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2 . 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。

Tom, a 15-year-old inventor and entrepreneur (创业者), witnessed at his own school the widespread consumption of sugary drinks by kids. He knew there had to be a better portable drink solution and decided to innovate from something he saw in his own home: fruit infused (浸泡) water.

Tom watched his mum make healthy fruit infusions but then struggle for a take-along option. From observing his mum and from his desire to give kids better drink options, he came up with his original model for the Fun Bottle. “I wanted to come up with a healthy, natural way for people to drink when on the go. A big part of my mission is to get people of all ages off sugary drinks,” Tom explains.

The bottle is made with a strainer (滤网) that allows the great tastes and natural sugars of the various fruits and vegetables you choose to come through the water, without any of the seeds or skins flowing through.

Tom is proud of his design and excited to be selling the Fun Bottle on his website and in stores, but this 15-year-old is most proud of the opportunities that Fun Bottle presents to others. It helps to provide healthy alternatives to sugary drinks; and also Tom donates part of the profits to the Organisation for a Healthier Generation (OHG).

Tom has been awarded several prizes, but this teenage innovator remains humble. When asked what advice he’d give other entrepreneurial youth, he says, “Prepare and have your family’s support. It is important to know from the beginning that there are a lot of highs and lows, and there is no such thing as overnight success.”

1. What did Tom witness at his own school?
2. Where did Tom get the idea for the original model for the Fun Bottle?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Tom is most proud of the opportunities that Fun Bottle presents to others because he not only provides healthy alternatives to sugary drinks but also donates all the profits to the OHG.
4. Among Tom’s qualities, which one(s) do you think will be important for us? Why?(In about 40 words)
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3 . Health and fitness help a person live a good and healthy life. Often due to various pressures, we tend to ignore our health.     1     It is the fitness level of our body that helps us fight these diseases.

    2     We need to be fit to have a healthy body. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted towards maintaining the fitness of our body. Health is the state of our body at a given time. We may not have any disease but still have a weak body, which is ready to be targeted by viruses.     3     This does not definitely mean that we are not healthy. It means the fitness level is not in accordance with our age and the climatic conditions we live in.

It is important for everyone to devote some time to health and fitness.     4     For instance, we must exercise daily regardless of our age and working style. There are different levels of exercises for different age groups and we must do them according to our own health and age.

Additionally, it is important to relax our body. We should have at least six to eight hours of sleep every day. It helps in improving our immune (免疫) system and protects us against diseases.     5     This, in turn, gives us new goals of health and fitness.

A.Fitness levels decide the quality of life.
B.Health and fitness are interrelated to each other.
C.It also helps in keeping us calm and relaxes our mind.
D.For instance, we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily.
E.If we keep our body fit, we can enjoy life in a better manner.
F.There are some activities which everyone should do in our life.
G.This makes our body suffer and we will catch other diseases.
2022-09-07更新 | 3958次组卷 | 21卷引用:2022年北京卷英语真题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |
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4 . Quantum ( 量子 ) computers have been on my mind a lot lately. A friend has been sending me articles on how quantum computers might help solve some of the biggest challenges we face as humans. I’ve also had exchanges with two quantum-computing experts. One is computer scientist Chris Johnson who I see as someone who helps keep the field honest. The other is physicist Philip Taylor.

For decades, quantum computing has been little more than a laboratory curiosity. Now, big tech companies have invested in quantum computing, as have many smaller ones. According to Business Weekly, quantum machines could help us “cure cancer, and even take steps to turn climate change in the opposite direction.” This is the sort of hype ( 炒作 ) that annoys Johnson. He worries that researchers are making promises they can’t keep. “What’s new,” Johnson wrote, “is that millions of dollars are now potentially available to quantum computing researchers.”

