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1 . It can be hard to convince homeowners to use less water on their lawns (草坪), particularly during a hot and dry summer. But tell them it’s a competition for the ugliest lawn, and suddenly they may be more willing to give up using the sprinkler(洒水器).

This clever strategy was employed by the government of Gotland, Swedens largest island located in the Baltic Sea. Gotland sees its population double during the summer months as tourists arrive. This puts pressure on the island’s already-limited water supply, which is projected to decrease by 13% between 2021 and 2050, as demand is expected to rise by 40% by 2045.

The campaign, called “Gotland’s Ugliest Lawn”, urged homeowners to compete for the saddest, deadest and brownest yard. They were asked to avoid watering for an entire season, then post a photo of the lawn using a label that linked it to the campaign.

Mimmi Gibson, the acting marketing and brand manager at Region Gotland, said that “the ugliest lawn contest would remind the islanders not to waste water, and to talk about ways they can adapt their gardens to suit the existing conditions and the climate crisis”.

The winner for this year was announced in mid-August, and it’s Marcus Norstrom, who did not water his lawn once throughout the entire summer. His photo shows a large brown space   with some sparse yellow grasses sticking out——the kind of yard in which you would not want to walk barefoot (赤脚地)for risk of hurting your feet. The government must be feeling pleased ; its strategy has worked.

It’s an interesting strategy which attempts to normalize and even celebrate dead grass. It is reasonable to assume that the more people see it around their communities, the more acceptable it will become. They may also grow curious when they realize there are other ways to create and maintain an attractive-looking yard, even without irrigation(灌溉).

1. What’s the aim of the competition for the ugliest lawn?
A.To reduce the waste of water.B.To limit the growth of local lawns.
C.To strengthen citizens friendship.D.To enhance citizens, health awareness.
2. What do the numbers in paragraph 2 show?
A.Gotland is rich in water resources.
B.People will have no water to drink in 2050.
C.Gotland is faced with serious lack of water.
D.The population of Gotland grows faster and faster.
3. What’s Mimmi Gibson’s attitude towards the ugliest lawn contest?
4. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To explain the success of the strategy.
B.To tell citizens the danger of the ugliest lawn.
C.To discuss why its dangerous to waste water.
D.To show citizens what the ugliest lawn looks like.
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文,在美国至少有三分之一的食物因为没有及时售出而浪费了,为了改变这种情况,加州的一个家庭农场经理Nick Papadopoulos在社交媒体上销售这些食物,减少食物浪费,并帮助建立了一个网站,以较低价格提供食物给食不果腹的人们。

2 . In the United States, farmers who are trying to earn money find the situation difficult to deal with. The United States Department of Agriculture found that more than half of the small farms in California do not make money. But the United Nations reported at least one third of the food is wasted by not selling it out in time.

One California farm family is using social media to change the situation and reduce wasted food. Nick Papadopoulos is the manager of Bloomfield Farms in Sonoma County. He was sad and worried to watch his employees returning from some weekend farmers’ markets with top quality unsold products.

Mr. Papadopoulos said he would find boxes of leaf greens and carrots left in a storehouse. The vegetables would go bad before the next market day. One night, he began thinking about the matter of wasted food when he didn’t know how to deal with 32 cases of broccoli (西兰花). Usually he would give it to chickens and use the rest to make fertilizer (肥料). He thought he shouldn’t let the farm products go to waste.

Then his daughter showed him a book she bought online. Suddenly it hit him that he could offer the food at a low price by advertising it on the farm’s Facebook page on Sunday nights. The deals were open to anyone using the social media website. In the first week, some neighbors came to his home to buy the vegetables. Another week, the buyers were a group of friends. And now many people wait to buy his cheap products.

After his success, Mr. Papadopoulos helped to set up a website called cropmobster. com, which is a place where people deal with food production at low prices, feeding the hungry. Since March, the website has stopped more than 20, 000 kilograms of food from going to waste.

