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文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲述的是在叙利亚地震后,Save the Children Türkiye等组织如何通过足球项目来帮助受地震影响的儿童恢复心理健康和生活常态。

1 . In February, when a terrible earthquake hit Türkiye and Syria, hundreds of thousands of children watched their world fall apart.

More than 50,000 people died in Türkiye alone. Homes and schools were damaged or destroyed. Families moved to make shift (临时替代的) “container cities,” often far from friends. Many children were affected emotionally. According to a UN report, more than 5.4 million children across the quake zone are at risk of developing mental diseases. “I’ve spoken to many families who say. ‘I don’t recognize my own children,’” says Ceyda Yelkalan, the communications manager of Save the Children Türkiye.

What these children need to heal (康复), Yelkalan says, is a place where they can focus on just being kids. That means creating new safe spaces where children can do something fun, like playing soccer. Through “Pitches of Hope”---a project created by Mastercard and put into action by Save the Children -- Yelkalan and her teammates are building those spaces. Throughout southern Türkiye, they are restoring soccer pitches (球场) that were destroyed and inviting kids to join soccer-related activities, believing in the healing power of sports.

Mehmet Ali Akil, who is Save the Children’s child protection coordinator (协调人), and his teammates developed a series of soccer-related games that encourage teamwork and improve mental well-being. Programs like Pitches of Hope are much needed, he says, since children can, and often do, become separated from their family and friends after disasters. So he developed activities that focus on increasing communication and encouraging respectful and kind behavior.

One girl said that she hadn’t played soccer before because she thought it was a game for men. “Now she’s saying ‘I have more courage,’” Yelkalan says. “These children are learning life skills and the importance of equality and inclusion of every child. They’re getting away from the worries of daily life and making new friendships.”

1. What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about the earthquake?
A.The cause of it.B.What effect it had.
C.What people think about it.D.The rescue efforts following it.
2. What does Yelkalan expect of Pitches of Hope?
A.It can teach children how to stay safe during an earthquake.
B.It can improve children’s sporting performance.
C.It can heal the children’s physical wounds.
D.It can offer children a world of joy.
3. What is one purpose of the games developed by Akil and his teammate?
A.To change the children’s bad study habits.
B.To teach children how to lead a sports team.
C.To encourage children to connect with each other.
D.To give children chances to get together with their family.
4. What does the author want to show by mentioning the girl in the last paragraph?
A.The limitations of the project.B.The success of the project.
C.The details of the project.D.The future of the project.
7日内更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学青冈实验中学校2024-2025学年高二开学上学期期初考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The woman bringing Mandarin to Uganda

Wang Lihong Sooma, who moved to East Africa from China more than two decades ago, is determined to teach Ugandans how to speak Mandarin(普通话).     1     The first 30 teachers have now completed their training and have started holding Mandarin classes in schools across the country.

Forty more teachers are now enrolled (入学) and classes start at 8:00 and finish at 22:00 from Monday to Friday.     2     However, Pavin Mulokwa, a teacher from Mbarara, sees it as an opportunity to broaden her job prospects. Another trainee, Praise Twebaze, agrees and hopes it will enable him to travel too.

    3     Gao Yahui, who has been teaching Mandarin in Uganda for a year, says it has changed her understanding of Africa. From Xi’an city in central China, the 39-year-old left her husband and child behind to come and teach but was warned by her family and friends not to because of “diseases and war”. “    4     When I go back to China, I will introduce the real Africa to the people in China and change their way of looking at Africa.”

Wang’s goal is to have 100 teachers trained up and teaching Mandarin in 60 Ugandan schools by 2023. She sees it as a win-win situation, giving the example of how Chinese have benefited from learning English. “    5     We learnt their technology and skills and then we developed.”

