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1 . The letter from the headmaster couldn’t have been clearer: The bus will pick up your new kindergartner at the fixed bus stop. Parents are not to ride with children on the bus, and in no way are parents to come to the school, whether to drop off their children or to take pictures. Parking space is not enough, even for teachers, staff, and buses, and additional cars are stopped from parking at the beginning or end of the school day.

That was all understandable but they didn’t know my five-year-old twins. Shy and sensitive, they hid whenever the doorbell rang. My apprehension on that first day of school was that my girls would hide under a bus seat, or somehow get lost or stolen. The first day of school wouldn’t be easy for them and me.

The day finally came. The bus was late, and I watched Morgan and Chloe get on, turn and wave on the top step. Okay, then I ran crazily. But I ran before the bus, not after the bus. Can’t a woman go for a run?

The bus finally overtook me a few hundred yards before the school building. Out of breath, I secretly moved to the front gate, hiding safely behind a large sports car. I had a bird’s-eye view of every child that climbed down the bus steps and walked into the school. I willed my breath to quiet down and I focused hard on just being still because getting caught would be beyond awkwardness. Sweat rolled down my forehead and mixed with the sunblock (防晒霜) I had used hours before, hurting my eyes and making me teary.

A few minutes went by. Two more buses emptied and left, and then there they were! Chloe smiled shyly as the headmaster gave her a big smile and “Welcome!” Morgan stayed tightly behind, but she was smiling and holding her sister’s hand. I said it was the sweat and the sunblock that made me teary. I was lying about that part.

1. What is the main message of the letter from the headmaster?
A.Parents can’t receive pictures of their children at school.
B.Parents are required to park far away from the school.
C.Parents should be in company with their children on the first day.
D.Parents are not allowed to drop off their children at school.
2. What does the underlined word “apprehension” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What did the author do after watching her twins get on the bus?
A.She went home and waited for them to return in anxiety.
B.She ran after the bus to ensure her twins’ safety.
C.She went for a run before the bus reached the school.
D.She made her way to the school entrance as soon as possible.
4. What caused the author to cry actually?
A.The heat and physical tiredness from running.
B.The regret for not being able to be with her twins.
C.The emotional reaction to seeing her twins happy and safe.
D.The painful feeling from the sunblock getting into her eyes.
今日更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省部分学校2024-2025学年高二上学期9月开学考试英语试卷
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2 . Conservationists (保护主义者) received good news recently after a big research project found that wildlife conservation projects are really effective.

At the moment, nearly a third of species that are observed by experts are ones classed as endangered due to human activities. Threats to these species include habitat loss and changes in weather patterns such as rising temperatures. Conservation projects aim to help improve species numbers and help them develop.

For the new study, a team of international researchers looked at 665 trials (试验) of conservation efforts between 1890 and 2019. The trials were across the world and focused on lots of different species. The results showed that two thirds of conservation trials either improved biodiversity—the variety of wildlife in an area or slowed down its decline (减少). The researchers said that when conservationist efforts do work, they “really work”.

Efforts to manage meat-eaters along the coast of Florida, US, which helped to improve the numbers of loggerhead turtles and least terns—a type of bird, were a success. Breeding (繁育) certain species and then freeing them into the wild, such as Chinook salmon and Cuban crocodiles, was also a successful conservation method. Although not all efforts were a success, sometimes they helped other species by accident. Off the coast of New South Wales, Australia, protected sea areas were created to improve seahorse numbers. The seahorse population actually fell because the protected waters attracted meat- eaters, such as octopuses, but the octopus population increased.

Although the study was global, there was less focus on Central and South America, Southeast Asia and parts of Africa, where there is less money for research. For the next stage of the study, the plan is to include more regions.