1. According to the United Nations, much food is wasted mainly because          .
A.there is too much foodB.the food can’t be sold out
C.the food isn’t of good qualityD.the prices of the food are high
2. Where did Nick’s farm products use to be sold?
A.On weekend markets.B.On a food website.
C.In the supermarkets.D.Beside his farms.
3. How did Nick deal with his unsold farm products in the past?
A.Gave them to the poor.
B.Sold them at lower prices.
C.Put them in a storehouse for the next chance.
D.Gave them to chickens and turned them into fertilizer
4. What does cropmobster. com mainly deal with?
A.Improving the farm products.
B.Improving the farmers’ incomes.
C.Providing cheap food for the poor.
D.Helping farmers sell out farm products.
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3 . Apples, oranges and other fruit should be kept in the fridge to last long, new supermarket labels (标签) will say, in a move which could tell the end of the traditional fruit bowl. The labels will form part of the government-backed guidance to help customers bring down the amount of food they throw by changing advice on packs of supermarket food.

Under the plan supermarkets will introduce a new “Little Blue Fridge” sign for food which should be kept chilled (冷藏), or benefit from being kept in the fridge to prevent it going off. The sign will appear on much food which is not usually kept in the fridge. For example, the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) pointed out that apples, oranges and pear, which are usually kept in a fruit bowl, should in fact be stored in the fridge.

Dr. Andrew Parry, a Special Advisor at WRAP, said, “Most fresh fruit and vegetables will keep fresher for longer if kept in their packaging and in the fridge. Generally a good way to manage fruit at home is to take out enough into the fruit bowl-if you prefer it at room temperature, but use your fridge as cold storage for the rest. This will give you more time to enjoy your food, and help cut down on waste.”

Environment Minister Therese Coffey said, “We know that confusing labels can lead to food waste by suggesting that esculent items need to be thrown away sooner. This new guidance will make packaging much clearer for customers, saving them money and cutting waste. I encourage all food businesses, large and small, to use this guidance to help them put the right date mark on food and help to guide people on the freezing products, which are key to cutting down on the amount of eatable food thrown away.”

Heather Hancock, Chairman of the Food Standards Agency, said, “I think this clear guidance can help deal with food waste, without damaging the safety of food. It will help businesses supply food that is properly described and stored, and safely provided to consumers.”

1. Which is in line with the goal of the government-backed guidance?
A.Encouraging business.B.Lowering goods prices.
C.Cutting down on waste.D.Improving product quality.
2. What's the meaning of the underlined word “esculent” in paragraph 4?
3. What's Heather Hancock's attitude towards the government-backed guidance?
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.The Clearer Label Plan to Reduce Food Waste.
B.The Disadvantages of Confusing Labels on the Food.
C.The New Ways to Keep Fruit and Vegetables Fresh.
D.The End of the Traditional Fruit Bowl.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Las Vegas city in Nevada is built in a desert.The city may be known to the outside world for its partying.But officials have found that there are 21 square kilometers of useless grass.The grass is never laid on, played on or even stepped on.The grass is only there to look nice.

Now, the city is asking the Nevada state legislature (立法机构) to ban useless grass.It is trying to become the first place in America to ban that kind of grass often seen between streets, in housing developments and in office parks.

It is estimated that useless grass makes up 40% of all the grass in Las Vegas and it needs a lot of water to survive.Grass needs four times more water than dry climate plants like cactus.By tearing out the grass, the city could reduce yearly water usage by 15%.

In 2003, the Southern Nevada Water Authority banned developers from planting grass in front of new homes.It also offered homeowners $30 for each square meter of grass they tear out.But fewer people are now using the program.Water usage has increased in southern Nevada by 9% since 2019.And last year, Las Vegas set a record of 240 days without major rainfall.The Colorado River provides much of Nevada’s drinking water.The river could lose more water as climate change affects it.

Water officials in other dry cities said water usage needs to be reduced.But they fear the reaction to reforms like the ones in Las Vegas if their communities do not accept them.Cynthia Campbell is the water resources adviser for the city of Phoenix in Arizona.“There might come a point when city restrictions get too severe (苛刻的) for some residents (居民).They’ll say that is the point of no return for them,” Campbell said.“For some people, it’s a pool.For some people, it’s grass.”