A.They learn our language.
B.I just think in the same way.
C.We learnt their language and we understood them.
D.When I came here, it changed my fixed ideas about African people.
E.It is not just Ugandans who see this course as a life-changing opportunity.
F.She and her husband are organising nine-month courses for teachers to learn Mandarin.
G.To become fluent and be able to teach a language within nine months is a huge undertaking.
7日内更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省方正县高楞高级中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A major tech company has expanded options for keeping personal information from online searches. The company stated earlier this week that it would allow people to request the removal of more types of content, such as personal contact information like phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses, from search results. The new policy also permits the removal of other information that may pose a risk for identity theft, such as confidential (机密的) login accounts.

In a statement, the company said that open access to information is vital. “But so is empowering (授权) people with the tools they need to protect themselves and keep their sensitive, personally identifiable information private,” the statement continued. “Privacy and online safety go hand in hand. And when you’re using the Internet, it’s important to have control over how your sensitive, personally identifiable information can be found.”

Previously, the company had allowed people to request the removal of highly personal content that could cause direct harm. This included information such as bank account or credit card numbers that could be used for fraud (欺诈).

“However, as information increasingly appears in unexpected places and is used in new ways, policies need to evolve,” the company said. Having personal contact information openly available online can also pose a threat, and the company reported receiving requests to remove such content as well. It states that when it receives such requests, it will review all the content on the web page to avoid limiting the availability of useful information or content on public record on government or other official websites. “It’s important to remember that removing content from our search results won’t remove it from the Internet, which is why you may wish to contact the hosting site directly, if you’re comfortable doing so,” the company advised.

1. What can we learn from the company’s statement?
A.Keeping online private information safe is a must.
B.Improving the net environment for citizens is a dream.
C.The exposure of public information causes a discussion.
D.Making a balanced approach to online safety is a fashion.
2. Why does the company review web page content before removing personal information?
A.To obey data privacy laws.B.To take down the entire website.
C.To increase online personal information.D.To avoid removing useful or public information.
3. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Personal information can be removed from online searches.
B.Tech companies can find more images and information.
C.Privacy risks arise from publishing private information.
D.Tech companies know what you’ve done over the years.
4. What is the text likely to be?
A.A research paper on online privacy.B.A new approach to using a search engine.
C.An advertisement for a data privacy service.D.A news report about privacy protection.
7日内更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省龙东十校2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Do you know what carpet cleaning is and how it works? This article will discuss it with you.

Carpet cleaning is a service to remove the dirt, stains and other things from carpets and make them clean. People hire different carpet cleaning services to make their carpets look cleaner, more appealing and away from harmful infections. According to experts, people must clean their carpets once or twice a year.     1    .

According to carpet manufacturers, hot water extraction is one of the most professional and recommended ways of cleaning carpets.     2    

Dry cleaning is also used for cleaning the carpets but this is far easier than wet cleaning.     3     However, it is still used for cleaning the carpets which are not that dirty.

Vacuum (真空) cleaning is mostly used in offices and houses by people themselves. People use a vacuum cleaner to clean the carpets and it is an effective method.

    4     Therefore, carpet cleaning must be done minimum 1-2 times a year to prevent yourself from infections, allergies, and so on. Another benefit is that it saves you a lot of money. If you don’t clean them on a regular basis, you have to purchase them.

You have understood a lot about carpet cleaning.     5     Do not regard this as a trivial (琐碎的) matter. It concerns the health of you and your family.

A.It is time for you to take action.
B.Prepare yourself before you begin.
C.It is not that better than wet cleaning.
D.Dirty carpets damage your health a lot.
E.Dry cleaning is more effective than wet cleaning.
F.Now, the question is what methods are used to clean them.
G.It can remove the dirt and other things deep from the carpets.
7日内更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省龙东十校2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . The immune (免疫的) system has special defense and attack strategies reserved for viruses (病毒). These involve tagging the viruses with antibodies and killing cells infected (使感染) by the virus. A global health crisis can bring the world to its knees, highlighting the huge impact a virus can have. This tiny organism, invisible under a normal microscope, can wreak havoc on worldwide.

