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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文, 文章主要讲述了我和Counsel落水后互相帮助, 冷静思考脱困方法的故事。

1 . I felt encouraged by his words and began to swim more calmly. But my clothes stuck to me like a heavy weight. I could hardly stay above the surface.

Counsel saw this. “Shall I cut them?” he asked.

With a knife he cut my clothes from top to bottom and took them off quickly while I swam for both of us.

Then I did the same for Counsel, and we continued to swim near each other.

But we were in serious trouble. The crew might not have noticed our disappearance.

And if they had, they could not return because the rudder (舵) had broken. Counsel thought of all this, and calmly made his plans. We decided to wait for the ship as long as possible, because we had no other hope of safety. I suggested that we save our strength so that both of us would not be tired out at the same time. This was how we did it: While one of us lay on his back, quite still, with arms crossed and legs stretched out, the other would swim and push him along. We exchanged every ten minutes or so. In this way, we could swim for hours, perhaps till daylight. The crash of the ship and the whale had appeared at about eleven o’clock. We had about eight hours to swim before daylight. This seemed possible, if the sea remained calm.

1. Why did the two men help each other cut their clothes?
A.Because the weather was too hot.
B.Because they wanted to swim in the sea.
C.Because no other people helped them to take off their clothes.
D.Because their clothes prevented them from staying above the surface.
2. What kind of situation were the two men probably in?
A.A party.B.A competition.C.An accident.D.A game.
3. What did the two men do to save strength?
A.They both swam calmly.
B.They lay on their backs instead of swimming.
C.One of them pushed the other while swimming.
D.They crossed their legs and stretched their arms.
4. Which of the following statements is correct?
A.The story took place at night.
B.Neither of the two men was good at swimming.
C.The crew noticed the two men’s disappearance.
D.The two men had been saved by a passing ship at eleven o’clock.
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2 . Hollywood’s stars born after 2000

Meet the young stars in Hollywood taking charge of their careers like no generation prior to them.

Millie Bobby Broun

The English teen rose to fame for her role as Eleven in the Netflix science fiction drama series Stranger Things, for which she earned a Primetime Emmy Award nomination (提名) for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series at age 13. She also received several awards for the role.

Iain Armitage

Iain Armitage was seen as a troubled Ziggy Chapman in hit series Big Little Lies, and then entered The Big Bang Theory universe as the lead character in its prequel (前传) Young Sheldon. “I kind of stumbled into acting. I didn’t think, ‘I want to be an actor when I grow up.’ I do theatre reviews and I always thought I was just a great audience member. I loved coming to shows. I don’t watch too much TV, which is ironic.”

Mackengie Foy

After modeling from age 3, Foy started acting at 9, playing an extraordinary part in The Twilight Saga as the daughter of Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart’s characters. She went on to play Matthew McConaughey’s daughter in Christopher Nolan’s 2014 space epic Interstellar and soon after became Disney’s pick to lead its live - action The Nutcracker and the Four Realms.

Mckenna Grace

After five years on the job, Grace has a résumé that reads like a Hollywood veteran’s, with nearly 50 credits in TV (Once Upon a Time, Designated Survivor) and film, where she starred in Gifted opposite Chris Evans, portrayed a young Margot Robbie in I, Tonya and played a junior version of Brie Larson in Captain Marvel.

1. Which one best suits people who enjoy science fiction?
A.Big Little Lies.B.The Twilight Saga.
C.Stranger Things.D.I, Tonya.
2. What can be known about Iain Armitage?
A.He always dreamed of being an actor.
B.It was a coincidence for him to stumble into acting.
C.He was the lead character in Designated Survivor.
D.It was normal for him to take up the acting career.
3. What is special about Mackengie Foy?
A.She has ever been a model.
B.She has played roles in nearly 50 credits.
C.She earned a Primetime Emmy Award for Interstellar.
D.She was picked to lead a live-action in Captain Marvel.
2024-07-07更新 | 170次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省萍乡实验学校2024-2025学年高三上学期开学检测考试英语试题
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真题 名校

3 . The Language Exchange Programme allows students in pairs to communicate in two different languages they wish to share and learn each week. Students record short entries after each partner meeting noting the language skills practised and the topics discussed. Each pair of students meets three times throughout the term with a teacher who decides if the exchange is effective. Students who successfully complete the programme will receive one credit each.

Requirements for completion:

•One welcoming session on the second Friday of the term

•18 weekly one-hour pair meetings

•Weekly progress reports for all pair meetings

•At least three pair-teacher meetings

•One five-minute final video

Sign up!

The sign-up and registration process is as follows:

•Students sign up and indicate the languages they can share and languages they are interested in learning.

•Based on the information entered by each student, potential pairs are identified.

•Proficiency (熟练) levels are confirmed through coursework or placement tests.

