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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One afternoon after school, Mary and her brother, Keith, were eating at a cafe near their home. That afternoon, they had to share their table with another person. That person was a young lady in her twenties. After eating, she went to the restroom. Without realizing, she had left her cellphone on the table. Five minutes later, she came out and walked out of the cafe without looking back.

Mary saw the cellphone on the table. She quickly told Keith, “Keith, the girl left behind her cellphone.”Keith looked at the cellphone. It took his breath away. It was one of the latest models on the market. Keith had always wanted a cellphone. But his parents had told him, “You don’t need one. You can always use the house phone.” He stared at it for some minutes. Then, he said slowly, pausing on every word, “I want to take the cellphone.” Mary could not believe her ears. She only stared at her brother, “You can’t! What if the owner comes to look for it?”

After making the decision, Keith quickly got the cellphone and put it in his schoolbag. Then, he took Mary’s hand and led her out of the cafe quickly.

Once back home, Keith locked his room door with trembling (颤抖的) hands. Inside his room, he took out the piece of beauty. Oh, he liked it so much. He had his own cellphone. Soon, he was polishing it happily. But Mary told him, “Keith, you cannot keep the cellphone. What will you tell our father about this? He will ask you how you got the cellphone.” Keith said quickly, “I will say a friend lent it to me.” Mary said, “Now you are lying too. Oh dear! When had Keith turned so dishonest?”

Then, Mary saw a house phone number on the cover of the cellphone. “This is the girl’s phone number. Why don’t we just call this number? We will talk to her and ask her to come and take back her cellphone,” she was trying to talk some sense into him.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

That night, Keith turned over in bed from time to time.


Mary was very happy to hear that.

2023-11-20更新 | 281次组卷 | 36卷引用:江西省宜春市2022-2023学年高一下学期学业水平模拟考试英语试题
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The sun was shining brightly over our heads and sweat (汗水) was pouring off our backs and faces. We stood still without ______ any noise, all hot and tired. But everyone kept standing as straight as trees.

It was ______ most high schools give to new Senior One students-military training. We ______ four days in a closed environment. Although we couldn’t go home at night and the training was ______ and difficult, our humorous young drill sergeant (教官) with a funny accent was a real ______ of our days. We laughed at his jokes, sat in rows singing different songs and ______ him telling true stories about his life. He gave us the feeling that ______ and sweat were not the only things that military training ______ .

After this journey, we were more ______ than we had imagined and we were much braver than we had ______ . Girls who looked pale rested for a little while, then right away came back to the team. Boys who were being punished ______ to the playground at once and began to run. Sweat flowed down our faces when we thought about how to shout ______ than other classes.

Military training taught us perseverance (不懈) and determination. On the last day of our training, the confidence could be ______ on our faces. We shouted so loud that our ______ could be heard across the heavens. With eyes like burning torches (火炬) , we walked into the future. Now the sun is ______ at all of us.

A.referred toB.devoted toC.turned toD.listened to
2023-10-31更新 | 279次组卷 | 22卷引用:江西省南昌市新建区第三中学2023-2024学年高二下学期普通班第一次学业水平考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Paris is the city of dreams. If you plan to head for Paris for a study period, perhaps a little reality check is in order. But my experience was a romantic one.

I paved my path to Paris through an exchange program. On arrival in Paris, I was constantly reminded of the official processes I had to complete—forms to fill in, meetings to attend—the list seemed endless.

Then the real work began. Once classes were underway, I found myself volunteering to do oral presentations and assignments first rather than last. This method proved to be very helpful.

Once I had finished classes for the week, I had an ever­increasing list of museums to visit, neighborhoods to explore, and cafes to sit in. Maybe you can read books about Paris and talk to locals and other foreigners living there. But the one thing that reading a book or talking to someone cannot do is provide you with the experience of wandering Paris on foot. The people watching, the sounds of the city, and the colors as the seasons change, they all add to the ecstasy that I experienced in Paris as an exchange student.

After spending five months wandering through the charming neighborhoods, I fell in love with the atmosphere that came out from every open door and every spoken word. There is something comforting about walking to the market each Sunday to enjoy the beautiful display of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. There is warmth in saying Bonjour to the passers­by.