1. What can we know about the 665 conservation trials?
A.Most of them were successful.B.They were carried out in developed countries.
C.Most of their subjects were endangered species.D.They aimed to limit human influences on wildlife.
2. How does the author develop paragraph 4?
A.By providing examples.B.By comparing various species.
C.By presenting causes and effects.D.By listing similarities and differences.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Southeast Asia didn’t pay attention to conservation projects.
B.Money should be raised to support the project.
C.More researchers should take part in the project.
D.The project will be carried out in a wider range of areas.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Climate Changes Affect WildlifeB.Conservation Projects Are Working
C.The Endangered Animal Populations RiseD.Conservation Projects Get Worldwide Attention
2024-09-13更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省部分学校2024-2025学年高二上学期9月开学考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . There is nothing quite as painful as being rejected. No one likes being rejected.     1     And it’s just a part of life, so it’s important to learn some information about it. The following are some suggestions that can help you deal with it.

Do not expect everyone to like you. This is an impossible expectation.     2     We can’t all feel connected to each other at all times. Once you have made peace with the realization that inclusion is not always the way things will turn out, you may start feeling calmer and less reactive and hurt.

Sometimes we make each other angry and may be rejected.     3     We can use the phrase “cooling down” to replace rejection. It might not only be more right but it might also feel kinder and gentler.

    4     It helps us not only understand our effects on others a bit more but every painful experience encourages us to learn new interpersonal skills and to have more empathy (共情) for the experiences of others.

You do not need to fix everything. Sometimes, it makes sense to sit with some uncertainty and ambiguity (模棱两可). Even if you want to repair everything, this is impossible. Work on learning to be comfortable with a bit of uncertainty.     5    

A.You don’t like everyone, do you?
B.It is an excellent skill to have and teach.
C.Experiencing rejection is not always a bad thing.
D.We always get opportunities to meet new people.
E.But rejection is served up in all sorts of ways and is never easy.
F.However, rejection suggests that you should reconsider the relationship.
G.If so, a cooling down period of several days or weeks may be necessary.
2024-09-13更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省部分学校2024-2025学年高二上学期9月开学考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . People experience emotional pain — often in the form of guilt (内疚) — when spending money. This is called the moral tax (道德税) or pain of payment. We can reduce this guilt by separating the enjoyment of a purchase (购买) from its payment. However, the best way to reduce moral tax is by receiving a gift—an item you don’t have to pay for at all!

As a result, the best gifts are items that normally bring particularly high levels of moral tax. This may include goods that appear overpriced and therefore bring particularly bad feelings of guilt upon purchase.

Curiously, it’s not about the actual amount of money spent. What matters most are the emotions brought by the gift (or the guilt taken away). Consider the following example as an explanation.

For weeks, Anne has had her eye on a pair of designer shoes. They look incredibly stylish and go perfectly with her new winter coat. She’s got enough money to pay for the shoes but doesn’t think the purchase is necessary. After all, she already owns three other pairs of winter footwear. Still, Anne makes sure to mention the shoes to her husband Alex, and on Christmas morning she is overjoyed to open a large box containing the shoes. She is happy with the gift even though Alex bought it from their family bank account.

Looking at it from an economic point of view, Anne’s happiness doesn’t make any sense. Since she shares a bank account with her husband, it doesn’t matter who buys the shoes. The loss of money is the same either way. How can Anne be happy with Alex making a purchase she previously thought unnecessary? It all comes down to moral tax. By making the payment on Anne’s behalf, Alex cuts her wife’s pain of payment. Anne gets to enjoy her precious shoes guilt-free.

The experts suggest that the best gifts are things that people really want but refuse themselves to avoid feeling guilty. What are your partner’s secret wants and guilty pleasures? Unfortunately, that’s the one question you need to answer yourself.

1. What does the moral tax refer to in the text?
A.The guilt of receiving an expensive gift.B.The problems caused by overspending.
C.The feeling of satisfaction after making a purchase.D.The emotional pain coming from spending money.
2. Why does Anne refuse to buy the shoes herself?
A.She has got a similar pair.B.She is influenced by the moral tax.
C.She decides to put off satisfaction.D.She only wants to use her husband’s money.
3. What may an economist think of Anne’s excitement?
4. What do the experts suggest about the best gifts?
A.They should be practical and useful.
B.They should be expensive to show appreciation.
C.They should be items that people really want but avoid buying due to guilt.
D.They should be items that don’t cost people too much but are meaningful.
2024-09-13更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省部分学校2024-2025学年高二上学期9月开学考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Midjourney is an AI-based tool designed to create art from textual descriptions. Users put in some key words, and the AI develops an image according to that description. You need to know how to use Midjourney if you want to create some of the most exciting AI art. Midjourney lets users create anything they can imagine from just text prompts (提示).

