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阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Conflict exists in all relationships. By conflict, we specifically mean verbal disagreements and arguments. People disagree sometimes, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing — you have the right to have a different opinion from your partner(s). What’s important is that you communicate effectively and in a health y way that allows you to understand each other better and make your relationship stronger.

The Love Is Respect Youth Council is an organization created in 2020 as a way to directly engage with youth aged 12-17 to address the issues of relationships, including maintaining safety when socializing online, dealing with peer pressure at school and improving relationships with parents. Here are some tips to help resolve conflicts in a healthy way.

●Find the real issue

Arguments tend to happen when your wants or needs aren’t being met. Try to get to the real issue behind your argument. It’s possible that you or your partner are feeling insecure or you aren’t being treated respectfully, and are expressing those feelings through arguments over unrelated things. Learn to talk about the real issue, so you can avoid constant fighting that may keep you away from the heart of the problem.

● Compromise when possible

Compromise is a major part of conflict resolution and any successful relationship, but it can be hard to actually achieve. Take turns making decisions about things like what to eat for dinner, or find a middle ground that allows you both to feel satisfied with the outcome.

●Consider it all

If the issue you’re arguing over changes how you feel about each other or forces you to compromise your beliefs or morals, it’s important that you stress your position. If not, consider your partner’s views on the issue, why they’re upset, and if compromise is appropriate. Try to contextualize your arguments to give each other room to express your feelings.

Hope these tips are helpful. If you need more information, click here

1. To find the real issue, you should         .
A.have open conversationsB.avoid arguments
C.seek for common groundD.sacrifice your interests
2. When dealing with conflict, you may         .
A.break down the issue into small parts
B.argue over the issue with your partner
C.change how you feel about each other
D.put yourself in others’ shoes to examine the issue
3. You can get help from the organization         .
A.when unsure of the safety of a specific website
B.when curious about how to improve math grade
C.when arguing with classmates over a group project
D.when struggling hard to stop social media addiction
2024-01-21更新 | 145次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约510词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The idea that we need to eat meat to get enough protein and iron, a false assumption of some Paleo diet (原始饮食) advocates, is a common misconception. It ignores the abundance of protein and iron in many plant-based foods such as nuts and seeds. Likewise, while we typically associate omega-3 fatty acids with fish, fish themselves incorporate these into their tissue by eating seaweed, which we can consume directly without the concerns of exposure to microplastics in fish flesh.

Indeed, a whole-food, plant-based diet can provide all essential nutrients except for vitamin B12, made by bacteria in soil and ingested by animals, thereby incorporated into their tissue, milk, and eggs. While modern sanitation allows humans to consume clean produce unpolluted by dirt, we can easily and cheaply obtain oral B12 supplements.

Evidently, significantly reducing our consumption of meat would carry vast benefits. Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death around the world. Eating highly processed foods and red meat has been repeatedly demonstrated to promote underlying mechanisms of cancer and cardiovascular disease, such as inflammation (炎症) and damage to the lining of blood vessels (血管).

Mounting evidence points to the benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet. Studies from 2017found that a vegetarian diet is associated with a 25 percent relative risk reduction for coronary heart disease and an 8 percent relative risk reduction for cancer, with a vegan diet related to a 15 percent relative risk reduction for cancer. The World Health Organization has classified processed meat as carcinogenic (致癌的), and (unprocessed) red meat as probably carcinogenic to humans.

In addition to harming ourselves, eating meat harms others. Factory farming practices often entail unspeakable cruelty to animals, and working conditions for human laborers are often unsafe and inhumane as well. Overcrowding of livestock and workers promotes the spread of disease among both people and animals, putting us all at risk for future pandemics. The overuse of “routine” antibiotics (抗生素) to accelerate animal growth and precautiously treat the infections anticipated as a result of living in unclean and overcrowded conditions can promote antibiotic resistance.

