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1 . Celadon (青瓷) produced in Longquan, Zhejiang province, a technique passed down for more than 1,600 years, ______ a typical example of craftsmen’s pursuit of the perfect green glint (闪耀).
2024-03-07更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市第一中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
2 . Many stores make cloth shoes using machines, but Qiang sticks to the technique of making shoes entirely ______ hand.
2024-03-07更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市第一中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Chinese comedienne and actress Jia Ling, known for her bubbly persona and her bright smile,     1     (be) pretty low-key in the past year-and-a-half. The plus-sized star recently revealed that she was losing weight for    2     upcoming role during her gap time.

Jia Ling has lost 100 kilograms for her new movie YOLO. From the exposed photos, Jia Ling looks like a    3     (whole) different person. In the early teasers for YOLO,     4     follows a complete homebody who takes up boxing, audience caught glimpses of Jia Ling's dedication    5     her role as a boxer. However, it wasn’t until the movie's release    6    viewers truly got to witness the extent of her transformation.

This version of Jia Ling is both familiar and unfamiliar. She still has that familiar dimple smile, but now she possesses strength and resilience that she has never had before. Her defined abdominal muscles are clear and beautiful, making     7     hard to imagine that this is the same Jia Ling we once knew.

    8     (slim) down from 100kg to 50 kg can’t be achieved overnight. Jia Ling has proven through her actions that if you can't bear the pain of discipline, you will have to accept the mediocrity of yourself. She is unwilling to settle for mediocrity and has chosen to challenge herself,     9     (determine) to exchange sweat and effort for her glamorous transformation today. Her path to success has been filled with hardships and challenges, but she has never given up on her demands and pursuits for herself.

She shows us through her actions that regardless of the circumstances, as long as you have determination and    10     (perseverant), you can definitely achieve success. She not only brings us laughter and touches our heart but also conveys a positive and uplifting energy.

2024-03-06更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市卧龙区博雅学校2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The next time you’re at an airport or hotel, you might notice a traveling group that consists of young kids, parents, and grandparents vacationing together.     1    But more and more families tend to bring multiple generations with them.

    2    In larger groups, for example, child-care responsibilities can be shared across family members, allowing parents to take a break. But the real value of these trips might be how they give relatives an opportunity to freshen their perception of the people they’ve known for perhaps their entire life. Travel can take us out of our familiar contexts and offer people a chance to see one another differently.

The shift toward multi-generational travel has a few explanations. For one, grandparents today stay healthy later in life, allowing them more energy for travel.     3    Plus, the average U.S. household has become more multi-generational. Americans are not just traveling with grandparents in order to spend time with them, they are traveling with them because they are more likely to live with them in the first place.     4    Americans are taking fewer vacation days than they did in the 1970s. They might want to make the most of that time by including as many people as possible.

Whatever the reason for its popularity, a multi-generational trip can be a rare time when younger and older generations can glimpse the complex people they have each become. Away from the family home, older generations get to see their adult children as responsible parents. Kids get to see their grandparents encounter a new environment.     5    

A.Another explanation is time pressure.
B.The benefits of multi-generational trips are numerous.
C.Decades ago, only wealthy families vacationed together.
D.A scene like this would have been rare a few decades ago.
E.Multi generational family travel tops the list of travel trends.
F.Everyone gets to break out of their family roles and figure out how to be together.
G.Also, big-group accommodation has become more affordable through online platforms.
单项选择 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . Zhang has recorded and learned music from folk musicians he met while travelling, as ______ means to preserve endangered folk music styles.
2024-03-04更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市第一中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
6 . ______ many difficulties in the US, Qian eventually returned to China in 1955.
A.To overcomeB.Having overcomeC.OvercomingD.Overcome
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . The specific cultural values of a country may determine whether concern about environmental issues actually leads individuals to engage in environmentally friendly behaviors, according to research published in Psychological Science.

Kimin Eom, a psychological scientist of the University of California, Santa Barbara, was inspired to investigate the links between culture, environmental concern, and environmental action after noticing that both public discussion and academic research on environmental behavior typically focus on people from Western countries. It is worth noticing because Western countries tend to have cultural values that prioritize individuals’ own attitudes and beliefs and encourage expression of them.