How to Use Midjourney—Text to Image

1. Once you’ve joined the Midjourney Discord, choose a server to join. It’s best to choose a “Newbie” server for a beginner.

2. Select the chat box at the bottom, and type “/ imagine”, then click “Imagine”.

3. Type in the prompt for the art you wish to create and hit “Enter”. A well-designed prompt can help make unique and exciting images. A basic prompt can be as simple as a single word or phrase.

4. Wait a few moments and keep an eye on the chat box where it will be posted.

Prompting Tip

The Midjourney Bot works best with simple, short phrases that describe what you want to see. Avoid long lists of requests and instructions.

Subscription (订购) Plans

Midjourney once offered a free limited use but now it is accepting paid members only. Membership starts at $10 for the basic plan, which will get you around 200 image works a month.

Midjourney offers four different levels of subscription plans. Customers can choose to pay on a monthly basis, or they can choose to pay for the entire year to have a 20% discount (折扣).

Basic Plan

Standard Plan

Pro Plan

Mega Plan

Monthly Subscription





Yearly Subscription


($8/ month)


($24/ month)


($48/ month)


($96/ month)

1. What’s the function of Midjourney?
A.To write articles.B.To create pictures.
C.To improve texts.D.To compare artworks.
2. Which of the following is suggested to get what you want when using Midjourney?
A.Giving brief descriptions.B.Choosing the best server.
C.Offering long lists of requests.D.Turning to an expert for help.
3. How much should you pay if you choose a Standard Plan for 6 months?
A.$ 60.B.$ 144.C.$ 180.D.$ 288.
2024-09-11更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省部分学校2024-2025学年高二上学期9月开学考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . I would feel ashamed every time I receive a new package (包裹) on my doorstep. I know that buying new stuff is bad for the planet. But every time I buy something, I get some happiness that’s hard to give up.

Recently a new book has given me new insights:     1     It’s the way our brains have evolved (进化). And there may be a way to break the cycle.We are evolved from simple organisms that survived because their networks of nerve cells learned to repeat rewarding (有益的) decisions. Today, we have billions of action cells in the brain. They are always forming connections to strengthen rewarding behavior.     2     We seek out those releases in dopamine, and at the same time repeat the actions that lead to them.

    3     Maybe you weren’t even thinking about buying watercolor paints. Then something reminded that you like painting, and you searched online and found they were less expensive than you expected. When they arrived on your doorstep, they were better than you thought. Your brain will be drawn to repeat the behavior that got you something unexpected and good.

The best way to break the overbuying habits is not to stop buying things completely.

    4     Imagine you’ve formed a habit of eating chocolate before bed for comfort, even though you know you don’t need the calories. You can try having milk with cocoa powder as a healthier replacement, which provides similar comfort. Once you start losing weight, the reward of being able to fit into your old clothes will feel as good as the chocolate once does.     5     Buying used items satisfies our desire to acquire. It gives us the same good feeling of an unexpected reward without consuming more resources.

A.We need that same replacement for shopping.
B.Whether that approach would work is up for debate.
C.Our brains especially like it, and release more dopamine.
D.My desire to keep buying things isn’t necessarily a personal fault.
E.In this process, dopamine is released, helping us learn how to obtain a reward.
F.The good feeling connected to unexpected rewards is partly why we like shopping.
G.A better solution may be to replace the old, long-term harmful rewards with new ones.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . David loved his grandson Philip dearly. The boy reminded him of himself at an early age. They had a lot of fun together, exploring the backyard and hiking in the nearby park. However, one weekend, Philip felt ill and had to stay in bed. David made sure to keep his grandson entertained by finding a book they could enjoy together.

