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| 共计 10 道试题
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . The workers are employed in________ (活动,运动) for better wage. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2024-01-10更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 The art of painting 单元知识检测-2021-2022学年高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第一册
单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . The anti-China c_________ by some in the West never stops, from Hong Kong and Xinjiang to so-called debt traps, and from COVID policies that were criticized as too strict and then as too permissive(放任的), a shrinking economy that is now growing too fast, and renewed talk about Chinese influence in the South Pacific..(根据首字母单词拼写)
2023-12-23更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:大单元作业设计(人教版选择性必修三Unit 3)
单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework(GBF)serves as a c_________ road map for global action on biodiversity conservation. (根据首字母单词拼写)
2023-12-18更新 | 23次组卷 | 2卷引用:大单元作业设计(人教版选择性必修三Unit 3)
单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Recently, she began another c________ called National Red Scarf Day—a day when people donate $ 20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada’s hungry and homeless people.(根据首字母单词拼写)
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word that you do not need.
A. requirements                 B. including                 C. options                 D. specify          E. similar
F. items        G. campaign            H. participating            I. concern          J. assembling          K. familiar

French fries, washed down with a pint of soda, are a favourite part of fast-food lunches and dinners for millions of American youngsters. But taking a cue from health experts, a group of 19 restaurant companies are pledging to offer more-healthful menu    1    for children at a time when    2    is growing over the role of fast food in childhood obesity.

Burger King, the nation's second-largest fast food chain, for instance, will stop automatically    3    French fries and soda in its kids' meals starting this month, although they will still be available. Instead, the company said Tuesday, its employees will ask parents whether they prefer such options as milk or sliced apples before    4    the meals. "We' re asking the customers to    5    what they want," said Craig Prusher, the chain's vice president of government relations. Other    6    chains, with a variety of menu options, include Denny's, Chili's, Friendly's and Chevys.

As part of the Kids Live Well    7    expected to be announced nationwide Wednesday, participating restaurants must promise to offer at least one children's meal that has fewer than 600 calories, no soft drinks and at least two    8    from the following food groups: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins or low-fat dairy. Among other    9    , they must offer a side dish that meets    10    criteria, with fewer than 200 calories and less than 35% of its calories from sugar.

单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . The government is launching an advertising c___________in order to tell people about the dangers of drugs. (根据首字母单词拼写)
2023-04-06更新 | 59次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 3 Environmental protection 单元基础知识检测题 2022-2023学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册
7 . 词性转换
1. ________adj.敏感的;善解人意的;灵敏的→________adj.漠不关心的/麻木不仁的
2. ________v.起源;发源;创立→________n.起源/源头/起因;出身/来历
3. ________vt.恢复;使复原;归还;修复→________n.整修;修复→________n.做修复工作的人
4. ________ n.保护;节约→________vt.保护;节约
5. ________n.章程;规章制度→________v.约束,控制,管理
6. ________n.去掉;清除;处理→________v. 处理;处置;安排
7. ________n.检查/查看;②视察→________ v.检查/查看;视察→________n.检查员;视察员;巡视员
8. ________ n./v.运动,战役→________ n.出征者;从军者
9. ________vt.忍受;容许;包容→________n.忍受;容忍;宽容;宽恕→
10. ________ n.领航员;航行者→________ v.航行;驾驶→________ n.航海
11. ________ adj.忠诚的→________ n.忠诚→________ n.忠诚的人
12. ________ n.承诺;保证;奉献→________ v.犯罪;承诺;订婚→________ adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的
13. ________ n.动机→________ v.成为……的动机;激励;促进→________ adj.积极的;主动的→________ n.积极性
8 . The best way to undertake big projects is to force them into your ______. Spare time doesn’t appear from nowhere and you need to create it with efforts.
单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . The supermarket has launched a sales c_______ to sell more goods. (根据首字母单词拼写)
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . The young man was asked to help plan Labour’s election ______ (活动). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
共计 平均难度:一般