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语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式, 并将答案填写在答题卡上。

Three hundred years ago, merchants from Shanxi Province started a daring journey along the ancient tea road, spanning over 10,000 kilometers     1     (introduce) Chinese tea flavors to the world. Unknowingly, they also brought back foreign glassware craftsmanship,     2     developed successfully in Qixian county.

There     3     (be) 53 glassware production companies in Qixian at present, making over 8,000 product     4     (variety). Last year, they produced 250,000 metric tons of glassware products valued     5     an estimated 2.3 billion yuan. Its success results from skilled craftsmanship and automation.

The workers’ attention to detail and artistic talent make Qixian’s glassware stand out in a highly     6     (compete) global market. Yet, there is the twin challenge of limited output and high production expenses.

Qixian assigns high-end and personalized creations to skilled craftsmen and leaves     7     (simple) and standardization to the precision of machines. This approach maintains product quality, meets market needs, and preserves     8     unique core that sets them apart.

The jourmey to transform Qixian’ s glassware companies into time-honored brands may be a     9     (wind) path, but the persistence and innovation the businesses possess will help them get there     10     (eventual), said Li Jiansheng, chairman of Qixian Honghai Glass Co Ltd.

2024-06-23更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月适应训练考试英语试卷
完形填空(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了校车司机Larry Farrish为小男孩Levi在学校主题日——睡衣日——买睡衣的故事。

2 . When you're a kid, theme days at school are a big deal. They're a chance to dress up in something special and   _____________from your regular routine. So when you can't participate in one, it is sad. That happened to a first-grade student named Levi recently. _____________his bus driver stepped in to _____________the day.

As the driver, Larry Farrish noticed the boy was   _____________. When Farrish asked what was wrong, the boy   _____________he didn't have pajamas (睡衣) for Pajama Day. Farrish knew he should do something. After   _____________his job, he headed over to a store. There, he   _____________a pair of pajamas that might _____________ the boy and drove back to the school.

He asked the office to call Levi down, and that's when their days took a major   _____________ "I can tell Mr Larry is   ________________" Levi said. "When he got me the pajamas, I did a   ________________ cry.”

As a driver, Farish feels that his   ________________allows him to connect with kids more and he takes the job seriously. Doing so can influence how kids ________________. Not only do kids learn by   ________________, but when they know they're   ________________, they do thrive (成长).

A.grow upB.calm downC.hang outD.head off
2024-06-16更新 | 66次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月适应训练考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A new study from a team at the University of Pittsburgh has discovered blood-based markers that can reveal someone’s biological age, which could help treat various health problems that can happen as our bodies get older.

We have our actual ages—the number of years we’ve been alive—and then we have biological ages, which is related to the wear and tear on cells and organs. Knowing this biological age can help us work out disease risk, tailor treatments, and better understand the different rates at which our bodies break down.

“Imagine two people aged 65,” says Aditi Gurkar, a scientist at the University of Pittsburgh. “One rides a bike to work and goes skiing on the weekends and the other can’t climb a flight of stairs.”

They have the same age, but different biological ages. Why do these two people age differently? To help answer this question, the researchers enlisted the help of 196 elderly adults, separated into two groups: one group of volunteers aged 75 or older who were classified as healthy agers, and the other group of volunteers aged 65-75 who were classified as rapid agers. The healthy agers were able to climb a flight of stairs or walk for 15 minutes without resting, while the rapid agers had to take breaks through each activity.

The distinction gave the study team the chance to look at differences between the groups in metabolites(代谢物): small chemical substances left by biological processes in the body. They can be used as evidence for which processes are happening, and how well they’re running.

“We chose to look at metabolites because they are dynamic,” says Gurkar. “They change in real time to reflect our current health and how we feel, and we have the power to influence them through our lifestyle, diet and environment.”

With more research, it might be possible to develop a blood test for quick and easy biological age judgment. That test could then be run on people at earlier ages, when changes to molecular processes are easier to edit.