1. Why does Las Vegas city try to ban useless grass?
A.To protect the local people.
B.To beautify the city.
C.To reduce water usage.
D.To reduce waste.
2. What program was carried out in Las Vegas in 2003?
A.Allowing planting grass before new houses.
B.Encouraging the residents to tear out grass.
C.Praising those who signed on the program.
D.Awarding those who reduced water usage.
3. What is implied in Campbell’s words in the last paragraph?
A.Many residents won’t follow the ban.
B.Reaction to the reform will vary personally.
C.Other measures should be taken to protect wetter.
D.Water officials should take many factors into consideration.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Las Vegas Plans to Ban Useless Grass
B.A Method Is Adopted to Save Las Vegas
C.Choices between Beauty and Practice
D.Grass Is Important but Useless in Las Vegas
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . There was a time in the past when, if you had surplus(多余的)food in your fridge, you may have knocked on a neighbor's door to see if they wanted it. Now, unfortunately, giving away food may cause embarrassment, so uneaten food often ends up being thrown in the trash.

Olio hopes to change that. This smart food-sharing app allows people with extra food to post a picture online and anyone who wants it can respond and pick it up, usually within minutes or hours of it being posted. No money is exchanged. It's straightforward gift of surplus food to someone who can prevent it from going to waste. You might even make a new friend in the process!

The app was created in 2015 by two businesswomen, Tessa Clarke and Saasha Celestial-One , in England. Since then it has grown rapidly with nearly 3.5 million people using it in 50 countries. The app saw even more people join in throughout 2020, when food insecurity increased due to the pandemic(疫情).

Clarke told the Guardian that, in the United Kingdom, about a third of all food is thrown away - half of it in people's homes.“Each family throws away an average of 730 of food each year,” she said. Olio managed to fix this in a simple way. “The app connects people with others who have surplus food but don't have anyone to give it to because so many people are disconnected from their communities.”

It's a great idea that will hopefully continue to expand around the world as people realize the benefits of sharing food, rather than throwing it away.

1. What is Olio intended to do?
A.Exchange money.B.Stop wasting food.C.Entertain people.D.Protect the environment.
2. Why did many more people start to use Olio in 2020?
A.People were much busier than before.B.People got much closer to their neighbors.
C.People were more worried about food safety.D.Olio was improved and became easier to use.
3. What can be inferred about Olio's future?
A.It will be thrown away.B.It will be more popular.
C.It will be more expensive.D.It will be replaced by other apps.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Order Food through the InternetB.Never Waste Food in Your Fridge
C.Create Peaceful Communities to Do CharityD.Share Surplus Food Using the Olio App
2021-07-16更新 | 142次组卷 | 2卷引用:安徽省名校联盟芜湖市第一中学 2020-2021学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The message what the "Eat up All on Your Plate" campaign tries to convey is not new. Our ancestors had poems about the importance of frugality (节俭) in the consumption of food. But it makes a lot of sense when many are yet to have the awareness that food waste borders on a crime.

The campaign has been started online and thousands of people have answered the call. Many restaurants have joined the program by announcing that customers are encouraged to order half a dish and take home what they can't finish.

However, it is estimated (估计) that 50 million tons of grain are wasted every year in China, enough to feed 200 million people for a year.

True, official banquets (宴席) paid with public money contribute much to such waste. But it is important that everyone thinks about how they can do their bit to reduce food waste. We need to develop the habit of never ordering or cooking more than we can eat and feeling guilty when we dump our leftovers.

Many people have a bad habit of entertaining guests with more than enough food, believing that they have not satisfied their guests' appetites if there is no food left on the table. In fact, to be a good host they order more than their guests can possibly eat and their guests eat more than they want out of politeness.

Such a mentality needs to change. People need to be made aware that it is impolite to force guests to eat more than they are comfortable with and it is insensible and uncivilized to waste food. Even if one is wealthy, ordering more than one can eat is a bad way to show off one's wealth.

1. The writer thinks the campaign "Eat up All on Your Plate" makes sense because______.
A.some people have some bad eating habits
B.some officials are wasting a lot of food
C.wasting food is still rather common in China
D.saving food is a traditional virtue of China
2. The writer shows how serious the problem of food waste is by_____.
A.Using examples
B.Offering figures
D.Analyzing people’s attitude
3. The problem of food waste can be handled only when_______.
A.officials are forbidden to eat out with public money
B.more similar campaigns like this one have been started
C.restaurants don’t serve all the food people have ordered
D.everyone takes action to fight against food waste
2016-11-26更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016届安徽等六校教育研究会高三第一次联考英语试卷
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