On my last day in Paris, I confidently said “Bonjour Monsieur” as I passed the little store down the street. I guess the best part about going on exchange in Paris is falling in love with the city in your own way. And I know mine is unique and special to me—my own little pieces of Paris.

1. What does the underlined word “ecstasy” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
2. According to the passage, what left the author the deepest impression?
A.The friendly people he met in Paris.
B.The special culture he experienced in the city.
C.The academic achievement he made in his study.
D.The presentations and assignments he did in class.
3. Why did the author like walking to the market?
A.Because of the romantic locals.B.Because of the pleasant weather.
C.Because of the fresh vegetables.D.Because of the warm atmosphere.
4. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.An exchange student’s life.B.Charming neighborhoods.
C.An exchange program.D.A traveling experience.
阅读理解-七选五(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . For decades, I was a hard drinker who could drink anyone under the table. This lasted from the age of 27 until after 50, a golden time during which I felt very sorry for ex-drinkers and people who couldn’t or wouldn’t drink. How did they make it through social situations, especially parties? What did they do at the end of a workday to celebrate and relax?     1    

When I first tried to quit drinking myself in my early 50s, I wasn’t sure at first how it would work for me. But I did it anyway.    2     I was getting older. I had to concede that I wasn’t as tough as I used to be. Nights of drinking too much showed in my face, and I could feel it in my bones. I wanted to take care of myself. So for the next few years, I bounced between not drinking at all for months at a time, then slowly starting again until I had to quit again.

During these years, I didn’t love not drinking. But I had to admit that when I was off booze, I looked and felt better physically: I slept more deeply, had more energy, exercised more. My mind was clearer. My moods were brighter. Parties were hard, and so was cooking at the end of a day of writing without a glass of wine at my elbow.    3    

I finally quit drinking for real almost four years ago, on 12 July 2019, when a writer friend stayed with my husband and me after his wife kicked him out. After my husband had gone upstairs to bed, my friend sat on our sofa drinking an entire bottle of gin, complaining about his fate, until he passed out next to our dog, whose bed that sofa was.    4     I didn’t have a drink the next night, or ever again since.

I’m not going to lie: being sober is not a hot-air balloon ride.    5     Having to feel my damn feelings without filters compels me to face and change the things in my life that keep me stuck. Hard work all around, but as my reward, I connect more deeply with the people I care about. I think of not drinking as a kindness I’ve given myself. And to my surprise, it’s rewarded me with true, hard-won happiness.

A.My body demanded it.
B.My health started improving rapidly.
C.It’s more like a hike in the mountains.
D.How did they quit drinking?
E.It was a wake-up call.
F.But the pluses seemed to outweigh the minuses.
G.How did they get through life?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是篇说明文。文章介绍了一个美国新开发的、名叫“Smarter Child”的电脑程序,讲述了它强大的功能和存在的问题。

5 . How clever can a computer be? Maybe you can get the answer after reading the following passage about a newly-developed US computer program called Smarter Child.

If you ran into Smarter Child online, you would be surprised at this kid’s huge memory. It can remember many facts. For example, Smarter Child knows every baseball player in every team this season and the weather in every city across the US. He also knows every word in the dictionary. However, if you ask Smarter Child other private questions, you will get strange answers. A question about Smarter Child’s age returns, “I’ll be older than you after further study!”, and asking where he lives, you will get, “In a clean room in a high-tech building in California.”

Smarter Child uses the huge information on the World Wide Web as his memory bank. To answer questions about spelling, for example, Smarter Child goes to www.ahdictionary.com. For the weather, he visits www.intellicast.com. He turns to www.the-scientist.com for scientists and www.moviefone.com for a fantastic movie.

Some scientists believe that by joining many systems of the Internet, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the combined (结合的) knowledge of, say, Albert Einstein, Richard Nixon and Britney Spears could be born. However, Smarter Child has difficulty in discerning whether a behavior is right or wrong, which is obvious to any young child. If he wants to think and learn without any help from the programmers like boy-computer David in the movie Artificial Intelligence (AI), he must solve two problems.