While large-scale, well-coordinated national and international action is undoubtedly needed to fight unscrupulous factory farming practices-and to ensure the availability of nutritious and healthy food for all citizens, those with greater influence, such as physicians, educators and policy makers, should consider the importance of acting as role models for healthy behaviors themselves as well as advocating for policies that ensure better nutritional access and education for others.

All of these should not be excuses for individuals to resist implementing change in their own lives and communities. Societies change when enough individuals within them alter their behavior, and it is up to each of us to act as a change agent in whatever capacity we can. We would all be well served to pull this lever in our own lives as well.

1. The author writes the first two paragraphs mainly to ________.
A.show the concerns of Paleo diet advocates
B.compare the differences between two diets
C.highlight the importance of nutrition intake
D.point out a misunderstanding in nutrition source
2. Which of the following logic chains is reasonable according to the passage?
3. What does the underlined word “unscrupulous” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.A Meatless Diet Is Better for YouB.Food Problems Call for Joint Efforts
C.Say No to Processed Meat ConsumptionD.Eatable Greens or Not? That Is a Question
2024-01-21更新 | 118次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高三上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。请在答题卡指定区域作答。

Are You a Scanner?

“I can never stick to anything.”

“I get bored as soon as I know how to do something.”

If you’ve ever said these to yourself, chances are good that you’re a Scanner. Unlike those people who seem to find and be satisfied with one area of interest, you’re born to be interested in many things. Instead of a disability to be overcome by a strong will, it is actually an exceptional gift, a whole new way of thinking.

Intense curiosity about many unrelated subjects is the most basic characteristics of a Scanner. Scanners are indeed unique beings, and they may not even recognize themselves because they seldom meet others like them. How do you know if you’re a Scanner? Let’s start by defining who isn’t one.

Those who find fulfillment in one field are called Divers. Examples of Divers include professional musicians, scientists, mathematicians, and others deeply involved in their fields. Scanners constantly seek new horizons, while Divers find satisfaction within their field.

To Scanners the world is like a big candy store full of fascinating opportunities, and they reach out and stuff their pockets excitedly. However, this may not last forever. As kids, most Scanners have been having a great time! At school no one objects to their many interests, because every hour of every student’s school day is devoted to a different subject. But at some point in high school or soon after, everyone is expected to make a choice, and that’s when Scanners run into trouble. While some people happily narrow down to one subject, Scanners simply can’t. Conventionally, if you’re a jack-of-all-trades, you’ll be a master of none.

Identifying yourself as a Scanner means changing the way you see yourself in the world. It starts with understanding that you should stop trying to fit into the accepted norm at once and begin learning about who you really are.

In conclusion, if you’re a Scanner, embrace your unique nature. Your diverse interests are a gift, not a weakness.

1. What is the most basic characteristic of a Scanner?
2. Why do Scanners run into trouble when they grow up?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.Identifying yourself as a Scanner means you should change the way you see the world.
4. Are you a Diver or a Scanner? How would you embrace your unique nature?(In about 40 words)
2024-01-21更新 | 107次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Sportsmanship is the cornerstone of competitive sports, representing the principles of fair play, respect and honesty. It goes beyond winning and losing, emphasizing the importance of moral behavior, respecting each other, and fellowship.

At the heart of sportsmanship lies the concept of fair play. It fosters (培养) a culture of rule-following, fair judgment, and equal opportunities for all participants. Fair play encourages athletes to compete with integrity, showing honesty and accepting the outcomes gracefully. It fosters an environment where cheating, unsportsmanlike and rude behavior are discouraged. By upholding fair play, athletes develop a sense of morality (道德) and a strong character that extends beyond the field of sports.

Sportsmanship also includes respect and empathy (共情), creating an environment that encourages understanding and camaraderie. Athletes show respect for opponents, officials, and teammates, recognizing their contributions and valuing their abilities. They appreciate the various backgrounds, skills and perspectives that athletes from different teams bring to the game. Through respect and empathy, sportsmanship bridges gaps, promotes inclusivity and fosters a sense of unity among athletes and fans alike.

