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1 .
Cox’s Hotel
Tel: 87058366
E-mail: www.coxshotel.co.uk
Website: www.coxshotrl.co.uk
Opening times:
Coffee shop: 9:00am-6:00pm Everyday
Tea room: 10:30am-5:30pm Monday—Thursday
Pub (酒吧): 6:00pm-11:30pm Friday- Saturday
Hamilton Zoo
Over 600 animals: tigers, pandas…
Opening hours:
9: 00am-5: 00pm Monday- Sunday
An adult: £ 15
A child (under 12 years old): £ 10
Tel: 23653692
Sunshine Club
For young people from 12 to 18 years old
Include games, music, dancing and more.
Every Saturday: 6: 30am-9: 30pm
28 Oxford Street, London
Tel: 76239652
Price: Just£3 a time
Cartoon Museum
Come and see the best of British cartoon art.
There is something for everyone, including popular cartoon characters and a great shop full of funny books and cards.
Price: free
Opening times:
Tuesday-Saturday: 10: 30am-5: 30pm
Sunday: 11: 00 am-6: 00 pm
Tel: 65235873
1. Which of the following people can join the Sunshine Club? ________
A.A 10-year-old kid.B.A 14-year-old kid.
C.A 19-year-old man.D.A 30-year-old woman.
2. Where can we get funny cards? ________
A.In the Cartoon Museum.B.At Cox’s Hotel.
C.In the Sunshine Club.D.In the Hamilton Zoo.
3. If Mr.Smith and his 5-year-old son want to visit Hamilton Zoo, they should pay ________ .
2 . ______ the news ______ her husband was sick, Mary rushed home.
A.Hearing; whichB.Hearing; thatC.To hear; thatD.Heard; which
2023-06-16更新 | 296次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 容易(0.94) |

3 . Longing for the most amazing places on the planet? You can do no wrong with these lakes across the globe.

Five Flower Lake

Set in the striking karst landscape of the Jiuzhaigou Valley in Sichuan province, China, Five Flower Lake is extraordinarily clear, with visibility to a depth of 40 metres. Five Flower is one of a series of blue-, green-and sky-colored lakes blocked by rock falls, but it differs from the others as its waters change color, looking sometimes yellow, sometimes green, but usually diamond blue. In winter, Five Flower never freezes; in summer, it never dries up. Local wildlife living in the surrounding mountain forests include the rare giant panda and the golden snub-nose monkey.

Crater Lake

The deep-blue waters of Crater Lake in Oregon, US, fill the outlet of an ancient volcano that collapsed 7,700 years ago. Its strangest occupant is the “Old Man of the Lake”, a nine-metre-tall tree stump(树桩), which has stood upright in the water for more than a century. No rivers or streams enter the lake. Water loss in summer is compensated by winter snow and rain, the entire body of water being replaced every 250 years.

Lake Ohrid

Ancient Lake Ohrid has been around for about five million years and crosses the mountainous border between Macedonia and Albania. It has unique plants and wildlife, including the Ohrid “plashica”, a fish native to the lake, whose scales(鳞片) are used to make Ohrid pearls.

Lake Maggiore

Surrounded on three sides by the Lipontine Alps and touching the plain of Lombardy to the south, Lake Maggiore is Italy’s longest lake. Considered part of the country’s lake district, it is shared with Switzerland. Characterized by a Mediterranean-style climate, temperatures here are mild all year. This has given rise to some of northern Italy’s most wonderful gardens, which appear to float like flower-decked boats on the water.

1. What makes Five Flower Lake different from other lakes?
A.Its agreeable climate.B.The rare local wildlife.
C.Its color-changing waters.D.The visibility of waters.
2. How does Crater Lake mainly get water supply?
A.By artificial rain.B.By snow and rain.
C.From nearby streams.D.From an ancient tree.
3. Which lake has a typical warm climate?
A.Five Flower Lake.B.Crater Lake.
C.Lake Ohrid.D.Lake Maggiore.
4 . 英译汉
1. warning______________
2. indicate______________
3. request______________
4. represent______________
5. goal______________
6. factor______________
7. defend______________
8. equipment____________
9. conflict___________
10. death___________
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 容易(0.94) |

5 . Best Gifts for Children

How to Code a Rollercoaster

This is a picture book about coding (编程). This book does a good job of introducing and explaining what code is, how computers understand it, and introducing common coding terms. The book is part of the popular “Girls Who Code” series, but it is intended for younger readers. (Penguin Random House, $17.99)

Marble Circuit

With brightly colored pieces, Marble Circuit doesn’t present as a difficult logic (逻辑) game — but don’t be too confident. After deciding on a card, players must put pieces and allow the right number of glass balls to run into each space at the bottom of the board. Because it requires greater ability to reason correctly than some other kinds of puzzles do, Marble Circuit is suggested for the over-8 crowd. (MindWare, $24.95)

