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1 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. academic B. previously C. submit D. assessed E. classifier
F. controversy G. subscribed H. detect I. typically J. access   K. labelled

OpenAI releases “not fully reliable” tool to detect AI generated content

ChatGPT has been creating waves across the internet with its writing ability and responses to requests. The use of ChatGPT has been full of     1     . There have been concerns that students can use this tool to     2     AI-generated work and claim it as their own.

OpenAI, the research laboratory behind ChatGPT, has released a tool designed to     3     whether text has been written by artificial intelligence, but warns it’s not completely reliable – yet. In a blog post on Tuesday, OpenAI linked to a new     4     tool that has been trained to distinguish between text written by a human and that written by a variety of AI, not just ChatGPT.

The tool could be useful in cases where AI was used for “    5     dishonesty” and when AI chatbots were positioned as humans, they said. But they admitted the tool “is not fully reliable” and only correctly identified 26% of AI-written English texts. It also incorrectly     6     human-written texts as probably written by AI tools 9% of the time.

“Our classifier’s reliability     7     improves as the length of the input text increases. Compared to our     8     released classifier, this new classifier is significantly more reliable on text from more recent AI systems.”

Since ChatGPT was opened up to public    9    , it has given rise to a wave of concern among educational institutions across the world that it could lead to cheating in exams or assessments. Lecturers in the UK are being urged to review the way in which their courses were     10    , while some universities have banned the technology entirely and returned to pen-and-paper exams to stop students using AI.

2 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. abandoned B. challenge C. colored D. demonstrate E. ensures
F. initiatives G. innovation H. pilot I. purchased J. recycled K. tailors

Lego: One Step Closer to Being Sustainable

The Lego Group is one step closer to reaching its goal of making all its products from sustainable materials by 2030.

The Danish toymaker revealed a prototype (雏形) brick made from     1     plastic. In a news release, Lego said the PET plastic from     2     bottles makes up the first brick to meet the company’s “strict quality and safety requirements.” One way the company     3     safety is by sourcing materials from suppliers that use processes approved by the US Food & Drug Administration and European Food Safety Authority.

“The biggest     4     on our sustainability journey is rethinking and innovating new materials that are as long-lasting, strong and high quality as our existing bricks—and fit with LEGO elements made over the past 60 years,” Lego Group Vice President of Environmental Responsibility Tim Brooks said. “With this prototype we’re able to    5     the progress we’re making to the public.”

It will be “some time” before bricks made from used materials can be     6    , Lego said. The company will continue to test and develop the PET formulation (配方) and decide whether to move to the     7     production phase, which is expected to take at least a year. One factor the company is testing is how the material can be     8    .

“Experimentation and failing is an important part of learning and     9    . Just as kids build, unbuild and rebuild with LEGO bricks at home, we’re doing the same in our lab,” Brooks said.

The move follows last year’s announcement that the company was making a $400 million investment over three years into sustainability     10    . It included phasing out the single-use plastic bags from its boxes and instead using recyclable paper for its packaging.

2022-12-23更新 | 218次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023届上海市金山区高三上学期一模英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. nutritional   B. objected   C. sustainable   D. comparison   E. motivational   F. projected
G. necessarily   H. popularity     I. unsweetened       J. previously   K. source

Plant-based Milk

There are nutritional differences between types of milk, from oat to soy to cow’s. Plant-based milks have been growing in     1     for years, but the nutritional content of different milks and milk alternatives vary, with disagreements between brands too. The global dairy alternatives market is     2     to grow from $22.25 billion in 2021 to $53.97 billion in 2028, according to a report by Fortune Business Insights. In February 2022, the world’s first potato milk launched in the UK, which bills itself as “the most     3     plant-based dairy alternative on the market.”

While some people choose dairy alternatives, cow’s milk is an excellent     4     of calcium, protein, and vitamin D. It’s also working better than water when people feel thirsty, according to a small study by St Andrews University in Scotland. However, some people stay away from dairy because of intolerance of the mouthfeel or environmental concerns, and for some, the     5     factor is health. Nutritional reports of milks vary, with some offering more fiber, fat, protein, carbs, sugar, and calories than others.

