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From the moment my husband brought home a box of six chicks from Tractor Supply Company, our nine-year-old, Sophie, didn’t let them out of her sight. She named them Trixie, Beauty, Sweet Pea, Speedie, Captain Flint, and Adrian (we were reading Treasure Island and watching Rocky at the time).

Sophie made a promise that she would take good care of them and took at least one chicken everywhere we let her. We were content with this; after all, it was a good way to make her dutiful and responsible. So when we wouldn’t let them sleep in her bed, she was very upset. She, actually, argued about this issue again and again, claiming that it is Duty NO.1 to company her baby chickens to sleep. Later, we made a compromise that we’ve allowed one inside at a time if Sophie immediately cleans up after the visit.

On a special festival, she dressed as a chicken and convinced us it was the turn of Trixie and Sweet to come with her to get candies from the neighbors — that’s Duty NO.2 to company her baby to have fun. The reactions from neighbors were quite amusing. “Wait, are these real chickens you’re holding?” “Of course! They’re my babies, and I am the mother.” Sophie answered excitedly. Trixie and Sweet cooed (咕咕叫) the whole time, seeming to make response.

One hot day, I buried myself in piles of work when Sophie rushed into the room, asking “Mommy, can I take Captain Flint to the pond?” To be frank, I didn’t quite catch what she said but still nodded, even without taking my eyes off the screen. She jumped to cheer. “Captain Flint, let’s head for the pond now!” “Coo, coo.” Then they rushed out of the room.

Several minutes later, I suddenly realized that Sophie just went to the pond with a chicken! Could Sophie swim? No!!! Could chickens swim? No!!! Could anything unexpected happen?

In case of emergency, I took a river tube (救生圈) and hurried to the pond.
Captain Flint’s ship would start its first sail.
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“SAI BABA! Sai Baba! Sai Baba! Hahahaha!”

“Today is Shimla’s big day! We have a celebrity visiting our city! Hahahaha!” Rani’s cheekcs burned with embarrassment and tears stung her eyes as she elbowed her way to the exit through the crowd of teasing boys in the packed school bus. It wasn’t the first time she’d been called Sai Baba, after the famous Hindu holy man (印度圣人) she’d seen on TV with his trademark afro (爆炸式卷发) towering over his head.

But this time had to be the worst. Rani jumped off the school bus, angry thoughts hovering inside Rani’s head as she marched home in the drizzling rain. Why did her hair have to curl like a giant cotton candy balloon just when she wanted it to behave? Why, why. why, fumed Rani as she turned the back door key.

“Rani, is that you?” Mama called from the family room. Suddenly Rani’s cousins, Amit and Sumit, came charging toward her. “How many eggs does Rani have in that nest on her head?” screamed Amit. “Let me get that wig (假发) off Rani’s head!” shouted Sumit. Before she could think, Rani had fled out the door and went back up the road she’d walked down minutes before. Halfway up, she slid unseen behind a green curtain of bamboo. Tearing through the wild growth, she made her way down a narrow mud path into a clearing (空地). She threw her schoolbag on the ground and breathed hard.

“I hate my hair!” she cried. Collapsing on her schoolbag, she bitterly remembered the time she’d spent trying to smooth her hair in vain. Before long, she fell into a fitful sleep.


Rani woke up to Mama’s calls. She sounded anxious. “I’ll never go home,” she promised herself darkly. Mama let Amit and Sumit make fun of me. Papa would never have done that. He would listen to me and stand by my side. The minutes wore on. Alone in her secret hideout, Rani watched the shadow of Mamna get longer and begin to disappear as dusk fell.

Paragraph 1:

Suddenly, leaves rustling, someone or something was making its way into the clearing.

Paragraph 2:

The next moment Papa was sitting beside her.

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When we lost our beloved ones, we must feel heartbroken. However, we can do something to make the world remember them.

My little boy, Matthew, had recently lost his beloved grandma. He would often push hare may hand in tears, longing for his grandma to come back to the world. One day, he had an idea. He asked me if we could do something in honor of Grandma so the world could remember her. When I welcomed his lovely suggestion, he said we could create something special for the children at the hospital, since Grandma had always wanted to volunteer there. Although heart was so ready to give, her physical capacity was limited. She couldn’t drive or make the long walk over to the hospital and therefore had spent the majority of her days doing what she could for family and friends. So, we decided to fulfill Grandma’s last life wish.