•Once a pair has been determined to be suitable, the students will be contacted individually with a special permission number to register for the programme.


Signing up for the programme does not automatically mean that you will be able to register and participate. Pairs are matched by languages of interest and proficiency levels. Since there are many factors involved in the pairing process, not all students who sign up will be matched with a partner and be able to register for the programme.

1. In the programme, students will _________.
A.chair daily meetingsB.evaluate the exchange
C.meet teachers each weekD.practise their language skills
2. To complete the programme, students are required to _________.
A.development testsB.participate in pair meetings
C.welcome new studentsD.work on weekly videos
3. What do students need to do during the registration?
A.Indicate their languages of interest.B.Select their own coursework.
C.Make individual contact.D.Choose their partners.
2024-06-29更新 | 1377次组卷 | 11卷引用:2025届江西省萍乡中学高三第一次调研考试英语试题(含听力)
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4 . Washington, DC is a theatre town. Here’s where you can get the best performances and cultural experiences offered for every taste in the nation’s capital.

Kennedy Center

Kennedy Center hosts hundreds of world-class performances each year and is home to the National Symphony Orchestra and the Washington National Opera. The Suzanne Farrell Ballet also counts Kennedy Center as its performance headquarters. The company—under the direction of Farrell—was first invited to perform there in 1993 and has since become one of the venue’s most famous attractions.

Woolly Mammoth Company

Woolly Mammoth Company is an experimental theatre that welcomes original plays that push the boundaries of live theatre. The New York Times has called it “Washington’s most daring theatre company”, and the half dozen plays Woolly produces each year continue to live up to that reputation.

Shakespeare Theatre Company

For more than 25 years, Shakespeare Theatre Company has committed itself to serving as the nation’s classical theatre. It operates out of two spaces, including Sidney Harman Hall at the Harman Center, which seats 775, and the Lansburgh Theatre, which seats 451. The shiny, glass-walled Harman Center showcases classic Shakespeare plays, modern updates and Shakespeare-inspired original shows.

Wolf Trap

For locals, summer isn’t complete without at least one trip to Wolf Trap, the only national park dedicated to the performing arts. The venue is best-known for performances of touring artists. The open-air theatre offers covered seating, but when the weather warms up, we suggest buying seats on the grassland and packing a picnic.

1. When did the Suzanne Farrell Ballet first perform at Kennedy Center?
A.In 1993.B.In 1998.C.In 2000.D.In 2003.
2. Which of the following is known for experimental plays?
A.The Harman Center.B.Woolly Mammoth Company.
C.The Lansburgh Theatre.D.Shakespeare Theatre Company.
3. What sets Wolf Trap apart from other theatres?
A.Its covered seating.B.Its Shakespeare plays.
C.Its selected directors.D.Its open-air atmosphere.
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5 . In the workplace, we have to deal with different people, and the best way to do that is to find empathy to better understand them. Here are three fruit personalities and how best to deal with them.

Apple: hard core, doesn’t brulse easlly

Apple types are direct and don’t suffer fools. They are fast, logical thinkers who love to win and hate to lose control. They’ll get a result at any cost, but see conflict as sport.

Managing apples:

·Have your facts (or suffer the consequences)

·Always stand up to them.

·Get to the point.

·Be fast and logical.

·Watch and learn- they make great mentors.

Lemon: intense and concentrated

Lemons love structure, detail, order and rules. They are worriers who like safety, security and predictability. They love detail and are awesome at spotting gaps in a plan. But too many rules can be frustrating to others.

Managing lemons:

·Respect their need for space and time; give them plenty of notice.

·Slow your pace if you’re fast, quieten down if you’re loud.

·Don’t surprise them.

·Don’t threaten their security.

·Know you can never give too much detail.

Banana: sweet and soft

Banana types enjoy harmony in the workplace and shy away from conflict. They have loads of empathy. They are excellent in customer service roles, yet they can irritate people by being too nice.

When they’re too accommodating, they can be seen as indecisive.

Managing bananas:

·Don’t pressure them, but motivate.

·Encourage their opinions, and listen.

·Don’t overload them with your problems.

·Provide regular feedback opportunities.

·Be nice-that’s all they want.

1. Which way is proper to deal with the lemon personality?
A.Talking loudly.B.Making some rules.
C.Thinking logically.D.Giving more details.
2. What does the banana personality think of conflict?
3. Who is the text mainly intended for?
2024-04-15更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省萍乡市高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
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6 . Yunnan offers exciting experiences of unique customs. If you are already planning to visit Yunnan, see our festival tours.

The Torch (火把) Festival

Date: July /August (days 24 to 26 of the sixth lunar month)

Location: Lijiang

It is a traditional festival among the Yi, Naxi, and Bai minority (少数民族) groups. According to the ancient rule of the Naxi people, the Torch Festival should last three days, and every family should light a big torch in front of their doors for the three days.

