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1 . You may read the questions first:

Amazon is presenting to you our bargains for the year!

Steve Jobs

In Steve Jobs, based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years — as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, competitors, and colleagues — Walter Isaacson has pictured an appealing up-and-down life and strong personality of a creative man whose passion for perfection revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing.

Living History

Hillary Rodham Clinton is known to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Yet few beyond her close friends and family have ever heard her account of her extraordinary journey. She writes with humor and passion about her upbringing in suburban and her transformation from Goldwater Girl to controversial First Lady.

Thinking, Fast and Slow

In the highly anticipated Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, and emotional; System 2 is slower, and more logical. In the book, Kahneman also shows the extraordinary abilities — and the faults and errors — of thinking, and reveals the influence of personal impressions on our thoughts and behavior.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the main suspect. But the crazy thing is, he has done nothing wrong. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise storm hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he’s going to have to face the music, but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holiday?

1. About the book Steve Jobs, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A.The main contents of the book are mainly based on various interviews.
B.The book is written by Steve Jobs.
C.Steve Jobs has experienced both successful and difficult periods in his lifetime.
D.Steve Jobs has totally changed six different industries.
2. What is the book Thinking, Fast and Slow mainly about?
A.Two thinking types and thinking-related facts.
B.Difference between two thinking systems.
C.How to think fast and logically at the same time.
D.The great power of personal impression on thinking system.
3. From the introduction of the Book Diary of a Wimpy Kid, it is implied that ________.
A.Greg was caught damaging the school property
B.Greg knew who really damaged the school property
C.it was hot during the holiday
D.Greg had a poor relationship with his family
2021-12-11更新 | 89次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海市格致中学2020-2021学年高一上学期10月考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 .

The discovery of Machu Picchu

The Incas

Between 1438 and 1532 the Incas built an empire with a population of about 12,000,000 people on the west coast of South America. They had no system of writing, so little is known about their everyday lives. But we do know these things:

● they built large cities in the mountains
● they built houses with huge square stones
● they built 23,000 kilometers of roads through the mountains
● they did not have wheels so everything was carried by animals or people

It was early morning on 24 July, 1911. A young American archaeologist named Hiram Bingham was in a small hotel in Peru, in the Andes mountains. He was there because he wanted to find a lost Inca city. He was not the first. Before Bingham, other explorers had looked for the city, but they hadn’t found it.

Bingham has always been attracted by the Incas. He was a university professor and had studied their civilization for many years. Bingham and some scientists had travelled all the way to Peru from the USA, and had gone up to the city of Cuzco. From Cuzco, they had travelled higher up into the mountains, to about 1,800 meters, and they had spent the night in the hotel. The hotel owner had told Bingham about a ‘lost’ city not far away.

On the morning of 24 July, Bingham and a guide went out in the heavy tropical rain and climbed another 60 meters. On the way, they met a ten-year-old boy who led them through the jungle to a wall. They climbed over it and there it was. Machu Picchu—the lost city of the Incas.

In his book ‘The discovery of Machu Picchu’ Hiram Bingham wrote: ‘Suddenly I was standing in front of the walls of a ruin and houses from the best quality of Inca art… I found brilliant temples, royal houses, a big square and tens of houses. It looked like a dream.’

1. Which of the following statements is true of the Incas?
A.They left behind no written records.
B.They lived along the coast of America.
C.They invented vehicles without wheels.
D.They built roads leading to other empires.
2. Why did Bingham go to Peru in 1911?
A.To study an endangered civilization.
B.To find local people that once lived there.
C.To confirm other explorers’ previous findings.
D.To look for an ancient city that used to be there.
3. What happened on the morning of 24 July, 1911?
A.The book ‘The discovery of Machu Picchu’ was completed.
B.A little boy went through the jungle by accident.
C.The city of Cuzco was rediscovered.
D.Bingham found Machu Picchu.
2021-11-16更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市徐汇中学2020-2021学年高一年级上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Traveling with small children has a lot of challenges. From the near constant complaining about being uncomfortable and thirsty to the never-ending need to see every bathroom along the way. it is a wonder that anyone survives. But. everyone does it because family holidays are fun. They are supposed to be fun right?

Too often what could be great memories are overshadowed by the stress of just keeping the kids from killing each other. I am not going to tell you that I can make a long car or plane trip pleasant or instruct you to happily sing songs in the front seat to spread your joy around. That is all crazy talk. What you can do is try a few things that might make the portion of your holiday you spend confined in a small space with your offspring bearable.

Load your Phone. Before you leave, go the app store and load up your iPhone with kid' games. There are a ton of tree games that will keep your kids busy for hours. Even if you have to spend $ 1.99, it's worth it. As a backup. toss a couple movies on there too. I am telling you, the thrill of even holding a parents' phone is a thrill for kid: having it loaded with activities is even better. By the way, bring headphones unless you like hearing the Sponge-Bob game lyrics for hours.

Make surprise bags for the children. Take little brown bags or whatever is handy and put in a little inexpensive toy or game, stickers, a little coloring book and crayons. Make one for each hour you will be in the car or plane and pass them out accordingly. Hopefully, it will keep them occupied for about twenty minutes of each hour.

The most important of all travel tips is to take it easy on yourself. The more upset you get, the worse your child will behave. They sense stress and it gets them stressed out too. Finally, and this is really important, w hen you arrive at your destination pour yourself a big glass of wine. You earned it.