Sportsmanship is shown by athletes who act as role models, inspiring others with their conduct on and off the field. When athletes display sportsmanship, they send a powerful message to young fans, teaching them the importance of fair play, respect and moral behavior. This positive influence extends to society as a whole, where sportsmanship can shape attitudes, values and behaviors beyond the field of sports. By upholding the principles of sportsmanship, athletes contribute to a healthier, more caring society.

Sports organizations, coaches and educators play an important role in promoting sportsmanship. They should foster an environment that encourages fair play, respect and honesty. Emphasizing sportsmanship in training programs and competitions helps athletes develop a strong moral compass,empowering them to make moral choices both in sports and in life. Furthermore, fans and audience should also welcome sportsmanship, creating a positive atmosphere that encourages fair competition and respect for all participants.

Sportsmanship is the bedrock of competitive sports, emphasizing the values of fair play and respect. It improves the sporting experience, fosters unity and shapes athletes into responsible and caring individuals. By promoting sportsmanship, we can create a sporting culture where victories are celebrated but fairness, respect and the spirit of the game take center stage.

1. What does the underlined word “camaraderie” mean in Paragraph 3?
2. What are Paragraphs 2 and 3 mainly about?
A.How sportsmanship is understood.B.Why sportsmanship is stressed.
C.When sportsmanship is shaped.D.Where sportsmanship is treasured.
3. What can be learned from Paragraph 5?
A.Athletes should be trained to make moral choices.
B.Audience could influence athletes’ performance in sports.
C.Promoting sportsmanship requires everyone’s contribution.
D.Officials should take a lead in creating a positive atmosphere.
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.Sportsmanship:Advantages of Doing Sports
B.Sportsmanship:Spirit of Fair Play and Respect
C.Showing Sportsmanship:Qualities of a Good Player
D.Teaching Sportsmanship:Values of Honesty and Courage
2024-01-21更新 | 165次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Whether you’re brand new to hiking or looking to discover your next favorite trail (路线), hiking apps might be the tool to help you get there. Take a look at the list below and choose one that meets your needs.

1. G-GPS

G-GPS is one of the most popular navigation (导航) tools designed for remote mountainous areas. For some hikers, dependable maps and an easily searchable trail database are a must for a hiking app. G-GPS has both, which makes it a great option for beginners and expert hikers alike. It provides data like pace, distance and increased height. Moreover, it works fine when you’re offline and without cell service.

If you’re a fan of cold-temperature hiking, this app’s paid version ($40) has a winter map choice that displays features to help navigate in snowy weather.

2. P-Finder

Many hikers tend to have the experience of standing on a peak, looking at another mountain and wondering “What peak is that?”

If you’d like to avoid the problem, P-Finde might be the app for you. It takes the guesswork out of your exploration, thanks to its unique offering: a 360° view of mountain peaks and their names from your current location, requiring no Internet connection. Plus, all levels of hikers can use it, especially for finding new peaks to hike.

Added bonus: The app has some practical functions, which allow you to take some breathtaking shots and then automatically (自动地) label each peak with its correct name.

You can buy the app for $5 on its official website.

3. N-Land

N-Land Digital is a Canadian nonprofit that helps expert hikers to learn more about their local history and the Indigenous territories (土著领地).

By entering your address, a number of links will appear with the names of different Indigenous nations. Clicking on those links, you will be taken to a page specifically about that nation, language, or treaty, where you can view some sources, give feedback, and learn a little more. You can even do this if you’re offline. This app is an ongoing project, and maps of new territories are regularly added.

You’ll likely want to use this app together with another app such as A-Trails or V-Ranger, if you’re also seeking navigational help.