There are more viruses on Earth than stars in the universe, so why haven’t we always been maintaining social distance? Primarily because not all viruses can infect us, and for those that do, the body handles them quite well. To put it simply, viruses are extremely small parasites that infect all sorts of life, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammals; they are considered parasites because they can’t survive by themselves. Viruses infect health y host cells and use their cellular “tools” to make more copies of themselves.

Viruses are everywhere—in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land on which we walk. Yet, even after being bombarded with viruses, our body still manages to stay strong. This is because of our immune system and its clever strategies to fight back against viral attacks! Fortunately, with our modern healthcare advancements, we have extra help to fight viruses. These include vaccines, antiviral drugs, and other health technologies to keep us going in this never-ending war.

As time goes by and our bodies encounter more viruses, we develop better immunological memory. This is the body’s way of remembering past infections, making it better prepared for future ones.

1. Which can replace the underlined phrase “wreak havoc on” in paragraph 1?
A.Depend heavily on.B.Have a bad effect on.
C.Take the side effect off.D.Cut the whole power off.
2. Why do we always fail to maintain social distance despite lots of viruses?
A.Not all viruses infect humans.B.Not all viruses are small.
C.Viruses need host cells.D.Viruses infect all life forms.
3. What is one of the strategies our body uses to fight viral attacks?
A.Reducing the number of viruses in the environment.
B.Avoiding contacting with infected individuals.
C.Taking advantage of the immune system.
D.Increasing exposure to viruses.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.What is the definition of unusual viruses?B.How to know well the immune system?
C.How does our body fight viruses?D.How to break down the viruses?
7日内更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省龙东十校2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Talking Together About Collaboration (合作)

Monday, June 19, 11:30 a.m.

The Museum of Modern Art

Free with Museum admission

The ongoing Talking Together conversation series provides an opportunity to think deeply about a broad but timely theme. Understanding that art provides connections to each other and the world around us, we will consider this month’s theme, “collaboration,” through selected works in the exhibition Robert Rauschenberg: Among Friends.

This session is led by Paula Stuttman.

Drawing Is a Way of Thinking

Monday, June 19, 1:30 p.m.

The Museum of Modern Art

Free with Museum admission

The act of drawing allows us to understand an artwork through mark making. Join us in this ongoing series as we explore artworks through drawing and conversation. This week we draw from a selected work in the exhibition Robert Rauschenberg: Among Friends.

This session is led by Paula Stuttman

Sunset Viewings

Monday, June 19, 8:15 p.m.


One of artist James Turrell’s celebrated Skyspaces, Meeting is a site-specific installation (现代雕塑装置) that invites viewers to look upwards toward a clear view of the sky. The installation features a multicolored lighting program synchronized (同步) to sunrise and sunset.

When the sunset lighting program falls outside of regular museum hours, MoMA PS1 is hosting special after-hours viewings on Monday evenings. These events have limited capacity and require an advance ticket.

Postwar Art Wore Red

Thursday, June 29, 11:30 a. m

The Museum of Modern Art

Free with Museum admission

Join us for a lively discussion about the work of artists featured in the exhibition Making Space: Women Artists and Postwar Abstraction, which shines a spotlight on the impressive but still relatively under-recognized achievements of women artists after the end of World War II.

This session is led by Tamara Kostianovsky.

1. What similarity do the first two events share?
A.They start at the same timeB.They select the same works.
C.They involve the same artist.D.They explore the same theme
2. Which of the following is true about Sunset Viewings?
A.It is intended to watch sunrise and sunset.B.It is free of charge.
C.It offers activities after closing time.D.Viewers can engage at weekends.
3. Who is in charge of the discussion about female artists?
A.James Turrell.B.Paula Stuttman.
C.Robert Rauschenberg.D.Tamara Kostianovsky.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Geologists have long been fascinated by a missing piece of Earth’s history — a lost continent called Argoland. Around 155 million years ago, the 5,000-kilometer continent broke off from Western Australia and began drifting (漂移), leaving behind a basin deep below the ocean known as the Argo Abyssal Plain. But where did Argoland actually go?

