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语法填空-短文语填(约130词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Global warming is one of the most serious     1     (problem) humans are facing today. It is caused by human activities, specifically the burning of fossil fuels,     2     produces more carbon dioxide and traps the heat energy into the atmosphere,     3     (cause) the rise of global temperature. Scientists believe global warming may result in severe consequences like the rise of the sea level and the increase of natural disasters.     4    , it is high time that we     5     (take) action to find solutions     6     this problem. As individuals, we should try every means we can think of     7     (reduce) energy at home. Besides, eat locally as a lot of energy     8     (use) to transport food over long distances. Most     9     (important), be     10     educator and help to arouse people’s awareness of energy-saving in your neighborhood to make our world a better place to live in.

2021-07-03更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省湖州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末调研测试英语试题
完形填空(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . It was just the three of us—my parents and me. My dad is a truck driver, and was gone most of the time, ______ supplies around the Midwest. So my mother was always like a ______ mother. We moved there on my third birthday. My first memory is our next-door ______ Arlene and her husband Bill, to whom I was always talking. I think what drew me to Arlene and Bill is that they never ______ listening to me. I also think Arlene saw a lot of herself in me-we were both lonely, anxious kids. Bill too. And that may be ______ she always took the time to listen to me. It was a wonderful ______.

One day, my parents asked Bill and Arlene whether they’d ______ me while they went out on a date. This worked well, so it became a monthly ______ .When I was about five, I had an idea, “What if Bill and Arlene ______ me as their granddaughter?” The next day, I knocked on their door, sat down in their living room, and asked, “Will you guys be my grandparents?” They started crying and ______ accepted. Soon after they printed an adoption certificate, and ______ it on their living room wall from then on. I was surprised that they took my offer so ______. They could have ______ it off. Thinking of that moment still brings tears to my eyes. There is something truly ______ about a child offering up her love and adults being so excited to accept it.

Over the years, Bill and Arlene ______ me in all my dreams. They encouraged me to apply for college. And when I got accepted to Colorado State University, they presented me with a ______. They told me they’d been putting away money for me.

Since I’ve become an adult, I’ve learned more about my grandparents. Both of them grew up poor. Their lives weren’t as ______ as they appeared to be. But the two of them always seemed genuinely happy in each other’s ______ .

Arlene passed away in 2013. Bill gave me the ring he’d ______ to Arlene on their 25th wedding anniversary which I wear on my ring finger as a ______ of the kind of love I wish to put into this world.

A.get tired ofB.get rid ofC.get away withD.get on with
2021-07-03更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省湖州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末调研测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . When you think of life skills, you typically think of things like cooking or fixing broken objects. These sorts of skills help regulate the environment around you.     1     In other words, there are skills you can learn to help manage difficult emotions.

Take responsibility

When I wasa child, I often accused my brother of making me mad. My mom was quick to correct me. “He can’t make you mad,’’ she would say. “He just does things, and you choose how your espond.’’ Although people sometimes try to annoy us, each of us is responsible for our own reaction. We can choose how we interpret the actions of others and whether we will act on how we feel.     2     Fear, for example, is a common feeling that can sometimes cause trouble. Learning to do things that we’re afraid of is an important part of becoming mature.

    3    .

On the other hand, we also don’t have direct control over our feelings. If we’re sad, we can’t suddenly decide to be happy and create positive feelings using pure willpower.     4     These thoughts and actions will eventually guide our emotions. Choosing to smile even if you don’t feel happy can create happy feelings. Concentrating on good things in life works the same way.

Recognize others’ feelings

Another set of skills related to emotions involves recognizing other people’s feelings. Just as other people can’t force us to feel things, we also can’t control what others feel.     5     This involves reading their facial expressions. But it’s also helpful to think about how we would feel in the other person’s circumstances. If we know how other people feel, we will be better able to help them handle their feelings.

Feelings can be difficult to handle, so managing them is an important life skill.

A.Guide our feelings
B.Concentrate on good things
C.And we should learn to control our feelings.
D.This also applies to other emotions besides anger.
E.But it can be helpful to recognize other people’s emotions.
F.Instead, we have to change what we think about and how we act.
G.But skills that help regulate what’s going on inside of you are equally important.
2021-07-03更新 | 121次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省湖州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末调研测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Over the years, I’ve been guilty of hastily shutting the front door to many strangers when they came knocking with the intention of selling things. But earlier this year, around Easter time, a dear friend of mine had an experience that changed my mind and perception towards these “intruders”.

