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听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the rent price of a room with a city view?
2. What does the man think of the rent price of the hotel?
A.Reasonable.B.Ridiculous (荒唐的).C.Just so-so.
3. What can we know according to the dialogue?
A.The woman cares about the type of the room.
B.The man likes being in quiet surroundings all night.
C.The woman wants a room on the ground floor.
4. What will the woman probably do in the end?
A.Give up the choice of the hotel room.
B.Choose the penthouse (楼顶) room for 400 a night.
C.Go to visit the Great Wall of China.
2024-04-19更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市高中2023-2024学年高一下学期4月份第一次月考英语试题

2 . Four best thrift (节俭) stores in New York

Housing Works

Address: NYC Multiple Locations

Opening Hours: 11 am-7 pm Monday-Saturday; 12 pm-5 pm Sunday

Housing Works has locations offering many second-hand treasures all throughout the city, including the Upper East Side. It’s a great place for thrifters living in the area or visiting the neighborhood. Whether you’re looking for clothing, shoes, or even furniture, Housing Works is always worth the stop. The stores also support the unhoused and those living with HIV/AIDS, so you know you’re helping out a great cause by shopping there.

Chelsea Flea

•Address: 729 West 25th St, btw 6 Ave + B’ way
•Opening Hours: 8 am-4 pm Saturday-Sunday

Open year round on Saturdays and Sundays, the Chelsea Flea market is truly a full weekend adventure! There are thrift shops selling everything from antiques to jewelry (珠宝), and even great food options. And of course, you’ll find many sellers offering some of the coolest and most unique vintage (老式的) clothing in all of NYC!


•Address: 84 E 7th St, NY, NY 10003
•Opening Hours: 12 pm-7 pm Tuesday-Sunday

This is definitely one of the best places to find a bargain on clothes. You can find tons of items priced between $5-$40, so you won’t blow your budget even if you pick out a few new pieces. This neighborhood store is a highlight of the East Village shopping scene, and should be on everyone’s list of the best thrift stores in NYC.

Celene’s Thrift Shop

•Address: 568 Grandview Ave, Queens, NY, 11385
•Opening Hours: 9 am--7 pm Monday-Saturday; Closed Sunday

Definitely one of the friendliest thrift stores in New York, this is a small but crowded space that offers tons of cool and unique vintage clothes and items. It’s such a great environment to shop, and you can always find what you’re looking for or something you didn’t even know you needed!

1. What is special about Housing Works?
A.It is closed on holidays.B.It supports charitable causes.
C.It is famous for its vintage treasures.D.It is limited to a few specific places.
2. Where can customers buy cheap clothes after 6 pm on Sunday?
A.AuH20.B.Chelsea Flea.C.Housing Works.D.Celene’s Thrift Shop.
3. What do Chelsea Flea and Celene’s Thrift Shop have in common?
A.They offer a friendly dining experience.B.They are open every day all year round.
C.They have the same opening hours.D.They sell special vintage clothing.
2024-04-12更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省五莲天立学校2021-2022学年高二英语下学期阶段性模拟考试英语

3 . People in Melbourne can find amazing art galleries featuring a wide selection of local and international talent in every corner of the city. Here is our list of the best galleries in Melbourne.

National Gallery of Victoria

This grand modernist building is Australia’s oldest and most popular art gallery. This title has been won thanks to the gallery’s outstanding and various permanent (永久的) collections and wonderful visiting collections. It often organises exhibitions and other events, which are all popular among visitors. Besides, its Tea Room and Garden Restaurant provide good service.

Honey Bones Gallery

This gallery is run by artists, and for artists. Its group shows often feature upwards of 40 to 50 artists and are known to draw nearly 1,500 visitors. What makes it special is that every artist receives equal treatment there. The gallery usually works with rising early-career talent and provides instructions to help them learn how to produce successful shows.

Heide Museum of Modern Art

Founded in 1981, the museum houses a number of modern and contemporary (当代的)artworks. It’s made up of three core buildings —Heide I, II and III, among which Heide II is an award-winning building. There’re also some large gardens, a special park and a cafe for visitors to enjoy themselves.

Footscray Community Arts Centre

This is a centre for cultural expression and community involvement (参与) and has been existing since 1974. The centre is suitable for everyone, from curious visitors to well-known artists. You can enjoy exhibitions about West Melbourne and the broader global community. The centre offers a range of training programs if you show an interest in art. There’re also film screenings, art workshops and performances, so you can check its website to keep up with what’s going on.

