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| 共计 10 道试题
1 . 然而,后来由于那里的学术氛围和丰富多彩的活动,他渐渐习惯了。(汉译英)
2021-09-19更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题29-状语从句-应用文写作-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . Shortly ______(后来)he met her again, and then she was sorry for what she'd said.
2021-09-12更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届陕西省西安市西北工业大学附中高三4月适应性测试英语试题
3 . COVID-19 mass vaccination (疫苗接种) work in communities has gone smoothly so far. ________, we are confident that the vaccination rate will increase steadily.
单词拼写-根据中英文提示填空 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . He enjoyed singing and all the congratulations a__________. (然后,后来) (根据中英文提示填空)
2021-01-14更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:练习20 单词默背+宾语从句-2020-2021学年【补习教材·寒假作业】高一英语(人教版新课标)
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . They talked a lot; _________ (后来) they went into the living room for coffee and biscuits. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2021-01-14更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:练习20 单词默背+宾语从句-2020-2021学年【补习教材·寒假作业】高一英语(人教版新课标)
7 . 根据所给 10 个英语单句的意思,从所给的 15 个词汇中挑选出 10 个合适的词或短语分别给每个句子填空。
solve       beneath       glory       evidence       add up
native       peaceful       explore       hopeful       stand for
appreciate       afterwards       frightened       amazing       give in

1. My English teacher asked me to do a survey, ______ the score and see how many points I could get.
2. It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as fluently as a ______ English speaker.
3. As I lay ______ the stars, I stayed awake and thought about how far we had already travelled.
4. This ______ boy whose mother was lost in the disaster is looking for her now.
5. Mandela told me how to get the correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg, and I became more ______ about my future.
6. In a trial, the judge only cares about whether the eyewitness has given true information, which must be facts rather than opinions. This kind of information is called ______.
7. The teacher asked us where the ancient Olympic Games started and what the five rings on the Olympic flag ______.
8. I have even been put into space rockets and sent to ______ the Moon and Mars.
9. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and ______ how the animals live together.
10. Freddy was now quite confident when he went into a concert hall, and he enjoyed singing and all the congratulations ______.
2020-09-15更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省中山市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末统考英语试题
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . go out soon __________(后来) (根据汉语意思填空)
2020-09-07更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:【高中新教材人教版版同步备课】必修3【新教材精创】3.1 Listening and Speaking 练习(2)-人教版高中英语必修第三册
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . I’ll tell you what happened __________ (后来). (根据汉语提示填空)
2020-08-17更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(练) 必修 2 Unit 5 Music(教师版)
10 . 根据所给10个英语单句的意思,从所给的15个词汇中挑选出10个合适的词或短语分别给每个句子填空。
solve       beneath     glory      evidence    add up
native      peaceful     explore      hopeful      stand for
appreciate     afterwards    frightened    amazing     give in
1. My English teacher asked me to do a survey,_______the score and see how many points I can get.
2. It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as fluently as a_______English speaker,
3. As I lay _____ the stars, I stayed awake and thought about how far we had already travelled.
4. This_______boy whose mother was lost in the disaster is looking for her now.
5. Mandela told me how to get the correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg, and I became more_______about my future.
6. In a trial, the judge only cares about whether the eyewitness has given true information, which must be facts rather than opinions. This kind of information is called______.
7. The teacher asked us where the ancient Olympic Games started and what the five rings on Olympic flag _____
8. I have even been put into space rockets and sent to ______ the Moon and Mars.
9. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and_______how the animals live together.
10. Freddy was now quite confident when he went into a concert hall, and he enjoyed singing and all the congratulations ______ .
2020-01-30更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省中山市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般