Matthew and I teamed up and presented our kindness proposal to his preschool classmates. We energized them with the prospect of going shopping and purchasing small gifts (chocolates, flowers, and cards) which they could put into handcrafted holiday baskets which the kids themselves could make. It would be a basket which was wholly made by one child and solely for another. As the young faces happily agreed, we were off on executing our plan!

Matthew and I scouted out (搜索) the most child-friendly stores and distributed fliers (传单) at these locations so the store owners were aware of our plan and could bring their most cherished items for the preschoolers to purchase. Matthew's preschool peers selectively made their picks, and after we collected all of the items, we placed the chocolates, flowers, and got well cards into seven beautifully crafted baskets for the bedridden children at our local Children's Hospital. When Matthew and two of his other little mates came to the hospital to make their deliveries, they were greeted with a tour of the facilities before they entered into each hospital room to change a sick child into a smiling one.

Now, five years have passed, and the Matthew “hospital” tradition has continued.
Matthew’s school and the local church have contributed to the rise of gift baskets.
2023-05-15更新 | 143次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届福建省莆田市高中毕业班第四次教学质量检测英语试卷
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Sledding Alone

“Come on, Simon,” said Gabe. “Let’s try out our new sleds (雪橇)! The snow is perfect.”

“I’m not ready,” Simon said. He watched his older brother throw on his jacket and head for the door.

“What’s to get ready?” Gabe asked.

Simon wanted to say “I need to learn how to control the sled” or “What if the other kids laugh if I mess up?”. But he said nothing.

“You’re going to miss a lot of fun,” Gabe said.

“Go with your brother, Simon,” said Mom. “He’ll show you how to do it.”

Simon took as much time as he could pulling on his snow pants and boots, zipping up his jacket, and finding his helmet and gloves. His brother paced the front hall. “Let’s go!”

The brothers walked to the park, the sleds knocking against their snow pants. Swish, swish, swish. The wind circled like a lasso (套索) around them.

Simon could see the sledding hill ahead of them. To him, it looked more like a sledding mountain. It was so high that the park district had built wooden steps into the hillside to help sledders climb back up. Kids were taking turns on sleds, screaming all the way down. Simon couldn’t tell if their cries meant they were happy or terrified. He knew which one he felt.

Gabe was taking the steps two at a time. “Come on!” he called to Simon.

Simon started up. He was both sweating and freezing, short of breath. Should he turn back? But the line of kids on the steps behind him meant he had to keep climbing.

At the top, the boys joined a group of kids waiting their turn. Simon stamped his feet to stay warm. Was he the only one who had butterflies in stomach?

His brother stopped and looked at Simon. “Do you want me to go down with you?” he asked When they were younger,they used to ride on one sled down the gentle slope (斜坡) in their backyard.

“Are you two going or not?” a girl behind him said impatiently.

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Simon took a deep breath. “I’m going. By myself.”


Thankfully the sled approached the flat ground.

2023-05-12更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届福建省南平市高中毕业班第三次质量检测英语试题
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Most of us never forget the person that was there for us in our darkest times. Apparently, penguins (企鹅) don’t either.

On a typical day, off the coast of a small Brazilian island, Joao Pereira de Souza headed out fishing. He was disheartened to find that an oil leak had polluted the waters. Staring out at the oily waves, he decided it was not a good day to fish. But walking on the beach that day, he found a struggling penguin, covered in oil and starving.

Joao took the penguin home, and spent a whole week gently cleaning it and nursing it back to health. He named it Dindim, a Portuguese word meaning “ice pop”. Dindim is a Magellanic penguin, a species known for living in the seas of South America. In order to breed (繁殖), they must return to Patagonia, 5,000 miles from Joao’s home.

After a week of rehabilitation (康复), Joao patiently took Dindim back to the sea and taught it how to swim again. When Dindim could swim quite well, Joao took it out into the sea by boat and dropped it off to encourage it to swim back to its home. But when he was back to shore, he found the penguin waiting for him. Joao made two more attempts later, but each time the bird would just return to Joao’s home. It seemed that Dindim had already formed a family bond with Joao and wouldn’t leave.

