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1 . 李明和林涛在新学期第一天见面, 他们在谈论那个城市地震一年后的情况。请根据语境, 用相应的时态完成下面对话。
Li Ming: Hi, Lin Tao. How nice to see you on the first day of the new term!
Lin Tao: Yes. Nice to see you again.
Li Ming: I know that your parents    1    (work) in that city for about a year. Can you tell me something there after the earthquake?
Lin Tao: Of course. Since the earthquake    2    (happen),many soldiers
    3    (send)there,and many kinds of supplies(物资供应)    4    (carry)there from all over the country. Now, most people there    5    (live)a happy life again.
Li Ming: How about the schools there?
Lin Tao: Several new schools    6    (set up)and also some schools which    7    (damage) in the earthquake    8    (rebuild).So all the students can go back to school to study now.
Li Ming: That’s wonderful. I’m sure their life will be better and better. When will your parents come back?
Lin Tao: They will be back next month.
2020-08-27更新 | 163次组卷 | 1卷引用:【高中新教材人教版同步备课】必修2【新教材精创】3.3 Discovering Useful Structure 练习(1)
共计 平均难度:一般