded by trees could help us to focus on what matters.

1. Why have people changed their attitudes towards travel?
A.Visiting remote areas is too exciting.
B.Long-distance travels are more attractive.
C.People’s environmental awareness has improved.
D.Travelers can assist with protection of scenic spots.
2. What does the underlined word “pledges” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What can we learn from paragraph 3?
A.Indoor activities are becoming more popular.
B.People in the UK are carrying out the initiative.
C.The travel agencies prefer overseas business.
D.The UK lacks abundant historic attractions.
4. Which of the following does the author probably support?
A.Domestic traveling means no harm to the environment.
B.There is no point in traveling to remote scenic spots.
C.The scenery is much better in foreign countries.
D.It matters much to appreciate the beauty around us.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Growing up, my grandparents bought a second home among a small forest in Arkansas and would bring me there every single summer. I would spend a lot of time outside there following my grandfather around while he did yard work. We would collect cool-looking rocks and refill the hummingbird feeders.

I always remember my grandparents calling me over to the window when a deer family was in the yard or a few hummingbirds were at the feeders so that I could watch them. I would explore around in the yard by myself sometimes to look for interesting rocks and if I was lucky I would find a turtle. If I did find a turtle, my grandfather would put it in the kiddy pool for me to observe for a few minutes. I was always amazed by these creatures. After I finished observing the turtle, my grandfather would pick it back up and return it to the bush I found it in. I would watch in amazement as it slowly stuck its legs out and crawled back under.

I always felt very at peace at my grandparents’ home. It was quiet and full of interesting natural things I never got to see in Illinois. They disturbed the land around them as little as possible and didn’t see it as nuisance (令人讨厌的东西), rather a beautiful view.

As Aldo Leopold, an American scientist, puts it, we should take the time to appreciate and observe the natural world around us. When we do this, we find it brings us happiness and has a great value beyond just that of resources. Conservation(n.保护) of the natural world is important because we are dependent upon it for life. We cannot worsen such a bountiful provider at such a rate in which it will never return to anything like what it once was. Our experiences with nature are what will drive us to reach this conclusion, if only everyone took the time to really involve themselves in it.

1. What does the writer mainly talk about in Paragraph 2?
A.His interest in rocks and animals.
B.His connection with natural world.
C.His daily routine in summer vacation.
D.His close relationship with Grandparents.
2. What does “a bountiful provider” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.Nature.B.Illinois.C.The small forest.D.Grandparents’ home.
3. What is the writer most likely to get across?
A.Past experiences should be treasured.
B.Nature offers man a journey of discovery.
C.Quality time with family is of great value.
D.Into the nature, you will know how precious it is.
4. In which forum would you most likely find the text?
A.Family MattersB.On the RoadC.At One with NatureD.The Economist
语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 语法填空

Last year a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories,     1     (destroy) fourteen homes. Seven others     2     (damage) so badly that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows and     3     (roof). One person was killed and seven were     4     (terrible) hurt. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.

Mr. Tan,     5     farmer, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour. “I     6     (eat) with my wife and children when we heard a flood noise.” He said, “A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We managed     7     (climb) out but then I saw that one of my children was     8     (lose). I went back inside and found him, safe     9     very frightened.”

Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area to the welfare department     10     they could get food, clothes and shelter.

2023-05-07更新 | 174次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省招远第一中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了Rezaali Pakzad离开伊朗,来到中国学习防沙治理科学技术。他认为自己在中国生活和学习的五年时间里取得了进步。他希望在自己的研究领域取得高水平的成就,并为荒漠化防治领域的国际交流与合作做出贡献。

7 . In order to learn about advanced scientific technology and ideas for combating desertification, Rezaali Pakzad left the Iranian capital Teheran, in 2018, to study in Northwest China’s Gansu Province.

He is a 27-year-old doctoral student at Lanzhou University, focusing on soil desertification control. In his view, Iran, like other arid and semiarid countries, faces environmental problems such as desertification. When he did field surveys and research in Minqin county, Gansu, he found that the local desertification characteristics were very similar to those of his hometown.

