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| 共计 12 道试题
翻译-词汇英汉互译 | 较易(0.85) |
1 . 英汉互
1. *rub ________________
2. eagle ________________
3. dive ________________
4. thunder ________________
5. freeze ________________
6. drag ________________
7. ________________adv. 同时;其间;对比之下
8. ________________ n. 甲板,舱面
9. ________________ n. 混乱,杂乱
10. ________________n. 海军,海军部队
2024-03-19更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津译林版 2020 选择性必修三 Unit3 Integrated skills- Extended reading-Project 课前
2 . 根据提示写单词
1. ____________ communication 促进交流
2. the only room ____________ 唯一可用的房间
3. children with ____________ ability 能力非凡的孩子们
4. a noun ____________ 一个名词短语
5. ____________ a positive approach 采取一种正确的方法
6. make a ____________ 作比较
7. hold a ____________ view 持有相反的观点
8. home and ____________ 国内外
9. shake ____________ 猛烈摇晃
10. bring ____________ and confusion 带来混乱和困惑
11. ____________and lightning 雷电
12. a conventional ____________ 一个传统的故事情节
13. ____________ to the bottom 沉到海底
14. a ____________ tower 一座纪念塔
15. ____________ in education 教育改革
3 . 汉译英
1. _____ vi. 俯冲;跳水;潜水n. 冲;扑,俯冲;潜水;跳水
2. _____ vi. & vt. (froze, frozen)突然停止,呆住;结冰;冻僵
3. _____ adv. 同时;其间;对比之下
4. _____ vt. 拖,拉;缓慢而费力地移动
5. _____ n. 混乱,杂乱
6. _____ vi. ( bled, bled)失血,流血
7. _____ vt. 密谋,策划;使孵出 vi. 棚孕化;孵出
8. _____ n. 阴谋;故事情节 vi. & vt. 密谋
9. _____ vi. & vt.( sank, sunk)下沉,沉没;坐下;降低
10. _____ vi. & vt. 企盼,祈求;祈祷,祷告
11. _____ vt. 改进,改良,改革 n. 改革,改良
12. _____ n. 产量,输出量
13. _____ n. 改变,转移;轮班 vi. & vt. (使)移动;(使)转移;改变
2023-06-03更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题07 核心词汇清单-2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期末考点大串讲(译林版2020)
翻译-词汇汉译英 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 汉译英
1. ___________ adv.后来,随后
2. ___________ adj.大量的
3. ___________ n.大混乱;紊乱
4. ___________ adv.在别处
5. ___________ adj.安全的,稳固
2023-04-19更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit5 A delicate world单元综合练习 2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册
5 . 英译汉
1. halfway adj.__________
2. inhabitant n__________
3. penguin n__________
4. intervention n__________
5. rat n__________
6. vegetation n__________
7. erosion n__________
8. chaos n__________
9. virus n__________
10. immunity n__________
单词拼写-根据中英文提示填空 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . Whatever troubles arise, we’ll have peace of mind amidst seeming c_____(混乱). (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
2023-04-06更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 Reading and Thinking 课时练习-2021-2022学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册
7 . 请根据句意指出下列句子中划线单词的词性与汉语意思。
1. Please read the catalogue from cover to cover before you decide which model to purchase.
2. It is generally thought that the global warming may one day give rise to an environmental catastrophe.
3. The president from the headquarters of Guinness World Records in Britain awarded them certificates.
4. Personally, I prefer to study alone. I find studying alone more challenging and exciting.
5. Liu Xiang, who was also born in Shanghai but three years younger than Yao Ming, is a world champion in the 110-metre hurdles.
6. In England, the changeable weather is a topic which is much talked about.
7. Here I’d like to introduce to you the TV program “Learning Chinese” on CCTV 9, which is an international channel.
8. The people in the church are chanting a Christmas carol.
9. The local government was taking emergency measures to rectify (整顿) the state of chaos.
10. The last chapter was deleted from the book for a variety of reasons.
11. As is apparently shown in the chart above, many middle school students have problems both physically and mentally.
12. In Arab countries, people usually kiss each other on the cheek when they meet.
13. The little girl was almost choked to death after breathing in much smoke.
14. We Chinese take it for granted that chopsticks are the tools for eating noodles.
15. Professor Li also pointed out that we must chew our food well before swallowing it.
2023-01-14更新 | 275次组卷 | 1卷引用:02-【思维导图背单词】词根法速记高中必背单词 Day 2
8 . 我在整理工作的中途被叫走了,这让我的房间一片混乱。(halfway, chaos, 非限制性定语从句)(汉译英)
2022-08-05更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2019 外研版选择性必修二 Unit 5 第三课时 巩固练(Developing ideas & Presenting ideas)
9 . 英译汉
1 undergo vt.     1         2    
2 implement       vt.    3    
3 harmonious       adj.    4    
4 moderate       adj.vi.&vt.    5    
5 submit       vt.&vi.    6    
6 annual       adj.n.    7    
7 tropical       adj.    8    
8 chaos       n.    9    
9 on behalf of    10    
10 nuclear       adj.    11    
2022-01-07更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题07 Units3-4词汇-预热综合讲练-【寒假自学课】2022年高二英语寒假精品课(人教版2019 选择性必修3)
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . The storms caused traffic ________ (混乱) across the country. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2021-09-23更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 5 Staring out & Understanding ideas(外研版2019选择性必修二)
共计 平均难度:一般