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| 共计 47 道试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段长对话,回答小题。
1. How does the man feel in the garden?
2. What are the speakers going to pick?
3. What are most of the local houses made of?
2023-10-13更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年福建省普通高中学业水平合格性考试一
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . One of the most important keys is making sure that kids are getting the message you're trying to send. When you communicate with kids, sometimes the way instructions (指令) are given can be just as important as what you're trying to communicate.     1    

Be direct. Make statements rather than asking questions. “Please turn right,” as opposed to “Are you ready to get out your homework?”

    2     Give instructions when you are near the child, rather than calling out from across the room.

Use clear and specific commands (命令). Instead of “Go ahead,” say, “Please turn right at the second crossing. ”

Give instructions one at a time.     3     “Please put on your coat, get your lunch off the kitchen counter, and meet me in the front door.”

Keep explanations easy. Giving a rationale (根本原因) can increase the likelihood children will listen to a command. For example, “Go get your coat on because it's raining.    4    ” Instead, try: “It’s raining and I don’t want you to catch a cold. Go get your coat on.

Give kids time to process. After you give an instruction, wait a few seconds, without repeating what you said. They don't need to listen.     5     Watching and waiting also helps keep adults from doing what we’ve requested of our kids for them.

A.Be close.
B.Don't give them one by one.
C.I don't want you to catch a cold.
D.Do shout out as loudly as possible.
E.Try to avoid giving instructions all together.
F.This is because the instructions will be repeated.
G.Here are the practical ways to present information to the kids
2023-10-13更新 | 120次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022年福建省普通高中学业水平合格性考试一
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 听下面一段独白,回答小题。
1. Which of the following does Carl love in Scotland?
A.Its people.B.Edinburgh University.C.Its climate.
2. Where does Carl prefer to live?
A.Scotland.B.Tokyo.C.The capital of the UK.
3. What does Carl think of Scotland?
4. What is Carl’s attitude towards the development of Tokyo?
2023-10-13更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年福建省普通高中学业水平合格性考试一
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Hunter将于今年九月来中国学习中文,发邮件向你询问饮食习俗的情况。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
主食、餐具:rice, wheat, chopsticks, bowl, spoon
就餐方式:dishes, be placed on the table, share
好客文化:in a Chinese home, host, put in, as much food as possible, (not) feel embarrassed
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Hunter,

I’m so glad to know that you’re coming to China to learn Chinese this September.



Li Hua

2023-09-26更新 | 79次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022年福建省普通高中学业水平合格性考试一
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How does John go to work on rainy days?
A.By bus.B.On foot.C.By car.
2. What does John usually do on weekends?
A.He bakes something.B.He learns cooking.C.He buys sweets.
3. When does Carol eat out?
A.When she has a busy day at work.
B.When she doesn’t know what to eat.
C.When her husband is too busy to cook.
4. What does Carol think of the restaurants?
A.They are popular.B.They are diverse.C.They are expensive.
书信写作-邀请信 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 假定你是李华,你校外籍英语教师Mr. Smith任职到期,即将回国。你班上的同学决定组织一场欢送会(Farewell party),请你根据以下提示内容写一封电子邮件邀请他参加。
活动时间:start at 7 p.m., end at 9 p.m., on January 23rd
活动地点:in the hall of our school
参与人员:teachers and students of our class
1. put on short English plays;
2. sing English songs;
3. recite English poems;
4. give a group dance;
5. ...
Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to invite you to our farewell party.



Li Hua

完形填空(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . I was born near New Your City. My parents loved music. They weren’t rich but there was always ___________ in our home: jazz, folk and pop music.

By the time I was 12, I ___________ the words of hundreds of songs. I used to ___________ in front of my bedroom mirror and pretend that I was ___________ the guitar. One day, my father ___________, seeing me and laughing. I felt ___________. A few weeks later, however, father came home with a large parcel under his arm. “It’s ___________ you, Tommy.” he said. “It’s special ___________ for your 13th birthday.” That was my first electric guitar. I took it ___________ out of the parcel, with a big smile on my ____________.

By the time I was 15, I left school and started ____________ in night clubs because I could hear lots of different bands there. Later, I ____________ a job at a dance club and worked for two years. I was then writing my own songs. ____________, no one was paying any attention. One night, I gave a tape of ____________ songs to the man in charge of the music. He ____________ it and started playing it. After a while, people started to ask him to play my ____________. Then, a recording company offered me a contract (合同) to ____________ an album (唱片). ____________, one of the songs, “Turning Me On”, became ____________ in China, Japan and Singapore.