1. What is National Gallery of Victoria known for?
A.Works by award-winning artists.B.Its high-quality customer service.
C.Its traditional building style.D.A wide range of collections.
2. Which gallery can new artists benefit most from?
A.Heide Museum of Modern Art.B.Honey Bones Gallery.
C.National Gallery of Victoria.D.Footscray Community Arts Centre.
3. What is a feature of Footscray Community Arts Centre?
A.It holds online exhibitions.B.It offers a place for picnics.
C.It organises a variety of activities.D.It is run by a local community.
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the rent price of a room with a city view?
2. What does the man think of the rent price of the hotel?
A.Reasonable.B.Ridiculous (荒唐的).C.Just so-so.
3. What can we know according to the dialogue?
A.The woman cares about the type of the room.
B.The man likes being in quiet surroundings all night.
C.The woman wants a room on the ground floor.
4. What will the woman probably do in the end?
A.Give up the choice of the hotel room.
B.Choose the penthouse (楼顶) room for 400 a night.
C.Go to visit the Great Wall of China.
2024-04-05更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省郓城县实验中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月份月考英语试题(必修二Unit 3&4&5)(含听力)

5 . “A house without books is like a room without windows,” wrote Horace Mann, the18th-century writer. I agree wholeheartedly with Mann.     1    

Recently, my husband and I did a painting project in a room we use as an office, which has a beautiful wall full of built-in bookshelves. As we started to pull my valuable books down off the shelves, I felt like I was pulling plants out of the garden.     2     But then I recognized what the project would offer — the opportunity to rethink our book collection.

The physical act of removing every book from its spot on the shelf showed a few unexpected insights (见解).     3     At the same time, there were a number of inviting surprises on the shelves — books I had forgotten were waiting for me to open them. So the painting job led to a parallel (并行的) project of organizing the bookshelves.

I took the opportunity and started by grouping the books. Then I thought about the layout of the books on the shelves.     4     I arranged (布置) a vase here, a figurine (小雕像), there, and a piece of my son’s school art there, each in its place as a symbol of aspects of my life I love as much as I treasure my books.

    5     But it can also be an enjoyable experience if you spend the next rainy afternoon inside in search of something new. You can try pulling your books off the shelf, pay a visit to each one and think in a fresh way about how and where they might live their best lives.

A.A strong wave of anxiety suddenly hit me.
B.I regularly share books with my neighbors.
C.Cleaning a bookshelf might sound like a chore.
D.Choosing a good book to read seems like a difficult task.
E.Surprisingly, I realized my bookshelves had space for more than just books.
F.I take pride in the realization that I have books in every room of my house.
G.For one thing, there were many books that no longer inspired or comforted me.
2024-04-05更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省实验中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文,文章主要讲述了社区领袖Mark Covington变废为宝,建农场助邻,社区由此焕发新生。

6 . Mark Covington, founder of the Georgia Street Community Collective in Detroit, stands in a corner of his urban farm, breathing the fresh air in the early morning.     1     Early in the day, the green crops giving life to tomatoes, cabbages, eggplants, and more are bathed in gold, as if being watered by the sun. The sounds of dogs, pigs, roosters, and a group of stirring bees drown out the sounds of the city.

In 2007, Covington lost his job and returned to his childhood street.     2     “It was dirty,” he said. “There were always vacant lots, but they had always been maintained for children to play on.” He knew that if he just cleaned them up, people would pile on them again.     3    

Covington started with a small community garden.     4     One mother sent three children to help him build a larger garden where the kids could grow food, stay busy during the summer and add structure to their lives. Little by little the seeds took root, as the hands on the garden that would evolve into a farm multiplied.

    5     On one corner: a movie screen and a public garden with vegetable and flower beds. On another: a farm and a community center in a building. Nearby are garlic beds and a greenhouse. “It’s somewhat spiritual for me,” Covington says. “It’s like a sanctuary (圣殿). People come here and don’t want to leave.”

A.But if he planted stuff, they might not.
B.It’s a typical morning scene at the collective.
C.He saw garbage piled high in vacant, abandoned lots.
D.Covington made the garden a little bigger to plant more.
E.And almost immediately neighbors began asking to participate.
F.He planted a garden to help feed residents and enrich their lives.
G.What began as an effort to remove trash has turned into a site of community.
2024-03-20更新 | 142次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省临沂市高三下学期一模考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Every day, thousands of tourists from around the world plan their trips to the Great Wall of China.

Despite the wall’s 5,500-odd miles,     1     (spread) from east to west across the country, most travelers find     2     (them) at either the Badaling or Mutianyu sections, the two areas closest to Beijing. These visitors rise early from their downtown hotels, pack themselves into buses and wait in long queues     3     (see) the magnificent structures that consist of the Great Wall.

But what if there was another way?

