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书信写作-演讲稿 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 每年的六月八日为世界海洋日。假设你是李华,暑期省里将举办世界海洋大会,作为中学生代表,你将在大会上做 “Protecting Our Blue Planet” 的主题演讲。请你撰写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:
注意: 1.词数不少于80词:2.世界海洋日World Ocean’s Day.
2024-07-20更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What is the main idea of the speech?
A.The benefits of 5G mobile   networks.
B.Construction firms need old   workers.
C.Robots doing more work on building sites.
2. What is happening to the Japanese construction workforce?
A.It is getting older.B.It is getting slower.C.It is getting smaller.
3. Who controls the robots on the computer?
A.A managerB.A laborer.C.A map.
2024-07-20更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What's the main reason why the man is struggling to find a place to hold a wedding?
A.The places are booked out.
B.The places are too expensive.
C.The places are not to Melissa's taste.
2. What place did the man consider in Scotland?
A.Zoos.B.Castes.C.Farm houses.
3. When is the wedding going to be held?
A.In spring.B.In summer.C.In winter.
2024-07-20更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why doesn't the man pack socks according to himself?
A.He dislikes wearing them.
B.He will buy them in Mexico.
C.He doesn't need them on the beaches.
2. How much more weight can the man fit in bis bag?
A.About 6 kilograms.B.About 16 kilograms.C.About 22 hlograms.
3. Where is the conversation taking place?
A.At the speakers’ house.B.At an airport.C.At a hotel.
2024-07-20更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How does the woman feel recently?
2. What is the woman's main concern?
A.Getting good grades.B.Making friends.C.Succeeding   in sports.
3. What do the speakers have in common?
A.They arc of the same age.
B.They are on the same team.
C.They are in the same grade.
4. What will the man offer to do for the woman?
A.Help with her schoolwork.
B.Share team tasks with her.
C.Improve her basketball skills.
2024-07-20更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
6 . What happens when the player shoots successfully from outside the line?
A.He breaks a rule.B.He wins the game.C.He gets three points.
2024-07-20更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . Why has the bank taken action on the man's account?
A.His cards have been stolen.
B.He has bought another computer.
C.His cards have been abnormally used.
2024-07-20更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . High School Student Programs

NYC Residential Summer

For a truly immersive college experience, students who will be 16 years of age or older at the program’s start are eligible (符合条件) to stay on our Morningside Campus. Students will choose from over 70 courses in a dozen subject areas, spending about four hours in class every weekday with a two-hour midday break. Expert instructors will challenge students to think independently, critically, and creatively, with both open-mindedness and precision.

Session A 3 Weeks: June 24 — July 12, 2024

Session B 3 Weeks: July 15 — August 2, 2024

Summer Journalism Workshop

The annual workshop is intended for secondary school students and teachers from schools in the U. S. and international schools following an American plan of education. Participation in the Workshop is open to all students and advisors from senior high schools. No junior high or middle school students are accepted. Fund assistance is available for students who qualify.

In-person Session: June 23 — 28, 2024

Virtual Session: July 8 — 12, 2024

College Edge

In the College Edge program, students in grades 11 — 12 truly get the college experience by earning college credit as they learn alongside Columbia’s undergraduates. Students will also receive academic advice and professional development opportunities. When selecting course load, plan to spend two to three hours of study outside class for every hour spent in class.

Session A: May 20 — June 28, 2024

Session B: July 1 — August 9, 2024

Columbia Writing Academy

As many colleges place less emphasis on standardized test scores, the admissions essay has taken a larger role in the application process. The Columbia Writing Academy is a two-week online course to help students develop their own personal voice and style, and use those skills to craft a unique and impressive college admissions essay.

July 15 — 25, 2024

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays: 7:00 p. m. — 8:15 p. m.

1. What is special about Summer Journalism Workshop?
A.Middle school students are accepted.B.It can offer online courses.
C.Students can get financial support.D.It helps students apply to a university.
2. Which program lasts longest?
A.NYC Residential Summer.B.College Edge.
C.Columbia Writing Academy.D.Summer Journalism Workshop.
3. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A university website.B.An academic article.
C.A travel journal.D.A science magazine.
2024-07-19更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Some plant species will “win” and others will “lose” as global warming forces them to move uphill, new research shows.

Scientists studied over 7,000 plant species in Brazil’s Cerrado savanna (草原) and predicted how they might change by 2040 due to climate change. The future of plant species depends on where they live: lowland plants can move uphill to cooler areas, but mountain plants cannot move higher.