The first is that computers find it difficult to read web pages because the files are sorted in different ways. That’s why programmers need to tell Smarter Child where to look for the weather. It would be a much more difficult task to let him find it by himself. Another problem is that while Smarter Child can deal with information more exactly and faster than any human, he needs programmers to make better systems that allow machines to solve problems of common sense, which is a huge challenge.

1. What may be unknown to Smarter Child?
A.His age.B.The weather in New York.
C.A word in the dictionary.D.A player’s name of the Boston Redsox.
2. Which website can Smarter Child visit to answer the spelling questions?
3. What does the underlined word “discerning” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. How is boy-computer David different from Smarter Child?
A.He has a huge memory.B.He can think and learn independently.
C.He can make a weather forecast.D.He deals with information fast.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 读后续写


It was a rough week. The price of oil skyrocketed as the temperature dropped sharply in Maine. We were looking at a high of eight degrees that week, and I had missed three days of work so my paycheck was going to be lower than normal. I was stressed, to say the least. I shopped strategically, looking for every possible way to cut pennies so I could buy groceries and keep the house warm.

My eight-year-old son didn't understand when I told him we were struggling that week. He wanted a special kind of yoghurt, but I didn't have the extra three dollars to buy it for him. It was the kind of yoghurt with a cartoon kid riding a skateboard on the front of the box, and a mere two spoonfuls in each cup. It was the kind of product that wastes a parent's money and makes me hate advertising.

I felt guilty as a parent when those big eyes looked at me with confusion, as if to say, “It's just yoghurt. What's the big deal?” So I found a way. I put something back as single mothers often do. He got his yoghurt.

On the way driving back from the grocery store, I noticed a homeless man holding a sign by the side of the road. My heart hurt, and I tried not to look at him. I watched people stay away from him on the street and walk by without even meeting his eyes. My son didn't seem to care much, either. I looked at the man closely then — bare hands grasping a piece of cardboard, snot frozen to his face, a worn-out jacket. And there I was struggling because I had to buy oil and groceries. But I decided to help. I pulled over to the man and handed him a five-dollar bill.

Paragraph 1:

Seeing this, my son became confused and surprised.

Paragraph 2:

On that day, my son performed an act that most adults wouldn’t have done.

2022-03-22更新 | 674次组卷 | 40卷引用:江西省南昌市新建区第三中学2023-2024学年高二下学期普通班第一次学业水平考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The world is a big place, and there are many, many different places you can visit.     1    

First of all, traveling allows us to escape our daily routines and expand perspectives, because seeing new places and gaining new experiences can broaden our perspectives.

Traveling is also the most valuable form of learning.     2     It helps us absorb information about other cultures. That is to say, traveling extends our knowledge of the world and lets us know the cultural diversity(多样性).By doing so, we realize that there is not one way to live, nor is one way correct.     3    

What's more, traveling can have a direct effect on people's sense of happiness, and decrease their stress and anxiety. These improvements don't just disappear the moment travelers return to their daily lives.     4     As a result of travel, people change the way they communicate with others and learn to be more patient with others. Above all, people who frequently travel tend to be healthier and live a longer life.

    5     We can escape our daily stress, expand our worldview, learn about others and ourselves, and improve our health. Many of the benefits people acquire from traveling improve the quality of their overall well-being. It is vital for people to visit different places, meet new people and discover a new way of living. Travelling helps us fully appreciate the beauty of the world and the diversity in it.

A.The improvements look likely to last.
B.Traveling has many positive effects on people.
C.In conclusion,traveling benefits people in many ways.
D.The process of traveling enriches people's knowledge.
E.We learn to accept other people and their different lifestyles.
F.Many people say that they appreciate their present lives more after traveling.
G.It's another type of new discovery and learning, and great for our soul and body.
8 . Cleaning women in big cities get               by the hour.
A.payB.payingC.paidD.to pay
2016-11-26更新 | 980次组卷 | 11卷引用:江西省于都中学2009-2010学年度高二下学期周练二英语试卷(B)
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