As quantum computing attracts more attention and funding, researchers may mislead investors, journalists, the public and, worst of all, themselves about their work’s potential. If researchers can’t keep their promises, excitement might give way to doubt, disappointment and anger, Johnson warns. Lots of other technologies have gone through stages of excitement. But something about quantum computing makes it especially prone to hype, Johnson suggests, perhaps because “‘quantum’ stands for something cool you shouldn’t be able to understand.” And that brings me back to Taylor, who suggested that I read his book Q for Quantum.

After I read the book, Taylor patiently answered my questions about it. He also answered my questions about PyQuantum, the firm he co-founded in 2016. Taylor shares Johnson’s concerns about hype, but he says those concerns do not apply to PyQuantum.

The company, he says, is closer than any other firm “by a very large margin ( 幅度 )” to building a “useful” quantum computer, one that “solves an impactful problem that we would not have been able to solve otherwise.” He adds, “People will naturally discount my opinions, but I have spent a lot of time quantitatively comparing what we are doing with others.”

Could PyQuantum really be leading all the competition “by a wide margin”, as Taylor claims? I don’t know. I’m certainly not going to advise my friend or anyone else to invest in quantum computers. But I trust Taylor, just as I trust Johnson.

1. Regarding Johnson’s concerns, the author feels ________.
2. What leads to Taylor’s optimism about quantum computing?
A.His dominance in physics.B.The competition in the field.
C.His confidence in PyQuantum.D.The investment of tech companies.
3. What does the underlined word “prone” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?
4. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Is Johnson More Competent Than Taylor?
B.Is Quantum Computing Redefining Technology?
C.Will Quantum Computers Ever Come into Being?
D.Will Quantum Computing Ever Live Up to Its Hype?
2022-09-07更新 | 3984次组卷 | 22卷引用:2022年北京卷英语真题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 较难(0.4) |
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5 . “What would the world be if there were no hunger?” It’s a question that Professor Crystal would ask her students. They found it hard to answer, she wrote later, because imagining something that isn’t part of real life—and learning how to make it real—is a rare skill. It is taught to artists and engineers, but much less often to scientists. Crystal set out to change that, and helped to create a global movement. The result—an approach known as systems thinking—is now seen as essential in meeting global challenges.

Systems thinking is crucial to achieving targets such as zero hunger and better nutrition because it requires considering the way in which food is produced, processed, delivered and consumed, and looking at how those things intersect (交叉 ) with human health, the environment, economics and society. According to systems thinking, changing the food system—or any other network—requires three things to happen. First, researchers need to identify all the players in that system; second, they must work out how they relate to each other; and third, they need to understand and quantify the impact of those relationships on each other and on those outside the system.

Take nutrition. In the latest UN report on global food security, the number of undernourished (营养不良 )people in the world has been rising, despite great advances in nutrition science. Tracking of 150 biochemicals in food has been important in revealing the relationships between calories, sugar, fat and the occurrence of common diseases. But using machine learning and artificial intelligence, some scientists propose that human diets consist of at least 26,000 biochemicals—and that the vast majority are not known. This shows that we have some way to travel before achieving the first objective of systems thinking - which,in this example, is to identify more constituent parts of the nutrition system.

A systems approach to creating change is also built on the assumption that everyone in the system has equal power. But as some researchers find, the food system is not an equal one. A good way to redress (修正 ) such power imbalance is for more universities to do what Crystal did and teach students how to think using a systems approach.

More researchers, policymakers and representatives from the food industry must learn to look beyond their direct lines of responsibility and adopt a systems approach. Crystal knew that visions alone don’t produce results, but concluded that “we’ll never produce results that we can’t envision”.

