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1 .     1     , you may have to find the reason from your daily habits. Sometimes it is these careless habits that constantly consume your energy and make you feel very tired.

Planning too far in advance

Being constantly exposed to a full calendar of obligations can cause an uptick in anticipatory anxiety and adversely affect working memory and processing speed. This can impede (阻碍) your ability to remain mindful and efficiently complete tasks in the moment,     2    

Working in a cluttered environment may increase distractibility (分散力) and inattentiveness. The result? Tasks take longer to complete, requiring you to use up more mental focus and energy over time.

Letting little tasks pile up

Texting someone back. Changing a lightbulb (灯泡).     3     The cumulative mental load of unintentionally stockpiling (大量储备) tiny tasks (琐碎的任务) like these can be distracting (分散) and mentally draining. Ideally, any task that takes less than five minutes should be done right away, as it’s the most energy-efficient option — but when this isn’t practical, don’t rely on memory. Immediately write it down on a to-do list,” Lippe said. “This strategy provides peace of mind and reassurance that it will be dealt with eventually.”

Leaving off in the wrong spot

Thanks to things like time constraints and incessant interruptions, it’s not uncommon to find yourself setting aside half-completed tasks in order to deal with something urgent that’s come up or has to take priority.     4    , known as attention residue. If you do have to stop work on a task prematurely, you can decrease the amount of attention residue by writing down the specifics of what’s left to finish. This can help decrease rumination and allow you to clear your mind.

A.A small piece of your attention is left with the unfinished task.
B.Make the best use of time.
C.If you eat healthily and sleep well, but you always feel tired for no reason.
D.Booking your pet’s wellness visit.
E.Tidy up the windows.
F.resulting in poor motivation and mental exhaustion.
2021-10-18更新 | 90次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西柳州市第三中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中模拟试卷(一)(含听力)
共计 平均难度:一般