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| 共计 151 道试题
完成句子-句型转换 | 较易(0.85) |
1 . “You are wasting your time day dreaming!”he said to Mary. (改为间接引语)
→He told Mary that ________ was wasting her time day dreaming.
2022-03-29更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019选择性必修三 Unit 3 Section B 课中
完成句子-句型转换 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . He said, “I am proud of my motherland.” (改为间接引语)
→He said that________ was proud of his motherland.
语法填空-单句语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . It was worth it, though. I still have that golden headdress, as ________ reminds me of those unforgettable days. (用适当的词填空)
2022-03-21更新 | 67次组卷 | 2卷引用:热点04 语法填空(新高考新题型热点话题)-2022年高考英语【热点·重点·难点】专练(全国通用)
4 . 单句改错
1. By doing so, I can not only share good ideas with others but also learn to express me clearly.
2. Good opinions are worth sticking because they can benefit us all.
3. When I have different opinion, I may choose to give it up and respect the opinion of the majority.
4. Two years ago, our teacher offered us an answer for a difficult math problem in class.
5. The blackboard is in front of the classroom.
6. Nowadays there are still many poor students. They cannot afford to go to the school.
7. She met and eventually married with a man considerably younger than herself.
8. Several years later, a word came that he had succeeded in solving the difficult problem.
9. Bicycles are environmentally friendly because it won't give off waste gas.
10. As is known to we all, with the improvement of people's living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life.
11. Contrary with people's expectations, most of the Chinese mothers are not in favor of the author's way she educated children.
2022-03-16更新 | 97次组卷 | 1卷引用:热点09 应用文(全国卷热点话题)-2022年高考英语【热点·重点·难点】专练(全国通用)
5 . 请你修改以下的每个句子,每句有1处语言错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加或修改。
1. If I had a enough long holiday, I’d visit London—the capital city of England.
2. That we can’t get seems better than what we have.
3. It’s me who am the winner.
4. Three-fourth of his money has been spent in buying expensive cloths.
5. When he was offered the money, he didn’t know if to accept it or not.
2022-03-09更新 | 119次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市南皮县2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
翻译-整句汉译英 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 你和我都不打算做这件事。(汉译英)
2022-03-07更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 第三课时 分时作业 C 层 (外研版2019 必修三)
7 . 我们可以做点什么来停止紧张和压力呢?(汉译英)
2022-02-16更新 | 113次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省晋江市第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
8 . 请你修改以下的每个句子,每句有1处语言错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加或修改。
1. …… Many students say they will talk to their friend or classmates because they’re of the same age and can understand each other. Some will turn out to their parents or teachers for help. Only a little choose to deal with the problems on our own……
2. Best of luck with yours learning kung fu in China.
3. No matter how many times I asked to watch cartoons, my parents would not let me. They would say to us that playing card games would help my brain.
4. I had done myself homework but I was shy.
5. This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days.
2022-01-18更新 | 141次组卷 | 1卷引用:解密02 代词和介词(讲义)-【高频考点解密】2021年高考英语二轮复习讲义+分层训练(全国通用)
9 . He treats the poor girl________(好像她就是他自己的女儿). (根据汉语提示完成句子)
2022-01-14更新 | 0次组卷 | 2卷引用:外研版2019 选择性必修四 Unit 2 Starting out & Understanding ideas
改错-单句改错 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 单句改错
1. If you want to prove you, please sign up by this Thursday afternoon.
2. As a high school student, it is necessary that we build a good relationship with our teachers, for it is the teachers who show love and concern for our students in study and life and they are good listeners.
3. My mother and me planned to go to Chengdu by high-speed train last Saturday morning
4. You needn't always compare you with others and just make your efforts towards your goal.
5. Pressure is a serious problem in today's world. Students in our class are under too many pressure.
6. Both of us were a bit tired, but we felt happy to clean up the park. The greatest pleasure is that we have made it more beautiful.
7. Every time we get on a plane, we're asked to neither turn off our phones or change it to flight mode — it's for “security reasons”.
8. I clearly remembered that my mother had taught me not to cause any trouble to other at any time
2021-12-31更新 | 115次组卷 | 2卷引用:考点28 短文改错-备战2022年高考英语学霸纠错
共计 平均难度:一般