1. The author uses the question underlined in Paragraph 1 to ________.
A.illustrate an argumentB.highlight an opinion
C.introduce the topicD.predict the ending
2. What can be inferred about the field of nutrition?
A.The first objective of systems thinking hasn’t been achieved.
B.The relationships among players have been clarified.
C.Machine learning can solve the nutrition problem.
D.The impact of nutrition cannot be quantified.
3. As for systems thinking, which would the author agree with?
A.It may be used to justify power imbalance.
B.It can be applied to tackle challenges.
C.It helps to prove why hunger exists.
D.It goes beyond human imagination.
2022-09-07更新 | 3318次组卷 | 5卷引用:2022年北京卷英语真题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
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6 . My name is Alice. Early last year, I was troubled by an anxiety that crippled ( 削弱 ) my ability to do anything. I felt like a storm cloud hung over me. For almost a year I struggled on, constantly staring at this wall that faced me. My perfectionist tendencies were the main root of this: I wanted to be perfect at whatever I did, which obviously in life is not possible, but it consumed me.

One day, I attended a presentation by wildlife conservationist Grant Brown at my high school. His presentation not only awed and inspired me, but also helped emerge an inner desire to make a difference in the world. I joined a pre-presentation dinner with him and that smaller setting allowed me to slowly build up my courage to speak one-on-one with him—an idea that had seemed completely impossible. This first contact was where my story began.

A month later, Brown invited me to attend the World Youth Wildlife Conference. Looking back, I now see that this would be the first in a series of timely opportunities that my old self would have let pass, but that this new and more confident Alice enthusiastically seized. Shortly after I received his invitation, applications to join the Youth for Nature and the Youth for Planet groups were sent around through my high school. I decided to commit to completing the applications, and soon I was a part of a growing global team of young people working to protect nature. Each of these new steps continued to grow my confidence.

I am writing this just six months since my journey began and I’ve realised that my biggest obstacle ( 障碍 ) this whole time was myself. It was that voice in the back of my head telling me that one phrase that has stopped so many people from reaching their potential: I can’t. They say good things come to those who wait; I say: grab every opportunity with everything you have and be impatient. After all, nature does not require our patience, but our action.

1. What was the main cause for Alice’s anxiety?
A.Her inability to act her age.B.Her habit of consumption.
C.Her desire to be perfect.D.Her lack of inspiration.
2. How did Grant Brown’s presentation influence Alice?
A.She decided to do something for nature.B.She tasted the sweetness of friendship.
C.She learned about the harm of desire.D.She built up her courage to speak up.
3. The activities Alice joined in helped her to become more ________.
4. What can we learn from this passage?
A.Practice makes perfect.B.Patience is a cure of anxiety.
C.Action is worry’s worst enemy.D.Everything comes to those who wait.
2022-09-07更新 | 3824次组卷 | 18卷引用:2022年北京卷英语真题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |
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7 . Peer ( 同伴 ) Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) is a peer-facilitated learning programme available to students enrolled ( 注册 ) in most core units of study in our business school.

PASS involves weekly sessions where you work in groups to tackle specially prepared problem sets, based around a unit of study you’re enrolled in.

PASS doesn’t re-teach or deliver new content. It’s an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the key points from lecture materials while you are applying your skills to solve problems.

You work interactively with your peers. As a peer group, you decide what is covered in each session. That way, PASS directly responds to your needs and feedback.

Registration in Term 2 will open at 9 am, 21 September 2022.

Waiting lists

If a session is full, you can register for the waiting list. We will email you if a place becomes available or if a new session is to be held.

When you are placed on a waiting list, we will email you a number which tells you where you are on the list. If you are close to the front of the list, you have a good chance of gaining a place in the programme in the near future.


If you miss two PASS sessions in a row, you will be deregistered and your place will be given to someone on the waiting list. Make sure you fill in the attendance sheet at each session to record your attendance.

You’ll be informed by email if you are being deregistered as a result of missing sessions. If you believe you have received the email in error, email the PASS office at   passoffice@umbs. edu..