1. Why is travelling with children a headache to parents?
A.Because children get along badly with their parents.
B.Because children are active and restless during travelling.
C.Because children make a lot of trouble on purpose.
D.Because there are many activities children can't attend.
2. The second paragraph mainly tells parents that ______.
A.with enough preparations. they will definitely enjoy their travelling
B.they should lend an ear and share happiness with your children
C.they can do something to make the trip as tolerable as possible
D.they should stop young children from talking nonsense
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a travel tip?
A.Prepare some little surprises.
B.Download Games apps in advance.
C.Bring some crayons and colored pencils.
D.Try to have them join in your conversation.
4. The best title for this passage is ______.
A.How to travel with children
B.How to make your children happy
C.How to make your travel unforgettable
D.How to drive away boredom during the trip
2021-09-11更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市南汇中学2020-2021学年高一上学期10月考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Australians have long been known for having a relaxed and casual attitude to life. According to Dr. Tanya King, senior lecturer from Victoria's Deakin University. "It's Australians' egalitarianism ,sense of humor and informal language that are most commonly mentioned as examples of this attitude. "

Egalitarianism roots in the way that the nation was built. In Australia's founding car in the late 1700s, criminal settlers were often cruelly treated and robbed of their basic human rights by governors. The criminal class. who were mostly working-class Brits and Irish. was unable to seek civic positions that were reserved for immigrants w ho were not the criminal, with the latter arguing that if criminals gained equal rights it would be "rewarding criminality ". Because of this, an egalitarian spirit was worn as a symbol of honor by many criminal settlers. They may not have had power, education or wealth. but they had a shared belief in equality.

The informal way Australians use language is also believed to root in criminal times. Philologist Sidney Baker once wrote that "no other class would have a better talent for creating new terms to fit in with their new conditions in life. " Cockney rhyming slang brought over by the British working class was abbreviated even further - so " have a Captains Cook"(have a look). became "ava captains". This same practice was used to economize ordinary clauses. Words like "good day" became "g' day". and barbecue was "barbie".

The tough conditions of settler times also played a part in Australians' dry self-criticizing and sarcastic(讽刺的) sense of humor. While in many countries it's considered poor taste to find humor in difficult circumstances. Australians lend to look at the lighter side. On one road trip, as I hit the stale line and entered Victoria. I drove past some blackened trees, the leftovers of a recent bush-fire. A road sign warning drivers about wildlife was half-melted and bent, but the shape of a hopping kangaroo was still distinct. Behind the figure, someone had drawn flames making it look as though the animal's tail was on fire. I couldn't help but laugh - it was a brilliant reminder of the country's "nothing upsets us" and anti-authoritarian attitude.

And one thing you can't help but notice when driving around Australia is the country's plentiful amounts of space. This. along with considerable leisure time plus favorable climate, all contributes to Australian's relaxed attitude.

1. The underlined word "egalitarianism" is closest to ______ in meaning.
2. Which of the following is feature of the way Australians use language?
A.They use more slangs than other people.
B.They give new meaning to existent words.
C.They favor shortened forms of expressions.
D.They coin terms in memory of criminal times.
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 4?
A.Kangaroos' living conditions are getting tougher.
B.Forest fires threatened Australian's life to a great extent.
C.Potential danger is here and there on the roads in Victoria.
D.Australians' jokes may not be as careless as they seem on the surface.
4. The passage mainly talks about ______.
A.how the late 1700s impacted Australia
B.why Australians enjoy casual life so much
C.what contributes to Australians' relaxed lifestyle
D.how Australians present their attitude towards life
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . The bell rang. Jada sighed, slowly moved from the lockers where she had been leaning, and headed down the hall to her chemistry class. Honors Chemistry! Jada couldn't believe that her mom was making her take the class because Jada's counselor had said that she had real talent in science.

Jada had to admit that she liked science and that last year's class was a breeze, but come on, Honors Chemistry? She wouldn't know anyone in the class, and they probably wouldn't know anyone like her.

The good thing about being late is that it shortened the period a bit. The bad thing is that it made her seem like she was making a grand entrance. To make matters worse, the only two seats left in class were at the lab table at the very front of the room.

Jada held her breath and walked in. Everyone's eyes were on her. She just knew it. They were staring at her coal black hair(freshly dyed), her black lipstick, her black fingernail polish, and her thrift-store black leather jacket. All she saw were polo shirts and khaki pants.

This can't get any worse, Jada thought. But at least she didn't get shouted at by the teacher. He was too busy talking to a new kid. A HUGE new kid, maybe 6'4". He had to weigh at least 250 pounds. A football player, probably. She hated football players. They thought they were so great. That group of jocks that hung out by the cafeteria always made fun of her.

The new kid made his way over to her table with his head down. He had to squeeze into the seat, and his legs wouldn't fit under the lab table. He shot Jada a glance and turned red.

Mr. Martin, the teacher, began class with this announcement: "Okay, everyone. I know most of you know each other from last year's Honors Physical Science class." Jada sighed loudly. "But just take a minute and introduce yourself to the person sitting at your table. You'll be partners. You'll be working closely together all year."

Jada rolled her eyes and stared straight ahead. Then she heard a surprisingly soft voice from next to her. "Hi, I'm Robert. I'm new here."…

1. What can be learned about Jada from the first two paragraphs?
A.She thought this year's chemistry class would be a breeze.
B.She wasn't willing to take the Honors Chemistry class.
C.She was angry that her mother made her go to school.
D.She found she didn't like science as she thought.
2. The writer described Jada's appearance in paragraph 4 in order to________.
A.reveal how different she was from her classmates
B.explain why she was late for school that morning
C.give readers a general impression of science students
D.imply that she felt sorry for making a grand entrance
3. In paragraph 5, the phrase "that group of jocks" refers to________.
A.the new kidB.Jada's classmatesC.Jada's teacherD.football players
4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true of the new kid?
A.He was rude.B.He liked sports.C.He was shy.D.He looked sad.
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