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| 共计 9 道试题
1 . 这是你了解中国文化,交到中国朋友的一个绝佳机会。(汉译英)
2024-03-11更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题
2 . 多亏了这次比赛和我朋友的帮助,我现在在舞台上感觉很放松,说话时也很自信。(汉译英)
2024-03-11更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |
3 . Thinking on the Other Side of Zero Part 2

Alan Joseph Oliver

Hardback | Paperback | E-book

$40.99 | $20.99 | $4.99

From the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali he learned and how it works in theory and practice, Alan Joseph Oliver relates the Yoga theory to his limited understanding of quantum mechanics. He believes he has settled David Bohm’s concept of Wholeness and the Implicate Order, which physics may or may not accept.

The Adventures of a Train Trekker

Adriana Carboni

Hardback | Paperback | E-book

$35.99 | $16.99 | $4.99

This book tells of the excitement and adventure of long-distance train travel as Adriana shares her experiences travelling through the ancient continent of Australia.


Kosti Simons

Paperback | E-book

$28.99 | $4.99

This memoir (回忆录) is about a barefoot pilgrim’s (朝圣者的) 111-day adventure including both the body and the mind as he takes you on a deeply felt and inspiring walk with God.

Bonnie The Bandicoot

Peter Alway

Hardback |Paperback | E-book

$ 23.99 | $15.99 | $7.99

Bonnie The Bandicoot decides to move into Steve’s home while hers dries out. The only problem is that Steve owns a dog. Will they learn to co-exist living in Steve’s home?

1. Who writes a book related to physics?
A.Alan Joseph Oliver.B.Adriana Carboni.
C.Kosti Simons.D.Peter Alway.
2. Which book is about the relationship between humans and animals?
B.Bonnie The Bandicoot
C.The Adventures of a Train Trekker
D.Thinking on the Other Side of Zero Part 2
3. How much will you pay for a paperback book on travel and an. e-book on religion (宗教)?

4 . It all began on a cold, rainy day.

Sarah, a poor single mother, was ________ to make ends meet. While waiting for the bus with her two children, Sarah ________ an old man sitting on a nearby bench. He was shivering (颤抖), his ________ jacket providing little protection against the freezing weather.

Sarah ________ the man and offered him her coat. She knew it would make her cold, but the thought of this stranger ________ while she had something to give was too much to bear. ________ by her selflessness, the man thankfully accepted the coat and gave back a smile. Little did Sarah know that her simple act of ________ would make a huge difference.

A man, who saw the heartwarming ________, took a photo and shared it on social media. The post quickly became a ________, with thousands of people sharing and commenting on Sarah’s ________. Encouraged by her, people began organizing events to ________ those less lucky. Schools added lessons on the ________ of helping others, and businesses started a “pay it forward” project, where people could buy more and leave the ________ meal for those in need.

Reflecting on this unbelievable journey, we can ________ our individual power, which may create an effect that would ________ reach every corner of the globe.

A.left behindB.came acrossC.looked forD.turned to
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了由Rebecca Stone博士领导的一项关于儿童情绪与饮食行为之间关系的研究,详细阐述了研究发现以及其对儿童健康的影响。

5 . A new study, led by Dr. Rebecca Stone, has shown that children as young as four years old eat 79% more calories when they are bored, compared to when they are in a normal mood (情绪) .

The researchers have explored the behaviors that make children more likely to eat when they experience negative emotions. Often when children experience bad emotions such as boredom or sadness, caring adults will use food to soothe them. However, this behavior, known as emotional feeding, appears to increase the possibility of children eating more when they are in low spirits. As time passes, too many calories intake will have a significant effect on children’s health both mentally and physically.

Dr. Stone stresses that the experience of boredom is important in the development of children’s sense of self and creativity, so she does not recommend that children should avoid being bored. Instead, she suggests children learn to experience boredom without turning to food. She also suggests that parents turn their children’s attention away from food when they feel bored, or restructure the home food environment to make it less likely that children turn to food in response to being bored.

While there do appear to be individual differences between children in terms of their eating when bored, it is helpful to know that the feeding practices that adults use around food might shape the likelihood of this happening. Although it is attractive to use food as a tool to help children, emotional feeding might lead to greater emotional eating in the future. It is important for parents and caregivers to be aware that this short-term fix could create future problems.

It is hoped that, on the original basis of the study, the team will deeply explore other negative mood states in children and offer advice and support for families to find more effective ways to manage challenges around children eating behavior.

1. What does the research focus on?
A.How children form good living habits.B.How children face challenges in life.
C.How boredom impacts on children eating.D.How parents bring up their children.
2. What does the underlined word “soothe” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What can we know about emotional feeding?
A.It makes children lose weight quickly.
B.It creates a new home food environment.
C.It cannot keep children trusting their parents.
D.It may not help handle bad moods in the long run.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Expectations for further studies.
B.The importance of going on a diet.
C.The necessity of managing moods.
D.Ways to strengthen family relationship.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Have you ever imagined an insect-inspired robot, which weighs less than a gram, could one day help out in surgery (外科手术)?

Scientists have designed this small, “insect-bot” called mCLARI that can control and even change its body shape as it travels in different environments to fit through gaps. It’s 2 centimeters long, weighs less than 0.97 grams and can travel at a speed of 6 centimeters per second.It’s the smaller, faster replacement to CLARI, which was designed by the same team.

“Because of the robot’s small size and ability to change shape, we expect usage of this technology in four important areas,” the lead author Kaushik Jayaram said. These include disaster (灾害) response , check on high-value objects, environmental monitoring and medical treatment.