Babu Set of 3 - Roller, Stacker, Rocker

As a classic block-building toy, Babu requires players to balance the blocks on a curved (弯曲的) base, try out different styles of towers or make special cars. (MindWare, $59.95)


Kids can follow directions or use their imaginations to build a robot out of the 130 blocks, and then command it to dance, sing, drum and light up with an app on a smart device. Though the robot attracts younger testers, kids aged 5 and up enjoy the toy’s advanced features better. (Pai Technology, $99.99)

1. What do we know about How to Code a Rollercoaster?
A.It’s a difficult coding book.
B.It costs no more than $15.00.
C.It’s a coding book easy to read.
D.It is the first book of its series.
2. What skills does Marble Circuit develop?
A.Logical skills.B.Reading skills.
C.Coding skills.D.Computer skills.
3. If Jackson is interested in robots, which gift will he love?
A.How to Code a Rollercoaster.
B.Marble Circuit.
C.Babu Set of 3 - Roller, Stacker, Rocker.

6 . Two years ago, I lost my wallet. I made the poor decision of keeping my identity card, my credit card, a large amount of money and other various things inside my_________. I worried about anyone who got my wallet would take_________from my bank account, and I was also _________that my identity card would be used to do something___________

About a week ___________, a police officer knocked on my door and_________my wallet. Someone handed it into_________! Much to my _________, they didn’t touch the money inside or anything. I felt so lucky that such a kind person___________my wallet and took time out of their day to try and give__________back to me.

After that, I decided that I wanted to do __________things for other people, hoping that they also could feel that way. I started to do small things to __________ people. They were small simple things, like holding the door open for others. When you make others feel __________, you will have a great day.

That’s why I__________everyone to do small nice things for others. Helping others is to help____________

A.the peopleB.the policeC.the studentsD.the children
A.got upB.looked upC.gave upD.picked up
语法填空-单句语填(约20词) | 容易(0.94) |
7 . In the process of social development, some new ________(phenomenon) have appeared, such as changes to marriage and families, and a rise in the migratory population. (所给词的适当形式填空)
2023-04-10更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆实验中学2022-2023学年高一下学期阶段考试英语试卷
8 . It is recommended that all citizens ________ in creating a civilized (文明的) city together.
A.can be involvedB.be involvedC.should involveD.are involved
2023-04-10更新 | 221次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆实验中学2022-2023学年高一下学期阶段考试英语试卷
9 . The trick of acquiring excellent grades, now, is to hold as much willing as you need and to ______ the desire of laziness.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 容易(0.94) |

10 . A China Trip: Group Tours

Harbin Ice Festival Express       5-Day Tour
Departs: From 15 Jan 2023        Starts /Ends: Beijing        Prices: USD$1269 pp

Let it snow! See the world’s largest and most complicated ice sculptures at the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival. With Chinese New Year spent exploring the brilliant Ice Lantern Show in Zhaolin Park, this is a holiday like no other.

Trip Highlights

Harbin International Ice & Snow Festival

Great Wall of China

including Sun Island, International Snow Sculpture Art Expo, Harbin Ice and Snow World and Harbin Ice Lantern Show at Zhaolin Parkthe mountainous Juyongguan Pass section of the UNESCO listed Great Wall of China

What’s included

What’s Not included

•4 breakfasts and 1 dinner
•3 nights five-star hotel in Harbin
•Flight: Beijing-Harbin
•1 overnight sleeper train Harbin-Beijing
•Touring of the Juyongguan area of Great Wall of China and Harbin Ice Festival
•Accompanied by an experienced English speaking Chinese Tour guide
•Beijing Capital Airport arrival transfer on day l and departure transfer day 5
•Tipping: USD$35-45 pp, paid in local currency
•Entrance Fees: USD$120-130 pp, paid in local currency
• International flights and visa
•Tip for your tour guide is not included in the Tip Kitty. We suggest USD$3-5 per day, per traveler for a job well done, however the amount is up to you.
•Beijing free time to explore
For more information: www.onthegotours.com-info@onthegotours.com, or dial:
UK 020 4571 1381        USA 866 616 5394        IRE 1800 936 885
NZ 0800 44 77 69        CAN 866 890 7038       AUS 1300 855 684
1. How much would a member of a group at least pay for the China tour?
2. What is included in the trip?
A.The International flights and visa.B.An experienced Chinese tour guide.
C.Three nights five-star hotel in Harbin.D.One sleeper train from Beijing to Harbin.
3. Which number should you call if you start from New Zealand?
A.020 4571 1381.B.866 890 7038.C.1800 936 885.D.0800 44 77 69.
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