The seabed structure suggests that the continent drifted northwestward and ended up Southeast Asia. But surprisingly, there is no large continent hidden beneath those islands, only small continental fragments (碎片) surrounded by ancient oceanic basins. Using this theory, geologists at Utrecht University discovered that Argoland hadn’t really disappeared but survived as a “very extended and fragmented collection” under the islands to the east of Indonesia.

Unlike other continents like Africa and South America, which broke neatly into two pieces, Argoland split into many smaller fragments that were dispersed, which made it difficult for scientists to locate and study the continent’s geological features. However, with advanced technology and the discovery, scientists can now piece them together.

Tracing the continents is vital for understanding processes like the evolution of biodiversity. It could help explain something known as the mysterious Wallace line, which is an imaginary boundary that separates mammals, birds, and even early human species in Southeast Asian islands. The boundary has puzzled scientists because of how clearly it separates the island’s wildlife. To the west of the line are placental mammals (胎盘哺乳动物) like apes and elephants. But these are almost completely absent to the east, where you can find animals typically associated with Australia. Researchers have theorized that this may be because Argoland carried its own wildlife away from Australia before it crashed into Southeast Asia, which helps explain why different species are found in different nations.

The story of Argoland is not one of complete disappearance but of transformation. As the world continues to evolve, this lost continent serves as a powerful symbol of the breakability of life on this planet, and a reminder of the importance of respecting and protecting the world that we live in.

1. What do we know about Argoland?
A.It split into two pieces many years ago.
B.It broke away from the African continent.
C.It sank to the bottom of the Argo Abyssal Plain.
D.It exists as fragments under the eastern islands of Indonesia.
2. What does the underlined word “dispersed” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. Why does the author mention the “Wallace line” in paragraph 4?
A.To explain an unsolved mystery for scientist.
B.To stress the significance of tracing Argoland.
C.To prove the biodiversity of Southeast Asian islands.
D.To introduce the evolutionary process of Australian species.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.The Discovery of a Lost ContinentB.The Mysterious Disappearance of Argoland
C.The Theory of Fragments DriftingD.The Breakability of Life on the Earth
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Over the weekend, a Pennsylvania man risked his life to save his neighbors from a burning home, as captured in dramatic video footage.

Oscar Rivera was playing with his children in his backyard on April 14 when he heard a loud boom (响声). Rushing to the front yard, he saw that the house across the street was engulfed in flames, with his neighbors trapped inside.

According to WFMZ-TV, Rivera didn’t hesitate. He climbed up the three-story building, which was already covered in flames. On a narrow ledge (窗台) at the burning home, a woman was trying to pull a man out of an attic window as smoke poured out. The man was calling for help.

Rivera and a neighbor quickly grabbed a ladder and rushed to assist. “I just started jumping, jumping and jumping,” Rivera told WFMZ-TV. He managed to reach the top floor and pulled the man from the window, who had yelled, “Help me. I can’t walk.”

Eyewitness Janeen Huth, who recorded the rescue, praised Rivera for risking his life while his young children watched from the door. “Come on! Come on!” Huth can be heard shouting in the video, as other onlookers and firefighters worked to assist. “Rivera is a true hero,” she told The Morning Call. Rivera managed to get the victim onto the ledge, and firefighters then took over, bringing the man to safety.

The rescued man sustained critical burns and was taken to the hospital, according to WFMZ-TV. The fire damaged six homes and led to the evacuation (疏散) of 20 people. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation. “I hope he’s okay,” Rivera said about the man he saved.

1. What does the text describe?
A.An investigation into a fire.B.A man’s heroic rescue.
C.A fire department’s response.D.A fire that destroyed several homes.
2. What made Rivera rush to the front yard?
A.Hearing a loud boom.B.Seeing the flame.
C.Hearing a call for help.D.Being informed about the fire.
3. What did Rivera do in the rescue?
A.He provided first aid.B.He helped guide firefighters.
C.He called emergency services.D.He pulled the man out.
4. How did Janeen Huth react to Rivera’s action?
A.She was indifferent.B.She admired his bravery.
C.She criticized him for risking his life.D.She thought he should wait for firefighters.
7日内更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省龙东十校2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . We are currently seeking a qualified and experienced individual to join our team as a marketing manager. As a key leadership position within our organization, the marketing manager will play a crucial role in driving the department’s success and contributing to our overall business objectives.