I don’t know why but I became a ____________ in Southeast Asia.

A.ran awayB.came inC.set off
语法填空-短文语填(约130词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是无家可归的人Glen James拾金不昧,后来得到了资助的故事。
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Glen James was a homeless man. One day last year, he found     1     bag in the door of a shop while he was walking around a shopping centre     2     the city of Boston.

At first, he didn’t know     3     to do, but when he opened the bag, he saw there     4     (be) a wallet with $40,000 in it. So then he took it to the police. Many people thought that Mr. James did a     5     (wonder) thing. Later, a website     6     (decide) to raise money to help Mr. James because he had no home or job.     7     (final), they raised over $140,000 from people of different     8     (area) all over the world. Mr. James said, “I’m     9     (surprise) and so happy. This is going to change     10     (I) life.”

I’m going to play football tomorrow with him. I’m looking forward to it!

阅读理解-阅读单选(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Here are some eBooks for you to learn better English. Choose what you like.

Book 1

This eBook will make conversations in English so much easier. There are over 30 audio (音频的) files with typical (典型的) conversations, and exercises with answers at the back so you can practise what you have learnt.

Book 2

Learn over 1,000 English words and expressions so you can speak English fluently when you travel outside your country! Learn the language for over 30 typical situations and make travelling abroad easy with this eBook!

Book 3

Learn over 500 words and expressions to improve your business English! This eBook comes with audio files an videos so you can learn the language you need to do business in English!

Book 4

Learn over 250 phrasal verbs with audio files, example sentences and pictures. Native English speakers use phrasal verbs all the time, so you need to learn them too. Start improving this important area of English now with our fantastic eBook!

1. What are the books mainly about?
A.Travel safety.B.Business news.
C.Video selling.D.English learning.
2. Which book is your best choice when you plan to travel aboard?
A.Book 1.B.Book 2.C.Book 3.D.Book 4.
3. What will you learn from the book for business English?
A.Conversations in 30 audio files.
B.1,000 words and sentences.
C.Over 500 words and expressions.
D.Over 250 phrasal verbs and sentences.
4. What does the underlined word “them” refer to (指代) in Book 4?
A.Phrasal verbs.B.Audio files.
C.Example sentences.D.Native speakers.
5. What is the text?
A.A travel guide.B.A news report.
C.A book advertisement.D.A history story.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Marty was new at school. On his first day, he showed magic to his schoolmates. He made a toothpick (牙签) disappear and appear within seconds. Everyone wondered how he did it.

“How did you do that?” I asked. “Sorry, but that’s the first law of magic. A magician never lets out his secrets.” Marty smiled. I thought he was tricking everyone. I would make his secrets known to all.

The next day, Marty gave his second magic show. He said he could make things float (飘起). He had a ring in one hand and a pencil in the other. That’s when I saw it: a thin line tied around the end of the pencil and attracted to a button on Marty’s shirt! Sure enough, he made the ring “float” by sliding (滑动) it over the pencil and hanging it from the line. No one else noticed, but I found the secret. I got close to him and said, “I know how you did it.” He looked nervous and asked me, “Are you going to tell others?” I thought for a moment. If I told, I’d finally be able to prove Marty’s magic was fake (假的). Then Marty might lose his new friends. So I told him that I would say nothing about it. And then I walked away.

“Wait!” Marty jumped in front of me. “You’ve got a pretty good eye for magic. If you’re interested, I have an idea,” Marty suggested. And I accepted his idea. That’s how the Magic Marty and Mysterious Matt Lunch Show began. We’ve been a magic team for three months now. It turns out that instead of a fake magician, Marty is a real friend.

1. To whom did Marty show magic on his first day at school?
A.His parents.B.His brothers.C.His teachers.D.His schoolmates.
2. Why did Marty refuse to tell the secret of magic?
A.It was the first law of magic.
B.It was the rule of study.
C.It was a duty for everyone.
D.It was a task for a student.
3. What do we know about Marty’s second magic show the next day?
A.Its operation went wrong.
B.It was praised by the writer.
C.The writer found its secret.
D.It was done with the help of others.
4. How did Marty feel when he heard “I know how you did it.” in Paragraph 3?
5. What did the writer do in the end?
A.He refused Marty’s suggestion.
B.He and Marty set up a magic team.
C.He let out the secret of Marty’s magic.
D.He and Marty wrote a book about magic.
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