Dietitians recommend choosing fortified plant-based milks. Plant-based milks are not     6     “healthier” than dairy, and when following a plant-based diet, dietitians recommend ensuring your dairy-free milk alternatives are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. “Fortified means that they are added by the manufacturer and so will be on the ingredients list, or advertised on the front,” dietitian Nichola Ludlam-Raine     7     told Insider.

“Choose milk alternatives that are fortified with vitamins such as vitamin B12 and vitamin D, in addition to the minerals calcium and iodine,” she said. The     8     content of milk varies in terms of protein, carbs, and fiber. Cow’s milk, for example, contains lots of calcium and vitamin D, as well as protein. Soy milk is often fortified with calcium, and is also high in protein. For the purpose of this     9    , Insider selected popular brands of each milk, selecting     10     options wherever possible, per cup. Here’s some nutritional information on our website to bear in mind when choosing which milk to have in your coffee, on your cereal, or alongside a cookie.

2022-06-25更新 | 180次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届上海市青浦区高考二模英语试题(含听力)
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. structured       B. treasures       C. revolution             D. accessible       E. professions       F. responsive
G. promises       H. formalized       I. popularized             J. declared       K. creation

How the Victorians Invented the “ Staycation ”

Holidays feel like an important refreshment after such a tough year. While international travel is possible, it’s not exactly easy, so many are choosing to stay closer to home, taking a “staycation ”. This year holidaymakers are discovering the     1     of the UK’s coast and the beauty of its landscapes.

Domestic tourism as we know it began in the 19th century when the idea of the holiday was just becoming     2     . Expanding railways and changing work practices meant people had more leisure time for travelling. International travel was becoming easier but wasn’t     3     to all, so the Victorians chose to spend this newfound “ free ” time in the UK.

This gave way to the     4     of hot new holiday destinations, mostly on the UK’s coast. Great British seaside towns, from Bournemouth to Brighton, appealed to people with     5     of fun, sea and clean air — many of the things that continue to attract people today.

The great summer holiday as we know it was designed by the Victorians. The 19th century saw the industrial     6     and the rise of industrial capitalism, where factories were booming and work structures were more clearly and severely defined and presented. This led to the emergence of administrative     7     , like clerks, and an emerging middle class.

There was more     8     working time, including shift work in factories and time off on Sundays. As a result, working-class people had leisure time to use, and by the 1890s some skilled workers had half days on Saturdays, leading to the birth of the “ weekend ” — though this was not     9     until much later in the 20th century.

In 1871 the Bank Holidays Act was passed. This appointed certain days as holidays on which banks closed, though, over the years, more businesses began observing these days off work. Before 1830, banks closed only on the 40 saints’ days of the year, though by 1834 this was just four days, including Christmas day. From 1871, any day could be     10     a bank holiday, not just saints’ days.

2022-06-24更新 | 140次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届上海市黄浦区高考二模英语试题(含听力)
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. physical       B. confused     C. pumping     D. emotionally     E. involve   F. recognizing
G. characterized       H. reference       I. initial       J. generously     K. malfunctioned

Heartbreak: Romantic Metaphor(比喻) or Serious Health Condition

It is an unfortunate fact of life that most of us will experience the sensation commonly known as “heartbreak” at some point in our lifetime. Heartbreak refers to feelings of extreme sadness, often persistent, due to a(n)     1     disturbing event. The term “heartbreak” or “broken heart” is usually used in a symbolic sense.

That is, when we say someone is “heartbroken,” we do not mean that their heart has actually     2    . However, what many people do not know is that so-called broken heart syndrome(综合症), often caused by stress, is a recognized     3     health condition.

Much like when people make metaphorical     4     to heartbreak, broken heart syndrome is also caused by painful life events. These experiences usually     5     death, divorce, or separation. However, this condition can have very real negative effects on a sufferer’s health. In clinical settings, broken heart syndrome is often     6     with a heart attack because many of the symptoms of these two conditions are very similar. The main difference is   that while a heart attack is     7     by a blockage in one of the heart’s arteries(动脉), broken heart syndrome involves temporary enlargement in one area of the heart. Such enlargement makes it difficult for the heart to continue     8     blood around the body and thus puts the sufferer at risk of heart failure.

If you have experienced a stressful or painful event, two     9     symptoms of broken heart syndrome to watch out for are chest pain and breathing difficulties. In fact,     10     one or both of these symptoms can be vital in helping you seek necessary treatment in the early stages of this condition.

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