*Bachelor’s degree in business administration, management or related fields.

*Proven experience in a marketing role, with a track record of successfully leading teams and achieving results.

*Strong communication, interpersonal and problem-solving skills.

*Proficiency in relevant software apps.


*Overseeing daily operations of the department, including staff management, budgeting and goal setting.

*Developing and implementing strategies to meet departmental targets and enhance efficiency.

*Cooperating with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless coordination and communication.

*Providing leadership and guidance to team members to develop a positive work culture and professional growth.

If you are a motivated and enthusiastic leader with a passion for driving organizational success, we invite you to apply for the position. Join us in shaping the future of our department and making a lasting impact on our company.

To apply, please submit your resume and a cover letter detailing your relevant experience and why you are the ideal candidate for this role. We look forward to welcoming a dedicated and talented individual to our team. Contact us at Jessica3158@yahoo.com.

1. What is a must to apply for the position?
A.A master’s degree.B.A strong body.
C.The related work experience.D.The ability to develop software.
2. What does the marketing manager have to do?
A.Communicate with consumers regularly.B.Assist the leaders to develop annual plans.
C.Achieve the overall goal of the industry.D.Help co-workers develop their business.
3. How can you get in touch with the interviewer?
A.By filling out a form.B.By sending an email.
C.By writing a letter.D.By making a phone call.
2024-09-13更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省龙东十校2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . “Palace, Mountain, Moon?” has been selected by NASA as the Astronomical Picture of the Day for December 25, 2023.

The photo was taken by Valerio, a young photographer of Turin, Italy. It was shot on the evening of December 15, 2023. While he knew about NASA’s competition, he hadn’t considered participating until receiving much encouragement from his social media followers. Soon after, he received the message, “Your image has been chosen as the astronomical photo of the day.” It was incredible!

In a photo like this, nothing is left to luck. The concept came to him back in 2017. Walking on the hills north of Turin, he found several spots perfect for including both the Basilica of Superga Palace and Mountain Monviso. After numerous visits over several months, he identified four spots where Superga and Monviso line up just right.

After exactly finding these locations, he experimented with shooting them at different times. “I knew I needed something special to perfect the photo. The Sun was a no-go, so I turned to the Moon. Its various phases (位相) and positions reach an azimuth angle (方位角) of 230 degrees,” Valerio said. With this in mind, he researched the Moon’s phases, marked potential dates on the calendar, and planned the exact moments when the moon could join the queue.

It was very successful, especially because the Moon was in a waning phase. This meant that in the photo, not only was its crescent (新月) lit up, but so was the left part, its shadowed side. That part is lit by reflected light, also known as Da Vinci’s glow, named after him because he was the one who theorized about why the Moon’s shadowed side is brightened. During the early days of the waning Moon phases, the shadowed part is visible because the Sun’s light reflects off the Earth and hits the Moon’s shadowed side, giving it a greyish, silvery color. This allowed the light to outline Monviso on the left as well.

1. Why did Valerio send the photo to NASA?
A.He developed an interest in astronomical advances.
B.He expected to encourage followers on social media.
C.He received broad support from enthusiastic fans.
D.He got a message of invitation from NASA.
2. In Valerio’s photo, the three objects ________.
A.shine light on each otherB.stand in a straight line
C.fit each other in sizeD.vary from usual in color
3. What did Valerio do to prepare for the perfect photo?
A.Studying how the Moon phase changes.
B.Pay numerous visits to the spots for good luck
C.Analyzing when to adjust the camera angle.
D.Measuring the height of the observation point.
4. What was lit up by the Da Vinci’s glow?
A.The outline of the crescent.B.The outline of Superga.
C.The dark side of the Moon.D.The shadowed side of the Earth.
共计 平均难度:一般