1. What do the underlined words “the wear and tear” mean in paragraph 2?
A.The damage.B.The repair.C.The examination.D.The decrease.
2. How did the researchers do the study according to the fourth paragraph?
A.By analysing some figures.B.By making a comparison.
C.By giving an example.D.By grouping volunteers randomly.
3. Why did the team do research on metabolites?
A.They can affect our lifestyle and diet.B.They can reflect our current thoughts.
C.They can be taken out and tested easily.D.They can show the present body conditions.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A Rare Disease Resulted from Blood
B.A Better Way to Keep Us Younger
C.A Blood Test Indicating Health Problems
D.An Approach to Becoming Stronger
2024-06-16更新 | 50次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月适应训练考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . To help you get out and explore, language leaning platform, Preply, has ranked Europe’s walkable cities.

Seville, Spain

Seville in Spain tops the list of Europe’s walkable cities. Visitors to this amazing Spanish city can explore the impressive Plaza de Espana public square, before wandering over to the UNESCO-listed palace of Real Alcazar and Seville Cathedral. With just 20 minutes of walking between these attractions, you can really make the most of your time here.

Venice, Italy

Venice is famous as a port city for walkers. There are endless attractive passages to explore, as well as plenty of extremely impressive bridges over the crossing canals. Just under half an hour of walking here will take you on a tour of the fantastic Grand Canal, Doge’s Palace, St Mark’s Square, Basilica and bell tower, all in only 1.3 miles.

Florence, Italy

Florence secures its place as a walkable city in Europe thanks to its wonderful display of attractions that can be explored on foot. In only 33 minutes, visitors can take in the brilliance of Florence’s top destinations. A 1.6-mile route covers the famous Uffizi Gallery and the Galleria dell’ Accademia, home to Michelangelo’s masterpiece, the Statue of David.

Athens, Greece

Visitors to Athens can begin their journey at the Acropolis, climbing to discover the ancient Parthenon, which stands as evidence for the city’s ancient heritages (遗产). The National Archaeological Museum is also close by, housing a treasure trove (宝库) of artifacts that proudly display Greece’s impressive archaeological heritage.

1. What is special about Seville?
A.It is Europe’s most walkable city.B.It is famous for impressive canals.
C.Ancient treasures are housed there.D.There are some wonderful attractions.
2. What can walkers do in Athens?
A.Wander around Seville Cathedral.B.Visit the Grand Canal.
C.Explore the Uffizi Gallery.D.Climb the Acropolis.
3. In which city can visitors appreciate the Statue of David?
2024-06-16更新 | 39次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月适应训练考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The exploration of the origin of the slow living movement in the Western world began with a slow eating movement in 1986. Slow food, which means purchasing local and sustainable food that has been carefully cooked, became a global movement. Slow food unavoidably stimulates the interest of the Western world in slowing down the pace of life, which does not require wolfing down low nutrient meals between back-to-back meetings, but advocates respecting the tradition and enjoyment of using time.

When we consider the alternate lifestyle that leads to stress and depression, it is a significant sign to poor health, woeful issues like headaches, sleep issues, digestive disorders, depression, and anxiety. With this in mind, slow living isn’t only more enjoyable; it is also a major boon for one’s overall health.

Kathleen DeVos, a mental psychology expert, said, “To me, slow living is as much about how we’re structuring our lives and spending our time as it is how we are relating to our time and the things in our life.”

The resolution to live a more thoughtful lifestyle is common. About 25% of Americans who made resolutions in 2022 focused on the intention to live a healthier life. Another 21% stated they were resolving to commit to their personal improvement or happiness. However, the idea of working towards a goal seems to be antithetical to the concept of slow living. After all, the point is to slow down, live more, and work less. Plus, many struggle to actually meet their resolutions.

Without a doubt, career demands and financial realities can outshine the possibility of slow living for many. However, if you find yourself in a dilemma of nine to nine and find it unbearable, then you must make a change. For those of you working in busy environments with urgent deadlines, the Pomodoro Techniques are ways to call in slowness into your daily life.

1. What made the slow living popular?
A.The slow pace of life.B.A Western food festival.
C.A survey on sustainable food.D.A slow eating movement.
2. What’s the meaning of the word “woeful” in Paragraph 2?
3. What’s Kathleen DeVos’s attitude towards slow living?
4. What is most likely to be discussed next in the article?
A.Some career demands.B.Some financial issues.
C.Specific Pomodoro Techniques.D.The job dilemma of nine to nine.
2024-06-14更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺预测押题卷(四)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面的材料,在空格处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The main tomb of the Marquis of Haihun, the discovery of which was one of the most     1     (significance) archaeological activities in the country in recent years, opened to the public on Friday in east China’s Jiangxi Province.