“Minqin is between two deserts. From being “about to disappear” to being gradually green, from being ravaged by “sand devils” to being covered by vast green plants, the scientific and effective prevention and control methods of the Chinese government have greatly changed the county, and made me see the hope of improving the ecology in my hometown,” he says.

He believes that China has certainly contributed to the global effort to combat desertification, and that the Chinese contribution is worth learning from. China has developed advanced technology models, such as quicksand fixation and vegetation restoration, and protective forest systems along major transport routes, which have introduced more green to deserts.

Already among the top nations in the world in the field of combating desertification, China has shared its experience with other countries, carried out international exchanges and cooperation, and contributed to global desertification control, he says.

He believes he has made progress during his five years of living and studying in China. By learning more about the Chinese language and culture, he has adapted to life in China and enjoyed the help and sincere concern of his teachers, classmates and friends here.

He hopes to achieve a lot, at a high level, in his research field and to contribute to international exchanges and cooperation in desertification control. “I want to be an ‘ecological messenger’ by spreading green ideas,” he says.

1. What problem does Pakzad want to solve?
A.Shortage of greens.B.Water pollution.
C.Energy reduction.D.Drought.
2. What does the underlined word “ravaged” mean in paragraph 3?
3. Which of the following best describes Rezaali Pakzad?
A.Generous and ambitious.B.Responsible and hopeful.
C.Hard-working and creative.D.Determined and tolerant.
4. What can we know from Paragraph 5?
A.China seldom participates in the global affairs.
B.China has solved the problem of desertification.
C.China is the top nation in international cooperation.
D.China plays a vital role in global desertification control.
2023-03-31更新 | 160次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届山东省潍坊市安丘市高三3月过程检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Coral reefs in Florida have lost an estimated 90% of their corals in the last 40 years. This summer, a marine heat wave hit Florida’s coral reefs. The record high temperatures created an extremely stressful environment for the coral reefs, which are currently also experiencing intense coral bleaching (白化).

A coral is an animal, which has a symbiotic relationship with a microscopic algae (藻类). The algae gets energy from the sun and shares it with the coral internally. The coral builds a rock-like structure, which makes up most of the reef, providing homes and food for many organisms that live there. Coral bleaching is when the symbiotic relationship breaks down. Without the algae, the corals appear white because the rock skeleton becomes visible. If the bleaching continues for an extended period, the corals can starve to death without the energy.

Florida is on the front lines of climate change. It is also on the cutting edge of restoration science. Many labs, institutions and other organizations are working nonstop to protect and maintain the coral reefs. This includes efforts to understand what is troubling the reef, from disease outbreaks to coastal development impacts. It also includes harvesting coral spawn (卵), or growing and planting coral parts. Scientists moved many coral nurseries into deeper water and shore-based facilities during this marine heat wave. They are digging into the DNA of the coral to discover which species will survive best in future.

There are some bright spots in the story, however. Some corals have recovered from the bleaching, and many did not bleach at all. In addition, researchers recorded coral spawning. Although it’s not clear yet whether the larvae (幼虫) will be successful in the wild, it’s a sign of recovery potential. If the baby corals survive, they will be able to regrow the reef. They just have to avoid one big boss: human-induced climate change.

1. What does the underlined word “symbiotic” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What caused the coral bleaching?
A.The rock skeleton.B.The microscopic algae.
C.The high temperatures.D.The symbiotic relationship.
3. Which is not the efforts scientists made to help coral reefs?
A.Transferring coral nurseries.B.Growing and planting coral spawn.
C.Researching the DNA of the coral.D.Figuring out the reasons for problems.
4. Which of the following best describes the impact of scientists’ efforts?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Not only does the use of plastic water bottles hurt your wallet, it also increases pollution and wastes energy and water. Only 23% of all plastic in America ends up in a recycling bin, meaning over $ 1 billion worth of plastic is treated as rubbish a year. Recently, Skipping Rocks Lab has invented a kind of water bottle called Ooho.

