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1 . Neuroengineer Silvestro Micera develops advanced technological solutions to help people regain sensory and motor functions that have been lost due to injury events or neurological disorders. Until now, he has never before worked on strengthening the human body and cognition with the help of technology.

Now in a study published in Science Robotics, Micera and his team report on how diaphragm (隔膜) movement can be monitored for successful control of an extra arm, essentially augmenting a healthy individual with a third-robotic-arm.

For further exploration, the researchers first built a virtual environment to test a healthy user’s capacity to control a virtual arm using movement of his or her diaphragm. They found that diaphragm control does not interfere with actions like controlling one’s physiological (生理的) arms, one’s speech or gaze.

In this virtual reality setup, the user is equipped with a belt that measures diaphragm movement. Wearing a virtual reality headset, the user sees three arms: the right arm and hand, the left arm and hand, and a third arm between the two with a symmetric (对称), six-fingered hand.

In the virtual environment, the user is then hinted to reach out with either the left hand, the right hand, or in the middle with the symmetric hand. In the real environment, the user holds onto an exoskeleton (外骨骼) with both arms, which allows for control of the virtual left and right arms. Movement detected by the belt around the diaphragm is used for controlling the virtual middle, symmetric arm. The setup was tested on 61 healthy subjects (受试者) in over 150 sessions.

Previous studies regarding the control of robotic arms have been focused on helping the disabled. The latest Science Robotics study is a step beyond repairing the human body towards augmentation. “Our next step is to explore the use of more complex robotic devices using our various control strategies, to perform real-life tasks, both inside and outside of the laboratory. Only then will we be able to grasp the real potential of this approach,” concludes Micera.

1. What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?
A.To introduce the topic.B.To show an evidence.
C.To summarize the general idea.D.To offer some background.
2. What are the fourth and fifth paragraphs probably about?
A.A virtual reality game.B.A new medical device.
C.A new treatment method.D.An experiment on animals.
3. How does the author support the theme of the text?
A.By listing some related data.B.By offering some examples.
C.By making some comparisons.D.By describing research processes.
4. What is probably continued with the text?
A.How to expand controllable robotic devices.
B.Where to find new and exciting opportunities.
C.How to further develop the robot market potential.
D.Why to balance inside and outside of the laboratory.
2024-05-02更新 | 288次组卷 | 8卷引用:阅读理解变式题-科学技术
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . In much of the western United States, drought and access to fresh water is a critical issue. However, recently California came up with a novel solution. The state approved regulations that allow agencies to purify wastewater for drinking. This recycled wastewater may be consumed in homes, schools, and businesses.

As the population in California has exploded in recent decades, the state has struggled to meet demands for fresh water. Recycled wastewater will allow the state to increase access to the precious resource.

Recycled wastewater is not new to the state. It has previously been used in ice hockey rinks (冰球场), for crops, and to generate artificial snow. But now, water agencies will have the option to put recycled wastewater back into pipes for drinking. California is only the second state to allow purified wastewater to be consumed. The first was Colorado in 2022.

While the idea of drinking recycled wastewater may be off-putting, regulators spent more than a decade developing rules and regulations to ensure safety. Independent panels of scientists also reviewed the state’s rules around recycled wastewater consumption. All water will be treated for pathogens (病原体) and viruses before being available for consumption.

So far, the state’s plan has been met with approval from large water agencies. Many of them have plans to construct wastewater recycling plans over the next few years. In Southern California, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has set a goal aiming to produce 150 million gallons of direct and indirect recycled water per day. This water will be in the pipes of the 19 million people throughout the six counties that the agency serves.

Officials are aware that a certain amount of public convincing may still be necessary. However, they remain optimistic about the future of the project, reminding consumers that the water is safe, and that recycled water is already in use in California.

1. Why does California pass new regulations about recycled wastewater?
A.To ease the pressure of drought.B.To increase the supply of fresh water.
C.To recycle the wastewater for industry.D.To reduce the pollution of the wastewater.
2. What does the underlined word “off-putting” mean in paragraph 4?
3. What can we learn from paragraph 5?
A.The goal of wastewater recycling is hard to achieve.
B.The state’s plan will be conducted by water agencies.
C.Southern California will reduce its water production.
D.People in California tend to prefer recycled water.
4. What do the public think of the recycled water project?
A.Many people still disapprove of the project.
B.The public are optimistic about the project.
C.It will never be suitable to use recycled water.
D.The project is the only solution to water shortage.
2024-04-19更新 | 141次组卷 | 5卷引用:阅读理解变式题-社会问题与社会现象
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Certain areas near the moon’s poles stay everlastingly in shadow, never receiving direct sunlight. Recent studies suggest these so-called permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) contain rich ice resource that could show details about the early solar system; they could also help future visitors make fuel and other resources. But these areas are hard to photograph from satellites moving around the moon and thus are a challenge to study. The few photos PSRs reflect are often flooded by camera noise and quantum effects (量子效应).