“The theory seemed to be that once individuals are led to believe in the urgency of environmental issues and have stronger concerns about sustainability (持续性), they will change and act to address the issues,” explains Eom. But this relationship might not hold for individuals living in more collectivistic (集体主义的) societies, which place more emphasis on social harmony and uniformity than on self-expression, Eom and his team assumed.

To examine what drives environmental action in individualistic and collectivistic cultures, the researchers conducted a study with participants from the United States (an individualistic culture) and Japan (a collectivistic culture). They found environmental concern was closely connected with environmental behavior — in this case, choosing environmentally friendly products — but only among American participants. On the other hand, believing that a large percentage of people engage in environmentally friendly behaviors was associated with making eco-friendly choices among Japanese participants, but not American participants.

The findings suggest that personal concerns are more likely to motivate people to take environmental action if they live in individualistic countries, while social norms (准则) are more likely to drive people to engage in environmentally friendly behavior if they live in collectivistic countries.

“Getting citizens actively engaged is critical to addressing urgent social challenges, such as climate change,” says Eom. “Our research suggests that scientists, policymakers, and activists need to understand how culture shapes the psychological factors of action to develop policies, campaigns, and interventions (干预) that address important social issues.”

1. What does Eom find about previous research on environmental behavior?
A.Its study participants are too limited.
B.Its results need a while to be achieved.
C.It prioritizes individuals’ attitudes and beliefs.
D.It draws much evidence from public discussion.
2. Under which condition will a Japanese man most likely take environmental action?
A.If he sees many others do so.
B.If he is affected by collectivistic values.
C.If he moves to an individualistic country.
D.If he worries about the environment personally.
3. What does Eom say about their research in the last paragraph?
A.It fails to take participants’ psychological factors into account.
B.It encourages scientists and policymakers to make joint efforts.
C.It has a further study direction towards urgent social challenges.
D.It provides insights into promoting public engagement in social issues.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Social Norms Play a Part in Addressing Pollution
B.Environmental Issues Originate from National Cultures
C.Motivating Eco-Friendly Behaviors Depends on Cultural Values
D.More Environmental Concerns Usually Mean More Green Action
2024-02-13更新 | 254次组卷 | 7卷引用:河南省南阳市第一中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Influential Art

Sheila Metzner: From Life
Jan. 20, 2024-Feb. 25, 2024

This exhibition celebrates the artistic skill of the internationally respected American photographer Sheila Metzner. Her unique style integrates aspects of Pictorialism andModernism to create an aesthetic (美感),which not only stands out in the history of photography but also becomes very closely associated with the best of 1980’s fashion,beauty and decorative arts trends.

William Blake: Visionary
Jan. 17, 2024-Feb. 24, 2024

A remarkable printmaker, painter, and poet, William Blake (1757-1827) developed a very wildly unconventional world view. By combining his poetry and images on the page through unique drawing techniques, Blake created some of British art’s most striking and lasting imagery. This major international loan exhibition explores the artist-poet’s imaginative world through his most celebrated works.

Alfredo Boulton: Looking at Venezuela
Daily, through Jan.16, 2024

Alfredo Boulton was one of the most important intellectuals of the 20th century inLatin America and an influential photographer of the modern period. Through his large collection of works, Boulton generated a new cultural definition of Venezuela. This exhibition explores Boulton’s wonderful photography, his relationships with modern artists and his influence on the formalization of art history in his country.

Eugèn e Atget: Highlights from the Mary
& Dan Solomon Collection
Daily, through Jan. 25, 2024

Around the turn of the 20th century,photographer Eugène Atget broke new artistic ground. Walking at dawn with his heavy camera, he photographed the soul of Paris and its surrounding areas by focusing on its old alleyways, shop fronts, architectural details,staircases and street sellers. This focused exhibition features highlights from the artist’s work, which continues to influence quite a few photographers today.