Recommended Tour: 3-Day Ancient Lijiang Tour

The Water Splashing (泼酒) Festival

Date: April 13 to 15

Location: Xishuangbanna

It is the most important festival observed by the Dai people of Xishuangbanna in southen Yunnan. It involves splashing water, lantern floating and other joyful activities.

Recommended tour: 6-Day Xishaungbanna Tour

The Horse Race Festival

Date: May/June (5th of the fifth lunar month)

Location: Shangri-la

Falling on the same date as the Dragon Boat Festival, it is the biggest gathering of Tibetans in Yunnan and usually lasts about 3 days. During the celebrations, traditional performances and competitions like horse racing and wrestling (摔跤) will beheld.

Recommended tour: 8-Day Yunnan Tour of the Nu River and Tengchong

The Third Month Fair of the Bai Group

Date: April /May(days 15 to 21 of the third lunar month)

Location: Dali

It is one of the most important festivals celebrated by the Bai people in Dali in western Yunnan. During the March Fair, the streets of Dali Ancient Town are packed with people selling amazing minority items.

Recommended tour: 6-Day Yunnan Minorities Tour

1. What do the Torch Festival and the Water Splashing Festival have in common?
A.The date.B.The location.
C.The lasting timeD.The celebratory events.
2. Which festival will you attend if you like to buy local gifts while travelling?
A.The Torch Festival.B.The Water Splashing Festival.
C.The Horse Race Festival.D.The Third Month Fair of the Bai Group.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A business research.B.A newspaper report.
C.An educational magazine.D.An advertising leaflet.
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7 . The books written and published in the 1920s remain on the “best ever” lists. Here are 4 books that everyone should read.

The Great Gatsby

The themes in the novel reflect the sudden change in the character of America itself, and in some ways it’s among the first major modern novels produced in this country. The novel also makes a new and powerful concept clear at the time: The American Dream, the idea that self-made men and women could make themselves into anything in this country.

A Farewell to Arms

The story is one of a love affair interrupted and dogged by events beyond the lovers’ control, and a central theme is the pointless struggle of life — that we spend so much energy and time on things that finally don’t matter. Hemingway masterfully combines a realistic description of war with some abstract literary techniques, which is one reason why this book endures as a classic.


When people make lists of the most difficult novels, Ulysses is almost certainly on them. The one thing almost everyone knows about Ulysses is that it employs “stream of consciousness”, a literary technique that seeks to show the inner monologue of a person. James Joyce wasn’t the first writer to use this technique, but he was the first writer to attempt it on the scale as he did.

Mrs. Dalloway

It takes place on a single day in the life of the main character, and it employs a dense and tricky stream-of-consciousness technique, roaming (漫游) around to other characters and point of view. Mrs. Dalloway is concerned with using these techniques to make the characters clear and definite. The use of stream of consciousness is deliberately disorienting in the way it skips through time.

1. Which book shows us the truth of daily life conflicts?
A.Ulysses.B.Mrs. Dalloway.
C.The Great Gatsby.D.A Farewell to Arms.
2. What do Ulysses and Mrs. Dalloway have in common?
A.They share the same literary technique.
B.They show a new and powerful concept.
C.They describe the daily life of the character.
D.They are on the list of the most difficult novels.
3. Where can the text be found?
A.In a biography.B.In a history book.
C.In a travel brochure.D.In a literature magazine.
2023-11-18更新 | 144次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省萍乡市高三上学期一模考试英语试题
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8 . Colette Maze has been playing the piano for over a century. She practices four hours a day and her fingers never tire. Music is her spiritual food. The piano, her passion and her friend, instills (注入) a sense of wonder in life each day, making her a source of inspiration to all.

Colette Maze was born in Paris in 1914. She started playing the piano at the age of five. As a young student, she was taught a technique by the legendary piano master Alfred Cortot, which focuses on relaxing the arms and hands when playing. To this day, the manner in which Colette Maze touches the piano while playing the tender music of Robert Schumann and Claude Debussy is still unusual and attractive.

Contrary to the social conventions of the times, Maze decided to pursue music as a career. “She decided she was an artist, a musician, not a housewife, so she married the piano,” said her son Fabrice Maze. Later she became a piano teacher and a single mother with great difficulty. The piano always brings her solace. “Music is an affective language and a poetic language. In music, there is everything—nature, emotion, love, dreams,” Colette Maze said.

Colette Maze’s talent and enthusiasm are priceless, especially during the times of the pandemic. “She helps improve morale (士气). Though at an old age, she is in good form for she has passion and can look after herself. Her sense of humor, her joy, and her love of life make other people smile,” Fabrice Maze said.

Colette Maze explained that life is not about being old or young. “Youth is inside us. Life is all about staying passionate and curious. You can’t let that slip away. If you appreciate what’s beautiful around you, you will find a sense of wonder in it,” she said. Every day she plays the piano, and her fingers lightly touch the keys, embracing life and engaging with the love and tenderness of her music.

