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| 共计 18 道试题
1 . 从词汇框中选择合适的单词完成句子。
assigned   cruel   emerge   blanketed   policy   decent
complicated   envy   restoring   precisely   respectively   subsequent
1. It’s difficult to know ______ how much impact the changes will have on us.
2. The talented young artist is starting to ______ as a promising figure in the art world.
3. With a 3D printer, a cook can print ______ chocolate sculptures and beautiful pieces for decoration on a wedding cake.
4. In their final exams, Alice scored 92%, Bob scored 85% and Claire scored 78% ______.
5. The whole village was ______ with heavy snow.
6. According to the school’s ______, all students should wear uniforms during school hours.
7. Mr. Smith stayed in his room alone, ______ those ancient paintings.
8. The rate of population growth reached its highest point in 1999 and declined in ______ years.
9. His many talents were the ______ of all his classmates.
10. Leaving pets in a locked car during hot weather is ______ and dangerous.
2024-05-23更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐山市十县一中联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
2 . 选词填空
performance     various       sharp       frank       hired     talent
generous       figure        replace       clapped       evidence       reflected
1. It is so __________ of him to give money to the homeless.
2. She presented solid __________ to support her idea.
3. From a young age, his __________ for storytelling was known, earning him awards at several competitions.
4. Judging by the audience’s reactions, the __________ was a great success.
5. The company offers __________ plans to meet different customer needs.
6. The event raised $200, 000 for charity, and this is not the final __________.
7. The audience cheered and __________ as the curtain came down.
8. Reading is known to keep our memory __________ and reduce stress.
9. He was __________ by a new company, starting his position next month.
10. On the way home he __________ that the interview had gone well.
2024-05-20更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐山市2023-2024学年高一下学期5月期中英语试题
3 . 从词汇框中选择合适的单词完成句子。
curious        cheated        recognize        honour        addicted        improve
credit        recommended        admires        challenge        destination        annoyed
1. I will try to read two English novels and join the English Club to ________ my English in the new term.
2. It really ________ me when I see people dropping litter.
3. It is strongly ________ that you write your feelings down in a diary at the end of a school day.
4. Lisa, I didn’t ________ you — you have had your hair cut.
5. I kept practising until I became confident enough to ________ the good players.
6. It is my ________ to share with you my opinions on how to learn English in senior English.
7. People making friends online are afraid of getting ________.
8. It doesn’t matter whether you pay in cash or by ________ card in this store.
9. Everyone ________ him for his sense of humour.
10. Thompson is such a ________ boy, always asking questions.
2023-12-21更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省迁安市2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
4 . 快速阅读下列句子,结合语境写出黑体词在语境中的词性和确切含义
1. Please make sure to read the contents of the agreement carefully before signing.
2. The detective was able to track down the suspect (嫌疑人) by following his footprints.
3. The flat has a beautiful view of the river from the balcony (阳台).
4. The power cut lasted for hours, leaving the entire neighborhood in darkness.
5. The minister (部长) will deliver a speech on the nation’s future plans at the press conference (新闻发布会).
6. The student earned enough credits to graduate this semester.
7. The dog could recognize its owner by the sound of their footsteps.
8. She recommended that we start planning for our trip as soon as possible.
9. The company of my dog makes me feel less lonely.
10. I have already scheduled a meeting with Dr. Li.
11. She has mastered the skill of playing the piano.
12. The hurricane (飓风) forced many homeless people to seek shelter in nearby hotels.
13. He quit the Olympic Games. It was a hard decision because no one wanted to be a quitter.
14. The children and the residents cat together and share activities.
15. My teammate practised so hard that he caught up with others very soon.
16. Success is not final, failure is not fatal (致命的). It is the courage to continue that matters.
2023-12-09更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市师大附中2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
5 . 根据音标写出对应的单词
1. (’kɒnfidəns)____________________
2. (rɪ’kwest)____________________
3. (’kjʊəriəs)____________________
4. (1i:kə’nɒmɪk)____________________
5. (ə’fɪʃl)____________________
6. (’æθli: t )____________________
7. (’empərə(r))____________________
8. (`nærəʊ)____________________
9. (’kæptin)____________________
10. (’erə(r))____________________
11. (ɪk’sperimənt)________________
12. (pleit)____________________
2023-12-09更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市师大附中2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
6 . 选词填空
in other words;     set out;     switch off;     approve of;   in this sense;   upside down;
catches fire;     at work;     on the move;     break down;
1. One day, Tom and his brother________ for the forest to pick up wild fruit. When they were________, they found plenty of fruit on a big tree.
