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1 . Fiery Visitors from Outer Space

1. On the next clear summer night, look up into the sky. If you are lucky, you may see a “shooting star”. They look just like stars falling down from the sky.

2. But shooting stars are not stars at all. The real name for a shooting star is “meteor”. There are millions of meteors out in space. They are pieces of rock and metal. When they are in space, meteors do not glow. In fact, we can’t see them at all. But when a meteor comes close to the earth, it starts to fall toward the earth. As it passes through the air, it gets very hot. It starts to glow, and finally it begins to burn. We see the burning meteor as a shooting star.

3. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space. But many meteors travel in groups called swarms. The swarms have orbits like planets have. They pass close to the earth every year. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm. It passes close to the earth in summer, usually in August. Each year a few meteors from the Perseid swarm fall to the earth, so August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.

4. Most meteors are small, so they burn up before they crash into the earth and are buried in the ground. Once a meteor reaches the earth, we call it a meteorite. The biggest meteorite, which weighs seventy tons, landed in Africa.

Question 19
1. Circle the main idea of paragraph 3.
A.Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space.
B.Sometimes meteors travel in swarms.
C.A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm.
D.August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.

Question 20-23
Match the word on the left with the phrase on the right that fits best by writing letters.
2. ______ meteor
3. ______ swarm
4. ______ Perseid
5. ______ meteorite
a. a famous swarm of meteors
b. a meteor that has reached the earth
c. the real name for a shooting star
d. a group of meteors
Question 24-25
Answer questions in complete sentences and in your own words.
6. Why is August a good month to watch shooting stars?
7. There is an old saying that if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, your wish will come true. So when you see a shooting star, what wish will you make? Why?
2021-09-08更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市华中科技大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一入学测试英语模拟题

2 . The Choking Dog

Joanne beat impatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. Now she was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 p.m., and at 6:30 she was expected to hold a meeting of the tennis club.

At last, the traffic was moving, and she switched quickly to the fast lane to get home.After she parked her car, she leapt out of the car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she almost knocked down Sheba, her dog, who was standing behind it.

She bent down to stroke the large Alsatian dog’s head, “I have to go now.” Sheba was coughing or choking as if she was trying to vomit something. She was obviously in real discomfort, and her sad eyes gazed at Joanne helplessly. Joanne examined the dog closely, and Sheba did look very sick. Joanne realized that it is necessary to take her to the vet immediately. Fortunately, the vet’s surgery is not far. Joanne quickly loaded the coughing and choking dog and took her to the vet.

As soon as she arrived at Dr. Sterne’s place, he brought her immediately into his office.

“Something is stuck in her throat,” said Dr. Sterne.

“Doctor, I have to go back to get changed for an emergent meeting. I’ll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, OK?”

“Sure,” said the doctor.

Joanne hurriedly went back to her home. As she entered the door, the phone rang.

“This is Dr. Sterne. I'm coming with the police. Wait outside for us.” said the doctor with fear in his voice. Joanne was confused and also a little frightened.

When she ran into the street, two policemen were getting out of their car. After briefly checking that she was the owner of the house, they ran into the house, without explaining anything. Joanne was completely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived.

“Where’s Sheba? Is she OK?’’ shouted Joanne.

“She’s fine, Joanne. I extracted the thing which was choking her.”

“Why are the police in my house?”

Just then, the two policemen reappeared from the house, half-carrying a white-faced man who could hardly walk and with blood all over him.

“How did he get in there?”

“I think he must be a burglar,” said the doctor. “I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba’s throat, it turned out to be three human fingers. I don’t think he’s a very happy burglar.”

Circle the correct letter of the answer.
1. Why was Joanne impatient at the beginning of the story?
A.She was lost.
B.She had lost a client at work.
C.She was stuck in a traffic jam.
D.Her dog was sick.
2. Why did Joanne take the dog to Dr. Sterne’s surgery?
A.It was time for Sheba’s checkup.
B.The dog couldn’t breathe properly.
C.She wanted to get her out of the house.
D.The doctor had asked to see her.
3. What happened as she arrived home for the second time?
A.The police arrived.
B.The phone rang.
C.The dog died.
D.A burglar was just escaping.
4. The story says that the dog “gazed at Joanne helplessly”. “gazed” means

Direct speech and reported speech
Change the following direct speech into reported speech.
5. “Something is stuck in her throat,” said Dr. Sterne.
Answer questions in complete sentences and in your own words.
6. Use two or three sentences to describe what happened between the dog and the burglar.
7. What are the consequences of burgling?
8. Why did the doctor ask Joanne to wait outside her house?
2021-09-08更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市华中科技大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一入学测试英语模拟题
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