1. In PASS, students ________.
A.attend new lecturesB.decide their own schedules
C.prepare problem sets in groupsD.use their skills to solve problems
2. What can students do if a session is full?
A.Fill in the attendance sheet.B.Sign up for the waiting list.
C.Report their needs and feedback.D.Email the office their numbers on the list.
3. Students will be deregistered if ________.
A.they send emails in errorB.they fail to work interactively
C.they give their places to othersD.they miss two sessions in a row
2022-09-07更新 | 3164次组卷 | 12卷引用:2022年北京卷英语真题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it will get you the right ones. That’s true, so you should pursue authentic positivity in your friendships, the opposite of toxic (有毒的) positivity that would have you encouraging friends in all things, regardless of what you might feel or observe or know about the challenges of life.     1    

1. Ask questions.

A feature of authentic positivity is a curious mindset, a mentality where you are less locked into “telling it like it is” and more interested in wondering and exploring the possibilities together with your friend.     2     If your friendship has a history of welcome advice-giving, your question could be “Are you looking for ideas, or do you just want me to listen?”

2.     3    

“That’s so disappointing” is sometimes the most positive thing you can say to your friend when they are struggling. Resisting the urge to say “It’s all going to work out; don’t worry” shows your friend that you see them in their pain, and that you are available to support them here and now.     4     You can use “yes/and” statements like “What happened at work is so frustrating—AND I know how creative you are, so you’ll find a way to move forward.”

3. Learn to apologize —and ask for an apology.

    5     That includes you, too. Being authentic in a friendship means having the freedom to say to a friend, “I’m sorry I hurt you.” It also means being able to say, “Your words/ actions hurt me.” Friendships that stand the test of time have room for mistakes, and for repair.

A.Name hard truths.
B.Don’t disappoint your friend.
C.Every friend misses the mark sometimes.
D.Instead, friends should be authentic and positive.
E.Here are three ways to be an authentically positive friend.
F.But that doesn’t mean you need to focus on the negative all the time.
G.Positive friends ask each other questions, and listen deeply to the answers.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 你是校学生会主席,你校将为高中生举办一个国际文化交流展览,活动将持续一周,并有海外学生和教师来校参加。本次活动开幕式将以展示中国文化开始,请你在开幕式上发言,致欢迎辞并介绍开幕式活动和意义。
Dear teachers and students,
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10 . For many travelers these days, finding a way to make travel more meaningful has become a top priority. They are increasingly pursuing journeys that include time to volunteer, work on a conservation project, protect endangered animals or to do other activities that allow for giving back while exploring a new part of the world. Here are some opportunities that combine travel with doing good deeds.

The Azores

The trips offer the opportunity to work on carefully selected projects alongside famous scientists while also enjoying encounters with some of the world’s most fascinating sea creatures in water. It allows participants to join a research team in the Azores that s studying the animals to support future conservation of the species. Advanced diving experience is required.

Red Sea, Egypt

Combining an opportunity for world-class diving with being part of an important research effort conducted by Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association. The seven-night trip includes learning how to gather water data with state -of- the -art scientific equipment and conducting onboard and underwater experiments.


Explore Queensland, Australia, while also supporting a registered charity that rescues farm animals from abuse, neglect, and situations where they’re in danger. Participants help with daily cleaning of barns (牲口圈) and cages. feeding, health checks, light repair, monitoring animals’ movements, and intensive care of ill, old and baby animals. The experience includes free accommodations with Wi Fi and a swimming pool.


Work with bears at Romania’s largest bear sanctuary (庇护所), a place that was created as a heaven for bears that have been abused. Located in the Carpathian Mountains, the sanctuary needs volunteers to help with preparing food, monitoring animal well-being and leading conservation tours. The sanctuary is home to 84 bears, with 20 more due to be rescued.

1. What do the first two trips have in common?
A.Both involve underwater activities.
B.Both provide free accommodations.
C.Both require advanced diving experience.
D.Both teach how to use scientific equipment.
2. Which place best suits a girl who likes horses?
A.The Azores.B.Red Sea.C.Australia.D.Romania.
3. Why are the bears adopted by the sanctuary in Romania?
A.They have no food.B.They are badly treated.
C.They should be monitored.D.They need to live in mountains.
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