1. Which app can provide a whole view of mountain peaks?
2. What do the three apps have in common?
A.They suit all levels of hikers.
B.They should be used with other apps.
C.They are free of charge in the app stores.
D.They can be used without Internet connection.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.G-GPS is a must for hikers due to its database.
B.P-Finder can automatically take a photo for users.
C.N-Land can increase users’ knowledge of the land.
D.V-Ranger can attach the correct name to each location.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To recommend apps for hikers.B.To introduce various hiking trails.
C.To encourage people to go hiking.D.To compare different kinds of apps.
2024-01-21更新 | 152次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . There has been much discussion of the concept of quiet quitting — meaning, essentially, doing the bare minimum at work. And perhaps that’s not surprising: When you’re exhausted and overwhelmed, it feels like something needs to be given up — and for many, that seems to be the pursuit of excellence at work. But is taking your foot off the gas the answer?

As a writer focused on time management, I’ve come to realize that the opposite of burnout isn’t doing nothing, or even scaling back. As counterintuitive as it seems, adding energizing activities to your schedule just might make life feel more double.

That’s what I found when I ran a time-satisfaction study with more than 140 busy people. At the beginning of my project, they spoke of feeling worn out. “Life feels very chaotic with so many different balls in the air,” one person told me.“ My work to-do list is never-ending,” another said.

Over the course of nine weeks, some time-management strategies were introduced. Instead of subtractive changes, participants incorporated regular physical activity and made room for small adventures. And when it came to leisure activities, I asked them to put “effortful before effortless”. For example, even something as simple as reading a novel is better than binge-watching a TV show. I also introduced them to the principle of taking “one night for you”— committing to doing something you enjoy, apart from work and family. As with quiet quitting, this might sometimes mean leaving work a little earlier than usual, but the point is not to do less; the idea is that joining a choir, a softball team or anything else with expected attendance pushes you to figure out the logistics, arrange the child care if necessary and go — even if life seems too busy to think about such a thing.

Over the course of nine weeks, participants’ satisfaction with how they spent their time overall rose 16 percent from the beginning of the project to the end. When asked about how they spent their leisure time “yesterday” after nine weeks, participants reported that their satisfaction rose 20 percent. They even reported making more progress on their professional goals — pretty much the opposite of quiet quitting — as their increased energy and engagement spilled over into all areas of life.

We each have the same 168 hours every week. But time is also all about the stories we tell ourselves. When life is full of have-to-dos, with only brief periods of downtime in between, we can feel beaten down by responsibilities. The key is to incorporate energizing activities into our lives so that our inner narrative can be changed, making life feel less like a chore.

1. What can we learn from the passage?
A.People who quit quietly feel the need to pursue excellence.
B.Scaling back can help energize those exhausted from work.
C.Leisure events that require action are more recommended.
D.Going home earlier for a rest can effectively refresh people.
2. What does the underlined word “subtractive” probably mean?
3. What is Paragraph 4 about?
A.Introduction of the background.B.Intervention in the experiment.
C.Principles of new strategies.D.Suggestions based on the findings.
4. What is the purpose of writing the passage?
A.To introduce a finding in a psychological study.
B.To compare different time-management strategies.
C.To analyze the causes and effects of quiet quitting.
D.To argue for a new way to live a more fulfilling life.
2024-01-18更新 | 188次组卷 | 3卷引用:北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文, 根据题目要求用英文回答问题。

Egocentrism is the inability to accurately understand any perspective other than one’s own. To those who are egocentric, there are two types of opinions: “mine and the wrong ones”.

Egocentrism is very unpleasant. Suffering from it, people often find themselves in a situation of conflict or loneliness because they do not recognize the rights of others to their personal feelings, desires, and interests. They also fail to look at circumstances from the other person’s side.

Humanity must overcome it to see a holistic (全面的) picture of the world and objectively assess situations. It is essential to be a fair-minded individual since egocentrism is a quality that is not easy to live with, making it hard for us to interact with people and move forward.

