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| 共计 23 道试题
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1 . 根据汉语提示完成短文。

    1     (随着我们靠近群山围绕的宿营地), we had difficulty containing our excitement. On reaching it, my mom opened the door immediately,     2     (冲了出去,热切地催促我们搭帐篷).     3     (周围迷人的风景堪称一场名副其实的视觉盛宴),     4     (绿树连绵起伏,各色野花点缀其中). We were bathed in the sun and     5     (呼吸着鲜花甜美的芬芳). Birds were singing happily     6     (好像在热情地迎接我们). My family chatted comfortably, sweet memories of the past crowding in on us.

2024-04-25更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions
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2 . 补全课文空白

Hello, everyone! Welcome to senior high school! Today is the start of a new term, the start of a three-­year journey and the start of a     1    .   

I     2     describe to you     3     senior high school life is like. The path before you     4     a world full of     5    : a new environment, new knowledge and new     6    . However, for those of you with a     7     mind, opportunity     8     each challenge. When you     9     the challenges, you will have the opportunity to     10     and enjoy personal growth. Most importantly, your time and effort at senior high school will open the door     11     your potential.

“What is potential? ” you may ask.     12    , potential is your natural ability that can be developed when you try hard enough. Who knows     13     beautiful works of art you will create, what     14     you will make or what amazing technologies you will develop! The possibilities are     15    , and I     16     your ability to     17     to your family, to your community and to our country.Over the next three years, you will discover your potential while you develop as a student and as a person.

To fully realize your potential, it is important for you to     18     our school resources.     19     your classes, learn from your teachers and classmates, and     20     our school facilities. There are also a lot of school activities for you. Join a club or two, and     21     in different sports.

    22     are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude. Carefully plan your study, set clear goals and     23     your schoolwork     24     other activities. As a senior high school student, you must     25     to improve your communication and problem­-solving skills.     26    , always look on the bright side and never lose hope, even in difficult situations.     27     you will     28     a     29    .   

    30    , “    31    .”   You need to     32     to train your mind and develop your character. Senior high school will help you learn and grow, yet you alone     33     realizing your great potential. Be confident, do your best and make us proud!

2024-07-29更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 阅读课后巩固课后作业-2023-2024学年高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册
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3 . 根据汉语提示,用所学的语法知识完成下面短文

National Day     1     (就要到了).I have already made a plan for it.I     2     (计划去) to Qingdao,a famous tourist destination for a trip.I     3     (动身去青岛) by taking a flight on September 30.The plane     4     (下午4点起飞).My dad     5     (要在机场为我送行).     6     (当我到达青岛的时候),I     7     (要待在) my aunt’s home.I     8     (打算回来) on October 5.

2023-08-23更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 作业(十一)SectionⅢ Discovering Useful Structures 英语性必修一(人教版2019)
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4 . 用合适的时态完成语篇

Mary has a daughter who has already been married and who lives in a city 300 kilometers away from her. Last month Mary received a call from her daughter asking her to move to live together. Before that, Mary       1    (已经独自在农村生活了20年). Although she didn’t want to leave, she packed up and set out the next day in order to take care of her little grandson there.     2    (她本打算乘坐首班火车), but she missed it, for it was the first time that     3     (她独自一人出远门). She had waited at the station for an hour     4     (在下一趟火车到来之前). After a three-hour journey, she finally arrived in the city where her daughter lives.     5     (她一走出火车站) when she got shocked by the prosperity of the city. So far, she       6     (已经逐渐适应了城市生活).

2023-06-11更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:北师大版(2019)选必一Unit 1 Relationships Period 1 Topic Talk & Teachers
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5 . 把下面的语篇补充完整。

The door opened and in came a young man. Shocked to see us packing things into our suitcase, the young man     1    (愤怒地大叫了一声,眼里闪烁着恼怒的光芒。).     2    (他大发雷霆,跺着脚走来走去). He accused us of illegally entering his room and threatened to call the police, which scared my children to death. Just at that moment, my husband returned after his grocery shopping.Hearing the man’s rude words,     3    (一股怒火在心中燃烧). It seemed that no settlement would be possible, and the situation reached a boiling point.    4    争吵如火上浇油,于是他的愤怒就像火山一样爆发了). Eventually,       5    (无法控制心中的怒气,我丈夫气得冲出房间,狠狠地摔上门).

