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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.

Ari was a lonely young man who lived on a large island called Iceland. Most of the villagers were fishermen. Ari often wondered what lay beyond the island. The days were long and cold, and he spent many hours in his small house thinking about what life would be like in a warm, sunny place.

“I shall find a true friend far away from here,” Ari thought, and he began writing a letter. He described himself as a loner who had few visitors, yet he had a warm heart. It was his hope to find true friendship with someone who understood his sadness.

Ari described the volcanos on his snowy island and the impressive glaciers (冰川). He wrote about the sky turning green, blue, yellow, and pink at night when the Northern Lights shined in the heavens like silk. For days, Ari poured his soul and innermost thoughts into the letter. Then he placed it into a bottle, and sealed (密封) it tightly.

Ari threw the bottle into the sea and wished upon the brightest star that a true friend would find the letter.

A year later, Ari received a letter. He had no idea who would be writing him, but with joy, he opened the envelope.

Dear Ari,

I found your simple but lovely letter. Imagine my surprise when your little bottle from so far away washed up on my shore. I; too, live on an island. It is called Sardinia. My island is warm and filled with mountains, beaches and waters. Most of the people I know are my family, and I, too, long for a true friend. Now that you have found a friend far away, I do hope that you will write and tell me more about your life and people.

Your new friend,


注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

For three years, Ari and Renata exchanged letters.


Without telling Renata, Ari started a long journey.

共计 平均难度:一般