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1 . There is a dangerous view in today’s society, and it is a restriction to happiness, success, and growth. The view states that human beings are inner fragile (内在脆弱) and that the only way to be happy and successful in life is to protect oneself by avoiding misfortune.

Not only are those statements false, but the actions we take believing them-to be “protective” also usually limit happiness and even stop personal and professional growth. Take sports as an example, seldom do those who play the game of life not to lose ever really win.

Rather than fear and try to avoid all misfortune, perhaps we should accept the misfortune and the occasional crises in life and prepare for them. As a muscle grows stronger with stress, so can people, teams, organizations, even communities. Crisis reveals true strength.

Sports psychologists Fletcher and Sarkar have studied Olympic gold medal winners. They conclude, “Indeed, most of the participants argued that if they had not experienced certain types of stressors at specific times, including highly demanding misfortunes, they would not have won their gold medals.”

Psychologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun created the term “posttraumatic growth.” They describe it as the experience of positive change that occurs as a result of highly challenging life crises. It is shown in a variety of ways, including an increased appreciation for life in general, more meaningful interpersonal relationships, an increased sense of personal strength, changed priorities, and a richer existential and spiritual life.

The remarkable success stories that can arise after moments of great challenge and failure are countless. Thomas Edison failed thousands of times trying to create a light bulb filament (灯丝) that would light and burn in a consistent manner, but finally created the world’s first practical light bulb. Harland Sanders developed the brand Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in his 60s while recovering from a failed career as a lawyer. There are thousands of other lesser-known people, whose lives are characterized by key moments of great recovery from difficulty. Let us understand that growth arises from challenge and even failure. The myth of fragility and overprotection keeps us all from realizing our full potential.

1. What does the “dangerous view” say about people?
A.People are born shy.B.People are afraid of misfortune.
C.People want wealth.D.People are often in need of help.
2. What is the author’s opinion about misfortune?
A.It’s a must in life and the more, the better.
B.It mostly comes from our fragile inner heart.
C.It’s often met by world famous sports stars.
D.It should be treated with the right attitude.
3. What does the two psychologists’ term imply?
A.A failed life is not worth living at all.
B.People need always lead a worriless life.
C.Positive changes will occur after crises.
D.Try not to express our opinions in public.
4. Why are the stories of Thomas Edison and Harland Sanders inspiring?
A.They made great inventions.B.They got remarkable support.
C.They didn’t easily give up.D.They restricted their potential.
共计 平均难度:一般