An hour-long drive north of the     4     (crowd) capital is Commune by the Great Wall, a popular weekend getaway for Beijingers     5     a series of modern buildings consist of a luxury hotel, with award-winning design among yellow-leaved gingko trees. It is not only the rural surroundings     6     attract travelers to the town of Yangqing. Beyond the usual services — an expansive breakfast buffet and cozy bed sheets — Commune by the Great Wall     7     (provide) a rare opportunity to simply walk to the Wall. Just 20 minutes by foot from the hotel reception     8     (be) the Shuiguan section of the wall.

Commune by the Great Wall won     9     special praise at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2002, the year the 12 core buildings     10     (complete).

2024-03-18更新 | 228次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省泰安市高三下学期一模检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Yellowstone Poster Exhibition to Be on View at UW’s Coe Library

A first-of-its-kind exhibition that focuses on the history of Yellowstone National Park posters will be on display at the University of Wyoming’s Coe Library beginning Tuesday, February 1.

“Wonderland Illustrated” will present posters and poster-style illustrations of the park spanning from the 1870s through 2022. The exhibition will be located on Level 3 of Coe Library. It will be on view through Tuesday, May 31.

The exhibition takes place at the same time as this year’s 150th anniversary of the creation of Yellowstone National Park. The posters in the exhibition serve the purpose of both advertising and art.

“We’re thrilled to be working with Yellowstone collectors Jack and Susan Davís, and Larry and Thea Lancaster to bring this exhibition to the University of Wyoming as part of year-long celebrations recognizing Yellowstone’s 150th anniversary,” says Tamsen Hert, head of UW Libraries’ Emmett D. Chisum Special Collections. “This exhibition involves the history of printing, art, photography and advertising over 16 decades. The images reproduced are found on travel brochures, postcards and maps—many of which are held in our collections.”

One poster from the exhibition—Henry Wellge’s “Yellowstone National Park” from1904—was recently purchased with donated funds and is now part of UW Libraries’ Emmett D. Chisum Special Collections. Wellge, a productive bird’s-eye-view artist, designed the piece for the Northern Pacific Railroad, which used it to advertise the park. This is a unique piece, as posters such as this one were printed on soft paper and very few have survived.

1. How long will the exhibition “Wonderland Illustrated” last?
A.Two weeks.B.Three months.C.Four months.D.One year.
2. What is a purpose of the exhibition?
A.To remember a famous artist.B.To raise fund for Coe Library.
C.To mark the anniversary of a national park.D.To tell the history of the University of Wyoming.
3. What do we know about the 1904 poster Henry Wellge designed?
A.It is rare in the world.B.It is in black and white.
C.It is printed on cloth.D.It is owned by a professor.
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Which apartment is the man looking for?
A.Apartment 12.B.Apartment 20.C.Apartment 24.
2. What does the woman plan to do?
A.Order some food.B.Go to a grocery store.C.Mail a letter.
3. Why is the woman thinking about moving out of the neighborhood?
A.Her family is unhappy to live here.B.It's inconvenient for her to go to work.
C.There's no supermarket nearby.
2024-01-16更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济宁市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Bookstores are second homes for readers. Although many people can now buy books online, many readers still like the feeling in bookstores. They can touch the books and smell the print.

In China, there are many special bookstores. Sanlian Taofen Bookstore became the first 24-hour bookstore in Beijing at the beginning of April. Popular Holdings in Shanghai is a film-themed bookstore. It has film books and posters. Eslite Bookstore in Taiwan often has activities like talks with famous writers.

At the same time, bookstores outside China can be very colorful, too. Scarthin Books is a small bookstore in the UK. It sells new and second-hand books. There are more than100,000 books lying on the shelves of the store’s 12 rooms. Bart’s Books in the US is a good place to enjoy the sunshine while you are reading books. It’s an outdoor bookstore. Bookshelves are on the street. When the store is closed, people can still buy books. They just put money into the door’s coin box. Where can you find a cafe, bar and bookstore in just one place? The answer is probably El Pendulo in Mexico. Books line the walls of the store. On the second floor, visitors can order everyday meals in the cafe and drinks from the bar. In order to keep cool, there are green plants and trees inside. Does it look like a park?

1. ________ special bookstores inside China are mentioned in the passage.
2. Scarthin Books is ________.
A.a 24-hour bookstoreB.an outdoor bookstore
C.in the U.S.D.small
3. People can still buy books at ________ when it’s closed.
A.Bart’s BooksB.Popular Holdings
C.Eslite BookstoreD.El Pendulo
4. Readers can ________ at El Pendulo.
A.talk with famous writersB.order meals
C.enjoy the sunshineD.buy film posters
5. There are ________ inside El Pendulo in order to keep cool.
A.12 roomsB.bookshelves
C.green plants and treesD.coin boxes
2024-01-16更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省聊城市第四中学(春考班)2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次月考英语试题
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