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1 . The dragon is a great animal in Chinese culture. It brings the wind and rain. It is said that every year on the second day of the second lunar month the dragon wakes up from its winter sleep and raises its head. Because of this, the day is called “Dragon Head-raising Day (Longtaitou) ”. This year, it falls on March 4.

Old people believed that after Longtaitou, there would be more rain. And rain is very important to farming. So Longtaitou was the start of spring and farming.

People have many ways to celebrate the Longtaitou Festival. The most popular one is to have a haircut. Many believe that a haircut during the first lunar month may bring bad luck to your uncles, mainly your mother’s brothers. They hope getting a haircut on Longtaitou sweeps away bad luck.

Among Chinese people’s festival traditions, there is always a place for food. During the Longtaitou festival, people eat food named after dragons. Noodles are called dragon’s beard (longxu) . Dumplings are dragon’s ears (longer) . And spring rolls are dragon’s scales (鳞片) (longlin) .

People also have activities like dragon dancing on the day. In some places in Shandong Province, people make dragon lanterns too. Small boats go down the rivers and carry the lanterns, which stand for people’s best wishes and good luck.

1. Which is NOT TRUE about the time of Longtaitou Festival?
A.It falls on Mar. 4 this year.
B.It’s on February 2 every year.
C.It comes on a different day every year.
D.It comes on the second day of the second lunar month.
2. What did old people think of Longtaitou?
A.It was the start of farming.B.It was the end of Spring Festival.
C.It meant the weather would become windy.D.It was a good time for bringing people luck.
3. Why do people get haircuts on Longtaitou?
A.It may bring more rain.B.It may help their hair grow.
C.It’s believed it will get rid of bad luck.D.It’s believed it will bring good luck to their uncles.
4. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.Spring rolls are called dragon’s beard.
B.Dragon dance is held before and after the festival.
C.There are different traditional food and activities on the festival.
D.Noodles and dumplings are the only traditional food of the festival.
共计 平均难度:一般