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| 共计 86 道试题
1 . 词性转换
1. belong vi. 应在(某处);适应→________________n. 归属→________________ n. 所有物;财产
2. defend vt. 保护;保卫→________________n. 防御;保卫
3. legal adj. 法律的;合法的→________________adj. 不合法的
4. evident adj. 清楚的;明白的;显而易见的;显然的→________________ n. 证据;证明
5. locate vt. 位于,坐落于→________________ n. 地方;地点;位置
6. fascinate vt. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒,迷住→________________ adj. 极有吸引力的;迷人的
7. sure adj. 确信的,可靠的→________________ vt. 保证;确保;担保
8. generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;丰富的→________________ n. 慷慨,大方;宽宏大量
9. eager adj. 热切的;渴望的→________________ adv. 热心地;热切地;急切地→________________n. 热切;渴望;热心
10. greet vt. 问候;迎接→________________n. 问候,招呼
7日内更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions
2 . Evidently, James has made a mistake in his job, but don’t scold him; he is a green hand.(同义句转换)
________________ James has made a mistake in his job, but don’t scold him; he is a green hand.(it作形式主语)
7日内更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修第二册 Unit 1 Growing up
语法填空-单句语填 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . It’s ______(evidence) that they have experience in this work.(所给词的适当形式填空)
2024-04-05更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省茂名市电白区第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
4 . As she grew older, Chen’s talent became increasingly evident. (英译汉)
2024-03-10更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:二轮复习 热点话题(七)个人成长-羽毛球冠军陈雨菲的崛起
5 . The ambulance driver has seen a lot of car accidents involving teenagers and thinks the ________ age for getting a driving licence should be 21.
2024-01-31更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市高级中学高中园2023-2024学年英语高二上学期试卷
语法填空-单句语填 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . There is a lot of evidence ________ his crime and it is ________ (evidence) that he is guilty. (所给词的适当形式填空)
2024-01-30更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津译林版 2020 选必二 Unit3 Integrated skills- Extended reading-Project 课后
语法填空-单句语填 | 容易(0.94) |
7 . The growing interest in history is clearly ________ (evidence) in the number of people visiting museums. (所给词的适当形式填空)
2024-01-12更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 Fit for life Extended reading & Project基础知识练习-2023-2024学年译林牛津英语选择性必修二
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 很明显,年轻人的教育对一个国家的未来是至关重要的。
_____________ education of the young is vital to the future of a country.
2024-01-11更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:(2019)人教版必修二 Unit 4 History and Traditions 知识清单
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 他的脚印在尘土中清晰可见,这就是他先前来过这里的证据。
His footprints were clearly ____________in the heavy dust, which is the ____________that he had come here before.
2024-01-11更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:(2019)人教版必修二 Unit 4 History and Traditions 知识清单
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . Itbeadj.that从句
原句:With all this beauty, it is not surprising that Ireland has developed strong traditions that include music, dancing, and dining.
____________ the local government is trying to help the graduates with employment.
2024-01-11更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:(人教2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 单元知识回扣
共计 平均难度:一般