“In the long term, we hope such robots will be used more widely in moving through human bodies and performing surgeries that can’t be easily done at present,” Jayaram said. With mCLARI, Jayaram’s team is moving closer to creating robots that can fit in different environments—just like the insects they’re inspired by.

The mCLARI robot has four legs and can move in narrow spaces by changing between running forward and side-to-side and can use different speeds in human bodies. Its legs are joined to its body through joints (关节), which enables mCLARI to change its body shape based on the environment it is in. For example, its legs can be lengthened up to 50% in certain spaces.

As follow-up work, the scientists want to give mCLARI more power and sensing ability while helping the surgeries. “We are also excited about understanding the effect of shape change on improving functions of robots,” Jayaram said. “And this is sure a great one-step forward of the technology. The robot will have entered the market by 2025 and will bring greater benefits to mankind, especially in medical treatment.”

1. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Possible application fields of the robot. B.Different types of the robot.
C.Several important features of the robot. D.Working process of the robot.
2. Which of the following can best describe mCLARI?
A.Valuable but uncontrollable. B.Modern but high-cost.
C.Heavy and time-consuming. D.Advanced and effective.
3. What is Jayaram’s attitude towards the robot?
A.Worried. B.Positive. C.Doubtful. D.Uninterested.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Jayaram: A Scientist Studying Robot Intelligence
B.mCLARI Is Already Widely Available in the Market
C.CLARI: A Robot Invented by Inspiration from the Insects
D.A Tiny Shape-changing Robot Will Help Perform Surgeries
阅读理解-七选五(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . In our daily lives, we often have to interact with people who have different personalities, opinions, and backgrounds. This is especially true at school, where we spend most of our time with our classmates.     1     Here are three tips that can help improve these relationships.

Practice active listening.     2     When classmates feel heard, they are more likely to go on with open, honest conversations and seek positive approaches to problems.

Show empathy (共情).    3     By placing yourself in your classmates’ shoes, you can better understand their opinions, which results in more effective communication and a more supportive learning environment.

    4     Offering help and support to classmates when needed can make others feel valued. Whether it’s studying together, working together on projects, or providing emotional support, sharing a common goal can strengthen your relationships.

In short, developing positive relationships with your classmates is a continuous process that requires active listening, empathy, and cooperation     5    

A.Lend a hand to classmates.
B.Be open-minded to classmates.
C.How to build relationships with classmates matters for us.
D.Being aware of others’ feelings can help in building strong relationships.
E.It is important to appreciate the different talents of your classmates.
F.Giving your full attention to other’s talk is important in developing a sense of respect.
G.By adopting the qualities, you will enrich your learning experience in a nice environment.
2024-02-15更新 | 109次组卷 | 5卷引用:内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 容易(0.94) |

8 . In south Africa’s Limpopo province, a baobab tree (猴面包树) once grew so large and stood so strong that its human neighbors decided to build a pub inside the living tree’s thousand-year-old hollow trunk(树干). For 20 years, “The Big Baobab Pub” attracted tourists all over the world. But in August 2016, one of “the walls” broke. Eight months later, another huge piece broke, too. Now, five of the giant stems have collapsed and died, leaving only half of the tree standing.

Though it could sound like a result of human visitation, it's part of an alarming trend: many of the oldest, largest baobab trees in Africa have died within the last 12 years.

Stephan Woodbourne, an African scientist, said: “Of the oldest trees that we’ve looked at in Southern Africa, the three trees that are older than 2,000 years have all died in the past 10 years. Of the 11 trees that are 1,000 to 2,000 years old, six of them have died.”

A report published in the journal Nature Plants claims scores of the ancient baobab trees, some of which are up to 3,000 years old, are now dying because of rising global temperatures.

Researchers believe it is impossible that such a high number of old baobab trees die in such a short time due to natural causes. They think it may be associated with huge change of climate conditions that affect southern Africa in particular.

1. What has happened to The Big Baobab Pub?
A.The pub has largely been destroyed.
B.More tourists from the world visit it.
C.The pub has a long history of 2,000 years.
D.The Baobab Tree grows larger and stronger.
2. The paragraphs from 2 to 4 mainly tell us that ________.
A.all the oldest baobab trees have been dead
B.the oldest baobab trees will die out soon
C.ancient baobab trees are in the face of danger
D.Human’s visits lead to ancient baobab trees’ deaths
3. What is probably the main reason for the trees’ death?
A.Many pubs’ foundation.B.Global climate changes.
C.Human visitation.D.Natural causes.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Research on Baobab Tree.B.Facts about Baobab Tree.
C.Baobab Tree in Africa.D.Tree of Life is Dying.
完形填空(约260词) | 容易(0.94) |

9 . Once there was a farmer with a wife and two sons. He became quite________through hardworking. He wanted his children to have a(n)________life, so he and his wife did all the work and________made them do anything.

After some time, his wife died and________he didn’t want his children to________, so he did the field labor and all the housework. But as time went on, he became old and________, and started to worry about his________when he died.

So he thought about this for a long time and he________his sons and said, “Look, my inheritance (遗产) to you is a lot of gold. I’ve________all my gold in the fields, so it’s up to you to plough (耕作) them and________the gold.”

And he called his neighbors and said, “I’m going to________and my children don’t know how to________themselves. So please cook for them until they can take care of themselves.”

So the neighbors provided them with________for some time.

Certainly the brothers didn’t want to be robbed of the________so they did the digging themselves. They________one field after another and after they had dug all the fields, they found no gold.

So the brothers sat down and one________the other, “Do you think our father________us?”

But the other brother said, “No, I think our father was saying that the________is a golden profession. And if we dig up all the________we can become rich.”

So like all the other________, they sowed wheat in the fields they had dug and became very rich in the end.

A.look atB.look outC.look afterD.look for
共计 平均难度:一般