1. How did Alfred Cortot influence Colette Maze?
A.He presented her with a special piano.B.He invited famous pianists to train her.
C.He took her to enjoy some piano concerts.D.He taught her a unique way to play the piano.
2. What does the underlined word “solace” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What can we learn from Fabrice Maze’s words in Paragraph 4?
A.Colette has given up a lot for music.B.Colette is highly spoken of by music lovers.
C.Colette inspires others to live with strength.D.Colette feels concerned about other people’s life.
4. What lesson can we take from Colette Maze’s story?
A.Be active and passionate about life forever.B.Family support is important to career success.
C.Experience helps to promote excellence.D.It’s never too old to learn.
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9 . The cure for boredom is to surprise yourself with outdoor activities. The hiking in Banff and Lake Louise is among the most scenic and inspiring in the world. Ranging from walks and easy hikes to kind of adventurous ones, hiking in Banff and Lake Louise is your chance to step outside of your normal and into a truly magical world.

Hiking to Lakes and Waterfalls

The lakes of Banff National Park have been drawing visitors from all over the world for more than one hundred years, so dip your toes into the icy water, take a look around, and enjoy the silence. You’ll feel like you’ve been frozen in time.

Guided Hiking

One of the best ways to experience the mountains is with the help of a friendly guide. Joining a guided hike will not only give you access to incredible scenery, but it will give you a much deeper appreciation of your surroundings. Is that a goat or a sheep? They’ll have the answer.

Winter Hiking

There are many opportunities for hiking during the winter months. Its worth the effort to put on some extra layers and set off for outside adventure into the freezing mountain air and snow.

Hiking for Families

A first trip to the mountains will be a magical experience, but finding the right and safe adventure is key to a great day. Banff and Lake Louise offer a number of hikes and walks for all abilities, where hiking with your little one doesn’t mean sacrificing(牺牲)on scenery.

Click here for further information or download our app to keep current!

1. Which should people choose to get a better knowledge of where they hike?
A.Guided HikingB.Winter Hiking
C.Hiking for FamiliesD.Hiking to Lakes and Waterfalls.
2. In what way is Hiking for Families different from others?
A.It provides childcare services
B.It requires rich hiking experience
C.It is a rewarding adventure
D.It is danger-free for different hiking levels
3. From which is the text likely to be taken?
A.A sports magazineB.A local newspaper.
C.A tourism websiteD.A travel brochure
2023-02-16更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省萍乡市2022-2023学年高二上学期2月期末英语试题
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10 . Writing Competitions

The Bristol Short Story Prize

It’s an international writing competition founded by the editors of the quarterly cultural magazine Bristol Review of Books in 2007. The 2022 Bristol Short Story Prize is open to everyone. The first prize is £1,000. Entries must be unpublished stories with 4, 000 words at most. The judges are Tom Drake-Lee, Irenosen Okojie and Jessica Taylor.

Admission fee:£9

The Bath Novel Award

Since its launch nine years ago, the international Bath Novel Award has helped spotlight and support new writers. The prize is£3,000. In the event of a joint win, the prize money will be shared equally between winners. It’s open to unpublished and independently published novelists. This year’s judge is Nelle Andrew. All genres are welcome. Writers must submit the first 5,000 words plus one-page synopsis of the novel.

Admission fee:£29

The BBC National Short Story Award

The BBC National Short Story Award 2022 with Cambridge University invites entries of short stories up to 8,000 words. It’s an award that has enriched the careers of writers since it was founded seventeen years ago. The winner of the contest for single short stories will receive£15,000. This year’s judges are author Elizabeth Day and broadcaster Katie Thistleton.

Admission fee: free

The Creative Future Writers’ Award

Founded in 2013, it’s an annual development program for talented writers who lack opportunities due to health problems or social circumstances. This year’s theme is How It Started. Prizes include£10,000 of cash and top writing development prizes supplied by publishers and development agencies.

Writers should submit one piece of writing in one category (50-line poetry to the maximum or 2,000-word fiction to the maximum). The judges are Dorothy Koomson, Joelle Taylor, Aki Schilz and Sarala Estruch.

Admission fee: free

1. Who may act as a judge for The Bristol Short Story Prize in 2022?
A.Joelle Taylor.B.Nelle Andrew.C.Katie Thistleton.D.Jessica Taylor.
2. What do the second and the fourth competitions have in common?
A.They were founded in the same year.B.They have a strict genre requirement.
C.They set the same cash bonus.D.They require no admission fee.
3. Which competition may favor applicants with physical disabilities?
A.The Bath Novel Award.B.The Bristol Short Story Prize.
C.The Creative Future Writers’ Award.D.The BBC National Short Story Award.
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