Before handing it to Philip, he decided to leaf through it and look back at the story. However, while looking through it, he didn’t expect to see another piece of his youth, this time in the form of a photograph of him and his old friends. There were four in the picture — David, Steve, Dorothy, and Teresa. They were neighbors and often went to the beach together. In the photo, the four of them were playing on the sand.

Suddenly, David wondered about the people in the photograph, curious to know where life had taken them.

Philip noticed that and asked “What happened, Grandpa?” David smiled, excitedly taking the book and the photo to Philip. “Look, Philip. This is an old photo of my friends and me!” he said. “I wish I could meet them again.” Philip suggested looking for them on Facebook. Through Philip’s tablet, they searched for David’s friends. To Philip’s surprise, they weren’t on the social media platform.

David decided to go to his hometown to find Steve, Dorothy, and Teresa. The town had changed a lot and he found that Dorothy’s and Steve’s houses were no longer there. Still hopeful, David decided to visit the last address, which was Teresa’s. A young girl opened the door. “I’m sorry, young lady. I was just looking for Teresa Green, but I might have gotten the address wrong,” he said.

Suddenly, the girl shouted, “Grandma, you have a visitor!”

1. Why did David find a book to enjoy with Philip?
A.Because Philip was entertained most by books.
B.Because David intended to show Philip a picture.
C.Because David remembered something in the book.
D.Because Philip was not in good condition on that day.
2. What surprised David as he was looking through the book?
A.A leaf.B.A picture.C.Some friends.D.Some beach tours.
3. How did Philip help David search for his friends?
A.By posting the picture online.B.By visiting them with David.
C.By giving away his tablet as a gift.D.By looking for them on Facebook.
4. What might the following paragraph probably be about?
A.David told Philip about the wrong addresses.
B.David talked with the girl about some life lessons.
C.David and Teresa managed to contact Steve and Dorothy.
D.David apologized sincerely for the trouble he had caused.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . For many people, childhood is the best time of their lives. Children’s Day is celebrated by different countries on different days of the year. It is a holiday that celebrates the happiness, healthy growth, and bright future of children.


Children’s Day is on June 1st. On this day, pupils go to school as usual, but often for only half of the day. The school day tends to involve various Children’s Day activities instead of regular classes. The celebration doesn’t end at school. After school, parents usually take their children out to play. They often celebrate by having a picnic in the park or by going to an amusement park, the cinema, or the zoo. Many tourist attractions, including the Forbidden City, have discounts on admission or are completely free for children on this day.


The Japanese people celebrate Children’s Day on the fifth day of the fifth month every year. Families fly colorful carp flags (鲤鱼旗) from their homes, as carps represent determination and vigor in Japanese folklore (民间传说). They display figurines of Samurai Warriors in their homes to symbolize strength and bravery. Children enjoy sticky rice cakes in Quercus dentata leaves and participate in events around the country like traditional Japanese plays.


Children’s Day is celebrated on November14 every year. This date marks the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of independent India. Nehru was very fond of children and so, to honor him and acknowledge his work for children, the 14th of every November is set as Children’s Day. On this occasion, children of India usually get gifts from their parents. Many schools allow students to attend their classes in colored dresses. Special programs are held by the children themselves. Many schools hold activities such as camping trips or free movies on Children’s Day to allow students to have fun.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, Children’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of March each year. Fun community events are held throughout the country and include games, carnival, food, traditional haka dancing, and more.

1. What do Chinese do on Children’s Day?
A.Pupils go to school as usual
B.The celebration end at school.
C.Parents usually take children out to play
D.Many tourist attractions have no discounts
2. When is the Children’s Day in Japan?
A.June 1stB.May 5th
C.November14D.The first Sunday of March
3. Where can you probably find the passage?
A.Tourist brochureB.Book reviewC.Science reportD.News report
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Around seven out of every ten Americans who work in offices do their work in an open environment, defined as at desks without meaningful partitions (隔板), according to an International Facility Management Association survey. That is, if they even have a desk- workers may be assigned only a few feet of a communal (共用的) table. The open-plan office space trend, popularized by creative agencies and technology start-ups, went mainstream because of the belief that open-space environments support innovation. More nearness between employees, the thinking went, would create more interaction and teamwork, promote social interaction and urge productivity.