2023-01-11更新 | 602次组卷 | 3卷引用:DAY 12 情感描写之 ”愤怒“-- 高考英语读后续写晨背晚练
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6 . 运用晨读表格中的必备单词/高级词块,把下面的语篇补充完整。

The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, which was surrounded by a high wire fence. He pulled and bit the wire. He stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden fence posts.     1    (恐惧喷薄而出,将我紧紧包围,我已经寸步难行了).     2    (惊恐不已,我觉得两腿发抖,手心冒汗). Beside me was my wife, who was rooted to the ground,     3    (吓呆了). At the sight of the polar bear’ bloody mouth,     4    (吓得要死).The furry creature launched an attack on the fence, instantly leaving a narrow opening on it.     5    (我们感觉浑身血液凝固了)because of the terrible sight. Our throats tightened and our knees felt weak. Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew. We yelled at the bear, hit pots hard, and fired blank shotgun shells into the air.

2023-01-11更新 | 375次组卷 | 4卷引用:DAY 11 情感描写之 ”恐惧“-- 高考英语读后续写晨背晚练
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7 . Fill in the blanks with the correct words of this unit based on their first letter and the passage.

The Bay Airline offers a    1     craft-making videos in their p    2     flights, which arise massively and l    3     take the on-board passengers’ breath away. Despite a    4     scenery outside, the s    5     in the videos are bound to the h    6     of the flight journeys including the waxen drilling g    7     and grizzly bears like frozen animals at the p    8     of the Great Mountain Wind. It can be a    9     how much they will a    10     customers in the mall if those things are also shown there. C    11     to the videos with a    12    , those on board p    13     not to owe the passengers but only t    14    the spectacular craft men like p    15     no matter how long it t    16    , how hard it frosts for the d    17    on board. The p    18    , the border, the harbour, the q    19    , and the s    20     where the planes fly can all witness the sincerity of the Bay Airline.

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8 . Fill in each of the blanks with a proper word to complete the summary of the text.

Both Lang Ping and Michael Jordan are living legends of sports as they not only are     1    in their sport but also set good     2    by helping others.

Lang Ping is loved by fans at home and    3    . She is successful both as a player and as a coach of volleyball. The     4     she showed as a coach was impressive. In the 2015 World Cup, two important players had to leave because of health problems, but Lang Ping was not     5    . She encouraged her young players to work closely together as a team, which helped them become world     6    ! Then in 2016, Lang Ping led her volleyball team to Olympic gold in Brazil.

Michael Jordan,     7    as “Air Jordan”, changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps.     8     made him unique was not only because of his skills but also because of his mental strength. He refused to give up in time of failures and kept on learning from     9    , which was the secret to his success. In life, Jordan has learnt to     10     his success with others by starting a club to help young people.

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9 . 汉译英

Recently,     1    (我们班就是否应该开发克隆技术进行了讨论). Different people hold different opinions.

    2    (一些学生持赞同克隆), thinking it is beneficial to human beings.     3    (首先,它有助于保护各种物种,尤其是珍稀、濒危物种). Hopefully, the future generation will see as many species as we can today. Second, it is good for medical research and can help solve many difficult problems.

    4    (另一方面,其他学生认为它弊大于利). From their point of view, if human beings go against nature, we will suffer a lot. And they worry that it may be used inappropriately.

    5    (就个人而言,克隆技术对于科学发展很重要), and in the long run, it will bring people more benefits. But we should make use of it in a reasonable way.

2023-02-04更新 | 105次组卷 | 2卷引用:大单元作业设计 人教版 选择性必修一 Unit 2
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10 . 用本部分所学词汇知识完成下面短文(每空一词)。

    1     ( 台风) Goni, which made landfall in the Philippines with strong winds, appeared not to attack the area in and around the capital Manila, with its 13 million residents.

The storm c    2     at least 16 people’s lives in the Bicol Region of Luzon, the most populous island of the Philippines. Several died from an overflowing river, while one was killed by a falling tree. Thousands of people were r    3     and relocated, particularly those living in vulnerable (易受攻击的) areas.

Goni, which at one point was one of the most powerful storms ever recorded, had weakened to a tropical storm, according to the national weather agency. It was f    4     to reach Vietnam later with heavy rains, but not damaging winds, thus not     5     (危及) their people.

“Right now, we are busy dealing with the e    6    , including clearing the roads and fallen electricity wires and providing food and supplies,” the official in charge said.

共计 平均难度:一般