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1 . 词组替换
1. Drugs are frequently packed in special containers and a warning is given that they may be damaged if they are not handled in a very careful manner.
2. Many early child-raising practices were cruel according to the current principles.
3. The only thing he could do was watch helplessly as the train with 400 passengers on board fell into the valley below.
4. When the children heard the sound of the ice-cream truck, their eyes would begin shining and they would come out barefoot, screaming with delight.
5. When we arrived at the top of the hill, we noticed immediately a magnificent view of the sea, leaving us at a loss for words.
6. In every job there is a small amount of fun. You find the fun and the job is a game.
7. She was about to take a bite of the crab sandwich when her stomach rebelled in vivid warning of what might happen in the next couple of hours.
8. Pregnant women are free from dental charges under the current health system.
9. We are only in the middle part of the presidential election campaign and the overall picture won’t be clear any time soon.
10. We thought he was joking at first when he talked about his childhood dream, but then we realized that he was serious and sincere.
2023-03-29更新 | 90次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京外国语学校2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般