But in fact, purely open-plan offices have been shown to have the opposite effects, creating so much distraction (分心) that employees stayed away from each other. A study funded by Harvard Business Sehaol, the results of which were published last year, tracked what happened when a British company moved its employees from traditional office space, with offices with walls, to an open office. Face-to-face interaction became less — employees spent 72 percent less time interacting with their colleagues. Instead of talking more with each other, the employees put on headphones and began communicating by text and email. As digital communication channels surged, productivity declined.

Neuroscience also holds some clues as to why the tight quarters in communal work spaces- where workers are only given about half the space they were given a decade ago- are so hard to work in. “The human voice sets off the most powerful emotional response in our auditory (听觉的) experience. Voice above 55 decibels (分贝) — roughly the sound of a loud phone call- causes measurable stress, ” according to a Wall Street Journal article,   “The Neuroscience-Optimized Office”. “Even more troublesome are overheard ‘halfversations’, in which the listener only knows about one side of a dialogue; our brains automatically imagine the other, ” wrote authors John Medina and Ryan Mullenix.

But the solution, say experts including Newport, isn’t to go back to putting everyone into offices with walls.

1. What can we learn about the open office trend according to paragraph 1?
A.It allows 10 people at most to work together.
B.It is believed to stimulate workers’ creativity.
C.It is only popular with new technology companies.
D.It is aimed at promoting workers’ social interaction.
2. What does the underlined word “surged” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Suspended timely.B.Became useless.
C.Cost less.D.Increased quickly.
3. What makes an open office hard to work in?
A.Hearing endless noisy phone calls.
B.Showing real emotions publicly.
C.Facing communication barriers at work.
D.Hearing part of a dialogue between colleagues.
4. What will probably be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.What are benefits of the open offices with walls.
B.Why the open office makes workers distracted.
C.How to deal with the disadvantages of the open office.
D.How to draw workers’ attention to their colleagues nearby.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . China is a country rich in natural beauty, with countless breathtaking landscapes to explore. As the old Chinese saying goes, it is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books. Here are four amazing scenic spots in China for you to choose from. All of them are on the World Natural Heritage (遗产) Site List, each with its special charm.

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

Located in Hunan province, the park is famous for sandstone mountains and various plants. Visitors can take the Bailong Elevator, the world’s tallest outdoor elevator, for an extremely broad view of the breathtaking surroundings.

Jiuzhaigou Valley

Jiuzhaigou Valley in Sichuan province is known for its colorful lakes and shiny waterfalls. The crystal-clear water reflects the surrounding forests and snow-capped mountains, creating a stunning visual display.

Mount Huangshan

Mount Huangshan is located in Anhui province, which is known as the “liveliest mountain of China”. The hot springs, ancient pine trees and classic art works add to the charm of this UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage site. Visitors can also enjoy the impressive sunrise and sea of clouds from the famous Lion Peak.

Li River

Li River in Guilin is known for its karst mountains and picturesque scenery. The peaceful landscape features ancient villages, bamboo rafts and fishing scenes. Taking a raft along the Li River is a popular activity, allowing visitors to fully appreciate its timeless beauty.

Man who travels far knows more. So don’t wait. Contact us at www.Aroundchina.com for more detailed information.

1. Which scenic spot in China is famous for waterfalls?
A.Li River.B.Jiuzhaigou Valley.
C.Mount Huangshan.D.Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.
2. What is the special feature of Mount Huangshan?
A.Its peak is covered with snow.
B.There are ancient pine trees and villages.
C.It has the world’s tallest outdoor elevator.
D.It is both the cultural and natural heritage.
3. Where does the passage most probably come from?
A.A website.B.A newspaper.C.A textbook.D.A magazine.
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