Joao had no choice but to keep the little creature. During the following months, Dindim would follow behind Joao to fish on the coast joyfully. Dindim also liked to lie on Joao’s lap, letting Joao give it showers, allowing Joao to feed it fish and to pick it up. Joao and his family enjoyed the company of Dindim. But deep inside Joao’s heart, he knew Dindim belonged to the wild. Gradually, the hot summer days witnessed the change of its new feathers. Was it time to say “goodbye”?

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Suddenly one morning, Joao found Dindim disappeared.
A few months later, Joao heard some familiar cries in his backyard.
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“Why can’t I just get a dog, Mum!”

“Because of your allergies (过敏)! How many times do I have to tell you, Violet!”

Violet was filled with anger. The rain started to fall. Large raindrops slid down the window, just like the tears on her face. There was violent anger in Violet’s eyes. She walked angrily to her room and threw herself onto the bed. Her anger was now like an angry bull.

She screamed into her pillow as loud as she could and threw it onto the ground with all her strength. She dialed her best friend Darla, who happened to also be her neighbor.

Darla picked up in an instant.

“I could hear everything.” Darla immediately chuckled. “I’ve known you and your mum since primary school. She’s not letting you get a dog.”

“Was I that loud?” Violet questioned herself in disbelief.

“You’ve been asking for a dog since you were seven! There’s no chance she was going to just give it to you. Plus, you have so many allergies that I’ve even lost count.”

“It’s just not fair. You get two dogs and I’m stuck with my younger sister who has basically a rat.” Violet announced unappreciatively.

“You have to be grateful for what you have. Anyway, I’ve got to have dinner with my family. I can call in half an hour, see you later.”

After the call disconnected, the words from Darla’s mouth about being grateful sunk into Violet like a dry sponge (海绵) filled with water, She remembered the countless times that she was admitted to the hospital for an allergic reaction while her family stayed and cared for her. Violet never really thought about the things she had, she only thought about the things she didn’t have. Violet had a tamily which accounts for more than everything, even a dog. Family love is stronger than any love. Violet knew she was blessed to have this love.


From that day onwards, Violet stopped asking for a dog.


The allergies were disappearing with age.

2023-05-11更新 | 124次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届福建省宁德市普通高中毕业班5月份质量检测英语试卷
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Jim dreams of becoming a famous artist to help lift his family from poverty. However, an illness in the family forces Jim to give up everything he worked so hard for.

Jim used to draw skyline on the roof of the school building, with a broken piece of pencil lead he’d found in a rubbish can. His drawing was close to perfect except for some color. His family lived from hand to mouth so Jim could only rely on himself. He had to help out on the local farm after school and saved some of the money for paints.

One day Mom fell seriously ill and was rushed to hospital at once. While the rest of his family were still at the hospital waiting, Jim ran back home to get the household emergency money. But his heart sank when he saw the pitiful money. It’d never be enough to pay for Mom’s medical treatment. He ran into his bedroom and reached for his savings.

“Goodbye, paints and brushes,” Jim said as he added his to the emergency money.

One night on the way home, thinking of Mom in hospital he wanted to do something for her. He bent down beneath a streetlight and put his fingers in the dirt on the roadside. Before he knew it, he drew a portrait (肖像) of Mom.

He found red dust and mixed it with mud to add shadow, then picked up some grass and turned it into some kind of paint. He used this to add definition around Mom’s nose, eyes and hair.

When he was finished, Jim stood back up to study his work. The linework and shading were fine, but the colors…

“It’s still no good,” Jim shook his head.

“I disagree.”

Jim turned around and found a stranger standing behind him. He gave Jim a friendly smile and introduced himself as Mr. Finn.

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“I am an editor for an art magazine.” Mr. Finn continued.
With the payment from the magazine, Jim could not hide his joy.
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When I was young, my father was quiet and seldom talked to me, so we were not so close. The times I loved most were the special moments we had together. To this day, I still hold those memories dear. When I had a son, I was always worried that my absence might have an impact on his future life and that I might miss all his milestones since I travelled a lot. I knew how important it was for a boy to have his father near. I decided that if I couldn’t be with my son as often as possible, I would make every effort to create special moments for us.