Now researchers have produced a deep-learning algorithm (算法) to cut through the interruption and to see these dark zones. “Our images enable scientists to identify the features of craters and boulders (陨石坑和巨石),” says Valentin Bickel, a planetary scientist at the Max Planck Institute of Solar System Research in Germany and lead author of a Nature Communications study testing the new algorithm.

The researchers used more than 70,000 images of completely dark lunar areas — with no light signal — together with details about the camera’s temperature and position in orbit to train their algorithm to recognize and remove camera noise. Next they dealt with the rest noise through information learned from millions of sunlit lunar photos, together with copied versions of the same images in shadow. Ignacio Lopez-Francos, a study co-author and engineer at the NASA Ames Research Center, says using such man-made shadow was necessary because sunlit PSR images do not exist. A similar technique is also used in low-light digital camera photography.

The researchers used their algorithm to analyze the size and number of craters and boulders in several PSRs that might be explored by NASA’s Artemis moon program. They also found the likely origins of some boulders and established a potential route for an astronaut through a PSR on the moon, avoiding obstacles and slopes steeper than 10 degrees.

“It’s an interesting application of machine-learning technology, and the noise model seems realistic and useful for this real case,” says computer scientist Chongyi Li, who uses similar strategies to enhance underwater images at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University and was not involved in the study.

1. Why is exploring the PSRs a challenge?
A.Because satellites are remote.B.Because the solar system is complex.
C.Because the photos are often covered.D.Because the moon has abundant resources.
2. How did the researchers train their algorithm?
A.They trained it through photos and images.
B.They trained it by cutting through the interruption.
C.They trained it through numerous images of sunlit lunar areas.
D.They trained it by using low-light digital camera photography.
3. What is Chongyi Li’s attitude to this algorithm?
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this article?
A.To appeal to us to explore lunar areas.B.To promote our understanding of moon.
C.To introduce an application of technology.D.To describe the reasons of lunar shadow lands.
2024-04-16更新 | 51次组卷 | 6卷引用:阅读理解变式题-科学技术
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . If sales generally feel hard to resist, the sale in front of Arron Schurevich was the ultimate test: a new car just like the one he’d loved. And it was more than a 20% discount. “I figured that I would be a fool not to take advantage of that,” says Schurevich. After he drove the car off the lot, the deal turned sour. The brand-new car quickly needed repairs. Schurevich now jokes that he paid a tax for being a fool.

Why is it so hard for the human brain to resist a discount? Spotting something you’d like to buy activates your brain’s reward circuitry (奖赏回路). It gets especially heightened if it’s something you’ve been fascinated by — say, the same car you’ve enjoyed for years. Additionally, the discount itself often registers as a win, delivering its own kind of joy, says Jorge Barraza, a consumer psychologist at the University of Southern California.

“Not only are we getting the product,” Barraza says, “but we’re also getting that reward that we discovered something; we’ve earned this extra thing.”

Stores, of course, know all this and try to push our buttons. “Limited-quantity, limited-time, scarcity-marketing promotions—they get people’s blood pumping,” says Kelly Goldsmith, who studies this as a marketing professor at Vanderbilt University.

It’s really hard to always approach sales rationally. One buying strategy experts recommend is to make a shopping list in advance and then, stick to it. Another is to research items — beforehand or on the spot, checking online — to weigh whether the sale is really a good deal.

“The human brain has essentially evolved to feel first and think next, which is why you need to give yourself time to cool off from your instant reaction when in front of a sale,” says Goldsmith.

1. What is the purpose of telling Arron Schurevich’s story?
A.To explain the way to promote sale.B.To inform readers of an important test.
C.To introduce the topic of the passage.D.To show the advantage of products on sale.
2. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2?
A.Brain’s reward circuitry needs activating.B.It’s hard to resist a discount for some reasons.
C.Buying discounted products has consequences.D.It’s worthwhile to approach sales rationally.
3. What does the underlined sentence probably mean in Paragraph 4?
A.Stores are good at pushing buttons.B.Stores tend to affect people’s health.
C.Stores help consumers earn extra things.D.Stores know how to attract consumers with sales.
4. According to Goldsmith, what can you do when facing a sale?
A.Calm down in front of a sale.B.Make a shopping list ahead of time.
C.Research items on the spot or online.D.Avoid buying any discounted items.
2024-04-10更新 | 27次组卷 | 3卷引用:阅读理解变式题-日常生活
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Challenges are part of life and something we can all expect to encounter at one point or another during our lifetime. We handle challenges differently;some of us choose to face them head-on, while others flee in uncertainty.     1    The following are simple methods and strategies we can all employ to overcome challenges more effectively.

    2     Nike couldn’t have said it any better with their slogan, "Just do it! "Some challenges require us to do just that. Grab the bull by its horns and have the courage to conquer it, no matter how unsure we might feel. Some challenges are urgent and require immediate attention, leaving us with no option but to go ahead full-steam.