2. He decided to row the boat, but unfortunately, the boat was________, he fell into the river.
3. We should keep quiet when someone is________.________, don’t disturb others when they are working.
4. Experts________ the conclusion that taking exercise regularly is beneficial to people’s health. If a man lacks regular exercise and doesn’t have a healthy lifestyle, his body may________.
5. They are able to________ the appliance in time before it________.________, smart homes can prevent serious damage effectively.
2023-12-02更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省滦州市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中英语试题
7 . 用方框中所给单词补全句子,每空一词,有两项是多余的。
career   remote   depth   ashamed   valleys   structure   defeated   forecast   vast
sneeze   genius   visible   journalists   widespread   obtained   occupation   critical
1. All kites have a similar ________ ,but they are widely different in size and shape.
2. You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth date and ________.
3. In the remote north, there are________ grasslands, which attract visitors from all over the world.
4. With the globalization of the economy, food security has become a ________ concern for most people around the world.
5. A man can be destroyed but not________.
6. In the new teaching model, it’s vital that teachers should encourage students to develop________ thinking instead of accepting everything they are told without questioning.
7. Put a handkerchief over your mouth when you________.
8. She was deeply________ of her bad behaviour at the party.
9. The path extended into the________ of the forest.
10. Chaplin was not just a________; he was among the most influential figures in film history.
11. The mountains and________ in a place can affect its rainfall.
12. A large number of________ will be interviewing the leaders present at this time tomorrow.
13. The objects around are________ to the naked eye(肉眼)because they reflect light.
14. According to the weather________, there will be frost tomorrow morning.
15. At the end of the graduation ceremony, the headmaster wished us bright________ and remarkable achievements in the future.
2023-12-02更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省滦州市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中英语试题
8 . 汉译英
1. n.健康;健壮;适合______ adj.健康的______
2. vt.主办;主持 ______ ;n.主人;东道主;节目主持人 ______ ;n.女主人;女主持人 ______
3. n.跑道;足迹;铁路轨道 ______ ;
4. n. 运动员;运动健儿 ______ ; adj.运动的;健身的______ ;
5. n. 荣誉;尊重;荣幸; ______ ;adj.荣幸的;荣耀的 ______ ;
6. n. 荣誉;光荣;赞美 ______ ;adj.荣誉的;赞美的 ______
7. n. 决心;决定 ______ ;vt.决定;下定决心 ______ ;adj.有决心的 ______ ;
8. vt. 使受伤;损害 ______ ;adj. 受伤的;有伤的 ______
9. /n. 力量;体力 ______ ;vt. 加强;巩固;使坚强vi. 变强 ______ ;adj. 强壮的;坚强的 ______ ;
10. n. 失败;失败的人(或事物) ______ ;
11. vt. 竞争;对抗 ______ ;n. 比赛;竞赛 ______ ; n. 竞争者 ______ ;adj. 竞争的;有竞争力的 ______
12. n. 压力;紧张;重音 ______ ;vt. 强调;重读;使焦虑不安vi. 焦虑不安 ______ ;adj. 焦虑的;有压力的; ______ adj.压力大的 ______
9 . 汉译英
1. 做成某事____________
2. 树立一个榜样____________
3. 是有意义的____________
4. 假装做____________
5. 做出改变____________
6. 剪下___________
7. 计算出___________
8. 崩溃____________
9. 失去信心____________
10. 放弃____________
11. 即使/即使____________
12. 而不是____________
13. 偶尔,有时____________
2023-11-30更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省秦皇岛市青龙满族自治县第二中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中英语试题
10 . 结合语境写出划线词在语境中的确切含义。
1. The dog managed to open the door and let a fire crew in after his owner collapsed on the kitchen floor. ________
2. Since 2014, more than 10, 000tech firms have been launched in emerging markets. ________
3. The digital impact on productivity, the key to sustained economic growth,is visible on the ground. ________
4. Loneliness and sadness overwhelmed her entirely, and previous memory flooded back. ________
5. Dreams reveal a certain amount of reality hidden during waking consciousness. ________
6. The only way to reach that result is to fall in love with the process of eating healthily and exercising consistently. ________
7. Vancouver Parks and Recreation maintains four covered picnic shelters that are available for reservation at the following parks. ________
8. Most classes meet two to five times weekly and assign homework, research papers and finals. ________
9. He was sympathetic to the young man. ________
10. The change might not be noticeable,but passenger numbers are flat or falling in many countries. ________
2023-11-05更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市新乐市第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般