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| 共计 3 道试题
1 . 从方框中选出与下列各句中画线单词意思相同或相近的选项
A. general spirit or character of something
B. very small
C. an order, especially one given by a soldier
D. a sense of your own importance and value
E. a promise to do something
F. how high or low your voice is
G. a calm and serious manner that deserves respect
H. a form of something that is different from other forms
I. something that you must do or deal with that takes your time
J. a description of something that happened, according to one person
K. to make yourself thinner by eating less, taking a lot of exercise, etc
L. a great knowledge of a subject and an ability to use that knowledge
1. You haven’t got much for lunch — are you slimming?
2. There’s only a slim chance that anyone survived the crash.
3. We’ve made a commitment to help, and we will.
4. I’ve got too many commitments at the moment to do an evening class.
5. You will run forward at my command.
6. She has an impressive command of the English language.
7. She accepted the challenge with quiet dignity.
8. It’s difficult to preserve your dignity when you have no job and no home.
9. The software comes in several versions for different types of computers.
10. Each witness has a different version of what happened.
11. Generally, the tone of the book is humorous.
12. The rising tone of her voice emphasized her panic.
2 . 汉译英
1. integrate vi.&vt. (使)合并;成为一体--- ________n. 结合,综合,集成--- ____ adj. 各部分密切协调的;综合的
2. sensor n. 传感器;敏感元件--- ______ adj. 感觉的,感官的--- ______ v. 感觉到,觉察到--- ____ adj. 敏感的---______n. 灵敏度;敏感--- _____ adj. 可感觉到的
3. efficient adj. 效率高的;有功效的--- ______ adv. 高效地
4. routine n. 常规;正常顺序adj.常规的;日常的--- _____adv. 例行公事地,常规地;惯常地
5. preference n. 爱好;偏爱--- ______ v. 更喜爱,宁可
6. instant n. 瞬间;片刻adj. 立即的;速食的;速溶的---______ adv. 立刻,马上 conj. 一…就…
7. command n. 指令;命令;控制vt. 命令;控制--- ______ n. 指挥官,长官
8. obey vi.&vt. 服从;遵守---________v. 违反;不服从---______ n. 服从,遵从---______adj. 服从的,顺从的
9. warning n. 警告;警示;先兆--- ______v. 提醒;警告
10. constant adj. 不断的;重复的;不变的n. 常数;常量--- ______ adv. 经常地,不断地--- ______ adj. 变化无常的;多变的
3 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Do note that there is one word more than you need.
A. attraction   B. benefit       C. enthusiastically   D. command   AB. satisfy   AC. undoubtedly
AD. approval   BC. treasured     BD. viewed   CD. developed   ABC. considerable

Public image doesn’t make money directly, nor is it anything visible. However, excellent public image is such an important thing that it is     1     desired by every company, enterprise, institution, etc. Public image refers to how a company is     2     by its customers, supplies, and stockholders(股东), by the financial community, by the communities where it operates, and by federal and local governments. Public image is controllable to     3     extent, just as the product, price, place, and promotional efforts are.

A firm’s public image plays a vital role in the     4     of the firm and its products to employees, customers, and to such outsiders as stockholders, suppliers, creditors(贷款方), government officials, as well as different special groups. With some things it is impossible to     5     all the different publics: for example, a new highly automated plant may meet the     6     of creditors and stockholders. However, it will     7     find resistance from employees who see their jobs threatened. On the other hand, high quality products and service standards should bring almost complete approval, while low quality products and false claims would be widely looked down upon.

A firm’s public image, if it is good, should be     8    . It is a valuable strength that usually is built up over a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with publics. If a firm has     9     a quality image, this is not easily imitated by competitors. Such an image may enable a firm to     10     higher prices, to win the best distributors and dealers, to attract the best employees, to expect the most favorable creditor relationships and lowest borrowing costs. It should also allow the firm’s stock to achieve higher price-earnings ratio(比例) than other firms in the same industry with such a good reputation and public image.

共计 平均难度:一般