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| 共计 3 道试题
1 . 选词填空
manage to;   for the first time;   add...to...;   Instead of;   
compare...to...;   date back to; be similar to
1. Shall I ________your name________ the list?
2. The college ________medieval times.
3. We________get to the airport in time yesterday.
4. We carefully ________the first report________ the second.
5. My teaching style ________that of most other teachers.
6. Now I use false name if meeting people ________.
7. The Chinese people eat their food with chopsticks ________a knife and fork.
2023-08-15更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 5 Into the Wild Using Language 配套练习 -2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . Complete the sentences using the past participles of the verbs or phrase as the object complement.
notice     please     add     impress     charge     take care of
1. His gaining admission to Peking University made his parents very ________.
2. Be confident. This bright-coloured dress will get you ________.
3. If you want to make the food tastier, you could have more spices ________ to the dishes.
4. She found herself ________ by the beauty of the landscape in Australia.
5. Getting back from her business trip, Judy was happy to see her puppies well ________ by her friend.
6. Remember to get your battery ________ before setting off from the camping ground.
2022-12-13更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019教材课后题-必修二
3 . 根据句意,选择单词或短语并以其适当形式填空。
think well of   be made up of   get confused   hold up   on the point of   too...to   add...to   clear up     pull on       part way
1. We were ________ leaving when the phone rang.
2. It’s so cold outside that she had to ________ her gloves.
3. I thought that no one else could ________ such pain.
4. ________ some water ________the tea; it’s too strong for me.
5. I must say we ________your suggestion.
6. The weather won’t ________ until the rainy season is over.
7. It’s ________ late ________ go to the football match now;besides,it’s beginning to rain.
8. They were ________through the meeting when she arrived.
9. His life ________ dark and lonely days.
10. Every time I saw him, I ________.
2022-09-14更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:译林牛津版(2020) 必修二 Unit 4 Integrated skills, Extended reading, Project, Assessment & Further study
共计 平均难度:一般