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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . As the world’s wealthiest country, it’s hard to understand that there are 38 million Americans living in poverty. Poverty is defined as a household income below the national poverty line, which is $25, 750 for a family of four.     1     Millions of people are struggling to afford basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare.

There are many factors that contribute to poverty in America.     2     In many cities, the cost of rent is astronomical(天文数字), and even those with full-time jobs can’t afford to pay for both rent and other basic expenses. Additionally, low-paying jobs and a lack of access to quality education can also contribute to poverty.

    3     People who live in poverty are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and mental health issues, and they are more likely to die prematurely. Children growing up in poverty are at a disadvantage from the start, as they often don’t have access to quality education or healthcare, and they are more likely to experience food insecurity and homelessness.

Poverty is a complex issue with no easy solutions.     4     These include things like increasing access to affordable housing, creating more job opportunities with livable wages, and improving access to education and healthcare for all Americans.

In conclusion, poverty in America is a harsh reality that affects millions of people every day.     5     Necessary steps should be taken to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to live a healthy and prosperous life.

A.The effects of poverty can cause a lot of harm.
B.But there are steps that can be taken to solve it.
C.Around 11% of Americans currently live below this line.
D.It simply could be because of poverty or weak economies.
E.For example, the lack of affordable housing is a major issue.
F.As a society, we must work to address the root causes of poverty.
G.Research shows there is a connection between education and poverty.
2023-07-01更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省常州市教育学会2022-2023学年高二下学期期末学业水平监测英语试卷
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Who has the government promised to offer help?
A.Some farmers.B.Some pilots.C.Some children.
2. Where are the transport workers going on strike?
A.In Sydney.B.In Melbourne.C.In Queensland.
3. How did the school children feel after the rescue?
2022-12-06更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市常熟市2022-2023学年高三12月阶段性抽测二英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . What does the future hold for the problem of housing? A good deal depends, of course, on the meaning of “future”. If one is thinking in terms of science fiction and the space age, it is at least possible to assume that man will have solved such trivial and earthly problems as housing. Writers of science fiction, from H.G. Wells onwards, have had little to say on the subject. They have conveyed the suggestion that men will live in great comfort, with every imaginable apparatus(设备) to make life smooth, healthy and easy, if not happy. But they have not said what his house will be made of. Perhaps some new building material, as yet unimagined, will have been discovered or invented at least. One may be certain that bricks and mortar(泥灰,灰浆) will long have gone out of fashion.
But the problems of the next generation or two can more readily be imagined. Scientists have already pointed out that unless something is done either to restrict the world’s rapid growth in population or to discover and develop new sources of food (or both), millions of people will be dying of starvation or at the best suffering from underfeeding before this century is out. But nobody has yet worked out any plan for housing these growing populations. Admittedly the worst situations will occur in the hottest parts of the world, where housing can be light structure or in backward areas where standards are traditionally low. But even the minimum shelter requires materials of some kind and in the teeming, bulging towns the low-standard “housing” of flattened petrol cans and dirty canvas is far more wasteful of ground space than can be tolerated.
Since the war, Hong Kong has suffered the kind of crisis which is likely to arise in many other places during the next generation. Literally millions of refugees arrived to swell the already growing population and emergency steps had to be taken rapidly to prevent squalor(肮脏)and disease and the spread crime. The city is tackling the situation energetically and enormous blocks of tenements(贫民住宅)are rising at an astonishing aped. But Hong Kong is only one small part of what will certainly become a vast problem and not merely a housing problem, because when population grows at this rate there are accompanying problems of education, transport, hospital services, drainage, water supply and so on. Not every area may give the same resources as Hong Kong to draw upon and the search for quicker and cheaper methods of construction must never stop.
1. The writer is sure that in the distant future ___.
A.bricks and mortar will be replaced by some other building material.
B.a new building material will have been invented.
C.bricks and mortar will not be used by people who want their house to be fashionable.
D.a new way of using bricks and mortar will have been discovered.
2. The writer believes that the biggest problem likely to confront the world before the end of the century ___.
A.is difficult to foresee.
B.will be how to provide enough houses in the hottest parts of the world.
C.will be how to feed the ever growing population.
D.is the question of finding enough ground space.
3. When the writer says that the worst situations will occur in the hottest parts of the world or in backward areas, he is referring to the fact that in these parts ___.
A.the population growth will be the greatest.
B.standards of building are low.
C.only minimum shelter will be possible.
D.there is not enough ground space.
4. Which of the following sentences best summarizes Paragraph 3?
A.Hong Kong has faced a serious crisis caused by millions of refugees.
B.Hong Kong has successfully dealt with the emergency caused by millions of refugees.
C.Many parts of the world may have to face the kind of problems encountered by Hong Kong and may find it much harder to deal with them.
D.Hong Kong’s crisis was not only a matter of housing but included a number of other problems of population growth.
2016-11-26更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016届江苏五校联考高三第二次英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般