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1 . We can’t remember clearly when we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table. This happens a lot, especially when we go out to have dinner. Once a dish comes, instead of lifting our chopsticks, we take out our _______ and click. Later, we post the photos onto Weibo or WeChat, waiting to be “liked”. Then we _______ our mobiles from time to time during the meal, to see whether we get “liked” or not.

Does that sound _______ to you? Do you do that often? If not, _______ do you feel when others do that when having dinner with you?

A recent study suggests spending time taking photos of _______ makes the food less pleasant. In the experiment, researches asked some people to take photos before they could enjoy the food. The _______ showed that the more photos they took, the less delicious the food seemed to them.

_______ the scientific result, there are also some other bad influences of taking photos of food before meals. After _______ the photos onto the Internet, one will not be able to control himself and check his mobile many times. “Does everyone like my photos? I hope a lot of people like them!” It seems that your mobile _______ calls your name all the time, even when you are with real people.

So, next time you __________ with your family or friends, why not stop taking photos and enjoy the food in front of you? Trust me: it will be a wonderful time.

A.go shoppingB.ride bikesC.eat outD.watch movies
2024-08-25更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省儋州市长坡中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 .

Book Sharing: 7 Habits of Happy Kids
● Tuesday, July 4, 2023, 9:30 a. m.
● Adult: ¥60
Children (under 10): free
● Phone the booking office: 8841­5697
Note: In the book 7 Habits of Happy Kids, everyone is having fun and learning all kinds of things. The book tells us how kids can be happy.
Watch a Movie: Are We Alone
● Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 2:00 p. m.
● Adult: ¥30
Children (under 12): half price
● Phone the booking office:
Note: Are we truly alone in space (太空)? Is there any life out there? You can get the answers in this movie.
Magic Class
● Wednesday, July 19, 2023, 10:00 a. m.
● Free
● Call 8839­7665 to book your place.
Note: Would you like to be a magician? Then join David, the magician, to learn about real magic in this class.
Science with Me: Making Your Own Rocket (火箭)
● Thursday, July 27, 2023, 3:00 p. m.
● Free
● Please phone 8852­5763 to book your place.
Note: Do you want to make a rocket with the help of Professor Smith? Science with Me is going to be with you.

1. How can Henry take part in the activity about rocket making?
A.By calling 8852­5763.
B.By calling 8862­7941.
C.By calling 8839­7665.
D.By calling 8841­5697.
2. How much should Mr. White pay if he and his 8-­year-­old son take part in the activity of book sharing?
3. When can you learn about real magic?
A.On July 4, 2023.
B.On July 18, 2023.
C.On July 19, 2023.
D.On July 27, 2023.
4. Who is the text mainly written for?
2024-08-21更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省儋州市长坡中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约160词) | 容易(0.94) |

3 .

I like riding a bike best. I think it’s very interesting. I often ride a bike to the countryside (乡村) on weekends. Along the way, I see trees and flowers. They are beautiful.


I’m learning Tai Chi from my grandpa these days. It is slow but great, and it’s good for keeping healthy. Also, doing Tai Chi helps me become more patient (耐心的).

— Sara

I like climbing mountains (山). It is not easy but fun. Just keep going and don’t give up! I feel great when I get to the top (顶部) of the mountain. To keep safe (安全的), I will write down what to do before the trip. And it is good to climb with others.


1. Who likes riding a bike?
A.Tony.B.Sara.C.Jack.D.Sara’s grandpa.
2. Who can do Tai Chi?
A.Sara’s grandpa.B.Sara’s grandma.C.We don’t know.D.Sara’s mother.
3. What does Sara think of doing Tai Chi?
4. How can people keep safe when climbing mountains according to (根据) Tony?
① Climbing with others. ② Making a plan (计划).
③ Taking enough food and drinks. ④ Telling others which mountain to climb.
5. What can we know from the passage?
A.Jack rides a bike to mountains every day.
B.Sara is learning Tai Chi from her teacher.
C.Tony always likes climbing mountains by himself.
D.Tony knows safety must come first.
2024-08-21更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省儋州市长坡中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约120词) | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或所给单词的正确形式。

Chen Gang is a teacher from a university.     1     (he) son, Chen Lihao, is a university student. They reached the top of Mount Qomolangma     2     April 30th, 2022. During their journey, they did scientific research and     3     (collect) many samples (样本) of ice, snow, plants and rocks. They were treated as     4     (hero) after they returned.

