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| 共计 1 道试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |

1 . Procrastination is the act of putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their deadline.

For many students, getting a task that is due in two months is a great thing. They have two months to slowly work on the task, making necessary improvements all along the way.     1     Some students plan to get to work on that task, but they never get around to it. Then, the due date rolls around and those students have to work all night to meet the deadline the next morning.

    2     Many jobs are lost because a worker did not get to the work in time. Deadlines are missed because a business plan wasn’t given enough consideration early on. These things cost businesses large amounts of money in lost productivity.

What is at the root of all of this procrastination? Some might say that it is laziness, but it is really just a problem with mindset (心态).     3    

It is difficult to stop this terrible habit.     4     By doing that, you would be changing the way your mind processes work. As a hypnotherapist (催眠师), I have used hypnosis to stop people from smoking and keep them away from stress. I find that it is an effective solution for procrastination as well.

    5     They think that it is just like the dull shows on television. That’s not what hypnosis is about, though. Hypnosis is really about changing a person’s basic senses so that their thinking is changed. This sounds like a perfect way to deal with procrastination, doesn’t it?

A.That is how it is supposed to be done.
B.For many people, it has become a habit.
C.It takes a long time to truly change your ways.
D.Procrastination is a problem that usually affects students.
E.Procrastination can be found in the working world as well.
F.If it does, you probably have a problem with procrastination.
G.Many people don’t even consider hypnosis as a treatment option.
共计 平均难度:一般