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1 . Students’ Journey to Empower Rural Heritage

From Aug 18 to 22 a team of 15 Tsinghua University students, representing diverse backgrounds from China, South Korea, Malaysia, and Indonesia, set foot on an overseas research exploration focusing on rural revitalization (振兴) in Indonesian villages, particularly within Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB).

With the diverse cultural heritage, Indonesia is home to over 83,000 villages, each radiating its own charm and character.     1    

The research mission took the students to Sukarara and Sade villages, two of NTB’s tourist destinations.     2    . Sukarara and Sade are a world apart from the busy cities to which most of the students are accustomed, but the villages are a living test to Indonesia’s rich culture and its devotion to preserving traditions. Revitalizing these villages goes beyond mere economic development.     3    . The weaving skills and architectural techniques of Sukarara and Sade villages are not only beautiful, but they are also an inseparable part to the identity of these communities. It’s essential that they strike a balance between progress and preservation.

    4    . They carried with them not only the memories of their experiences there, but also the responsibility to make a positive impact on these remarkable places.     5    . They were optimistic that Indonesian villages could experience meaningful development, ultimately leading to increased opportunities for employment and an improved quality of life.

A.In Sukarara, a local tradition requires girls master weaving skills before marriage
B.They decided to be a bridge between tradition and progress, united for their growth
C.Both were selected for revitalization efforts led by the Village Revitalization Team
D.While these villages possess undeniable fascination, many remain underdeveloped
E.It’s about preserving the cultural heritage and ensuring traditions being passed down
F.As the journey came to an end, all the students regarded it as a rewarding experience
G.This effort includes the knowledge exchange between the students and local villagers
共计 平均难度:一般