Chen Gang is very     5     (interest) in climbing mountains. He met lots of difficulties on n the way,     6     he never thought of giving up. As for Chen Lihao, he is one of the     7     (good) mountain climbers in our country. He always     8     (train) hard and gets ready for more challenges. Both     9     father and son show great courage and abilities. They     10     (close) connect their personal futures with national needs. Their successful climb of Qomolangma has great meaning for the study of the mountain.

2024-08-19更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省儋州市长坡中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . While traveling, it’s important to do it in a way that preserves these natural attractions for the next generation to enjoy as well. It’s always a good idea to travel in an environmentally friendly way.     1     The following are some tips for eco-friendly travel.

Look for a green label (标签)

The demand for eco-friendly travel has resulted in a sharp increase of environmentally friendly labels used by businesses, hotels, and products in the travel industry.     2     There are a few ways to do the research and find out which labels are really environmentally friendly. One choice is to look at the online guides that go through the details of several common labels.

Ask questions

    3     Wise travelers can research, ask, or talk to travel companies. This will discover the problems behind the label. Research is absolutely important because there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors in this business. You wouldn’t just buy a car from an ad without understanding what it was or comparing it to others.

Fly less and fly direct

When you fly, make it count. Use long-distance flights when necessary. But change to more eco-friendly choices for more local destinations.     4     By traveling over land, one can cut carbon emissions (碳排放) by as much as 50 percent or 80 percent.

Stay local and buy local

Another way to cut down on flights is to get in touch with the local community.     5     And it can help travelers really understand how life works in that community. Staying local can cut down on travel emissions, and joining in the local community can also reduce a tourist’s cultural and environmental impact.

A.Some destinations have overnight trains.
B.However, not all these labels are really honest.
C.That lets one both tour nature and protect nature.
D.It is recommended that travelers stay in one location longer.
E.Promoting the local economy can actually have green benefits.
F.Trains and buses produce much less carbon emissions than airplanes do.
G.Although some companies have green labels, we don’t quite know for sure.
2024-07-21更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A short video series, which tells the story of a jade teapot that unexpectedly comes     1     life and starts a journey from the British Museum to its homeland in China, has touched millions of viewers, increasing calls for the museum to return relics that were     2     (unlawful) taken away from the country.

A large number of netizens were deeply moved by the strong desire of the artifacts to “return home”. They made     3     (comment) expressing the hope that the cultural relics lost overseas could “return with dignity and honor”.

According to the museum’s social media posts, the teapot featured in the video is     4     creation of Chinese contemporary jade artist Yu Ting. He watched the series and said he was     5     (please) with the attention his work had gained among young people     6     the enthusiasm (热情) for traditional culture expressed through the numerous opinions. “The work we do is aimed at     7     (preserve) traditional culture, and this makes us feel that     8     we are doing is very meaningful,” Yu said.

The series     9     (make) by two young Chinese vloggers. They expressed their gratitude for the love the series had gained from viewers and said they hoped that everyone     10     (pay) more attention to the difficult situation of cultural relics lying overseas.

2024-07-20更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省文昌市田家炳中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . In 2014, a university student went with friends for a birthday celebration to Beijing Zoo. Little did he know that a chance turning up at the aquarium there would excite a lifelong passion. As Xu Yitang stared at clusters of coral (珊瑚) in the tank, a sense of wonder washed over him.

After he first saw coral at the aquarium, he often went to the local market to learn about coral farming. He also searched for information online. Before long, he set up a small fish tank at home and started cultivating coral.

“The coral organism is easily destroyed and has extremely high requirements for water quality,” recalls Xu. “When I started cultivating coral, its state was not good.” As Xu gained knowledge about coral, his coral gradually started to grow well.

Xu, a Beijing native, has now lived on the tropical island of Hainan Province, where he serves as a coral conservationist (保护主义者). Each day, he spends several hours diving deep under the waves to observe and document the growth and development of the creatures in coral reefs, known as “tropical rainforests” and “underwater gardens” of the ocean, providing a home for a quarter of all marine life. He aims to encourage individuals to take action in protecting coral reefs and the ocean as a whole from the destructive impact of climate change and human activities. “Understanding the species is the first step toward effective conservation,” he says.

While pursuing his passion to protect coral, he met his life partner, Liu Xiwen, through their shared hobby of diving in Hainan. “Unlike many young people who care about their outfit and appearance, he is only focused on protecting coral,” says Liu. “Despite his skin peeling for spending long hours in the seawater, his attitude is different from what I’ve seen in most young people, and it’s attractive to me.”

