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| 共计 2 道试题
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1 . 将下列直接引语变成间接引语
1. She asked me, "Are you Mr. Li?"
—She asked ___________________________________.
2. "I was born here," he said.
—He said that ___________________________________.
3. "I will give you some advice next day," I told the boy.
—I told the boy that _____________________ some advice ______________________.
4. "I saw the movie three days ago," she told the teacher.
—She told the teacher that she had seen the movie ___________________________________.
5. He said, "I am living with my parents."
—He said that he ___________________________________.
6. She said, "My brother also wants to go there."
—She said that her brother also ___________________________________ there.
7. The boy said, "I brought the book home with me."
—The boy said that he ___________________________________the book home with him.
8. "I don’t like this hat," the girl said.
—The girl said that she didn’t like ___________________________________hat.
9. "I have finished my homework," he said.
—He said that he ___________________________________his homework.
10. He said, "These books are mine."
—He said that ___________________________________.
11. She said, "He’ll be back tomorrow."
—She said that ___________________________________.
12. He said, "I brought the book home."
—He said that ___________________________________.
2019-07-04更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:第19天 直接引语和间接引语——《2019年暑假作业总动员》高一英语
2 . Last Sunday, Mr. Green asked Lily she had written to her mother .
A.that; yesterdayB.that; the day before
C.whether; yesterdayD.whether; the day before
2016-11-26更新 | 781次组卷 | 2卷引用:2012-2013学年福建省永定县湖雷中学高一入学教育考试英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般