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1 . 这是我看过的最有趣的电影。(定从)(汉译英)
昨日更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:三大从句专练-2024届高三英语一轮复习
语法填空-单句语填(约10词) | 较易(0.85) |
2 . Luckily, there are many ________ (help) techniques to control our emotions, such as meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises. (所给词的适当形式填空)
7日内更新 | 7次组卷 | 2卷引用:考查形容词和副词(模拟)
语法填空-单句语填(约10词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . It has been revealed that countries with more forested land tend to see ________ (few) cases of mental health disorders. (所给词的适当形式填空)
7日内更新 | 6次组卷 | 2卷引用:考查形容词和副词(模拟)
语法填空-单句语填(约0词) | 较易(0.85) |
4 . The answer is ________ (simple) than you might expect — experience. (所给词的适当形式填空)
7日内更新 | 6次组卷 | 2卷引用:考查形容词和副词(模拟)
语法填空-单句语填(约20词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . Radiation levels on the surface of Mars are two and a half times _________ (high) than those on the International Space Station. (所给词的适当形式填空)
2024-09-11更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 Out of This World 一轮复习重点句子专项练习-2024届高三英语译林版(2020)选择性必修第三册
语法填空-单句语填(约20词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 . __________(regard) of all the challenges, Columbus managed to keep everyone out of danger with his knowledge and bravery across the ocean. (所给词的适当形式填空)
2024-09-11更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 Back to the Past 一轮复习重点句子专项练习-2024届高三英语译林版(2020)选择性必修第三册
语法填空-单句语填(约20词) | 容易(0.94) |
7 . It is worthwhile to read the ________ (origin) work if we want to know as many great works of literature as we can. (所给词的适当形式填空)
语法填空-单句语填(约10词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . Aristotle’s ________ (science) theories dominated Western thought for fifteen hundred years. (所给词的适当形式填空)
9 . 交损友不如无友。(alone) (汉译英)
2024-09-06更新 | 12次组卷 | 2卷引用:2025江苏省新高考英语一轮复习译林版必修第一册Unit2综合训练
10 . 青少年正值生长旺盛期,必须摄入足够的营养并保持规律的作息,包括足够的睡眠与锻炼。只有这样,才能保持健康与精力充沛。(汉译英)
2024-09-05更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good 基础过关-2024届高三英语一轮复习牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册
共计 平均难度:一般