Educate ourselves. The reason why some issues prove challenging for us is that we aren’t familiar with them.     3     The internet, books, forums, etc. , offer platforms where we can research and learn about our challenges to find strategies against them. Knowledge is definitely powerful and essential in conquering anything.

Be persistent. This is what is required to accomplish anything, especially when it comes to overcoming challenges. No matter how difficult our challenges might be, we must be willing to push through and try again and again until we achieve victory over them.     4    

Ask for help. There are times when we can’t go it alone and need others to help us conquer whatever challenges we face.     5     Networking with like-minded individuals who can offer us support, suggestions, and solutions is useful in helping us overcome challenges.

A.Meet them head-on.
B.Adapt a different strategy.
C.It is said that two heads are better than one.
D.If we give up, we allow the challenges to conquer us instead.
E.Therefore, our knowledge and ability to conquer them is limited.
F.Whatever our positions, we all wish to conquer them and move on.
G.Some challenges can be overwhelming, making us question our ability to overcome them.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . While Industry 5.0 is believed to have started in 2020, the rise of AI in recent years has led experts to say it is now coming. Imagine AI-powered robots that see, hear, touch and more, pooling fresh data from across those groups of sensors to create that data with the vast ranges of digital data stored elsewhere online. The age is a major leap from the First Industrial Revolution, when steam engine started to achieve widespread commercial use.

Professor John Nosta says, “The integration of sensory capabilities into AI models is not merely a technological leap. It represents a shift in our philosophical understanding of artificial and human intelligence.”

He has also referred to the new era as “the Cognitive (认知) Age,” which will completely change how humans live, work, and think about themselves. According to Nosta, humans don’t typically think of computers as “experiencing” the world themselves. But that assumption will be challenged as more advanced AI systems are hooked up to ever more and ever greater sensors. The machines won’t just be logic boxes that humans input data and commands for processing. The AI will collect that data more and more on its own, experiencing the world for itself.

“This is not just about understanding words, but also about grasping the tone, pitch (音高), and emphasis, which add layers of meaning often absent in written text. Image recognition adds another layer of complexity,” he added. “For example, it can analyze photographs, identify objects, and even understand the emotional content of facial expressions.”

The Johannesburg-based business school is just one of many college-level programs attempting to investigate and teach its students about the still-emerging IR 5.0. Seton Hall in New Jersey offers a three-credit course on this latest age in human technology and trade; MIT has brought in guest speakers to lecture on the concept, and many other research institutions are following suit.

1. Where does IR 5.0 differ from previous industrial revolution?
A.It processes data and commands.B.It interacts with humans through texts.
C.It enhances human sensory capabilities.D.It employs more senses in its application.
2. Why is IR 5. 0 called the Cognitive age?
A.AI collects and interprets data itself.B.AI turns written texts into voice.
C.AI understands written language well.D.AI has an ability of expressing emotions
3. How do some colleges address IR 5.0?
A.By offering related courses.B.By expecting more industrial revolution.
C.By applying AI to the technological trade.D.By preparing for the rapid economic changes.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Al Is Approaching Us GraduallyB.A New IR Is About Machine Learning
C.AI Has Developed Its Own SensesD.We Are Entering IR 5.0 Now
2024-04-10更新 | 165次组卷 | 6卷引用:阅读理解变式题-科学技术
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Today I’d like to introduce a kind of traditional Chinese folk art, shadow puppetry, which     1    (call) “yingzixi” or “dengyingxi” too. Mixed with craftsmanship, fine art, opera     2    music, shadow puppetry is considered to be a predecessor (前身) of the movie and has existed in China for a long time.

As for     3     origin, shadow puppetry can date back to the Han Dynasty. Once grieving the loss of his beloved wife Li, Emperor Liu Che even ignored the state affairs, which worried his officials quite a lot. So they made a puppet with the image of Li, and     4     (perform) before the Emperor. He was     5     (please) and asked them to spread the art form.

But unfortunately, the ancient art     6    (gradual) fell due to the impact of modern audio-visual (视听的)     7     (medium) like television and movies. Both Chinese artists and the government are making every effort     8     (protect) the ancient art form. And it was selected into the world intangible cultural heritage list     9    2011. So, as the constructors of China’s future, we are responsible for     10    (preserve) the precious heritage.

2024-04-07更新 | 129次组卷 | 3卷引用:语法填空变式题

8 . 她看上去很激动,可能已经得到了她儿子打破世界纪录的消息。(同位语从句) (汉译英)


2024-04-02更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 11 Conflict and Compromise 情态动词基础练习 -2023-2024学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第四册

9 . 他们一定看过那部电影。因为我刚刚听到他们在讨论电影的内容。(hear) (汉译英)


2024-04-02更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 11 Conflict and Compromise 情态动词基础练习 -2023-2024学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第四册

10 . 他那天生病了,不然他能通过那次考试的。(but) (汉译英)


2024-04-02更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 11 Conflict and Compromise 情态动词基础练习 -2023-2024学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第四册
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