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语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 较难(0.4) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The annual Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival,     1     officially opened on January 5 and will run through next month, has turned the city in northeastern     2     (China) Heilongjiang province into a wonderland.

Last year, more than a million visitors     3     (attract) to Harbin to see the huge sculptures     4     (create) from huge ice blocks and tons of snow by artists from 12 countries.

In the weeks     5     (lead) up to the latest festival, hundreds of workers spent hours cutting blocks of ice from the nearby Songhua River. Each piece weighed up to 1,554 pounds and almost 261,500m3 of ice were cut     6     transported on-site.

When the ice and snow sculptures are lit up by thousands of lanterns, they are very     7     (impress), with the massive main sculpture measuring 108 feet in height and over 325 feet in     8     (long). From fantasy castles and creatures to recreations of iconic monuments, the incredible ice and snow sculptures allow the public to relive     9     (they) childhood. Many visitors say it is     10     once-in-a-lifetime experience for them!

2 . Christmas around the world is a wonderful time for celebration and a sharing of Christmas traditions around the world. No matter where you and your family spend your Christmas around the world, it is sure to be a time for laughter and cheer.

It is both interesting and exciting to learn about other Christmas traditions around the world. Christmas around the world for many is a time full of stories, traditions and beliefs, nowhere is this more true than in the country of Poland where superstitions(迷信) and legends take preference.

Christmas Eve in Poland is a time for family gathering and reunion. It is also considered to be a night of magic. It was believed long ago that animals talked and had the power to tell the future. The traditional Polish Christmas Eve dinner is a grand feast including twelve different dishes representing the twelve months of the year.

Usually the meal will not include any meat except for fish. Some of the favorite dishes include wild mushrooms or peas, dried fruit compote (蜜饯) for dessert, dumplings with a variety of fillings. When dinner is finished, the host will give a signal for everyone to rise as it is bad luck for only one person to rise at a time.

Christmas in Poland would not be complete without the storytelling and Christmas songs sung around the Christmas tree. In Poland after the traditional Christmas Eve dinner, the remainder of the night is reserved for exactly that storytelling and singing while sitting around the beautifully decorated tree with its glass decorations, eggshells colored paper and straw.

1. What does the underlined part mean?
A.People in Poland like collecting stories most.
B.Poland has the most superstitions and legends about Christmas.
C.People in Poland don't believe in the strange stories.
D.There are fewest stories about Christmas in Poland.
2. Why do people in Poland consider Christmas Eve as a night of magic?
A.All people in the big family will get together at Christmas.
B.There will be some excellent TV programs on Christmas Eve.
C.It was said long ago that animals had the unusual power to predict the future
D.The pets at home will talk to the owner at Christmas.
3. Why are there twelve dishes for Polish Christmas Eve dinner?
A.They stand for the twelve months of a year.
B.They stand for the twelve hours of a day.
C.The dishes will be matched with twelve fruits.
D.There will be twelve people getting together.
4. What may be the last title for the passage?
A.Traditions of Polish Christmas
B.Celebration of Christmas around the World
C.Superstitions and Legends of Christmas in Poland
D.A Time for Celebration and Sharing
2021-07-22更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末质量监测英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般