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1 . Apps play tricks on you to turn an activity into a habit. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to encourage healthy behaviors such as exercising or playing word games.    1    . Here’s how to recognize when your tech habit might be an unwelcome obsession (着迷), and practical steps for you to take back control.

Do a cost-benefit analysis.    2    That’s why we need to try doubly hard to do self-assessments of how features such as streaks (打卡时间) or leaderboards are helping and hurting us. Think over whether the behavior they inspire in you contributes to or detracts from your welfare.

Build in “cheat days”. They are like days off from a strict diet.    3    It can also help to schedule days off from our habits—whether it’s running, reading the news or scrolling Instagram.

    4    Especially for young people, it can be helpful to plan in advance activities that might be a distraction. If your teen knows he’s allowed one hour on YouTube at 7 p.m., then he can relax without thinking about when he’ll be able to hop on his favorite app.

    5    Tech companies, schools, social institutions and governments all have a responsibility to help reset standards of technology use. For example, schools have experimented with locking up students’ phones so they can’t use them during the school day. And the government in some countries have restricted the time young people are allowed to spend playing video games or using social media apps.

A.Use digital timers.
B.Schedule a limited amount of time for your habit
C.It’s hard to be mindful of why we do what we do.
D.Limiting tech overuse can’t be only your responsibility.
E.But even a good habit can cross the line into unavoidable overuse.
F.Actually, doing your favorite activity without a goal can be relaxing.
G.However, don’t be so motivated by rewards that you ignore signs your body needs a rest.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Without cracking a single textbook, without spending a day in medical school, the co-author of a preprint study correctly answered enough questions that it would have passed the real US Medical Licensing Examination. But the test-taker wasn’t a member of Mensa or a medical specialist; it was the artificial intelligence ChatGPT. The tool, which was created to answer user questions in a conversational manner, has generated so much buzz that doctors and scientists are trying to determine what its limitations are and what it could do for health and medicine.

The medical licensing exam is generally considered one of the toughest of any profession because it not only tests basic science, medical knowledge, but also assesses clinical reasoning, ethics (道德观念), critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The AI passed all the parts of the exam without any specialized training, showing a high level of insight in its explanations. This greatly impressed Dr. Victor Tseng, a medical director of the California-based group and a co-author of the study. “Googling the answer is very difficult,” he explained. “Because there’re a lot of red herrings on the Internet. It might take hours to get an accurate answer.” But ChatGPT was able to do it within five seconds.

The results of the medical licensing exam study were even written up with the help of ChatGPT. However, the journal Nature created guidelines that said no such program could be credited as an author because “any authorship carries with it accountability for the work, and AI tools cannot take such responsibility.” Actually, AI is only as good as the information it’s fed, and with so much inaccurate information available online about things like Covid-19 vaccines, it could use that to generate inaccurate results.

Tseng said he ultimately thinks ChatGPT can enhance medical practice, but won’t replace doctors. Tseng’s group will continue to test it to learn why it creates certain errors and what other ethical factors need to be put in place before using it for real.

“AI is here. The doors are open,” Tseng said. “I firmly believe that it will actually make me and make us as physicians and providers better.”

1. What can ChatGPT possibly do according to paragraph 1?
A.Study in medical school.B.Start an online conversation.
C.Conduct a study independently.D.Pass a challenging examination.
2. What does underlined words “red herrings” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Appealing topics.B.Efficient helpers.C.Hidden resources.D.Distracting facts.
3. According to Nature, ChatGPT can’t be listed as an author because_______
A.it has invented all the data based on inaccurate information
B.it doesn’t actively create and is not responsible for the work
C.it doesn’t have a bank account and can’t receive payment
D.it has failed to demonstrate problem-solving skills
4. What is Tseng’s attitude towards the future of ChatGPT?
A.Interested yet doubtful.B.Disinterested and calm.
C.Confident yet cautious.D.Critical and disappointed.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . One night many years ago when I was on the bridge of a ship that passed one of our large cities on a quiet night, I saw its lights reflected in the sky and heard the rumblings of the city's noises. As I looked to my other side, I could see nothing but open space of darkness and endless water. I realized how small I was and that my own problems of life did not seem great.