1. What did Sheila Metzner and Alfredo Boulton have in common?
A.They shaped artistic expression.
B.T hey explored cultural diversity.
C.They photographed American life.
D.They focused on modern photography.
2. What is Eugène Atget’s photography mainly about?
A.French fashions.B.Natural landscapes.
C.Architectural designs.D.Urban street scenes.
3. Which exhibition is suitable for whoever studies words and images?
A.William Blake: Visionary.
B.S heila M etzner:F rom L ife.
C.A lfredo B oulton:L ooking at Venezuela(1928–1978).
D.E ugène A tget: H ighlights from the Mary & Dan Solomon Collection.
2024-01-10更新 | 315次组卷 | 3卷引用:河南省南阳市卧龙区博雅学校2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考英语试题
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者和同伴在“漏斗森林”探险的经历。在探险的路上,作者多次遇到下雨的糟糕天气,体力不支,心情低落。但当想到不断冒出的水坑和地下河流的入口在通往一个未知的世界时,他开始更加欣赏沿途令人叹为观止的风景 。

9 . I found a wonderful picture of Maolan karst cones online and presented it to the innkeeper. “You can’t go there,” the innkeeper ______ me. “The viewing platform has been closed due to ______ that too many visitors could cause geological damage.”

Despite our disappointment, we ______ an alternative: a seven-hour hike through the “funnel forest”. Initially, we were ______ to run the risk. However, I had ______ the tourism motto in the nature reserve: “If you don’t do it now, you won’t do it in your lifetime.” Three of our group ______ decided to venture into the forest. The innkeeper responded with a knowing ______ : “Great. Bear Grylls went there.”

The next morning, we set off with a local ______ . Rain came and went three times, and before I actually ______ to climb over the first mountain, I had already got wet to the skin. I was a walking ______ of mud and water.

Our guide, in his 50s, behaved like a botanist, introducing the locally specific plants to us, but I was hardly in the ______ . Every step sank into the muddy, sucking ground. Every log or rock in front of us was a physical ______ . “One can never reach those places without strong willpower,” I murmured, reciting that millennium-old ______ , over and over again.

Sinkholes and entrances to underground rivers kept popping up along our ______ . Thinking of them leading to an unknown world, I began to ______ the road that I can control even more.

Wandering in a green chaos without any obvious landmarks is also breathtaking.

A.worked outB.took inC.set downD.ruled out
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . People tend to use trees for papermaking. But maybe electronics (电子) engineers are missing out on something here. “It turns out that two major building blocks of wood have a lot of electrical qualities,” says Magnus Berggren, a professor at Linköping University.

His team has been working to make parts for electronics from the forest. Right now, they’re focusing on two materials of trees. The first material is cellulose, which can make energy. Lignin, the second material, can store that energy, just as a battery does. The team has found when pressed, cellulose can produce electricity.

Some device must then store the electricity until it’s needed. Batteries can do this. But batteries aren’t very green. They have harmful materials. That’s where lignin comes in.

Batteries cause electrons to flow from one place to another, which can produce electricity. In a typical battery, one material must give electrons. The other must accept them. Lignin can do both. A weak acid (酸) encourages lignin to produce electrons. “With a metal wire (金属线) to guide those electrons, you’ll have electricity,” says Berggren.

Berggren’s team use this quality to create its new lignin-based battery. Typical batteries use a metal wire as a path to guide the flow of electrons into or out of the device. But since Berggren wants to make a battery of the forest, he looks for a natural way. Once again, he turns to cellulose.

This natural material can serve as a wire-like path for electrons. To make it work well, Berggren lines them with another chemical known as PEDOT, which isn’t from a tree. But when PEDOT is added to cellulose, they can conduct electricity like a wire. “With a weak acid, now you have a battery,” Berggren says. “And two of its three materials come from the forest.”

Berggren can imagine one day having mobile phone batteries made largely from forest products. Tree-based electronics might also be useful in lighting.

1. What is cellulose used to do in the study?
A.Act as a weak acid.B.Collect rainwater.
C.Produce electricity.D.Make quality paper.
2. Which best describes the new battery?
3. What can we expect of tree-based electronics?
A.They may change farming practices.B.They might save a lot of wood.
C.They would serve the elderly.D.They could light the rooms.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.A Green Way to Make and Store EnergyB.An Attempt to Raise Power Production
C.Practical Suggestions on Planting TreesD.Recent Advances in Mobile Phones
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