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1 . Teenagers in England do much the same as children in America do. They enjoy sending messages by their mobile phones and they also like swimming, listening to the latest music, watching TV and surfing the Internet.

How do teenagers in England spend their free time and holidays? Let’s follow Sally, a British teenager, and spend five days with her during her school holiday.

Day One

After breakfast, Sally’s mother went out and left her alone at home. She checked her mobile phone during lunch—one of her friends sent her a message early in the morning. Dinner was at 6:30 pm. After that, she finished her English homework. Then she surfed the Internet.

Day Two

Sally and her mother paid a visit to their friends and went swimming together. Later, they went shopping for clothes and books, and had dinner in a restaurant.

Day Three

She went to the supermarket with her mother to buy fish and chips for lunch as well as some pens. After she got back home, she spent the next few hours surfing the Internet and watching TV.

Day Four

She surfed the Internet. Her mother took her out for lunch before she went to work. She then read stories after lunch.

Day Five

She woke up at 2 pm, and so did her mother. They went to a park. Her mother met some friends there. When they got home, it was already time for dinner. Afterwards, she did her homework until 10 pm.

1. When did Sally do her homework?
A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.
C.At lunch time.D.In the evening.
2. Sally and her mother went shopping for the second time to buy    .
A.food for lunch and pensB.some books and pens
C.some fish and clothesD.food and books
3. Which of the following things did Sally do on Day Four?
A.She went swimming.
B.She went out for breakfast.
C.She read books.
D.She went shopping.
4. According to the passage, it can be inferred that    .
A.surfing the Internet has become an important part of teenagers’ lives
B.parents shouldn’t leave teenagers alone at home
C.teenagers don’t usually do their homework during their school holidays
D.a park is the best place to meet a friend
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The Sahara Festival is a celebration of the very recent past. The three-day event is not fixed to the same dates each year, but generally takes place in November or December. It is well attended by tourists, but even better attended by locals.

During the opening ceremonies (仪式), after the official greetings from the government leaders, people who attend the festival begin to march smartly before the viewing stands, and white camels transport their riders across the sands. Horsemen from different nations display their beautiful clothes and their fine horsemanship. One following another, groups of musicians and dancers from all over the Sahara take their turns to show off their wonderful traditional culture. Groups of men in blue and yellow play horns and beat drums as they dance in different designs. On their knees in the sand, a group of women in long dark dresses dance with their hair: their long, dark, shiny hair is thrown back and forth in the wind to the rhythm of their dance.

The local and visiting Italian dogs are anxious to run after hares. The crowd is on its feet for the camel races. Camels and riders run far into the distance, and then return to the finish line in front of the cheering people.

Towards the evening, there comes the grand finale of the opening day, an extremely exciting horse race. All the riders run very fast on horseback. Some riders hang off the side of their saddles. Some even ride upside down — their legs and feet straight up in the air — all at full speed. Others rush down the course together, men arm in arm, on different horses. On and on they went. So fast and so wonderful!

1. Which of the following is true about the Sahara Festival?
A.It has a very long history in North Africa.
B.It is held in the same place on the same day.
C.It is attended mainly by the people in the Sahara.
D.It is celebrated mostly by travelers from different countries.
2. Before the races begin, which of the following can take part in the activities during the opening ceremonies?
A.Musicians, dancers, horses and hares.
B.Camel riders, musicians, dogs and hares.
C.Horsemen, dancers, camels and dogs.
D.Musicians, officials, camels and horses.
3. What does the underlined word “finale” in the fourth paragraph most probably mean?
A.The first part of the opening day.
B.The middle of the opening day.
C.The last part of the opening day.
D.The whole of the opening day.
4. What does this passage mainly tell readers?
A.What happens on the opening day of the Sahara Festival.
B.How people celebrate during the three-day Sahara Festival.
C.What takes place at the closing ceremonies of the Sahara Festival.
D.How animals race on the first and the last days of the Sahara Festival.
2021-10-10更新 | 80次组卷 | 6卷引用:北师大2019版必修一Unit 3 Reading Club课前预习
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . 2018 Music Festivals, UK

The Green Gathering

Date:15th Aug. ---22nd Aug

Location: Chepstow Center

Details: Over 100 live bands plus DJs on five private solar-powered stages. A wonderful site in a wooded area of outstanding natural beauty. 8 days of inspiration and relaxation are about traditional crafts, campaign stalls(活动摊位), and a magical kids’ area.

Sport Beat Music Festival

Date: 20th Aug. ---29th Aug

Location: Oxstalls Sports Park

Details: Time for fun in the sun with Sport Beat. The festival is for those who wish there are volleyball and netball games that take place over the weekend. Attractions include: ball coaching, food village, and bars. Please see details for VIP passes on our website.

Creamfields Festival

Date: 26th Aug.---28th Aug

Location: Daresbury Court

Details: Creamfields is the world’s leading dance music festival. Creamfields is famous for many things, not just its traditional world class dancing but its unbeatable atmosphere! The festival mixes together style breaking pioneers from across the DJ and live music spectrum(声谱).

Wilkestock Charity(慈善)Music Festival

Date:27th Aug.---31st Aug

Location: Wilkestock Stadium

Details: With entertainment this year from mystery jets to a huge electronic lineup(陈容), this festival keeps turning up the heat year on year while keeping all profits donated direct to charity.

1. At which festival can children probably enjoy themselves thoroughly?
A.Creamfields FestivalB.The Green Gathering
C.Sport Beat Music FestivalD.Wilkestock Charity Music Festival
2. Where can a ball game be watched?
A.At Wilkestock StadiumB.At Daresbury Court
C.At Oxstalls Sports ParkD.At Chepstow Center
3. What is Creamfields known for?
A.Its mystery jetsB.Its traditional crafts
C.Its food villageD.Its matchless atmosphere
4. How does Wilkestock Charity Music Festival differ from the other festivals?
A.It has five private solar-powered stages
B.It offers performance in the open air
C.It entertains people with live music
D.It gives its earnings to people in need
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