Actually, overcoming this disturbing quality has always been my pursuit. The main goal in my life is based on the search for inner balance, harmony, positivity, and the right attitude to life cases. Thus, I will be able to improve my life and help other people in the practice of this aspect. Moreover, I often remind myself to accept differences and remember that a correct attitude to different personalities, their preferences, and interests leads to success in any tasks.

The formation and development of a fair mind can be practiced almost everywhere. For example, in a grocery store, we need to put ourselves in the place of the seller’s and should not immediately take offense and argue when we are given an unripe banana or burnt bread. It is important to remember that a seller is not obliged to play along at all; this is the same person with his unique nature.

Not everyone agrees with everyone else, but if you absolutely refuse to consider another person’s perspective, that’s when egocentrism becomes a serious concern. So why not try to correct this behavior and be more fair-minded?

1. What is egocentrism?
2. Why does egocentrism often lead to conflicts?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Egocentrism becomes a problem when someone doesn’t agree with others.
4. Please share one of your own experiences about your practicing being fair-minded. (In about 40 words)
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . We humans are comparison creatures.     1     This quality may have evolved as a means of helping us fit into the social hierarchy (等级) of the cultures we inhabited. Regardless of the reasons, social comparison plays a significant role in how we view and evaluate ourselves, and how we interact with our world.

It used to be that our primary reference of comparison was our local communities, primarily neighbors and co-workers. Because we tend to gather around those similar to ourselves in terms of educational level, work income, and shared interests, the range of differences when we compared ourselves to others was fairly small. Unfortunately, with the emergence of the Internet, we can now compare ourselves to literally anyone in the world.     2     What had in previous generations been a small gap in our comparisons has now become so large and unattainable.

    3     When so many people that are easily discoverable on the Internet seem to be so successful. famous, influential and beautiful, given our preference to compare, it is difficult not to have it influence how we view ourselves. Sadly, these comparisons usually result in our feeling inadequate and “less than”.

These harmful comparisons also damage our emotional lives. When we feel lacking, we experience a variety of unpleasant and unhealthy emotions. We feel jealousy and envy for what others have and what we lack.     4    

It’s one thing to realize that you compare yourself to others. It’s another thing to recognize that social comparison is often corrosive (逐步侵蚀的) to you in so many ways psychologically and emotionally. It’s an entirely other thing to stop yourself from comparing yourself to others.     5    

A.We are constantly measuring ourselves against other people.
B.Yet it is possible, and it is worth the effort for your mental health.
C.Thus, we are now exposed to groups that are quite different from us.
D.We believe that there is something wrong with us compared to others.
E.We can even feel bitterness and anger at others for the unfairness of it all.
F.Comparing ourselves to others has the potential to increase our life experience.
G.This new level of comparison has huge implications for our psychological lives.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . As higher education leaders dive deeper into the conversation on Digital Transformation and Education 4.0, they are also learning how to incorporate the Digital Twins realm concept into their curricula, because Digital Twin technology can serve the university of the future.

A Digital Twin is a virtual representation of a real object or system which is updated from real-time data and uses machine learning, simulation (模拟), and reasoning to help decision-making. In other words, a Digital Twin can create a highly complex virtual model which is the exact replica of a physical thing. Connected sensors on a smart campus can collect data in real time. This data is used to create a map onto the virtual model, thus creating a Digital Twin of a campus. When school administrators look at the Digital Twin, they can see crucial information about how the real campus is doing.

The applications for Digital Twin technology do not stop there. Students and faculty can benefit from using the technology as well. For example, hybrid classrooms have become more and more common nowadays. Digital technologies have accelerated the transition into the university of the future. Digital Twin technology, one of the trending technologies related to Industry 4.0, helps faculty create simulation models based on course requirements.

