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书面表达-读写任务 | 较难(0.4) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文

When Sam first got to his boarding school with his parents, he was very happy. He thought he would be able to go home every weekend. When he was told he would not, he started crying because the thought of not seeing his parents was driving him crazy.

He was given uniforms and all other things that he would need for the term. He started crying when it was time for his parents to leave. He was then taken to the dorm, where he saw other children happy. He tried as much as he could to fit in but could not because his mind was at home. He started feeling homesick wanted to go homes as soon as possible.

He got sick soon because he could not eat the school food. He could not concentrate in the classroom. All he could think was being at home with his family. He had no mobile phone or other means to get in touch with his parents. He was angry and felt lonely. He thought his parents hated him and that was why they left him in a boarding school.

1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。
2. 以约120个词讲述一次你(或你的朋友)想家的经历,内容包括:
⑴ 时间、地点和起因;
⑵ 想家给学习和生活带来的影响;
⑶ 你(或你朋友)是如何应对的。
[评分标准] 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。
2021-06-06更新 | 197次组卷 | 2卷引用:2011年广东普通高等学校全国招生统一考试英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般