The Western Han Dynasty tomb,     2     (locate) in the provincial capital Nanchang, is one of the few imperial tombs not to be destroyed. The main tomb is around 8 meters deep, 17 meters long and 16 meters wide, and linked by a long path.     3     (protect) the site, visitors will observe it from above via a newly-built passage way. Visitors can have a look at the design of the tomb and also see     4     (imitate) of some unearthed items,     5     (include) Liu’s coffin and a dressing mirror painted with the portrait of Confucius.

In addition, naked-eye 3D technology is applied to     6     (vivid) demonstrate different sections of the tomb as well as its collection of relics.

The tomb began excavation in 2011, during     7     more than 10,000 cultural relics were unearthed. Among the unearthed     8     (be) nearly 480 gold ware items and processed rehmannia (地黄) root confirmed as the earliest sample of processed herbal medicine found in China.

The marquis Liu was the grandson of Emperor Wu, whose reign ushered in one of     9     most prosperous periods in China’s history.

Liu was given the title “Haihunhou”, after he was deposed as emperor following only 27 days in this role. He was deposed by the royal family because they believed he lacked talent and     10     (moral). Haihun is the ancient name of a small kingdom in northern Jiangxi.

2024-06-12更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺预测押题卷(四)英语试题

7 . It was the first Sunday in December and I was in the Sunday School to learn about a family that was in real need of clothes and food.

Our director began to _________ what he saw. The mother was working two jobs trying to _________ and clothe three children. She has been working hard all year to save money to buy Christmas gifts, but she just _________. All her money was _________ to buy food.

Hearing what he saw, I began to _________ all the Christmas’s that I had as a child. I can still smell the _________ of various delicacies wafting from my mother’s kitchen. The sight of a big Christmas tree with _________ piled all around and the looks on each of the faces of my family as we opened Christmas presents. I just couldn’t _________ what it would be like to have a Christmas that was being described to us. What—no food, no presents, no family gatherings and no Christmas tree?

The _________ said he would like to take up an offering and anything that was received would be used to help the __________. As the plate began to make its way around. I opened my wallet and only found one $100 bill. I thought for a(n) __________ and then realized that they needed it far worse than I did. So, I put the money in the __________. He looked __________ and said “Are you sure you don’t want any change?” I nodded with a smile.

When returning back, I told my son what I had done, and more __________, I didn’t have any extra money to prepare Christmas gifts for him anymore. I thought I would see my son’s __________expression, instead, he gave me a big hug and said, “No, I already have the best gift in the world —a kind Dad.”

2024-06-12更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺预测押题卷(四)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Giving and receiving gifts is one of the great pleasures of the holiday season, but that pleasure is somewhat reduced when you behold the pile of packaging waste that’s left behind. And this year, in the midst of America’s Great Recycling Crisis, the remainder packaging waste is a bigger deal than ever.

However, the US has failed to build additional recycling facilities, launch waste-reduction campaigns or even simply pressure manufacturers to come up with better packaging designs. Even a few of those things could have helped cope with this enormous problem. Instead, the recycling situation is in a state of chaos.

USA Today reports that countless cities across the country cannot find a market for their recyclables. Many are driving their trucks directly to the landfill. Others are paying recycling companies to take away their trash.

These issues, which are big enough on a day-to-day basis, are intensified during the holidays, when people are shopping and consuming more than ever, particularly online. Although UPS predicts it will deliver fewer packages this holiday season, it still expects to process several hundred million packages. If FedEx’s numbers match those from previous years, it will deliver around 400 million packages. That’s a whole lot of cardboard boxes, plastic bags, and packing peanuts.

Unfortunately, the lack of recycling infrastructure cannot change the unfortunate fact that our society has not yet been established to handle this level of waste. But knowing that, we have a clear responsibility to minimize this waste as best we can, and tackling it on a personal level is all we can do. We can avoid unnecessary packaging when shopping for and wrapping holiday gifts in a number of ways.

It’s not going to solve the recycling crisis overnight, but neither will improve our recycling facilities. What’s needed more than that is a dramatic shift in the way we shop and handle our goods, always moving toward less packaging.