1. What contributes to Xu’s career choice?
A.A trip to Beijing Zoo.B.His hobby of coral farming.
C.His love for visiting aquariums.D.Online information about coral.
2. What does the underlined word “cultivating” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What is Xu’s final goal?
A.To build a shelter for all marine life.B.To protect coral reefs and the ocean.
C.To reduce human impact on the ocean.D.To learn about the creatures in coral reefs.
4. How does Xu’s life partner feel about his work?
2024-07-20更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省文昌市田家炳中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Do you know anything about galaxies (星系)? Are you interested in them? How many galaxies can you name? Researchers have identified two ancient star groups that appear to be among the Milky Way Galaxy’s earliest parts. The groups are named after the Hindu gods Shakti and Shiva. They were discovered using observations from the European Space Agency’s Gaia space telescope (望远镜).

Scientists wrote in a study that the groups might be the remains of two galaxies that united with the early pieces of the Milky Way 12 billion years ago. They say the discovery offers new information about how our galaxy formed.

The Milky Way Galaxy is made up of hundreds of billions of stars. It is a large, flat circle about 100,000 light years across. A light year is the distance light travels in a year. Experts say the study might have identified the last event before the Milky Way Galaxy began to take the shape it has today.

The European Space Agency sent up Gaia in 2013. The space telescope is helping to create the largest and most complete 3D map of the Milky Way Galaxy. Gaia is gauging the positions, distances, and movements of the stars. This data enabled researchers to find Shakti and Shiva.

The study builds on another recent discovery. In 2022, scientists using Gaia data identified what they called the “poor old heart” of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is made up of a population of stars from the earliest period of the galaxy found near its center.

The stars that make up Shiva and Shakti are different chemically from most of the Milky Way Galaxy’s other stars. They are called “metal poor” because of the amount of heavy element s they contain. For example, the stars have less iron, carbon, and oxygen than similar stars in other parts of the galaxy. Heavier elements first formed inside the universe’s earliest population of stars. When these stars blew up at the end of their life cycles, the elements were then sent out into space.

1. What’s the author's purpose in raising the questions in the first paragraph?
A.To raise some doubts.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To make a survey about galaxies.D.To encourage readers to research galaxies.
2. What can be learnt from paragraph 3?
A.The size of the Milky Way Galaxy.
B.The forming time of the Milky Way Galaxy.
C.The events the Milky Way Galaxy has experienced.
D.The tools the scientists used to make the discovery.
3. What does the underlined word “gauging” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. How do the newly discovered star groups differ from the others?
A.They have a larger weight.B.They take a strange shape.
C.They are further away from Earth.D.They contain less amount of heavy elements.
2024-07-20更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Ancient Art Exhibitions of Museum of Fine Arts Houston

Arts of Africa

“African” describes arts of Africa from 500 BC to the present. The Museum’s African art collection features masks (面具), statues, headdresses, cloths, and objects from a variety of regions, cultures, and countries. The most famous one is a metal head of a king from the Court of Benin. Many artworks were created to strengthen the position and power of the rulers, or to symbolize position. Others honor ancestors.

Arts of the Pacific Islands and Australia

The arts include those from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and other South Pacific Islands that make up a region once called “Oceania”. The ocean has shaped these peoples and their art. Many works were made from wood and plants, and decorated with paint, feathers, and shells. Valuable objects were also carved from stone.

Glassell Collection of Ancient America

Gold played an important role in ancient Central and South America. Ancient Americans valued gold for its spiritual power. Gold was considered to be part of the sun and had its energy. This collection is without equal in the world.

Glassell Collection of Africa

From ancient times, gold was a symbol of wealth and power, and gold artworks were highly prized. On Africa’s west coast, gold was rich. Chiefs used gold works to prove power and respect, and to promote political unity. The Glassell Collection of African Gold is considered the finest of its kind in the world, and it is the largest collection of African gold in an American museum.

1. Which stands out in Arts of Africa’s collection?
A.An ancient mask.B.A metal head.
C.A unique stone object.D.A beautiful headdress.
2. What’s a character of the works from Arts of the Pacific Islands and Australia?
A.They were influenced by the ocean.
B.They were owned by ancient rulers.
C.They shaped Oceanian people’s life.
D.They were specially decorated for different purposes.
3. What do the works of Glassell Collection of Ancient America and Glassell Collection of Africa have in common?
A.They include donations of different collectors.
B.They stand for the highest level of art.
C.They feature fine artworks containing gold.
D.They show respect for the ancestors.
2024-07-20更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末联考英语试题
10 . 去年,我们在聊天室遇到了一些问题。(汉译英)
2024-07-19更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省白沙黎族自治县民族中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
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