It is a convenient, clear water bottle that can either be drunken or eaten. To drink it, you can either peel off the membrane (薄膜) or tear a hole in the membrane with your teeth to pour the water into your mouth. To eat it, you simply put the whole bottle in your mouth. One problem the scientists have run into is how to ship large amounts of Ooho bubbles(水泡) without arriving with a very wet truck. However, they have attempted to package units of individual bubbles together inside a larger and thicker membrane. It is targeting large outdoor events, such as marathons, music festivals, and sporting events, where tons of plastic bottles are used, and frequently left behind as litter. And too much plastic is sure to do harm to the environment, which could account for their purpose of such a new invention.

The team has been working for the past two years to develop the technology and materials needed to produce Ooho; they have recently applied a patent for their new advancements. The price for an individual bubble or a unit of bubbles has not been set yet, but they cost about two cents to create a unit, which is cheaper than plastic bottles. It has appeared at events in London, San Francisco, Boston, at conferences, festivals, and so on.

Ooho is catching many people’s attention and has raised over $ 1 million and gained 1,000 investors in only three days. It is mostly being sold at events at the moment to keep the consumer’s interest while the production machine is getting up and running. It is quickly making a rise,so keep an eye out this year for these bottles of the future.

1. How is most plastic dealt with in America?
A.It’s sold.B.It’s recycled.
C.It’s buried.D.It’s wasted.
2. Why did the team invent Ooho?
A.To make a profit for a company.B.To protect the environtnent.
C.To make people eat as they drink.D.To reduce the cost of plastic bottle.
3. What can we infer about Ooho from the text?
A.It is easy and safe to ship it in large amounts.
B.It has become popular since it began to be sold.
C.It might be sold at a lower price than plastic bottles.
D.It cost the team a lot of money to develop the technology.
4. What does the author really want to say in the last paragraph?
A.Ooho is to be a success in the future.
B.Ooho is being supported by smart people.
C.Ooho is taking the place of plastic bottles now.
D.Ooho is being produced to attract more investors.
2018-11-07更新 | 1188次组卷 | 18卷引用:山东省曲阜师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Buildings, pollution, poor soil, insects, and even car crashes can add to tree loss. However, between 2016 and 2021, the city of Seattle in Washington state was reported to have lost about 255 hectares of tree covering, for which climate change was blamed. Then came the driest summer on Seattle’s record books in 2022. The drier conditions and hotter temperatures have left many trees with brown leaves, naked branches, and extreme seeding. These are all signs of tree stress.

According to Nicholas Johnson, a tree expert for Seattle City Parks, if this warming climate continues we are going to have a lot of trees die. Just like people, under the heat trees get weak.

Researchers from France and Australia studied the effect of hotter temperatures and less rain on more than 3,100 trees and plants in 164 cities across 78 countries. They found about half the trees in the cities were experiencing climate conditions beyond their limits. They also found that by 2050 nearly all trees planted in Australian cities will not survive.

It’s not the gradual change but these extreme swings of too much water, too little water, too much wind, and terrible storms that are going to cause these rapid changes. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina destroyed about 10 percent of the trees in New Orleans, Louisiana. And in 2021, Hurricane Ida uprooted many new tree plantings.

To settle the problem of tree loss, non-native trees have been brought to cities for some time. In the city of Bellevue, Washington, experts are growing different kinds of trees specifically for climate change. On city grounds, they are planting baby giant sequoias, just a few centimeters tall. The giant sequoias are not native to the Pacific Northwest area. But the trees can deal with the lack of rain and insects. Once these trees are established, they grow incredibly fast. Having many different kinds and ages of trees is important to keeping urban forests alive.

“Life always finds a way,” said Nicholas Johnson. “And in Seattle, people are helping life find a way.”

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The bad condition of trees in Seattle.
B.The terrible climate in Seattle in recent years.
C.Natural reasons for tree loss.
D.The signs of tree stress.
2. What is endangering the trees in Australia cities?
C.Extreme climate.D.Car crashes.
3. How do tree experts solve the problem of tree death?
A.By improving planting methods.
B.By changing the kinds of trees.
C.By treating trees as babies.
D.By improving the soil quality.
4. Which is Nicholas Johnson’s attitude to the future of trees in cities?
2023-05-07更新 | 160次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省青岛市青岛二中2022-2023学年高一下学期期中英语试卷
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