I have spent twenty—five years on boats. Now I am a docking pilot. My job is to bring in the large luxury liners and stay with them until they are safely anchored in their berths. Sometimes this requires two tugs(拖船), sometimes many more, depending on the tide, the weather, and the draft of the vessel.

Most of you no doubt have seen these tugs pushing and pulling at the big liners. What they are doing doesn't seem to make much sense at first, but presently the big boat is alongside her landing stage, her ropes made fast, and the job is done.

These tugs, whether one or ten, move about in accord with whistle signals I send them from the bridge of the big liner. These signals make up a language that is just as dependable as the spoken word; or even more so, because our docking signals are rarely misunderstood. The captain of each tug does his work according to the signals he receives. He never asks questions. He takes everything on faith, and it always works out.

I fell very important the first time I ever docked a big liner, thinking that I was in control of a great ship worth millions of dollars and the owners were depending on me to bring her safely to her berth. After I had docked several of the large liners, I realized I was not important, but simply the quarterback who called the signals.

Working around tugboats has had its effect on what I believe. The great transatlantic liners depend on the help of the little tugs to bring them safely to port, and it is with one's success.

1. According to paragraph 3, originally, the job of a tugboat was         .
2. What is the main purpose of writing paragraph 4?
A.To give a detailed description.B.To display the characteristics.
C.To make a comparison.D.To help reveal the theme.
3. According to the passage, one's success depends on          .
A.diligenceB.mutual assistance
C.learningD.individual excellence
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.Tugboats and the PilotB.The Significance of Teamwork
C.The Workings of TugboatsD.Philosophy from Tugboats
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Batman may not have any superpowers, but his inspiration certainly does.

More than 1,400 bat species live around the world, except in Antarctica and a few remote islands. Over their 50 million years of evolution, bats have developed clever solutions to life’s challenges, from a built-in sonar (声呐) system for finding food to fast, flexible wings that produce the fastest level-flight speed of any animal on Earth.

“There is still a lot to learn, but it is clear that bats really do have superpowers,” says Rodrigo Medellín, an ecologist. “Bats are showing us how to live a better life, for instance, by serving as models for healthy living and long lives.”

As a general rule in biology, smaller animals have shorter lives than larger ones. But bats are rule breakers: they’re the longest-lived mammals (哺乳动物) relative to their body size. Recently, scientists looked inside bats’ cells for the secrets to their exceptionally long lives. They focused on telomeres (端粒), which are the protective structures found at the ends of chromosomes (染色体). In most animals, telomeres tend to get shorter with age. But the telomeres of the longest-lived group of bats, Myotis, do not appear to shrink (收缩) with age. Understanding why bats live so long may help humans live longer one day.

In addition to living longer, bats remain healthy throughout their lives, with very low risk of developing cancer. Furthermore, bats can carry deadly viruses without getting sick. So further research into their unique immune (免疫的) systems may actually give insight into how people can live with viruses and not get sick.

Beyond their own abilities, bats also support many other parts of their ecosystems. Three out of every four bat species eat insects. Many are pests that cause damage to important agricultural crops, such as cotton. Scientists estimate that insect-eating bats may save U.S. farmers about 1 billion per year. In addition, many bat species help improve plant health and diversity.

“Bats are unsung heroes of biodiversity,” says Medellín. “It’s about time we appreciated them.”

1. What can be learned about bats from the text?
A.They fly the fastest of all land animals.
B.They are at low risk of falling sick with a virus.
C.They live mainly on the islands of Antarctica.
D.They are the longest-lived animals given their size.
2. What did scientists recently find?
A.Animals’ telomeres rarely shrink with age.
B.Myotis’s telomeres do not shorten as they age.
C.Smaller animals usually live shorter lives than larger ones.
D.More research into bat telomeres could help people live more healthily.
3. What is the author’s intention in writing the last paragraph but one?
A.To show what bats feed on.
B.To call on people to protect bats.
C.To explain how bats benefit the farmers.
D.To highlight the importance of bats to the ecosystem.
4. What would be a suitable title for this text?
A.Bats Offer Clues to Treating Diseases
B.How Bats Deal with Life’s Challenges
C.Scientists Unlock the Secrets to Long Lives
D.Why Bats Are Superheroes of the Animal World
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