When my son was five, I was sent to the branch in Shanghai, which meant I had to be away from my family for nearly a year. The hardest time for me was the summer and winter vacations when my son was out of school and families could get together doing something fun. To ease the separation, we kept writing letters to share any precious moments in our life. In one letter home, I promised my son that we would make a lantern together and sign up for the community lantern design competition on the Lantern Festival.

Everywhere I went on business, I would pick up things for our lantern adventure and send them to him. I bought a couple of handbooks on how to DIY a lantern, and I sent those on. I found special bamboo for the frame. I sent him one piece at a time, carefully packed. When I was in Hangzhou, I found the most beautiful silk with gold threads woven through it. Perfect lantern material. I sent it home. I found a golden Chinese knot that could be attached to the bottom of the lantern. I sent that home, along with some auspicious cloud(祥云) paper-cuttings that would serve as splendid decorations. Then I was on my way home.

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I arrived home at night and couldn’t wait to see my son.


Then, the lantern design competition finally arrived.

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9 . Many years ago, I was living with my best friend and we had many happy moments together. But there was one night that ________ our lives forever.

On the night of November 25, 2011, I got into a fistfight with my best friend in our kitchen. It all started because I was trying to help him. He was drinking a lot, arguing with everyone and ________ himself from others by keeping silent most of the time. This had been going on for weeks and finally I decided it was time for a(an) ________ I told him that he needed to stop drinking so much and tried to ________ his alcohol and he got angry and started ________ with me. It was scary, but by the end of the night, we were able to calm down and talk to each other.

I thought alcohol ________ was his main problem. But he was just using alcohol to ________ himself through. He was lonely, heartbroken and struggling to connect with people. So during the Christmas season a few weeks later, I gave him a ________ that I didn’t even know I had.

That Christmas my friend didn’t have any place to go, so I invited him home to my parents’ house in Lancaster. They ________ cleaned up our guest room for him and even bought him some Christmas gifts. I’ll never forget the night we arrived at my home. My parents were already ________, but my mom had prepared dinner for us, baked some cookies and left us a note. My parents are known for their ________, so I wasn’t surprised by this warm welcome. But when my friend read my mom’s note and saw all that she had prepared, he broke down and cried. That’s when I ________ how much I took my loving family for granted.

That year my friend and I both received gifts that we would ________ forever. I gave him the gift of a warm, loving, safe place to spend Christmas. And he gave me the gift of a new ________ on life. If I hadn’t shared my home with him, I wouldn’t have understood how ________ I am.

A.put upB.take awayC.break outD.call off
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I was terrified of heights. Of course, it was not really a fear of being in a high place. Rather, it was the view of a long way to fall, of rocks far below me and no firm wall between me and the edge. My sense of security was screamingly absent.I could rely only on my own sure-footedness.

Despite my fear, two summers ago I somehow found myself climbing to a high place, while quaking inside and out. Most of our high school had come along on a day trip to the Boquerón, a beautiful and pleasant spot in the foothills of Peru. Its chief attraction is the main waterfall, about 100 feet high, that thunders into a crystal clear pool feeding the Aguaytia River. All around the pool and on down to the rushing river are rocks large and small. The beach is strewn (布满) with rocks. On both sides of the fall, the jungle stretches to meet it, rising parallel to it on a gentler slope.

After eating our lunches, many of us wanted to make the climb to an area above it. We knew others had done so on previous trips. A few guys went first to make sure they were on the right path. But after they left, my group of seven decided to go ahead without waiting for them to return. I suspected we were going the wrong way, but I kept silent, figuring that the others knew better. We went along the base of the hill until we reached the climb. It stopped me in my tracks.

The climb rose steeply above us. Along the right edge, the jungle hugged the rocks; passage through its trees seemed unlikely to be achieved. The majority of my view was filled with rocks. Peering back down toward the river, I saw a steep slope of rocks all the way to the water. All I could think about was how far it would be to fall.

My tense thoughts were interrupted by the realization that my friends were already beginning to climb!
My friends kept right on climbing but they did not forget me.
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