Digital Twin technology makes the ultimate immersive learning experience possible. By using a Digital Twin, students can learn highly engaging tasks which can be too dangerous, complex, or expensive for the classroom. Rather than hands-on laboratory dissection of a physical frog to learn animal science or having to wait for available human organs in the health science lah, medical students can use the virtual twin of an animal or human organs for their study.

The complexity of chemistry or microbiology requires students to be totally engaged. By using Digital Twins in a Virtual Reality simulated learning experience, faculty can achieve a maximum level of engagement helping each student learn abstract concepts in their own unique way and much faster. By running simulations, students can better explore system behavior under different conditions, understand failure and develop an understanding of system sensibilities as well as how changes in the system parameters (参数) and external disruptions make an impact on the results.

Some universities, such as Stanford and Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering, have incorporated Digital Twin technology into their teaching curricula, applying it to disciplines like architecture and engineering as they believe they are the reality of the industry. Overall, this enhances student motivation, accelerates understanding, and improves the overall learning experience. Moreover, the industry encourages universities to incorporate educational Digital Twins in automation to give students the initial understanding of tools and skills they will need in their future.

1. It can be learned from Paragraph 2 that Digital Twins ________.
A.remain a conceptB.are virtual copies of real objects
C.represent future educationD.can operate campuses remotely
2. Which of the following statements might the author agree with?
A.Education 4.0 facilitates the development of Digital Twins.
B.New technology poses potential threats to college teachers.
C.Digital Twin technology in higher education is on the horizon.
D.Virtual classrooms have grown in popularity under Industry 4.0.
3. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . In early 2018, I was training for the London Marathon—the first and only marathon I would ever run in my life. I had treated myself to an expensive fitness watch that tracked my time, pace and splits.

At the end of my final training run—an exhausting 21 miles (34km) —I threw myself down on the floor the moment I got home, only to see my watch had failed me. Twenty-one miles briefly flashed on the screen before it went blank and disappeared for ever. I screamed in pain. That tragic image of me crying on my living room floor pretty much sums up my relationship with exercise tracking technology.

It can be a total joy to watch your data change on running apps as you get stronger and faster. I once got a kick out of it, but at some point it became a stick I used to punish myself. I would watch my pace, compare it with other people’s or criticize myself for not doing it 30 seconds faster. I never really recognized exercise tracking as a problem. It seemed to me that tracking was the route to self-improvement, and the point was to improve, wasn’t it? The point was to be better.

In the past year, the concept of “being better” has taken on a different meaning. My mental health dropped, and things that were once easy such as brushing my teeth became unimaginably difficult. Being better stopped meaning getting faster or stronger. It meant taking care of myself and feeling some joy in a day. Once I started getting better, I reflected on what in my life made me happy and what did not. So, I stopped tracking my runs and simply deleted years’ worth of data that was once very important to me and now meant nothing.

What has become very clear to me since I quit tracking my runs is that I genuinely love doing them. I run around my local park with a silly little smile on my face. I love it so much. But I do not love running quickly. I do not like races. I do not want to be pushed to be faster. Things I notice about my runs now include: how my legs feel and how my mind feels afterwards-clear and focused. I notice dogs, the smell of the wild plants along the canal and the sunshine (OK, wind and rain) on my face.

I am better. Or sometimes I am worse. But either way I’m slowly plodding along, and that’s good enough.

1. The author cried after the final training run because she ________.
A.had to stop working outB.became physically worn out
C.lost the data on the watchD.felt a sharp pain in the legs
2. The author used to view exercise tracking as ________.
A.a fun hobby for enjoymentB.a strong need for recognition
C.a method of escaping punishmentD.a way of being a better runner
3. What does “being better” mean to the author now?
A.Getting pleasure out of winning races.B.Being more focused on her life goal.
C.Freeing herself from demanding tasks.D.Improving her overall well-being.
4. What can we conclude from this passage?
A.Adjustment brings happiness.B.Passion is the key to success.
C.Sports contribute to happiness.D.Success equals self-improvement.
共计 平均难度:一般