Linda, who recently moved to a new neighbour hood, had been housebound all week suffering from a severe case of flu when, early one morning, there was the terrible knock on her front door. Peering out the window, she saw two young ladies demurely (端庄地) holding leaflets and a TV set model. She knew of a large TV set establishment nearby and assumed a message was about to be gently delivered. “This is the last thing I need today,” she muttered to herself and hesitantly opened the door.

Coughing, she poked her head out and impatiently informed them she wasn’t the slightest bit interested in any TV whatsoever. Furthermore, she added, she was feeling quite unwell and abruptly shut the door. The ladies politely turned and left in silence.

A few hours later, another knock. Linda glanced out the window and to her surprise, there were the same two ladies, back again. Really annoyed this time, she opened the door ready to give them a piece of her mind. Before she could speak, with concerned looks on their faces, these women handed Linda what looked to be a dish, saying, “We’re so sorry we disturbed you earlier. We thought you may like this homemade chicken soup. Hopefully it might make you feel a little better.”

Linda was taken aback by this lovely gesture. Being new to the area, she didn’t know many neighbours or people who could assist her with shopping or errands (跑腿) so the gesture was all the more appreciated. She could only smile sheepishly and sincerely thanked them. With that, the ladies left.

After she related this story to me, I thought about how touching this deed really was. Especially in today’s world where sadly, kindness and thoughtfulness seem so rare. I also realized that thinking about others and showing kindness is the real essence of love.

1. What does the expression “give them a piece of her mind” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Scold them severely.B.Drive them away.
C.Refuse them directly.D.Speak out her idea.
2. What can be learned about Linda from the passage?
A.Linda always hastily shut the front door to many people.
B.Linda was not a little interested in any TV whatsoever.
C.Linda was very grateful to the ladies for their chicken soup.
D.Linda would buy their TV set in reward for the ladies’ chicken soup.
3. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A Chicken SoupB.Soup for the soul
C.The Real Essence of LoveD.A Friend’s experience
2021-07-03更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省湖州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末调研测试英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 将下面5个句子按括号内要求翻译并连成一篇微作文。
2.不论我们多么忙碌,我们都会聚集在一起庆祝。(no matter)
3.通常情况下,我们会以多种形式来庆祝,从猜字谜到放烟花等。(typical; range from...to...)
5.如今,随着商家利用人们庆祝节日,节日变得越来越商业化。(with复合结构;take advantage of)
2021-07-01更新 | 122次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省湖州市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末调研测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . Go on the Safest Trip

While travelling, there are many safety measures that all travellers should take, even if they’re heading out a nearby mountain for a camping trip, renting a seaside Airbnb, or choosing any other destination. Advice is highly needed on everything from what to pack to how to protect yourself.     1    

Don’t take the unfamiliar road. While part of the joy of exploring nature is seeing new and beautiful views, if your road trip includes a hike, stay on the marked path. Never give in to your curiosity to hike off-trail and in unfamiliar or unmarked areas. “     2     ” Warned by Dr. Velimir Petkov.

Pack clothing. In the morning, when you set out on your adventure, your temperature will likely be comfortable. As the sun reaches its highest point, you’ll start to sweat inside your car.     3     That’s why experts recommend packing everything you need to stay comfortable, including clothing for different temperatures.

Make sure you get enough sleep. While many people have difficulty sleeping, plenty rest is necessary before a long car ride. “Do not drive while you are feeling sleepy.     4     ” Petkov recommended. He also noted that even if you get the benefits of seven to eight hours of sleep, a little coffee can never hurt.

Protect your skin. You may not consider the sun while sitting in the car. The sunlight can go right through window glass and cause you to burn.     5     Bahar Schmidt, founder of Eluxit Travel Agency, recommends making more efforts to protect your skin with sunscreen and drugs against insects.

A.You could get lost, injured or both.
B.It is a wise choice to wear strong shoes.
C.You would never enjoy the views without the tips.
D.If you feel like a rest, pull over and take a short break.
E.And at night, certain areas experience a sharp drop in degrees.
F.And mosquitoes are also drawn when you’re outdoors at night.
G.We spoke with travel experts for safety guide to getting on the road.
书信写作-建议信 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 假定你是李华,是你校英文报Teens’ Life的编辑。近日收到Ralph同学的求助信。 他无法适应学校的网课,注意力不集中,跟不上老师的节奏,视力也受到了影响,因而感到忧虑。请你用英文给他回一封建议信。要点如下:
参考词汇:网课online classes
共计 平均难度:一般