1. Why is “Giving and receiving gifts” mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.To prove a theory.B.To introduce a topic.
C.To present an opinion.D.To show current situation.
2. According to USA Today reports, what can we infer?
A.The recycling problem in the USA is severe.
B.Recycling companies play a vital role in America.
C.The landfill is the only way to solve package waste.
D.Government tries to find a market for their recyclables.
3. What causes an increase in holiday waste?
A.Fewer packages are delivered on holiday.
B.400 million cardboard boxes are delivered.
C.People shop more online during holidays.
D.FedEx fees are more favorable during holidays.
4. What is the purpose of this article?
A.Emphasize UPS’s forecast for this year.
B.Inspire the setting up of recycling companies.
C.Criticize the inaction of the US government.
D.Appeal to people to reduce packaging waste.
2024-06-12更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺预测押题卷(四)英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写第一段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

No amount of begging (乞求) would change my father’s mind about getting a pet. No matter how desperately I begged, his answer was "No! " Finally, I accepted that he was not going to change his mind. I did the only thing that I could. I spent as much time as possible around other people’s pets and I often spent time at a place called Best Friends, an animal shelter near my house. Animals ended up there when their owners could no longer care for them.

Whenever I visited the shelter (收容所), I dreamed about taking one of the dogs home with me. One day after school, I stopped off at Best Friends like I usually did. Suddenly, I saw a large, shaggy, yellow dog standing in the corner, and when he saw me, he wagged his tail and began whining (哀鸣).

“That’s Fenway,” Renee, the woman at the desk, said. “He whines continuously. His owners brought him here when they moved overseas.”

“He must be lonely,” I suggested.

“Your parents won’t let you have a dog?” Renee asked. I didn’t answer, but my look must have said everything, because then she said, “That’s too bad. These dogs need good homes and good people to take care of them.” On my way home, I had an idea to assist shelter pets like Fenway. I wrote a touching story as if Fenway were writing it. I told all about his family and why he had no home, shedding light on (解释) his longing for a loving family. With the shelter director’s approval, I proposed sharing more stories in newspapers and online to attract potential adopters.

The next weekend, the shelter was flooded with families who wanted pets. They were all drawn by the heartfelt stories of animals like Fenway. Fenway’s tail wagged so fast that I was afraid it might fall off. I stood with Fenway as people admired him. His playful nature and hopeful eyes won over many visitors` hearts, leading to a rise in adoptions.

1. 续写词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Suddenly, I saw my parents walking into the shelter towards Fenway.


I was confused why my father changed his mind.

2024-06-12更新 | 42次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月适应训练考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Problem-solving skills are increasingly valuable in the workplace and could help you achieve more in your personal life too. Mastering these skills involves adopting effective approaches that enhance your ability to face challenges and find solutions.     1    

Develop analytical thinking

Analytical thinking is a very important skill. It breaks down big issues into smaller, more manageable components.     2    Begin by clearly defining (定义) the problem at hand, finding out its key components and recognizing the interconnections between them. In the end, individuals can tum challenging problems into manageable insights.


Clear and simple communication is the key to effective problem-solving. Effective communication begins with clearly defining the problem statement. This involves choosing the right words, structuring information, and being mindful of the audience to ensure that your message is broad. Also, active listening is the skill of receiving information with focus. It involves not just hearing words but understanding the differences, emotions and ultimate messages.

Promote cooperation.

Effective problem solving often develops rapidly in a cooperative environment, where diverse opinions fuel innovation.     4    By acknowledging and valuing the differences, the team can create a cooperative environment. The whole s truly greater than the sum of its parts. Also, the atmosphere is powerful to effective problem-solving.

Stay informed.

    5    Staying informed about current events and relevant information equips individuals with a broader understanding of potential challenges. It requires a sharp eye for credible sources of information. And staying informed involves continuous learning and a devotion to keeping up with developments in your field.

A.Listen to others attentively.
B.Improve communication skills.
C.The following strategies are worth a try.
D.Improving this skill requires a structured approach.
E.Regularly updating your knowledge keeps you sharp.
F.The process will equip you with the skills to succeed.
G.It begins with recognizing the strengths of teammates.
2024-06-12更新 | 58次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月适应训练考试英语试卷
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