“As the climate warms, plants’ ranges are shifting, with many species going uphill,” said Mateus Silva, a researcher from the University of Exeter. “This is the pattern we found in the Cerrado — suggesting lowland areas may become local extinction hot spots, while mountains will host new combinations of plant species.”The Cerrado is just 0.4% of the planet’s land surface, but it is home to 3.5% of all flowering plants — about 12,000 species, a similar diversity level to the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.

The researchers used species distribution models to find the conditions in which each plant species grows, and then contrasted this with detailed climate data, including changes in temperature and rainfall. The researchers chose a relatively short timescale—focusing on changes by 2040 — to ensure the findings would be useful for current conservation efforts. While more dramatic effects are anticipated over a longer period, the results suggest about 150 plant species face a “critical reduction” by 2040—losing more than 70% of their range.

The researchers say they are “optimistic”, as they only looked at climate change. An additional threat is the direct destruction of Cerrado savanna — around half of which has already been cleared to grow crops or graze cattle. “The range loss highlighted by our study will be combined with this habitat loss and fragmentatio (碎片化), which makes it harder for species to move to new areas,” Silva said. “It’s also important to note that our study did not examine interactions between species — this complex ecology is also likely to play an important role.”

1. What does the new research mainly show?
A.Some plant species have disappeared due to global warming.
B.Global warming will force some plant species to move.
C.The future of plant species depends on their sizes.
D.Most plant species in the Cerrado have to move a lot.
2. Why does the author mention the Brazilian Amazon rainforest in paragraph 3?
A.To explain why the Cerrado has much rainfall.
B.To compare its plants with those in the Cerrado.
C.To stress the diversity level of the Cerrado’s plant species.
D.To show how large an area the Cerrado covers.
3. How did the researchers conduct the study?
A.By analyzing climate data and plant distributions.
B.By referring to former reports.
C.By focusing on interactions between species.
D.By carrying out an online survey.
4. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.Habitat fragmentation helps species move.B.The Cerrado savanna will be well protected.
C.The research results are in great doubt.D.More conservation efforts are needed.
2024-07-18更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Surgeons have successfully transplanted a pig kidney (肾) into a 62-year-old man living with end-stage kidney disease. The recipient, Richard Slayman, is recovering well and is expected to be discharged from the hospital soon, mere days after the surgery.

This is the first time a pig kidney has been transplanted into a living human, which makes it a very important milestone in the field of xenotransplantation, or the transfer of animal organs to humans. “The success of this transplant is the efforts by thousands of scientists and physicians over severaldecades,” said Tatsuo Kawai at Massachusetts General Hospital in a statement. “Our hope is that this transplant approach will offer a lifeline to millions of patients worldwide who are suffering from kidney failure.”

Strictly speaking, however, this isn’t the first ever pig-to-human kidney transplant. The procedure has been performed five times in the past years, all in people who were declared brain-dead and kept on life support.

Kawai and his colleagues performed the surgery on 16 March. The procedure lasted 4 hours, and the kidney began producing urine (尿) and the waste product soon after.

The organ was provided by the company eGenesis, which raises pigs that have been genetically (基因地) engineered to carry certain human genes and to lack a particular set of pig genes that are harmful to humans. These genetic changes reduce the likelihood of transplant rejection, when the immune system (免疫系统) attacks the organ and causes it to fail. Slayman is also receiving drugs to further lower this risk. So far, there has been no sign of rejection and Slayman is able to walk on his own. His doctors hope to discharge him from the hospital soon.

More than 100,000 people in the US are waiting for an organ transplant, of whom 17 die each day. The US Food and Drug Administration authorised the experimental transplant for Slayman due to a lack of other treatment options.

“I saw it not only as a way to help me, but a way to provide hope for thousands of people who need a transplant to survive,” said Slayman in a statement.

1. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The wide application of the transplant method.
B.The significance of the success.
C.The difficulties facing the scientists.
D.The high demand for kidneys.
2. What is the key point of raising pigs for the kidney transplant?
A.Changing their genes.B.Using some kind of drugs.
C.Protecting their immune system.D.Feeding them in a proper way.
3. What do we know about the pig-to-human kidney transplant surgery?
A.The organ was offered by the hospital.
B.There were various choices for the patient.
C.Producing urine symbolized its success.
D.It took a few months for the patient to recover.
4. Which can best describe the transplant according to Slayman?
2024-07-18更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末联考英语试题
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